In an atmosphere full of faith, those attending the Christian Church Of All Nations – Thessalonica, felt the living presence of God. His Word touched their hearts, bringing hope, healing and deliverance. With hymns of praise and worship, His grace was noticeable all over, changing people’s lives and filling them with Divine joy!
Then the sermon entitled “DISCIPLINE YOUR MIND!” was given by man of God Javier. The Prophet began by saying that, based on a recent study, the human mind has more than 6,200 thoughts a day. But how many of these come from God, and how many from the enemy? Our minds are never free, whether thinking doubt or faith, he said, inviting believers to self-reflection.

He then read from Ephesians 6:11-13: “Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.” commenting that many believers are unaware of the danger in being captives of their own thoughts. Instead of being masters of our own minds, the thoughts we receive without a filter lead us down wrong paths, wrong decisions, bitterness, frustration and anxiety.
As Christians, our hearts must be active, strong and alert; if they are not, the enemy of our soul will take over and begin to direct our thoughts, he stressed. This means that the devil will use the smallest thing to make us doubt our Creator, or to bring us, in general, into sin.

Our heart is the contact point between the visible and invisible; between the material and immaterial world. Therefore, when we hold offense, sorrow, bitterness, we put an invisible wall between us and God. All things start from the heart, he stressed, bringing some examples from the Bible. The first step, then, to discipline our minds is to fill our hearts with the Word of God!
In conclusion, the Prophet explained that if we want to discipline our minds in practice, every time a negative thought comes, we should rebuke it by speaking the Word of God in faith, as Jesus Christ showed us by His example. Jesus spoke the Word aloud directly to satan in the wilderness, thus giving a battle plan to Christians on how to defeat satan! All the great heroes of the faith were not listening to the circumstances, other people, or the devil, but to God’s thoughts for their lives! Life is a battlefield, so we must be ready for battle and not let anything break our relationship with God.
In closing, the man of God encouraged believers to focus on God’s promises for their lives, leaving those in attendance in an atmosphere of faith!

Anxiety, anger and worry are conditions that often invade our lives and affect our psychology and relationships. These emotions, if left unchecked, can throw a Christian off his spiritual balance and shake his relationship with God. Anger leads to reactions that destroy relationships and they create a wall between us and God, while anxiety and worry fixate us on the thought that the problems we face are insurmountable, ignoring the faith and hope that God offers.
It all started in Mr. Edward’s life when, because of his work, he began to lose his relationship with God; he found no time to read God’s Word and, as a result, the spirit of anger began to plague him.
The anger and rage he experienced disrupted all areas of his life. At his job, where he was an employer on construction work, whenever his employees made a mistake, he would get upset and throw things. He would leave in a huff and sometimes refused to take that employee to work the next day.
In order to emphasise the seriousness of the situation, Mr. Edward described an incident that happened once when he was travelling with his family and realised that he had taken an expired passport with him. At that moment, he was overcome with uncontrollable anger and although his wife tried to reassure him, he was going at 170 km/hr. He was driving at such an unrestrained speed that he almost crashed into a truck in front of him.
His wife, Ms. Elona, also wanted to express her side of the situation. She began by saying that she and her children no longer recognised Mr. Edward, as whenever a family issue arose and reached his ears, he would act out. Thus, she always had to be prepared for the worst reactions, because she did not know where this uncontrollable anger could lead!
After all these angry outbursts of, Mr. Edward began to wonder what was happening to him and why he felt this sudden urge to get angry and enraged. So, after all these reflections he decided to visit the Christian Church Of All Nations – Thessalonica, in order to hear a word that would change his character completely!
During the laying on of hands, he received a prophetic word from the man of God, Giannis, who said to him: “I see you get angry very easily. You are indecisive. You can’t be like that! You have to sort yourself out, you’re either in or out. One day you come to God, the other day you go away from God. One minute you’re looking for God, the next you’re looking for things. God will deliver you today, but play your part, because your indecision will not achieve anything, it will make you worse! Play your part! Sit yourself down, see what you really want to do in your life. Pray to God and tell Him to speak to you and tell you what your calling is, because otherwise I see you lost!”

After this powerful prophetic speech, Mr. Edward noted that there are certainly challenges in his work, but his approach is completely different. He now prays and leaves everything in God’s hands!
The Holy Spirit did not only move in Mr. Edward’s life but also in Ms. Elona’s life, as she received a prophetic message about the problem of fear she had been facing from a young age. The prophecy was this: “I see that there is a lot of fear and insecurity in your heart, and it upsets you. Neither fear nor anxiety is from God. In fact, fear is what stops you from making decisions in your life. You fear for your children, what will happen, you fear for your job, you fear for your husband. This is all from the devil and not from God, to block you so that you won’t accomplish anything in your life, so that your family doesn’t see you as a role model! All of this is the devil’s lies to stop you. Today, since God Almighty has exposed it, He will deliver you from it, from now on you will be free!”

Ms. Elona confirmed this prophetic word as 100% true. She was constantly worried about her husband to the point of calling him at work more than 10 times to make sure nothing had happened to him. The same was going on with her children! In their childhood she would not let them go out to play because she was afraid that they would get hurt, fall, or someone would kidnap them. When they grew up, she was forced to let them go out, without, nevertheless, this constant worry subsiding, so she would frequently call them in order to find out if all was well.
Her concern culminated one day when she was at home and heard on the news that there had been a fatal car crash, with a car identical to her husband’s. Panicked, she called her husband and, thank God, he was not involved in the accident.
After she believed the prophecy she received and resumed her daily life, she realised that she was no longer worried about her children, and the regular phone calls to her husband stopped. Now she only contacts them when she needs to, without fearing for the worst!
Ms. Elona’s blessings did not stop there! God, with His main concern to deliver her from all that is not of Him, gave her another prophetic word, through Prophet Giannis again. “The devil is fighting you with dementia, which is family curse, to make you forget while you are still young.”

She thanked God once again for this equally true prophecy and said that for 5-6 years she had been in this situation. Every time she left her house, she would look for her keys, her bank card, and forget if she had taken them with her. However, she did not know that it was a trick of satan, since she was justifying the fact that she was forgetting, claiming that she a lot on her mind at the same time.
After the prophecy, she gradually began to change. While before, when she was looking for something, she would have to confirm that she had gotten it, the very next day after the prayer, she did not have the feeling that she had forgotten anything. She now feels normal!
The happy and loving couple wanted to give some advice to God’s people through their experience, after all these blessings they received from God. Now free from the spirit of anger, fear and memory loss they advised those going through similar situations to be firm in their relationship with God, because the devil never sleeps! They also promised to always ask for God’s grace to deal with everything that comes into their lives!
God’s presence in our lives can transform any situation, whatever the difficulty we face! When we turn our hearts to God in faith, trust, and humility, He will deliver us from every burden.

God makes it clear from the very first chapter of the Bible that it is not His will for man to be alone, but to enjoy the companionship of a spouse. How important and beautiful can such a blessing be? So important that it would cause an unclean spirit to want to destroy every marriage and every family… If you and your family are facing the same or similar problems, Jesus Christ has the solution!
Travelling from Paris, Ms. Memarise made a dream come true -as she said- and attended a gathering of the Christian Church Of All Nations – Thessalonica. She even participated in the prayer line, where even before the Prophet Javier prayed for her, a demon manifested itself, saying: “I destroyed everything! She works like a slave! I destroyed everything! No marriage! Divorce! I destroyed her family! I destroyed everything about her! Nothing! She suffers alone with her children! She suffers alone, nothing, no husband, nobody helps her! She’s so good, she’s so kind. I will kill her! She belongs to me! I entered her from her family, she’s the property of her family!” After the man of God let the demon confess his destructive actions, he rebuked it in the name of Jesus Christ, declaring Ms. Memarise free!

Later, when asked how her experience was, she said: “I felt like I had a touch from heaven in order to meet Jesus!” She then mentioned that before the prayer line she began to feel a little strange, like something wanted to come out of her. Although at the time the demon was manifesting she tried to regain control of her body, she was ultimately unable to do so.
As for her life, she is divorced with 3 children, who have been abandoned by their father. She wanted to remarry, but every relationship with other men was inexplicably ruined. Regarding the last sentence of the demon, Ms. Memarise pointed out that she worked for her family like a slave to provide for them. However, there was never any money left for her, hence her difficult financial situation, even though she worked hard as a businesswoman. Regardless, she never lost her desire to help other people, whether she knew them or not.
Other members of her family who had not even married, let alone have children, were facing the same problems.
Now, Ms. Memarise not only considers herself free, but also her own people! She believes that her relatives who are not married by now will be personally restored and breakthrough will come into everyone’s lives! Finally, she places herself at the service of Christ!
Crises cannot break the one who relies on the power of God! Just as this woman went through a very difficult time indeed, but did not give up hope in God, so should you; if you are tempted to say “I have no more hope, the breakthrough, the blessing I am waiting for will not come!”, have courage and faith in Jesus, and your testimony will come!

Today, many people are looking for solutions to their problems as they face an ongoing conflict between good and evil. This internal battle often leads them to a dead-end, desperately searching for a way out of their difficulties. The need to find the feeling of peace and tranquility is more than needed, but what happens when none of the solutions we find can bring the redemption we seek? What happens when things get worse instead of getting better?
Mr. Adewale came from the United Kingdom to the Christian Church of All Nations – Thessalonica to put an end to all the attacks he had been facing in his life for many years, as his condition had gone beyond the physical. During the prayer line, an unclean spirit manifested strongly through him, saying the following: “We saw him! We gave him the spirit of lust, we gave him asthma! We don’t want him to preach the Gospel!”. After this spirit confessed all that it had done in his life, man of God Javier said the following, shedding more light on his case: “They entered through dreams, and gave him poison to eat. That’s why he must expel all that he ate, so that it can take its things and leave!”. Having received a wonderful deliverance that marked the beginning of his freedom, he wanted to confirm all that the devil had done in his life so that he could give glory to God!

From an early age, Mr. Adewale confessed to having dreams in which he spoke to other people about the Word of God. However, suddenly in his life, he was confronted with the spirit of lust, which possessed him. Whenever he succumbed to this weakness, he felt intense remorse, which prevented him from preaching the Word of God to others. The spirit of lust tormented him for ten years, until the moment he decided to seek the face of God.
In his dreams he often saw a woman trying to sleep with him or himself fighting demons! As he describes it, there were times when various figures would appear in his dreams, trying to feed him. Sometimes he would spit the food out and sometimes he would eat it! For as long as he can remember, he has been in constant battle with these demons.
He then explained that this demon also affected his professional life. While he seemed to be doing very well at his job, he would suddenly get fired, leaving him out of work for 6-7 months. All these difficulties made him feel a lot of guilt, as it would be hypocritical to teach the Word of God, while he was not following the right path in his life.
Mr. Adewale now feels that this deliverance has brought him the much-desired breakthrough he has been seeking for so long! The moment he stood up after his deliverance, he felt a huge weight was lifted off of him. He promised not to sin again and to teach the Word of God without fear or guilt!
As Christians, even if we have been in the faith for years, we need deliverance to be able to move forward in our relationship with God. No matter what situation you find yourself in, remember that the devil has come to steal, kill and destroy. Therefore, if your condition is beyond the physical, then it is a curse, a curse that only Jesus Christ can break!

Throughout human history, idolatry has been a widespread practice, deeply rooted in various cultures and societies. In ancient times, people made physical representations of gods, believing that these idols possessed divine power and could influence their fate. People used to offer sacrifices to these gods, hoping for protection, prosperity or favor.
Like a multitude of people today, Mr. Udo and his daughter Vivian found themselves at a dead end because of their ancestors’ connection with idolatry. As a result, they ended up visiting the Christian Church of All Nations – Thessalonica where they found an answer to their problem.
During the prayer line, the man of God, Javier, approached Mr. Udo and told him the following concerning both his family and his daughter: “So brother I see that she has this kind of problems because in the family they sacrificed to idols. They used to sacrifice to idols and the same demon is attacking her. Maybe you do not know but your fourfathes were idol worshipers. We will pray and you will be set free forever!”

Mr. Udo and Miss Vivian confirmed after the service ended that they had faced serious problems in their family. Mr. Udo confirmed the prophecy as true, as their ancestors indeed worshiped idols and he believed that this was the root of their family’s mental problems. His daughter, for whom treatment had been sought, had been hospitalised, but doctors had not found the cause of her symptoms. The confusion, memory loss and isolation his daughter was experiencing could not be explained by medical tests, and all she had been prescribed were vitamins, which had no positive effect on her.
He also explained that his middle brother, from the age of 18 until the age of 52, received injections to calm his mental disorders. Even himself was experiencing the effects of these demonic attacks in his own life. Every time his life was going well, suddenly everything fell apart! The money was disappearing, and this situation continued without him knowing how to get out of this vicious cycle of failure.
Now, after the prophecy, he feels excited and believes that all these problems have come to an end. He is also optimistic that his daughter will start to improve, and he has promised to worship the Lord all the days of his life.
In our spiritual walk with God, sometimes it seems as if we are troubled on every side. Under such situations, many onto the Lord, not out of faith but out of fear, panic and lack of faith. However, when people seek the Lord with sincerity and faith, they find solutions to seemingly insurmountable problems.

Career stagnation is a common issue in today’s fast-paced work environment. Many professionals, despite their initial growth, find themselves stuck in repetitive roles, without new challenges or opportunities for development. This can lead to frustration. This stagnation can negatively affect one’s psychology and productivity, as professionals feel trapped in a never-ending routine. Mr. Christopher who belonged to this category of people, turned to the Christian Church of All Nations – Thessalonica for help.
“Today you are free, from generational bondage, you don’t need to like scream and shout like others. This was simple! So from today you will see your life start exceeding, so just remember God once you start succeeding. Don’t forget God, you need to come back and give your testimony”. These were the words of the man of God Stavros during the laying of hands.

Mr. Christopher later on described his own experience. For many years, things in his life were not going as they should, even though he had a good education and high-paying jobs. After some time, he realised that there was stagnation. Every time he was close to a major success, like a career opportunity, something would go wrong and people would change their minds at the last minute. He felt that there was a limit that he could not cross, and this situation continued for 20 years.
He also had bad experiences in his dreams, such as dreams of dead people or situations from the past. He also noticed that this stagnation was affecting the rest of his siblings.
On the day of prayer, after the prophecy he received, he felt relieved and happy that he had attended and received God’s blessings. In fact, he promised to focus on God, avoiding things that are not according to His will, and promised to serve Him for the rest of his life.
Your faith must be governed by the Word of God, not by what you feel or what others tell you. Faith in Jesus Christ can provide strength and direction to overcome career stagnation and challenges. When people rely on the power of Jesus and seek His guidance, they can push boundaries and discover new possibilities in their careers.
In the images below, we see healing, deliverance, and breakthrough taking place in the lives of believers who sought Jesus Christ with genuine willingness!