A heavenly atmosphere engulfed the congregation on 11 November 2018 at the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations, with hymns of worship and praise which were offered by the choir. The hearts of the believers were opened in this atmosphere of faith and were prepared to receive a touch from God.

Then, the evangelist John Michailidis, in his message “I AM SUITABLE FOR GOD” said that many people do not know that God has a brilliant plan for each of us. This the reason why every time we go through trials and tribulations we whine and cry about it. The evangelist pointed out that the purpose of God for our life, cannot be completed without challenges!

The evangelist took the proof text from Luke 23:34 “And Jesus said: ‘Father forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing’” and explained how the Son of God released forgiveness to all, even us. Since Jesus forgave us, it means that we are now fit for God and our success now has nothing to do with our limitations and shortcomings, but with what Jesus Christ did on the cross of Calvary! Then the evangelist encouraged all who feel they are not fit for God, “You have to know that there is grace for you, as you go to the feet of God and spend quality time meditating on His Word”. 

He emphasized that we all have a role to play. Not everything depends on us and not everything depends on God. It has to do with our genuine willingness and the ability of God that bring forth results. That which is necessary is our genuine willingness to spend quality time at the feet of God and meditate on His Word. Meditation of the Word of God will bring forth revelation, revelation will give us confidence that the Word of God is alive and we can depend on Him; only then will we be able to take steps in strength, in other words with purpose!


Mr. Dimitris Makos of Ioannina, 25 years old, came to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations, on 11 November 2018, to testify the incredible change that Jesus Christ made in his life after the prayer he received from the man God, Harry.

As a young child he had a relationship with God, but something was always missing. When he went to university he began to have anxiety and fear for the future. He could not focus and make decisions easily and this had an impact on his studies. He began owing lessons and reached the point of stopping his studies for two whole years. This whole situation made him irritable and nervous. He lacked patience and caused quarrels both for his family and for his friends. This resulted in him being isolated from everyone and closing himself off. He tried to make changes for himself but all in vain. One day, he searched the web and found the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations in Thessaloniki, and after watching the videos of people’s testimonies, he was impressed by God’s direct action on people’s lives. So, he decided to come to the church to receive and take part on the prayer line.

After the prayer he received from the man of God Harry, Mr. Dimitris admittedly said his results were instantaneous. Stress and worry about the future disappeared and now he can make decisions about his life. Calmness has now come into his life, and with the grace of God relations with his family and friends have been restored. In addition, faith and hope grew within him and he began to see breakthrough in his life. All his problems began to solve themselves, without him having to make any particular human effort! Full of gratitude, he advised us to have God involved in our lives, because God always has something to say about our situation. Finally, he promised to follow Him and have His Word as a model for his life.

Just as faith honors God more, so God honors faith more!


On 11 November 2018, 13-year-old Dimitris, a native of Bulgaria living in Greece, visited the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations in Thessaloniki to give his testimony and thank God for the great changes He brought into his life!

Dimitris was homeless with his grandmother and lived away from his parents. One day a policeman found him in the streets and took him to a hospital. There, after getting medical examinations, they transferred him to a children’s institution. However, he did not want to be there, and he was constantly fighting with his peers and the staff of the institution. He had a bad attitude, and while the staff advised him to do the right thing, he did not listen nor take them into account. They ended up imposing restrictions and punishments, but instead of complying, he reacted more and more. About a year later, he managed to get the keys of a car from the institution in a sneaky way and steal the vehicle in order to escape. An employee blocked the road with his own vehicle and then Dimitris came out of the car, ran away from there and returned to his grandmother. After that, his behavior worsened even more. He repeatedly disobeyed and mistreated his grandmother while at the same time he had no respect for any adults. He also got involved with bad group of friends, he did not want to go to school anymore and he began watching pornography.

On the blessed day he visited the church with his grandmother on November 4, 2018, he felt very sad about his life and the bad choices he had made. However, he understood that he could not change by his own power. Thus, he began to pray according to the instruction of the man of God, Harry: “Everything that is not from Jesus Christ in my life to come out in the name of Jesus Christ. During the mass prayer, he felt that he would fall and when the man of God approached him he saw a fire come upon him. Then the unclean spirit within him was manifested, and the man of God enlightened by the Holy Spirit said: “If it is not released now, this child will end up becoming a robber! He has already begun to steal. As soon as he touched Dimitris he felt a burden leave him and he was delivered!

The fact that he had already reached the point of robbing a car was proof of the prophecy he received from the man of God. The devil wanted to destroy him and if Dimitris was not released on that day, he had dark plans for his future. But now, after the divine intervention, Dimitris is different person! He does not get angry, he does not curse and goes to school on a daily bases, trying to be a good student! He also stopped watching pornography and involves himself with the Word of God! As for stealing, it does not even cross his mind! His advice to all children of his age, is to read the Word of God and to go to church. Finally, he promised that he would never again do the devil’s will!

The proof that Jesus Christ is alive are changed lives!


Mrs. Antonia Pasioudi, a resident of Thessaloniki, attended the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, on November 11, 2018, to testify before everyone the miraculous works of the Lord in her life.

From a young age, Mrs. Antonia was anxious to get a driver’s license, but her family discouraged her in order to protect her from the dangers of driving. Her father was an eyewitness to a car accident, which affected him negatively and did not want something similar to happen to his daughter. When she married, she dedicated herself to her family and abandoned her dream. Over the years, fear had begun to root inside her and finally she failed to make the decision of getting this coveted license! In April of 2006 she started a new job in Thessaloniki and needed to use public transportation, the trip everyday was about four hours to and from her new job. To make her life easier in November of 2008 she decided to enroll herself at a driving school but unfortunately her fear once again got the best of her and stood as an obstacle to her decision. Besides enrollment she never took any classes. The enrollment was valid for three years, and so two days before it expired she began driving lessons and this time she had results as she acquired her driver’s license! Even though she now had a driver’s license she continued to take public transportation, as if she never had a driver’s license, all this because of her fear of driving. Just the idea of being on the road, in a car, amongst other cars caused her to panic!

This occurred up until she came to the Synagogue Church Of All Nations in Thessaloniki, where she met the man of God Harry. He advised her to take a few extra driving lessons since sometime had passed, so she may freshen up her knowledge and eventually buy her own vehicle. All for the glory of God, Mrs. Antonia began to do everything she was advised by the man of God, since also receiving prayer from him during the laying of hands and every ounce of fear of driving disappeared!
Her initial step was to start saving money to buy herself a new car. Two weeks later, with the help from the man of God she was able to find a suitable car just for her.

Even so many times fear tried to creep back in and overcome her to make her take public transportation again, instead of her car, but the encouraging words of the man of God were like pillar of salvation for her. She is overwhelmed with joy and free to go where she pleases without any fear! Full of gratitude she advised the congregation to do everything in their power to fulfill the advice given in righteousness which they receive from the man of God. 

Fear stops us from making important decisions in our lives! Yet God says if we take a step towards Him, He will take even more towards us. 

In these photographs we can see the Holy Spirit as it moves along the congregation making signs and wonders among those who came to receive something from God.

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