The choir sang hymns of worship and honor at the SCOAN Thessalonica, and the heaven was brought to earth, uniting the hearts of the people of God with a spirit, the Spirit of the Living God.

Evangelist Katerina Otamere delivered an encouraging message titled “HIS GRACE IS SUFFICIENT”. She began by bringing up the fact that many people today want to make something of themselves, achieve something in their lives, yet something prevents them; whether it be their age or lack of knowledge and money. As God’s children, however, the grace of God is sufficient to bring the desired result, because His grace does not look at color, origin, sex, or age. The grace of God does not look at a man’s past, simply because Jesus Christ does not look at our past to determine our future. No one is too young or too old to succeed in life, just as no one is too good or too bad to qualify for God’s grace.

The evangelist continued, exemplifying Apostle Paul (Acts 9:1-6), who was not one of the twelve disciples of Jesus and he was a fanatical persecutor of His church, from Saul, with the grace of God, He became Apostle Paul, a useful vessel in the hands of God. We do not need to be the most intelligent, the most beautiful or the most charismatic in order to do what God has put in our heart because God has done it all in such a way that everything is the result of His grace! As soon as we realize this, we will see that His grace is sufficient for anything we want to accomplish. Therefore, we do not have to succeed with our own strength, using our degrees and knowledge, using unfair means that do not honor God so we many succeed as quickly as possible. If we really want to make history and make a difference in our world, we should patiently wait for God’s time, playing our role. In closing, the evangelist gave the people of God a key to attract the grace of God into their lives, saying, “If you want the grace of God to be with you always, if you want it to be sufficient for anything you want to do, begin by embracing those who are successful, so you too can become successful! Because the grace of God is contagious! When you accept and rejoice with the changes that occur by the grace of God in the life of your brother or sister, do not be surprised if the same grace comes into your life and your life begins to change radically.”


26-year-old Joel Shirtliff of Australia came to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations in Thessaloniki, to thank God for the wonderful intercession He made in his life, after the prophetic word and prayer received by the man of God Harry.

Mr. Joel, joined the prayer line, believing that Almighty God would resolve his chronic health problems, psychological problems and the demonic attacks he had since the age of 15. As the man of God prayed for him, he rebuked the unclean spirit within him, which, having been exposed, fled before the power of God. Then, Mr. Joel was given the following prophetic word by the man of God: “Everything started because one of your friends initiated you into something. Since that time you went with that friend and did something… That was the beginning of everything. Your life began to be destroyed. Jesus loves you and now you are free once and for all!”.

A week later, Mr. Joel returned to the Synagogue, the Church Of All Nations, to confirm all that the man of God said. During his teenage age years, he would engage with a friend who was against God and initiated him into a mystical organization, which he became a member of. This is when the problems began in his life! He began to observe paranormal activity in his home, saw spiritual beings and could hear furnitures moving. In fact, even his family members saw these kind of shadows. At the same time, he became addicted to pornography and began to have a curious interest in conspiracy theories. That when the first health problems appeared. A fungus began to grow on his skin in the form of a rash which spread throughout his body and presented severe problems in the abdomen. He had disturbances in his immune system that led him to be sensitive to various foods, hormonal imbalances and an autoimmune disease that caused problems in stomach cells. This meant that he could not freely eat what he wanted but only certain types of food. In addition, he had to take daily medication to allow digestion of food and bowel movements, which was a painful process and often unsuccessful. During that time he began to use drugs and alcohol to feel, as he thought, better. But his psychological state worsened and was finally diagnosed with anxiety and depression. Although he later stopped using drugs and alcohol, the psychological problems continued. Mr. Joel spent eleven years in pain, suffering, demonic attacks and a bad psychological state. All these years, of visiting doctors, taking different medications and spending a lot of money without the desired effect, he still found himself in a dead end!

Believing that only God could help him, he decided to travel from Australia to Greece and come to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations in Thessaloniki, to receive prayer from the man of God Harry. When the anointing of God touched him, God’s power permeated through him and something left him!  

He immediately felt the peace of God flood his heart! Stress, depression and negative thoughts are past! The rashes on his body began to recede! He can eat freely anything he wants, and the process of digestion and bowel movements become perfectly normal. Mr. Joel traveled such a great distance and eventually proved that his journey was not in vain, as the Lord rewarded his patience and faith. He advised us to continue to connect with Jesus Christ if we seek healing in our soul and body, trust Him, obey His Word, and find a living church to receive our own miracle. Finally, he promised Jesus Christ, his Great Savior and Deliverer, that by His grace and mercy he would continue to be close to Him, maintain a relationship with Him, and follow Him till the end of his life.

One million thanks are not enough for Jesus Christ, the Savior and the Redeemer of soul and body! If we look over the course of history and the journey of many people, we see that some friendships have led them down roads and paths that should not be taken. “There are four categories of people. Those who subtract, those who add, those who multiply and those who divide.” Let us be very careful in the selection of our friends, because no one can be above the level of influence he/she receives!


Mr. Michael from the Netherlands came to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations in Thessaloniki, to testify in front of the people, the wonderful changes that took place in his life after the prayer of the man of God Harry.

Mr. Michael was not happy or satisfied with his life. He experienced fear, depression, and was tormented by the spirit of lust. He constantly had negative thoughts, suicidal tendencies, and nightmares which caused him to have restless sleep, and in turn was always tired when he was awake. He was not able to find a stable job, only three to six months at a time by contract. Resulting in him being in a poor financial state, while maintaining himself with state benefits or the help of his mother. He made many attempts to change his situation, but no effort had the desired effect. He felt disillusioned, unworthy, and he got to the point of thinking that it would be better to put an end to his life, since there was no point in living. All of this made him increasingly closed off, in order to avoid communicating with the people around him, including his family. Even when he tried to enter romantic relationships with women, he once again experienced disappointment. Therefore, he decided to surrender his life to Jesus Christ, believing that He had the solution to all his problems.

So he took part on the prayer line and that is when everything changed! He started enjoying life, feeling light and useful. After just two months, he found a job in which he has been working for over two years, to this day! Now he is happy every morning he wakes up to go to work and thanks God for it. Beyond that, depression, negative thoughts and suicidal tendencies have disappeared! Jesus Christ gave meaning to Mr. Michael’s life and flooded his heart with peace and joy! This is obvious as he is happy to communicate with people and enjoys everything he does! After this heavenly blessing that he received he advises us to embrace Jesus Christ, Who knows our problem and wants to help us. Finally, He promised to follow Him, serve Him and worship Him with all his heart!

The man of God moved across the prayer line prophesying, healing and faithfully following the direction of the Holy Spirit. In the following photographs we see the anointing of Jesus Christ breaking the demonic chains that the devil has used to unite people with himself!

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