In the presence of the King of glory there is fullness of joy, and peace. Every feeling of anxiety or fear simply disappears! The visitors of the Christian Church Of All Nations – Thessalonica feel the grace and mercy of God cover all of their problems! This is also illustrated in the pictures below – believers becoming one with the worship team as they raise their voices and hearts to the Lord of Hosts!
A message that is undoubtedly the “key” to changing the life of every believer today, was preached by Prophet Stavros, entitled “BE WISE, NOT JUST A PHILOSOPHER”. The purpose of the man of God was to make the congregation realise that simply knowing what is right is not enough; we also need to do it.

He began by stating that there is a category of believers who know everything and have an opinion about everything, however, if you look at their life, you will see that it has nothing to do with what they preach… Therefore, “Is knowledge sufficient to solve your problems? Is philosophy enough to solve your unanswered questions? Or does it take something more?”, he asked.
An example of what is mentioned above is found in the Bible, specifically in Matthew 19:16-22: “Just then a man came up to Jesus and asked, “Teacher, what good thing must I do to get eternal life?” “Why do you ask me about what is good?” Jesus replied. “There is only One who is good. If you want to enter life, keep the commandments.” “Which ones?” he inquired. Jesus replied, “‘You shall not murder, you shall not commit adultery, you shall not steal, you shall not give false testimony, honor your father and mother,’ and ‘love your neighbor as yourself.’ “All these I have kept,” the young man said. “What do I still lack?” Jesus answered, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions, and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.” When the young man heard this, he went away sad, because he had great wealth.” Apparently, the young man knew who Jesus was, he probably knew where he was born or His age, that is, he knew that the Lord was the Son of God. Then why, did he fail to follow Him when He was asked to?

The answer given by the man of God was that faith is on 3 levels – knowledge of the truth, acceptance of the truth, and commitment to the truth. The young man mastered the first and the second level, but he had yet to commit himself to the truth. If he had, he would have had no problem giving his possessions to the poor, the Prophet concluded. We understand, therefore, that knowing facts about Jesus Christ does not change your relationship with Him.
Similarly, many Christians have settled on the first or second level, but the servant of God emphatically pointed out that you can read and meditate on the Word of God, or even pray all the time, yet if you do not live in the Word of God, then you are missing the point. Whereas, applying what you read in His Word is called wisdom, meaning the ability to put knowledge into practice!
The Word of God is calling you today to become wise! In other words, to commit yourself to His truth! If you wish to see your faith work, you must master all three levels, and then you will be known by your fruits and not by your words!

Have you ever felt like your life is falling apart and you can’t find a way out? This story is a shining example of how the devil can destroy a life from an early age – but the power of God can bring ultimate freedom! Ms. Sophia could not bear to keep the miracles of the Lord in her life a secret and for this reason she visited the Christian Church of All Nations – Thessalonica again to give her testimony and praise God for the healing and deliverance both her and her family received!
From a very young age, Ms. Sophia experienced pain and sorrow. Her parents divorced when she was just three years old, so she grew up with her mother. Despite her love for her father, she rarely saw him, which caused her deep pain. Her family was torn apart and, as a result, she struggled with depression and suicidal thoughts.
Various sicknesses also did not leave Ms. Sophia unaffected. She suffered from insulin resistance, a metabolic disorder that often precedes diabetes, which left her dizzy, with changes in her blood pressure, tired and unable to work or exercise. She also suffered from eczema and various allergies from an early age.
The history of illness in her family was particularly heavy. Her father died aged just 55 from a stroke. Her mother had battled breast cancer, while her grandparents and other family members suffered from diabetes.
Ms. Sophia came to the church with a friend of hers after hearing his testimony. During the prayer by the man of God Stavros, an unclean spirit manifested saying: “I am a spirit from her ancestors. I tried to kill her. In every area of her life, financially, I gave her sickness. There are many diseases in her family, marital problems, financial problems, I am the cause. I want to destroy them because they are prophets!”. The prophet then declared her and her family free, in the name of Jesus Christ!

After the prayer, all the symptoms of her illness disappeared! Now she can exercise normally and her relationship with God has improved! She feels truly happy and grateful for God’s hand in her life.
Her advice to believers is to trust in the Lord’s healing power, and her promise to God is to know Him better and serve Him faithfully.
Human judgment is based only on what we see, what we hear, and what our situation indicates. This kind of judgment is limited, and cannot understand God. A child of God may be sick, but his sickness cannot destroy him! On the contrary, it is a test for his personal growth, but also for the glory of God!

Depression plagues millions of people all over the world, regardless of the standard of life they may have. One may seem to have everything but still be bound by these wicked bondages… Mrs. Marian from England was caught in the grip of depression, and decided to escape by coming to the Christian Church Of All Nations – Thessalonica…
For more than ten years, from a young age, Mrs. Marian felt depressed and lonely. She did not want to talk to anyone, she felt that no one understood her, and she did not want to have anything to do with her family, particularly her mother. Her mother could not understand why her daughter was behaving like that and it was affecting her, especially since none of her other children caused her so much trouble.
There was also turmoil in her spiritual life, specifically in her dreams. She saw different faces of people, who were turning into monsters, she saw crocodiles chasing her, and snakes coming out of the water to attack her! It was only normal that all those dreams caused her fear!
After university, where Mrs. Marian studied to become an ophthalmologist, she went to a distant city to be away from her family, but things got worse. She experienced severe anxiety, insomnia, sweating, shaking, she couldn’t pray or even listen to Christian music. She was taking painkillers, ten days a month to get rid of the headache from which she suffered every day!
To find a solution to her problem, she decided to come to the Christian Church Of All Nations – Thessalonica to receive prayer. By the grace of God, she came and took part in the prayer line, where he received prayer from the prophetess Eugenia. Immediately after the prayer, she pointed out that she felt much lighter!

The changes were immediate, as when she was going to the airport to return to England, she was praying, listening to Christian music, and felt the peace of the God!
She added that her relationship with her family, mostly with her mother changed radically! Every morning she calls her mother to discuss with her and get advice! She now sees her as her best friend. Depression is also a thing of the past, while anxiety and daily headaches have disappeared! She now feels joy, and peace, and she knows that the solution to every problem lies in Jesus Christ alone!
Full of enthusiasm, she advised the congregation that with God all things are possible! She also encouraged the congregation to never give up on God, because He will never give up on them! Finally, she promised to follow Him for the rest of her life!
God can turn your mess into a message, and your test into a testimony! He is able to radically change your life! Run to Him!

Anger is one of the most common and intense emotions that many people face in modern society. Every day, we face pressure, frustration and conflicts that can easily lead to outbursts of anger. However, apart from being a normal emotional reaction, anger also has a darker side. It is one of satan’s tools to steal, kill and destroy the children of God. Mr. Aurel was dealing with this intense emotion of anger and visited the Christian Church of All Nations – Thessalonica in order to change his life. Indeed, God found him and spoke to him through Prophetess Evgenia with the following words, “I see there is a spirit of anger in you and fights. You have had this since you were a child. You are not the only one who has it, your family has it as well. As you have come here today God will deliver you from it.”
Mr. Aurel confirmed the prophetic word, as he described a difficult and complicated family situation. From an early age, there were intense problems and constant fights at home! This non-stop tension led Mr. Aurel to leave home quite early, at the age of 14, in an attempt to find a way out of the pressure. Then, trying to escape this situation, he got involved with a gang, which led him into harmful habits such as alcohol, smoking and drugs. His life was filled with violence and anger due to the circumstances he had experienced.

As the Prophetess of God pointed out, it was not only Mr. Aurel who faced such difficulties. The family as a whole had similar issues, creating a vicious cycle of problems with divorces and fights.
In the big city they were in, the gang he had joined was stealing to survive. He was in charge of the robberies, while the others watched to alert in case of danger. Their daily life was full of danger and illegality, in order to make a living! One day, they broke into a shop with the intention of robbing it. However, the owner noticed them and closed the doors, trapping them inside. The rest of the group panicked and managed to escape! However, reacting violently, Mr. Aurel pushed the owner and his pregnant wife, who fell against the shop window, breaking it. This violent incident had serious consequences, as it led to his arrest and a five-year prison sentence.
After his release, he made efforts to change his life by going to help his brother’s business in Paris. Despite the numerous assistance he provided him, his brother often failed to compensate him, which caused troubles in their relationship. The tension between them escalated, eventually leading to his decision to leave.
When his brother was informed of his intention to leave, he attacked him with a knife… His brother’s motive was to provoke him into showing his anger, in order to get the police to intervene, arrest him and deport him back to Romania. In his attempt to defend himself, he fought back by pushing his brother, who fell and suffered a broken nose. He could not understand why his brother was so angry with him. After this incident, he decided to walk away from his brother’s life. Mr. Aurel took his wife with him in the hope of a better future, away from violence and conflict.
In the midst of his unstable life, his health problems were not missing, as he explained that he had suffered a serious injury in his legs in 2022, which caused him severe pain and prevented him from walking or standing without some support.
So, during the prayer, he felt a heat wash over him and a pain leaving his feet! From the moment he visited the church, he felt the presence of God. He came knowing that God would touch him and deliver him that day, and indeed, it was done according to his faith. Now, he firmly believes that he is free and healed. He thanks God from the bottom of his heart and acknowledges His divine intervention in his life. His promise to God is to give him everything he has so that God can use it as he desires.
Controlling our behavior is vital because God’s Word teaches us that if you cannot control your situation, you can always control your behavior.

Heart disease remains one of the leading causes of deaths worldwide. Those facing heart disease often navigate a complex landscape of medical treatments, are forced to adjust their lifestyle and very often become victims of emotional stress. The condition not only affects their physical well-being, but also has a significant impact on their quality of life and mental health. Mr. Nehemiah from the UK faced the same issue and had to take medication to combat the problem he had with his heart.
The problem in his heart was confirmed by Prophetess Evgenia, who without knowing him, revealed the following by the power of God: “I see spirit of death! The devil wants to make you sick so that he can kill you, and this has already begun. This has to do with your heart, sometimes it beats very fast and this happens in your sleep. Many times it feels as if it stops. But from today as you believe in God, God will deliver you and your family from this problem because it is not only affecting you, it is affecting your wife and your family in general”.

At the same time, Mr. Nehemiah wanted to give more information about his condition, confirming the words of prophecy given to him. He first pointed out that during the period of the coronavirus he was admitted to the hospital because he had contracted the virus. At the same time he began to develop an anxiety disorder which lasted for three months. When he felt this intense anxiety, his heart would beat fast, and he could only calm down after taking some medicine. Negative consequences due to the delicate condition of his heart were also present in his relationship with his wife, as they could not come together as husband and wife.
Along with his heart, he had other health problems! Every time he went to bed, when he woke up he had breathing problems, which affected his whole day, because he was always short of breath and there was not enough oxygen. In addition, he had hypertension!
Furthermore, Mr. Nehemiah was being attacked by demons in his dreams. He suffered from nightmares in which he used to see family members who were not alive, such as his parents and his elder brother. Most of the people he saw in his dreams were hostile and although they initially appeared to be his friends, they later wanted to harm him. He went on to say that in his dreams, he saw himself climbing mountains and as he tried to climb he felt his legs were heavy and could not continue. Finally, there was a spiritual wife who would come to him in his sleep even though he was very much in love with his real wife.
However, as he said, he realised that something good has happened to him and his family. He believes that this prophecy came with freedom and healing for their lives and he believes that God healed him from the disease he was suffering from. Finally, he thanked God and advised people to not just read their Bible, but to seek to live in the Word of God, because it is the one who will bring solution to their problems. Finally, he promised to be an example of a Christian from now on.
When God heals you, He heals you effectively and He does it for the salvation of your soul. So do not wait for a more convenient day to make the decision to follow Jesus Christ, because today is the day of salvation!
The Gospel of Jesus Christ was, is, and always will be the only truth! Your healing, your blessing, or your breakthrough has nothing to do with how long you are going through hardship or suffering, but with the finished work of our Lord on the Cross! It is with this conviction that the people in the pictures below received their miracle!