In a peaceful atmosphere of faith and awe towards God, the believers of the Christian Church Of All Nations – Thessalonica were in the happy position to experience the mighty grace of God working among them, changing their lives radically. Thus, in this pleasant atmosphere of faith, those present witnessed the angelic voices of worship and the power of Jesus Christ, which once again healed, freed and saved people from the shackles of satan.
Prophetess Evgenia, in her message entitled “HOW MUCH DO YOU LOVE GOD?”, explained that people live their life in different ways. Many thank God for their life, while others believe they live to suffer. This last category of people are called convenient Christians, who when they begin to face difficulties, turn away from God and despise Him. Continuing, she gave the congregation the key on how a man could be transformed from a convenient to a true Christian, through his obedience to the Word of God!

The Prophetess took her first biblical quote from Deuteronomy 11:13-17: “So if you faithfully obey the commands I am giving you today – to love the Lord your God and to serve him with all your heart and with all your soul – then I will send rain on your land in its season, both autumn and spring rains, so that you may gather in your grain, new wine and olive oil. I will provide grass in the fields for your cattle, and you will eat and be satisfied. Be careful, or you will be enticed to turn away and worship other gods and bow down to them. Then the Lord’s anger will burn against you, and he will shut up the heavens so that it will not rain and the ground will yield no produce, and you will soon perish from the good land the Lord is giving you”. Based on the verse she read, she emphasised the fact that the majority of believers think that going to church today makes them true believers, while there is no obedience in their lives. However, such a belief was proven wrong through the example of Judas, who despite following Jesus. ended up stealing from the church treasury and eventually betrayed his own teacher and destroying God’s grace in his life.
In order to awake the congregation and prevent them from having a simple and traditional faith in God, he revealed that convenient Christians do not want to struggle. They want success, but without going through the difficulties and challenges that will lead them there.
In conclusion she summarized by saying, “Only the Word of God can help us say ‘No’ to sin and ‘Yes’ to God’s justice”.

If you have ever found yourself in a situation where the odds seem insurmountable and your confidence has been shaken, you are not alone! Ten years ago, Mr. Dawit, was in that position. With various problems and a lack of self-confidence, his life seemed to be at a dead end. However, when he decided to seek God, everything changed…
Mr. Dawit struggled with financial problems and stress as, although he worked hard, his job did not pay well. In addition, he lacked self-confidence and had problems communicating with other people, which affected every area of his life. His relationship with God was not good: he had difficulty reading God’s Word and praying, and this made the situation worse.
In 2015, Mr. Dawit visited the Christian Church Of All Nations – Thessalonica, to receive prayer. When the man of God Harry prayed for him, an unclean spirit manifested and the man of God cast it out, in the name of Jesus Christ!

The changes in Mr. Dawit’s life were drastic and permanent! Nine years later, he happily admits that he has a hard time remembering how difficult his life was in the past. Now he has a job with a good salary, and is not worried about his finances at all. He has gained confidence, which he admitted was the biggest change in his character, and he no longer has difficulty communicating with other people. His quality of life has leveled upl! He is calm, happy, and has a solid relationship with God, which he enjoys!
Emotionally moved, he advised God’s children to have an open heart towards God and pray to Him. In closing, he promised God to stay close to Him.
Whenever you face unusual challenges, do not despair! It may be to prepare you for the unusual blessings that await you, because unusual blessings always attract unusual challenges. Follow the example of this testimony and seek God in all your problems!

A relationship that does not have Jesus Christ as its foundation is a relationship that cannot stand the test of time. The question is, what happens when we cannot find a solution to our marital problems, but we are certain that our spouse is truly from the Lord? In such a case, faith and devotion to Jesus Christ can guide us toward solving the problems and strengthening our bond!
One such case was that of Ms. Mamy and her husband, who came to the Christian Church Of All Nations – Thessalonica, to experience the power of Jesus Christ in their lives and to restore their failing marriage, as they were experiencing a huge gap in their relationship. During the laying on of hands, and as the anointing of God powerfully guided man of God Stavros, a wonderful prophetic word unfolded for their lives, giving them hope again. “Where is your husband? It’s like there is no understanding. You feel that your husband doesn’t understand you and you are no longer happy being married. He is a good man, he just doesn’t know how to show you love. He loves you; he also loves the family, he takes care of the family. But you need to see something in your own aspect as a woman. I will give you advice afterwards. Jesus loves you!”

Giving all glory to God, they wanted to confirm in a few words all that was happening in their lives.
Ms. Mamy explained that she was extremely lonely in her family and even felt that her husband no longer understood her at all. The dialogue that should have existed between them as a couple had been lost, and Ms. Mamy felt a strong sense of revenge towards her husband, as he preferred to watch TV or work on his phone instead of spending time with her.
Wanting to confirm his wife’s words, Mr. Manuel first thanked God for intervening in their lives and restoring their marriage. Indeed, he confirmed that they were struggling quite a bit with the state of their marriage and were looking for a permanent solution. Now they are both grateful to God for what He has given them and are ready to make the best of their relationship.
They promised to follow God’s Word, because without God, they could do nothing, as they recognised.
If you feel that your situation is hopeless, if you feel that you have tried everything but nothing works, turn your hope to Jesus Christ, because with God on your side, you can face the final straight of life with courage!

All people desire to know their calling, to know what purpose they have been created for, and they pray to God to show them which way to go in life. So, while they wait for the Lord to speak to them through dreams, they ignore that what their heart is telling them is their calling. In other words, they do not know that a dream is not only what you see when you sleep, but everything that passes through your heart as a child of God. Ms. Inesa was facing a myriad of problems while trying to understand what she was created for, thus, she wasted no time in seeking God in His living church!
When the time came for the Prophets to move among those present, man of God Stavros approached Ms. Inesha and said the following prophetic words to her: “You have some demonic attacks in your dreams. They have given you food to eat, this is like poison for your health, to cause you sickness. As we prayed today, you are free from it! After today there will be no more attacks and you will be free. I see that you have love for the work of God, so you should be careful not to go beyond your calling. The Bible teaches us about levels, there are different levels. For example, not anyone can pray for people. If you are not specially trained and assigned to do this job, the demons will overwhelm you. So, be careful not to go beyond your calling. What does the Bible teach us about our calling, how do know our calling? The Bible says, what passes through our heart, this is our calling. The desire that God has put in your heart is your calling. The more you know God through reading the Bible and praying, the more your calling will become clearer to you. You are blessed!”

Then, Ms. Inesa wanted to confirm the prophetic word, saying that she had indeed been suffering from bad dreams for a long time and, indeed, in these dreams she would see people chasing her and giving her food to eat. Although she tried to fight it, as she said, this was not possible. She prayed and read daily but, unfortunately, it was not enough.
As if the demonic attacks were not bad enough for her spiritual life, the bad dreams also had an effect on her health. Ms. Inesa revealed that she suffered from type two diabetes and fibroids.
At the time of prayer, she felt a deep emotion in her heart and felt that the walls that were preventing her from seeing the truth were broken down!
When you are in the arena of healing, the arena of freedom, the arena of salvation, nothing can stay hidden. That is why God Almighty identified her and her problem, and brought a solution!
Full of confidence and joy, Ms. Inesha promised to follow the instruction in righteousness, to read God’s Word daily and to pray! Finally, she promised to return and give her testimony of God’s miracles in her life.
God promised to be faithful to those who are faithful to Him! Therefore, when we believe and trust His guidance, His power works in a miraculous way in our lives!
Whatever the walls that have been put between you and God, it is never too late to return to Him, even if you seem to have gone too far away! God is still waiting for you as the father waited for his prodigal son. The following picture are merely a sample of the love the Lord, through His anointed ones, has shown to those who have decided to seek Him.
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