Truly, there is no more beautiful place to be than in the presence of God! In His presence, there is a fullness of joy, peace, and rejoicing—experiences shared by all who attended the church’s service!
A message that shook the believers was preached by the prophet Kastriot, entitled “GOD’S PLAN IN YOUR LIFE HAS MEANING” He first emphasised that while God lives in the past, present and future and is the same yesterday, today and forever, human beings, on the other hand, are not stable. This is because we focus only on the past and present, which hinders us in life, and will continue to hinder us until God’s purpose for our lives is revealed!

Concerning God’s plan for each of His children, the servant of God emphasised that when God is executing His plan in our lives, He also designs and arranges events which will continue to unfold until His purpose is revealed! However, many Christians prefer to follow their own plans, or other people’s plans for them, rather than God’s plan. Inevitably, the years pass without His children achieving what the Lord desires them to achieve.
The example he took from the Bible was from Luke 5:8-11, when it all began for the later Apostle Peter. Peter was just a simple fisherman toiling for his family, he was not rich, not educated, and not aware of his calling… Until the moment Jesus Christ met him! Just like Peter, you have been given a good destiny, but that destiny can change if you don’t know where you are meant to be!

Then the man of God mentioned that the devil, the enemy of our soul, tries to remind us that we are not capable, beautiful or smart enough to make it, but God is there to remind us that we can, because with God on our side we can face life’s final deadline with confidence! The Lord paid for that by sending His Son here on earth to be your Coach, and then you will be asked to see what is not yet seen, to do what is not yet done, to say what is not yet said.
In closing, he emphatically reiterated that God’s plan for your life is meaningful, to live free, happy and to glorify Him every day! Have you discovered God’s plan for your own life? If so, never give up on it, because your life depends on it. If not, it is never too late to not only discover it, but to carry it out in your life!

Mr. Sophia from Stockholm to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica in order to share the changes she saw in her life!
During the prayer line, as Prophet Stavros was praying for her, an unclean spirit manifested through her, saying the following: “She was hurt and opened the way for me. She stopped believing! I am destroying her any way I can find! I take away her joy, I take away her people, I kill them… I take away everything she loves! I don’t want her to ever find joy! I only want her for me! I’m destroying the family! I make people create problems, and that’s how I ruin everything! I wouldn’t let her come here today, but she did!” Then, as the man of God rebuked the demon and declared her free, he told her: “Jesus Christ will bring back to you what the devil had stolen from you all these years!”

Ms. Sophia began her testimony by saying that from a young age she grew up in a church. Her life was peaceful until she reached the age of 22, when she began to have serious health issues. She was diagnosed with acute pancreatitis, which is usually caused by alcohol and smoking, and she never did such things! She had visited several hospitals and doctors, who gave her 10 days to live! So, the doctors wanted to keep her in for her final course. Her mother signed off on her own responsibility to take her home so she could say goodbye to her relatives. Ms. Sophia fasted, prayed and begged God to give her a second chance. So, 8, 10, 20 days went by, and she reached 28 days… She went to the hospital for tests and she was told there was nothing wrong with her!
In addition, she went into allergic shock and she was in a coma for some time. She also had a car accident. While she was in the car with her husband, she heard a voice telling her to put her seatbelt on, so she told her husband to put it on too. As soon as they buckled up, a truck came and hit them!
She also mentioned that they found witchcraft in her family and in her home. When she met her partner, unfortunately, there was a car accident in 2017 that claimed his life. This affected Ms. Sophia’s mental state to a very great extent, as she fell into severe depression! Ms. Sophia’s mother, seeing that she had hit rock bottom, was trying to find a solution for her daughter. So she found the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, and recommended this church to her.
The changes that he experienced is that she now wants to do what she couldn’t do before, which is to write music again, to sing. Her life makes sense now!
In fact, she shared with the congregation another confession, in which she said that she had a terrible problem with her back. Some time ago, at the workplace where she worked, a load of three and a half tons of towels broke, and the wheel fell on her, affecting her back. She stressed that she could not get out of bed because it was straining. The doctor gave her medication.
However, when she came to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, and the Prophetess Evgenia prayed for her, touching her in places that Ms. Sophia had never said she had the health problem, she felt a numbness. Then she knew she was healed when she got up from her seat, as she realised that she no longer hurt when she got up from the chair!
Her advice to the congregation is that we should come to Jesus Christ, as He is the Alpha and Omega and there is no life without Him! Her promise to God Almighty is to give her life to Him, and for God to use her in any way He wants!
Jesus Christ will not leave you nor forsake you! Run to Him, and you will see how He will restore you in every area of your life!

Ms. Germaine traveled from Switzerland with the belief that once she set foot in the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, where the Spirit of God works, the problems that tormented her would come to an end – and so it happened!
In the prayer line, she had begun to feel weak and tremble uncontrollably as God had already begun to expose every demonic influence in her life. When Prophet Kastriot prayed for her, an unclean spirit manifested from within her, revealing the following: “I’m the idol from her father’s house. I gave her many sicknesses. She will never succeed. I destroy her with operation after operation. Sickness after sickness. I’m the spirit of death. I destroyed everything!”. Prophet Kastriot then rebuked the demon and declared Ms. Germaine free, in the name of Jesus Christ!
Confirming the above, for the glory of God, Ms. Germaine revealed that in the 7 years she was in Switzerland, nothing was going well in her life. In fact, she constantly had illnesses that burdened her daily life and prevented her from being educated and from developing professionally. In other words, her health issues made it challenging for her to pursue her studies or maintain employment.
Analyzing the state of her health, she explained that she had undergone two operations on her waist, uterus, legs, and hemorrhoids, which had left her exhausted. Furthermore, she was going to have another surgery on her uterus because she was suffering from fibroids. When she refused to undergo a third surgery, the doctors told her that her problem would develop into cancer! In fact, they had urged her to have a hysterectomy, a very serious and irreversible operation.

As far as the social domain is concerned, it was obvious to her that something prevented her from having good relations with those around her. People – even her acquaintances – shunned her intensely, and when she was working this negatively affected her clientele as well. Also, she had not managed to get married. Because of the above, she felt rejected, and as if everyone hated her.
She confirmed, in fact, that her father used to worship idols. He also described to her an idol in the form of a snake. Thus, the demonic presence was impacting all areas of her life, even her dreams. She often had nightmares where she was being chased by snakes and various people. Also, she would see herself eating in the dream.
After this Divine touch, Ms. Germaine confessed in faith that her life would change, that the ailments in her body were over, and that she would receive a breakthrough in marriage and in general. She praised God for His miracle and promised to serve Him all the days of her life!
What makes us not despair is not what we see, but what we believe! Believe in the promises of God, written in His Word, and do not doubt that He will do the best in your life!

Ms. Isioma came to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, so that she could receive the breakthrough she had been seeking for years. At the time of the prayer line, however, God wanted to reveal the root of all her problems, with the following: “Sister, where is your husband?”, asked Prophet Kastriot, with her explaining to him that they have been separated for many years and he had passed away a few years ago. Then he continued, “Are you glad he died? That you broke up with your husband, and he died? Your husband loved you very much; he died, and he couldn’t get over it. He may have married another woman afterwards, but he died with regrets about you. You must pray for this.”
Later, she wanted to give more information about the things that God’s Prophet said.

She began by saying that, indeed, her husband used to love her very much. Even when he was forced to divorce her because of the people around him, he was deeply saddened.
She went on to say that many times she used to see him in her dream, and thus, unwilling to admit it, she understood that there were open accounts with him, even if he was dead.
Ms. Isioma is very happy that God revealed such a sensitive issue in her life, as it was something she wanted to end. She promised God to serve Him and follow Him all the days of her life.
Forgiveness brings peace to the heart of the truly repentant person! If you feel like you’ve hurt someone or someone has hurt you, it’s time to forgive because you need to be forgiven!
Ms. Sheena from France received a touch from Heaven and an unclean spirit was exposed from within her. The evil spirit said the following: “I will destroy her! She is a very powerful woman! She’ll be great! I want to destroy her. I won’t let her read her Bible because she will know God more. No! Because she is a very powerful woman, God is truly with her. I will not allow it; I will destroy her!”
Ms. Sheena confirmed what the demon had said; she was not reading her Bible because she was unable to stay focused, and so, as a result, she stopped praying to God. As not studying God’s Word and refraining from prayer distanced her from Father God, she felt fear and worry in her daily life, while also experiencing nightmares. In her dreams she would see people attacking her, and other strange things that made her feel uncomfortable. Moreover, she had fear of dying in her sleep!
After the prayer she received, she felt very excited and happy that God saved her and her family! She believes that a breakthrough has come to her life, and she promised to read her Bible, to pray, and to always be committed to Jesus Christ because with God, all things are possible!
To the degree that you have the thoughts of Christ, to the same degree you will have His presence in your life. To the extent, however, that you reject His thoughts, you will be filled with fearful darkness!
In the following pictures, we see the powers of darkness submitting to the One who is above all; His name is Jesus Christ!
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