The believers in the Christian Church Of All Nations – Thessalonica had a special experience, as they witnessed with their own eyes a glimpse of the miracles they have read about in the Book of Acts! Filled with anticipation and determination, they gathered to receive the miracle they were seeking, and to feel the presence of Jesus Christ in their lives. This experience strengthened their faith and gave them the power to continue their spiritual journey with more courage and commitment!

In such an atmosphere of faith and worship they welcomed the man of God Stavros, who had a soul-healing message entitled ACCEPT GOD’S CORRECTION”.

Giving a short example of how parents discipline their children when they make mistakes, he explained that it is very important to accept correction in all its forms, without assuming that we know everything. Specifically, he took his first Biblical quote from Hebrews 12:6-11, “because the Lord disciplines the one he loves, and he chastens everyone he accepts as his son. Endure hardship as discipline; God is treating you as his children. For what children are not disciplined by their father? If you are not disciplined—and everyone undergoes discipline—then you are not legitimate, not true sons and daughters at all. Moreover, we have all had human fathers who disciplined us and we respected them for it. How much more should we submit to the Father of spirits and live! They disciplined us for a little while as they thought best; but God disciplines us for our good, in order that we may share in his holiness. No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it”.

The servant of God emphasised that the greatest grace that Jesus Christ granted us on earth is the opportunity to correct our mistakes! In fact, he assured that whenever we are about to make a mistake or fall into sin, the Holy Spirit uses our conscience to correct us. But what happens when we put our conscience on “mute”? When a foolish situation comes into our lives in order to correct us, and we reject it? Taking King David as an example, he wanted to read from 2 Samuel 16:5, pointing out that even King David, who there was no one like him on earth, accepted the Lord’s instruction and correction with humility. He did not complain or resent for a moment the insults he received from Shimei. From his attitude, then, we understand that when someone corrects us, we should not look at the face of whoever is correcting us, but look at the message, because God often uses foolish things to shame the wise.

Elaborating further, he said that we do not let anyone correct us because of our pride, even when that person is sent by God. Thus, many times, God allows unpleasant situations to correct us! In closing, the Prophet encouraged God’s children to accept His correction, because the more you are corrected, the greater your success will be!


A curse is the expressed desire to cause misfortune and adversity to a person. That being said, what happens when you receive a curse from your relatives or even acquaintances? You are bound in bondage that only Jesus Christ can break in your life, through deliverance! Ms. Angela, from North Macedonia, came to the Christian Church Of All Nations – Thessalonica, realising that she needed deliverance from everything the devil was using to keep her in bondage!

As Prophetess Evgenia prayed for Ms. Angela during the laying of hands, she said to her: “I see that you have a weakness that has to go, and it has to do with boys! You are drawn to having relationships! And that generally exists in the family! I’ll tell you the root cause! it’s the curse you’ve been given. And the curse is to not let you settle down with one man. That’s why satan comes into your thoughts. But as the Lord will deliver you and your family, you will cast away those thoughts! Also, I see you being lost as far as your destiny is concerned! You like something, but you’re not 100% sure that that’s what it is. Pray to God, have a good relationship with Him, and you will see how much He will change you, how much He will reveal things to you. You will be amazed!”

Later on, Ms. Angela began by saying that she had focused on finishing her studies, but over the past two years she had been approached by several men who wanted to have a relationship with her. Of course, even though many men were approaching her, they would suddenly turn away, because they could not stay with her for unexplained reasons. She was not happy about this at all…

Regarding the curses, she added that her grandmother was involved in witchcraft and caused bad things in the family. As a result, various problems arose, especially to her father. About him, she said that a few days back he lost the will to live, and there was no joy in him! In general, apart from her grandmother who was involved in witchcraft, she pointed out that the whole neighbourhood in which she grew up was involved in these things.

She mentioned that she could not understand why all this was happening in her life; she was quite confused!

During the prayer, she felt that something bad was gone from her life, and that new things will come from now on! She now knows that God is with her, and will guide her!

After the anointed touch she has received, regarding her divine destiny, she will pursue what she loves, and she wants to be sure of what she is going to do in the future! She will keep this prophetic word in her heart, be more diligent, and focus on God to direct her!

Having indescribable peace, relief and freedom, she promised God Almighty to serve Him for the rest of her life and to bring more people to the Lord for His glory!

Only Jesus Christ can break every chain of curse in your life! The secret in the arena of freedom is not to suppress the flesh, but to surrender to the Spirit of God! Surrender to Him!


Rheumatoid arthritis is a serious autoimmune disease where the body attacks the joints and gradually destroys them. It can cause deformation of the joints and even chronic disability. It even forces the person suffering from the disease to take strong medication in order to be able to cope with the pain, which makes everyday life difficult. Ms. Nadia from the Netherlands was suffering from this disease, with doctors giving her no hope of improvement. As mentioned earlier, she depended on daily medication to relieve the pain and to be able to move. Seeking a permanent solution in the face of Jesus Christ, she visited the Christian Church Of All Nations – Thessalonica, believing that He would heal her!

During the laying of hands, Prophet Stavros said to her, “There is a chain of diseases coming from your ancestors. Today, we will pray and as time goes on, you’ll feel better and better. Do not worry! And some dreams… They will stop today, in Jesus’ name”. Then, he rebuked every chain of the enemy in her life! Ms. Nadia felt God’s power during the prayer and after, she confirmed the word of prophecy.

The problem was hereditary, she said, as her mother had the same disease. In fact, there were more relatives with health issues in the family’s history. In addition, Ms. Nadia often had disturbing dreams of deceased relatives, including her mother.

Ms. Nadia feels better now, and believes she has received healing and freedom! Finally, she promised to be faithful and always to thank God for everything!

While death works on those who act in the physical, life works on those who walk by faith, because Jesus Christ is the Bread of Life! So, when you stand firm in God’s Word, no problem can really harm you, but only bring glory to the name of Jesus Christ!

In the photos below we clearly see the power of Jesus Christ working mightily in the lives of believers, bringing healing, freedom and blessings!

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