Another Sunday service proved to those present that Jesus Christ is the same and unalterable throughout the ages! The evangelists reminded the believers that the atmosphere of faith is the fertile soil in which the power of Jesus Christ works miracles!

In the message that followed, entitled “ARE YOU READY TO DEPART?” Prophet Stavros began by saying that through the years, people repeatedly tried to determine the time of the coming of Jesus Christ. Nevertheless, in reality, no one knows what the future holds nor when our last day on earth will be. Taking the Bible, he read the following verse from James 4:14: “Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.”

In an effort to go deeper, he read from Matthew 25:1-13, the parable of the ten virgins, half of whom were unprepared during the time of the coming of the bridegroom, thus missing the wedding. The prophet advised the believers to be alert and vigilant at all times, because of the uncertainty of the time of the return of Jesus Christ.

He then referred to the two categories of believers, the one of the pious and the other of the foolish. Starting with the second category, he said that their main characteristic is that they think they know everything, and they have an opinion about everything! Furthermore, they are characterised by a tendency to point out the faults of others, while for themselves they look for a more convenient time to do the right thing, seizing every opportunity to have a good time, without bearing in mind that tomorrow may be too late to do the right thing! On the contrary, those who belong to the first category of believers is quick to listen and slow to speak, examining what they learn in the light of God’s Word. Moreover, reverential believers are hard-working and live each day as if it were their last one, having as a purpose their heavenly home and eternal profit, not relying on temporary pleasures and without having unsettled issues with God and people, thus always being ready to depart. The prophet urged the congregation to follow the latter example by living every day as if it were their last.

Finally, the prophet wanted to sound the alarm to the believers, saying that those who are not always ready are not truly saved, calling on them to be constantly alert, and quick to pray, because “faith acts now” – as he said! Finally, he urged the attendants to live for the sake of eternity because yesterday is history, today is an opportunity, and tomorrow remains a mystery!


Mr. Kingsley, from Australia, came with his wife, Dora, to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, to testify how God Almighty has blessed them!

Mr. Kingsley began by saying that in July 2018 he first came to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, to receive a breakthrough in his marital life. His desire was to be settled, but, before making any decision, he wanted to learn God’s will for his life. In the past, he had been in long-term relationships that led nowhere. So he was in a desperate situation, and he realised he needed spiritual guidance.

When he came and participated in the prayer line, he had the privilege of talking to the man of God Harry. Mr. Kingsley told him that he desired to be married, but first, he wanted to know who was the person God predestined for him. The man of God advised him, and then said to him: The day you see her, you will know that she is your wife!

In December 2018, five months later, he visited SCOAN Nigeria. When he was outside the building, a woman who looked very familiar came to him. This woman approached him, and thought to herself: “This is my husband!”. After praying and a common confirmation in their hearts, in April 2019 they made the decision to get engaged and get married!

God blessed Mr. Kingsley even more, as the man of God advised him for his next work, not to be proud, to ask what he did not know, to show respect, not to be lazy, and the sky will be his limit! He followed the instruction in righteousness, and now he has been for 5 long years in a job which he enjoys, and is a great blessing to the family, as he said!

His advice to the congregation is to seek God in every matter. His promise to God Almighty is to continue to obey Him and to and consult Him in every decision!

Obedience to God’s instructions can turn failure into success because the way of obedience is the way of blessing!


Mr. Ruben from Germany came to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica seeking to spend time in the presence of the Lord. He was pleasantly surprised when the Holy Spirit located him through the crowd, through His anointed servant of God, man of God Michael, who brought this message to him: “You have asked God to receive the Holy Spirit – and when you see the power of God moving through the servants of God, you say to yourself: ‘I want that!’ You need a mentor. This is the answer to your prayer. No one can succeed alone.”

After receiving this wonderful prophecy, Mr. Ruben confirmed that what the servant of God said was one hundred percent true. Then, he explained that he wanted to know God’s way, but he didn’t know where to begin. He went to church, read his Bible, prayed, but he was still not satisfied. He went to theology seminars, but he didn’t find the guidance he was looking for. Not knowing how to follow his calling, he even tried to approach strangers to pray for them, to no avail – a dangerous act that, as the Prophet T.B Joshua has warned us, no one should do without the guidance of the Holy Spirit. In view of the above, he was struggling – not knowing that God had taken note of his hunger and thirst for Him, and was about to meet him at the point of his need!

“I’m very happy,” he said, “because he confirmed a lot of things that were already in my heart.He promised God that he would consult Him in every decision before taking action without the help of the Holy Spirit, and he has renewed, hope-filled expectations of what God will do for him!

Until we experience God, there will be a dissatisfaction, a hunger to know what we are living for, and a desire to know what happens after life is over. Satisfaction in life is not about having children, money, or other worldly possessions. You have to experience God!


Coming from France, Ms. Isabella was desperate for her deliverance, for herself and her family, and that is exactly what she received! During the laying on of hands, when Prophetess Evgenia was praying for her, she said to her: “I see a spirit of death in the family. People are getting sick, people are dying. Nothing is going well, but because God sees your heart and because you want to be free from it, it’s time to be free!” As soon as the woman of God prayed again for Ms. Isabella, an evil spirit made its appearance, saying: “She’s trying her best, she won’t leave her God! She is always fasting, praying, studying, not letting me do what I want! I have someone in her family just to ruin everything. She goes to work crying. I wanted to kill them, but they are united to stop me! When I attack her, she prays and breaks free. I don’t know how she does it, but she even mentions that name (Jesus Christ) in her dream! So does her young son! She is protecting her family. Her brother brought the whole family here. I’ve been in the family for many years, I live with her father!” In the name of Jesus, however, the demon had no choice but to submit, and so Mrs. Isabella received her much desired freedom!

Later, Ms. Isabella gave more details about her case. On her father’s side, there is a long history of deaths. Many of her deceased relatives were seen by her when she was sleeping, along with various coffins.

She also confessed that 2 of her relatives are the ones who cause some problems in the family with their behaviour, which is otherwise united, as they used to pray and study the Bible together.

In addition, she had taught her son when he had bad dreams to call upon the name of Jesus Christ, and as the little boy did so in his sleep, the nightmares would stop!

Now, Ms. Isabella is determined to stay close to the Lord for the rest of her life!

As a believer, your relationship with God the Father makes your problems different from others, so don’t despair!


Ms. Grethe came to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, to see the power of Jesus Christ change her life once and for all! During the laying on of hands and as the anointing of God moved through the man of God Michael, she was given this prophetic word: “No matter what is happening in your life, you are never satisfied. You have a great vision. You think about things differently than other people, so they blame you for it. Everything that happens in your life is an attack! This is because you have a big star. You need to get closer to God to get the information you need because you have a calling from God and you are already delaying it. You can fulfil your calling, delay it, or even cancel it. If you cancel your calling, someone else will take your place. All you need is God. If you love the calling that God has chosen for you, all you have to do is run to Him, and you will see that God has a great surprise for you!”

After this revelatory prophecy, Ms. Grethe wanted to confirm the words of the man of God Michael. She began by saying that in her life, while she had everything, she felt she had nothing. This was because she always felt sadness. Regarding her calling, she said that in her dream she always saw herself praying for other people! Regarding her relationship with God, it was non-existent as she never found time for study or prayer with the excuse of her work.

Now Ms. Grethe feels happy and ready to follow her calling! She promised God to seek Him all the days of her life!

God is more concerned with our future than He is about our present state! Follow your calling and you will see that the void you feel inside you will be filled!

In the photos below we see the anointing of God working great and wonderful among us, because Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever!

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