par CCOAN | | Blog
DO NOT DOUBT YOUR FAITH Once again, the songs of praise and words of exhortation from the worshipers of the Christian Church of All Nations – Thessalonica, encouraged the believers to look with faith beyond their current situation, knowing that the everlasting...
par CCOAN | | Blog
YOU NEED SPIRITUAL REPAIR In an atmosphere of worship during the service, the believers were called to empty their hearts from every worry and every negative feeling, in order to be filled with the Spirit of God by worshiping the One who reigns forever, Jesus Christ!...
par CCOAN | | Blog
WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF YOUR LIFE? The children of God gathered with a yearning to worship and thank God for everything He has done, everything He is doing and everything He is going to do! In an atmosphere of faith, thanks to the hymns sung by the worship team, those...
par CCOAN | | Blog
FINDING TRUE JOY The Sunday Service, was just another proof of God’s authority! In an atmosphere of worship, the glorious presence of God touched the hearts of the believers, who surrendered their worries in the capable hands of God and chose the bright colors of...
par CCOAN | | Annonces
MÉFIEZ-VOUS DES FRAUDEURS! Nous tenons à vous informer qu’il existe de nombreuses pages sur les réseaux sociaux qui portent soit le nom dela Synagogue, Église de Toutes les Nations Thessalonique ou le nom de l’homme de Dieu Harry. Cependant, il n’y a...