A beautiful Sunday morning dawned on 3 July 2022! The believers that gathered on the prayer mountain, began with thanksgiving to the Lord eager to witness His miraculous power!

Then, Prophetess Evgenia in her message titled « APPRECIATE GOD FOR WHAT YOU HAVE« , gave the key to every Christian on how to maintain God’s blessings in their lives.

First, she said that many Christians believe that God is only interested in their spiritual matters, for example, what level of faith they find themselves in. However, she stressed that this way of thinking is not true because God desires to bless us in all areas of our lives!

Then, the Prophetess stated that the reason God’s children lose the blessings they have been given is that they do not thank Him, that is, they do not show their appreciation for what He has already done in their lives. Believers who retain the blessings God has given them do so because they have understood a basic principle of His Word, that if you appreciate what God has done in your life, He will do it again and again and again!

Next, the woman of God took her proof text from Proverbs 10:22 where it is written, « The blessing of the Lord brings wealth, without painful toil for it ». Based on this verse, she said that the Lord wants to bless us, but it is up to us, whether we appreciate Him or not… In saying this, she used the example of the servant of Prophet Elisha, Gehazi, who was clearly instructed by the prophet not to accept any gifts from Naaman. Unfortunately for him, he loved pleasure more than God, destroyed God’s grace in his life and thus leprosy came upon him for the rest of his life. Thus, Prophetess Evgenia exhorted the crowd not to love pleasure but to love God above everything else, for He is the Source of our blessings!

She then went on to address the issue of ungratefulness. She stressed that the reason why believers become ungrateful is that they are drawn by the worldly spirit that makes man unsatisfied and never stop desiring something new. Satan wants us to focus on the things we don’t have, so we don’t appreciate God for the things we do have! So, the woman of God encouraged the congregation to obey the commandment given in the Word of God in Ephesians 5:20, which is to thank God for everything in our lives. In doing so, she assured believers we will remain blessed!

Reaching the end of her message, the Prophetess said that we ought to thank God before we receive the miracle because faith claps before it! Concluding, she pointed out that if you love God more than pleasure, then you will have the desire of your heart, stirring up a wave of excitement among the congregation!


Mrs. Patricia Gilliver, a resident of the United Kingdom, came to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, to testify of how the transforming power of Jesus Christ came and changed the story of her life once and for all!

In 2009, Mrs. Gilliver was faced with a very unpleasant condition when her husband passed away. Upon hearing this news, she was devastated as she was now called to raise her three children alone. Life was difficult for her because she could not provide her children with everything she had to offer them, she could not pay her bills, and even the loan she had taken from the bank to buy a house was difficult to repay. Regarding her husband’s inheritance, while she was legally married to him, for some inexplicable reason she could not take hold of the large estate he had left her. She called the banks every day to find out why this was happening, but no one would provide a solution to her problem!

All these difficulties had a great effect on her health since she suffered from insomnia! As a result she was unable to sleep even if she wanted to. The doctor gave her some medication, but that did not help her at all. Thus, as the problems continued in her life, she decided to visit the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, because she had heard that there is a true man of God there, whom God uses with power! After joining the prayer line, the changes she experienced were great, leaving her astounded!

The bank that had been refusing her husband’s estate for so long called her and informed her that the money her husband had left her, an amount of £500,000, was ready for her to receive!

God’s blessings, however, did not stop there! With this money she decided to pay back the loan she had once taken. After that, she wanted to buy three houses: one in Africa, one in Spain, and one in London, fulfilling the instruction that the man of God Harry, had given her during a private conversation she had with him. During their last discussion the man of God encouraged her to go into business. He also prophesied to her that a new man would come into her life!

Mrs. Gilliver firmly believed this word and its fulfilment did not take too long to take place! After a short period of time, she met the man with whom she would share the rest of her life with, after 13 years of being alone! Mrs. Gilliver is now engaged to a wonderful man, as she calls him!

Finally, praising God for His infinite grace in her life, she advised the people of God to never give up! She urged everyone to trust God and also to keep every word given to them by a genuine man of God. Also, she promised the Giver of her blessings that she would follow Him forever because no man could do for her all that God had done!

It is worth believing in God even when every sense contradicts Him, because He promised to honour those who honour Him! Hence, do not give up, keep running the race and one day you will be victorious!


It was a remarkable and impressive day for Mr. Lloyd Asare from the Netherlands, as he visited the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, with the intention to share with the congregation the subversive and upward course of his life!

It all started at the tender age of ten when the people he was associating with started talking to him about sexual intercourses. As he followed them, he found himself watching pornography and masturbating, and the next thing that ensued was being addicted to masturbation. Thus another bad habit was added to his already existent bad habits…

At the age of 13, he was involved with a group of people who smoked cannabis, and thus, he started doing the same. In the Netherlands, cannabis is easily accessible because it is sold in shops, so it was only a matter of time before he became addicted to it. Mr. Asare then proceeded to use codeine, an opiate drug, which he used illegally. After he started smoking cannabis, his life began to change. His finances began to drop dramatically, he skipped school many times since the only thing on his mind was doing drugs and going out with his friends.

At the age of 16, when he lost his father, he felt the need for paternal care, and that is why he began to seek God. Believing that he would find him at the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, he sent a message to visit the church. Mr. Asare said that when he came to the church, the man of God Harry treated him like a son and took him to the prayer mountain. After praying for him and instructing him on how to pray to God, he advised him to change his environment and the people he associates with so that he can maintain God’s blessings!

The changes he noticed in his life were equally astounding when he entered the prayer line and the man of God prayed for him once again! After the divine prayer, he stopped using cannabis and codeine, stopped having sexual desires, and changed his group of friends! In fact, when he smelled cannabis’ smoke by accident, it was like poison to him.

Now, feeling relieved and blessed, he advised the congregation, especially young people, not to imitate their friends. He stressed that they should choose which path they want to follow because it will be difficult in the future to change their course if they are not careful. He also advised all those who are involved with drugs and pornography to find a living church, receive deliverance, and follow God’s way! His promise to God Almighty is to maintain the blessings he has been given, to improve his relationship with Him and to help all who are in the same problem!

No one is above influence! As children of God, we should be around people who add and multiply in our lives, not people who subtract and divide from it. Therefore, seek good, informed, and inspired people so that they will help you reach your calling!


Mr. Aminé Redié, originally from Eritrea, travelled from Sweden to Greece to join the prayer line of the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica. As he stated, he arrived full of excitement because he had been following the man of God Harry, since he was still in Nigeria, and it was his dream to attend a Sunday service!

The man of God Harry prayed for Mr. Redié at the prayer mountain and Mr. Redié  fell down under the delivering power of the Holy Spirit. Then the man of God spoke these words to him: “Brother, this is the spirit of death. The spirit of death is attacking you. Sometimes you will see them in your dream, people who have died; They will come and appear to you in your dream”. Then he commanded the unclean spirit to leave and declared him free, in the name of Jesus Christ!

Confirming the prophetic word he received, Mr. Redié explained that, indeed, the spirit of death was attacking him in every area of his life! Firstly, he confirmed that he used to see various dead people in his dreams. Sometimes they were his relatives, and sometimes they were people who had recently died, but he was not yet aware of it. In fact, when he would find out that they had died, he would get upset and start thinking about these people more intensely. The nightmares, however, did not stop there! Many times, he would see himself dying, being shot and killed by someone, and desperately trying to escape death… The fact that he was having these kinds of dreams when he had no such experience in his life was particularly troubling. These began several years ago, but in the last two years the problem had become more acute, he pointed out. Unfortunately, he had these dreams very often! At times, they could be twice a week or sometimes every night!

Bad dreams were not the only unexplained thing in Mr. Redié’s life. The 36-year-old man, being perfectly healthy, was suddenly diagnosed with a rare blood cancer called polycythaemia vera. This disease occurs as a DNA mutation and the cause of the disease is not yet known. It causes an increase in red blood cells, clotting the blood, creates thromboses and can be fatal within 2-3 years. The disease was very unpleasant news in his life, as he stressed that no one in his family had ever had anything like it before. However, he did not hide the fact that many of his close relatives died young, from a variety of causes. All this had a very big effect on his psychological state and his mind was flooded with negative thoughts!

As a Christian, he understood that everything he was facing was an attack from the enemy of the soul, in an attempt to kill him, but unfortunately, he could not discuss this with anyone. In Sweden, he had no church he could be happy with, as there was a language barrier… His wife was the only person he could talk to, but even with her, he avoided discussing these matters, especially the dreams, so as not to upset her.

After the prayer, he did not hide that he feels free, light and happy! The fatigue and difficulty in breathing that he was experiencing before are a thing of the past! With gratitude to God Almighty, he confessed that he expects to visit the church to give his testimony, holding in his hand the laboratory results that will prove that there is no longer a trace of cancer in his blood! Finally, he promised the Giver of all blessings to thank Him because Jesus Christ was crucified for him!

God also understands the language of sighs, tears, wishes, meditations, and sincere desires of the heart of a man of faith. Don’t lose hope! He has never left us and He never will!


The day of salvation she had been seeking for so long, came into the life of Ms. Betty Neil from the Netherlands, the moment she stepped her foot on the Holy Prayer Mountain!

Filled with expectations of a miracle from our Lord, Jesus Christ, Ms. Neil entered the prayer line of the Synagogue, Church Οf All Nations Thessalonica. When the man of God, Harry, prayed for her, he revealed to her the prophetic word revealed to him by the Spirit of God: “They threw something at your doorstep. So, once you crossed it, that is when the problem started in your life. This happened some years back. You thought maybe it was like sand, so you cleaned it. It is not an issue of cleaning. That was spiritual sand. Some people that wanted to attack you spiritually, performed witchcraft on that sand. Then they came and dropped it outside of your doorstep. So the moment you crossed… it was one day, if you remember, in the noon, around noon time, you came out of the house, and you started to not feel well. You were not feeling fine at all. Your head became big… Your heart started beating. You didn’t know what was wrong. You went back home before you left again. That was the moment you were connected to that witchcraft they did to you. That is why people from that moment they start seeing you as a bad woman. You have been experiencing some hatred in your life. You do good to people but in return, they do bad to you. It is not your fault. You have not done anything bad. It’s just that they put a spiritual mask on you. That mask is removed tosay! Now, when people see you, they will see the glory of God in your life. You should not worry, all is well! You are free today!”.

After the service, Ms. Neil wanted to confirm the prophetic word she received from the man of God. She began by saying that, indeed, she remembered the day she found sand outside her door, but she had no idea that it was witchcraft. So, she just cleaned it up. After that, she started having all kinds of problems in her body. At first there was a problem in her leg, which was causing her pain, however, she did all the necessary tests and nothing was found. Then, the doctor referred her to a physiotherapist. After eight months of physiotherapy and no improvement, the physiotherapist told her that they could not continue because her condition was getting worse instead of better. She then started taking painkillers, four different pills, to reduce the pain. However, this also proved futile as the pain persisted and even increased in her legs, as well as in her back and other parts of her body later on. She was also experiencing attacks in her heart and was in constant pain. Once again, doctors were unable to identify the problem.

In fact, she reported that she often had nightmares and knew they were demonic attacks. In some of them, for example, she would see herself fighting with animals, both huge and small, or, at other times, she would see someone squeezing her throat with the intention of choking her! She also felt many times choking in the physical, when she was trying to eat!

Ms. Neil then talked about her interpersonal relationships and revealed that, as the man of God said, although she showed kindness to many people and stood by them when something happened to them, their response was not appropriate! On the contrary, they repaid her evil instead of good! Thus, they hurt her deeply, made her feel extremely tore, made her cry and feel lonely, which led to her having no friends.

In the midst of all these attacks, Ms. Neil was unaware that there was a spiritual mask on her face that made people hate her, but when man of God Harry revealed the truth to Ms. Neil, she came to understand it! Her marriage was also under the influence of this mask, for while she showed love and affection to her husband, he would become angry as soon as he would see her.

After the prophetic word Ms. Neil received, she felt renewed and joyful, and promised to worship God and serve Him all the days of her life!

When you know your true worth, your enemies can steal your freedom and confine you to a prison, but they cannot shut you out of the throne of mercy and fellowship with God. Remember that it does not matter what others say about you or how they see you, but what matters is God’s opinion! Do not get discouraged when people wear you down and ignore you, run to the One who can fight for you!


Mrs. Kelly Tabb, from America, came to the Synagogue, Church of All Nations in Thessalonica’s prayer mountain to receive an answer to her prayers!

After enjoying the beautiful program in the presence of God, with her heart open and ready to receive from God, during the prayer line, the man of God Harry approached her and gave her a prophetic word: « Your menstruation is not normal sometimes. Large pieces like meat come out. This has affected your mood. You become nervous, angry and you start shouting! It’s not your fault. It’s just that satan is trying to form a fibroid in you, but God doesn’t allow that! This will be the end, after today’s prayer, you will see that your menstruation will return to normal. It will become normal because sometimes it was delayed, too. It didn’t come at the right time… Months could passed before it came. You thought maybe it was your age. It’s not your age, you’re too young. This is the end! You’re free! ».

Confirming the words of the man of God Harry to be true, Mrs. Tabb shed more light on her case. Although the question of her period had been a matter of considerable concern to her for many years, she had forgotten to mention it during her registration for the prayer line, and it had not been written on her placard because she had become used to it.

Her menstruation was exactly as the man of God described it: with a heavy flow, big chunks of flesh, and a lot of pain. It was a subject she was ashamed to even discuss with her husband! She had visited her doctor several times because of the low iron she had as a result of the high flow during her period, which was irregular. The doctor, however, failed to provide her with a solution, and despite the treatments she followed, there was no improvement.

This indeed affected her behavior and her mood. She was often very angry and took it out on her husband, whom she later begged to be understanding towards her, as she felt extremely exhausted since her condition was constantly making her lose patience. She tried various ways to help herself, but nothing could help her. Her mood was constantly up and down. One moment she might be fine, and the next she might be very irritated and angry. In fact, her hair was falling out and she was very stressed. Mrs. Tabb believed that the problem was her age and that was the reason for all the symptoms she was experiencing. Even though she was only 42 years old, she felt like an old woman.

The moment she received the prophetic word, an intense peace entered her heart, and she was very happy because she knew that God had dealt with what was troubling her so much! So, excited that God had put an end to the problems she had been facing for many years, she thanked Him from the bottom of her heart! Concluding, she promised to give God all the energy He has now given her, to serve Him and also promised to put God first in her heart for the rest of her life!

What is the problem you are facing today? Are you sick? No matter how sick you are, Jesus Christ can heal you! Are you a sinner and feeling dirty? No matter how dirty you are, Jesus Christ can cleanse you! Never allow satan to ever stop you from reaching out to Jesus Christ in every situation, because He who created you is the Only One who can give you the solution!


Mr. Natnael Tewelde from Eritrea also had the honour of attending the holy prayer mountain of the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, as he travelled from Sweden in faith, in order to take part in the prayer line.

When the man of God, Harry, prayed for him, the Spirit of God brought the evil works of satan to light, as Mr. Tewelde was given the following prophecy: “You should be careful of what you watch on the internet! The things you are watching, not all of them are good for you. Satan has been using that medium to destroy you. If you are not watchful, you will have a problem later… I see you marrying, remarrying, divorcing, remarrying, divorcing… This is not God’s plan for your life, this is satan’s plan, and what satan is using is the internet to corrupt you. Your heart is already getting corrupt, you have to cleanse it. Here, today, this is a Holy ground, it is an opportunity to cleanse your life, your soul, your spirit, your body. When you leave, you will be like a newborn baby! From now on, the lust for women will go. Do not worry about that. When you go, you will be a new person, you will start afresh. Whatever you put in your heart or in your mind to do, if you want to do something, do it! God will make it prosper”.

Mr. Tewelde, elicited, wanted to confirm the prophecy he received from the man of God Harry. Before sharing his story, he pointed out that the man of God exposed problems that he had never shared with anyone, not even the people closest to him; his mother and brother! So, when the enemy’s works were exposed, he felt relief and joy, while knowing that the prophetic word brought freedom to his life as well.

He began by saying that he discovered pornography through friends in 2013 when he was still in high school. Because of this, when he wanted to study, he was unable to do so since thoughts of lust would come into his mind, distracting and preventing him from progressing. As he mentioned, when he wanted to study or plan something good, he always ended up doing what he did not want to do. Instantly, the plan of the devil was put to action and began to ruin his life, back when he was still young.

This addiction caused him feelings of guilt, shame and sadness. It was something he kept well hidden within himself and he could not dare to share it because he knew he was sinning and not walking according to God’s will. Consequently, his relationship with God was also negatively affected….

Due to the above, though he then intended to study for two years and then take entry exams to commence his university studies in 2016, up to this day, nine years later, he failed to make his goals a reality!

Furthermore, he said that in his family, for the most part, there is no stability and everyone is divorced. Some have in fact remarried, including his father. Thus, growing up, he was not in a stable family situation.

In conclusion, he said that after receiving instruction from the man of God, he intends to stop his bad habits and replace them with Bible study, prayer, serving the Lord and praise! Moreover, he promised to dedicate his life to Him!

Jesus Christ spoke the word aloud directly to satan in the wilderness, thus giving the battle plan to the Christians on how to defeat the devil. Truly, the Word is our weapon and our shield against the flaming arrows of satan. Therefore, equip yourself with the most precious weapon needed!

The pictures below are tangible proof that Jesus Christ is Alive and never said goodbye! Healings, deliverances, and blessings are still happening, and will continue to happen until the end of time!

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