What great joy it is to be in the presence of Jesus Christ! This gladness was painted on the faces of the believers who came to worship the Lord, Him who was crucified and still continues to pray for us!
Then followed the sermon of the woman of God Evgenia, entitled, “RELATE TO THE HEROES OF FAITH”. She first mentioned the fact that many people call God unjust because of the difficult situations they have experienced. Such an approach, she pointed out, can change the course of one’s life, leading them to sin.

However, there are several Biblical examples of heroes of the faith who were wronged, with God then exalting them! One such instance is found in Genesis 39:19-23. Joseph’s brothers envied him, sold him as a slave, and later he was even accused of assault, resulting in his immediate imprisonment! In all of this Joseph was innocent, yet he blindly trusted God for his defence and he did not allow his faith to waver. So we, too, God’s children, must be willing to go through a season of pain in order to create an eternity of gain!
The prophetess also asked the congregation: “If God was unjust, would He not also destroy Noah? Did not God’s angels save Lot from devastation?” Therefore, God is perfectly just, it’s just that as long as we live, we will continue to be confronted by situations that are not consistent with God’s Word because we are a spirit learning to live in the natural world!
If you feel like life has cheated on you, then look in faith to Jesus Christ! He was unjustly nailed to a cross, so you could be forgiven of your sin and have a life that is fulfilling! So, all you have to do is to relate to the heroes of faith!

Mr. Nahom had an unforgettable experience as he came from Switzerland to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, to receive a divine touch from God Almighty!
During the prayer line, as the man of God Giannis prayed for him, the Spirit of God located him, giving him the following prophetic word: “I see that there is much anger in your heart about some things that have happened in the past. Know that this is the reason for the stagnation in your life, the limitation. So today, as God Almighty has exposed this in your life, He will give you the power to forgive and let it go, and as you do, be assured that breakthrough will come in your life!”
After the end of the service, he began by saying that in 2011 he had given money to his brother to travel to another country, but unfortunately, his brother died during the trip. His parents got angry with Mr. Nahom because they told him: “Did you give money to your brother, so he will die?” This made him angry towards his parents. He often felt distressed, causing him to stop any contact with his family.
Regarding his work, he was trying to open a small business with one of his friends, but it lasted only 3 months before collapsing.
After receiving this prophetic word, he will call his whole family to apologise to them. Full of joy and gratitude, he promised to follow God Almighty for the rest of his life!

When you forgive and let go of offence, something will happen to you that cannot be explained by the natural mind!

Mr. Armel from France saw God’s hand delivering and blessing him from every stagnation in his life. As he stood in the prayer line to receive a divine touch, the Prophetess Evgenia approached him and said to him: “I see a professional breakthrough in your life! I see that you were having a hard time in your professional life, but as you expressed it, the devil will flee from your life. Also, you had many attacks in the dream. What you have to do is be filled with the Word of God in your heart, and that is how you will move forward so that the devil will not be able to stop you!”.
After the prayer, he wanted to confirm all that was said about his life. In particular, he said that although he was working as an engineer, he did not feel satisfied with what he was doing. So, he had a desire in his heart to work either in England or Switzerland, but none of the resumes he sent were accepted. Many times he would send up to 6 resumes in one day, and all of this was going on in his life for at least 4 years!
Finally, regarding dreams, he mentioned that he did see a woman wanting to sleep with him, yet he always prayed to God to overcome it.
Now, Mr. Armel feels happy, optimistic and grateful for all that he has received! So, he has promised to improve his relationship with God and make His Word a guide for his life.

No matter what your situation is, God has something to say! So, the time has come to follow Jesus Christ in faith and truth, as it is the only condition for us as children of God!
Below we see the name of Jesus Christ destroying every work of the devil in people’s lives! His name has power to break the chains!
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