The atmosphere of faith in the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, was palpable as God’s children from all over the world gathered to hear His Word and give Him all the glory, worshipping Him with the encouragement of the worship team!

Then, Prophetess Evgenia gave a wonderful message entitled “RENEW YOUR MIND”, through which she explained the reasons why we need this change, and how to achieve a renewal of mind and life.

The woman of God began her message by stating that many Christians today are overwhelmed by stress in their daily lives because they think that God is depriving them – which is not true. This means that they do not know how to manage their thoughts and their minds, which affects their daily life, their confession and their behaviour. The Prophetess stressed that we should do some self-examination regarding our negative attitudes and, in general, in moments of weakness, and this will help us not to repeat the same mistakes. Our thoughts can bring us or deny us blessings!

Then she read from Matthew 6:25-34: “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? […] For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”, explaining that the reason God tells us these things is so that we may not worry and have peace in our hearts instead! Many times, we do not truly understand God’s Word because we do not read it slowly, carefully and repeatedly. Father God provides everything for us; Of course, He will take care of us, since man is the greatest product of the Holy Spirit! Yet, as our negative confession brings negative things into our lives, we end up blaming others.

Another problem that the Prophetess described is that we care too much about other people’s opinions. Thus, we end up sullen, broadcasting our negative thoughts to others, when we need a free spirit for God to communicate with us and use us! Job, when he lost everything, said “The Lord has given, the Lord has taken away” – this is truly seeking first the Kingdom of God! On the opposite side, the people of Israel in the wilderness, though God provided for their every need in greatness and wonder, never ceased to have a mindset of deprivation!

Moving forward, she also read from Proverbs 13:25, analysing how the wicked described in God’s Word are the unbelievers who are “with one foot in sin,” as she said. Our souls become sick when we sin, and peace leaves our hearts. To the woman who anointed Him with ointment, Jesus Christ said “Your sins are forgiven,” meaning that this was the root of her problem, and when it was solved, the woman was able to have peace again. So, when we sincerely repent and come to God in humility, He will certainly forgive us – the Prophetess emphasized.

In closing her message, she said that the antidote to sin is to walk in the spirit. So, we should first seek the Kingdom of Heaven, and everything else will be added to us. “Start studying God’s Word and walking in the spirit, and God will renew you!” she said, encouraging those in attendance!


Ms. Christine from Belgium returned to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, after the deliverance she received from the man of God Harry in a previous visit, thus wanting to give all the glory to her Liberator by sharing her testimony!

Upon her deliverance, an unclean spirit manifested through her with the words, “I want to destroy her destiny! Her destiny is too great! She will destroy me! My kingdom is in the waters. This is where I live. She loves God too much! She was to be mine! I don’t want her to pray. It torments us, it destroys us! Every time she’s praying, I hate her! I hate her! I want to kill her! I tried everything to stop her.”

Christine began her testimony by stating that it all started when she had seen a fisherman ancestor in a dream. God told her that this man had made a pact with the water he was in. According to this capitulation, her ancestor was performing rituals of worship so that he would remain protected while at sea, and reach land safe and sound. In another dream that Ms. Christine wanted to share, she heard someone announce that she was going to give birth to twins. Suddenly, she felt something enter her body, and when she woke up from this dream, she began to feel something moving inside her.

She and her husband would argue every day, for no particular reason, stressing that she felt an intense, inexplicable desire to fight with him; yet, he never lost his temper nor he was ever aggressive with her. She also added that at certain times in her dreams she saw someone in the form of her husband approaching her sexually, although she knew that it was not her husband.

Psychologically, she used to be severely depressed. She was so sorrowful she had suicidal tendencies, as she could not cope with the inexplicable things that were happening to her. She wondered why she continued to live with all the unpleasant situations she was facing.

Ms. Christine maintained a relationship with God by reading her Bible and spending quality time with Him, but at the time she was having a hard time connecting with Him and allowing the Word to penetrate her heart to understand it better. So, she would feel empty whenever she’d wake up and see that there was no real spiritual development in her life.

Realising that she was battling with spiritual entities that were causing her tension and pressure, when the man of God Harry approached her to pray for her, Ms. Christine began to tremble, and felt a power rise from within her, pushing her aside and taking control of her body! She watched what unfolded like a prisoner in the corner, unable to react, listening to the Prophet’s conversation with the unclean spirit.

The first change she noticed after she visited the arena of freedom, was the extreme love she suddenly felt for her husband when she saw him, and she has never had the desire to quarrel with him since. The spiritual attacks in the dream and the nightmares have ceased for good since then, and her relationship with Jesus Christ has improved and increased greatly with each passing day, while she now receives revelations and has an understanding of the Word she reads. Also, any thoughts of ending her life have disappeared and she no longer feels sad at all! Her thoughts are thoughts of joy, success, optimism and hope!

Her advice to the congregation is to never give up, no matter what they are going through, because Jesus Christ will never give up on anyone, He will provide a solution to their every problem and give them victory, as He is the victor! Finally, she promised to fulfil God’s purpose for her life and to live according to His will!

In Isaiah 41:10, God’s Word teaches us not to fear, for the Lord will strengthen us, help us, and uphold us with His righteous hand. All you need to do is call upon Him, as He is always willing to run to His children!


Ms. Elizabeth from Curacao came to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica. Although she did not share this dream with anyone, the Holy Spirit surprised her and located her in the prayer line.

Under the instruction of the Holy Spirit, Prophetess Evgenia spoke the following to Ms. Elizabeth: “I see that a spiritual husband comes in your dreams. This has destroyed your relationships and in general, wants to destroy anything good God wants to give you. One of those blessings that the Lord wants to bless you with is a financial breakthrough, but the devil wants to stop it. Since you will be free today, this thing that the Lord put in your heart, you should do it. This is a problem that not only you face but other people in your family, your ancestors faced it as well. Because they sacrificed to idols. And if you are not disconnected, this will go to your children as well. And it will cause quarrels and disturbance in your life. But today it will be broken in the name of Jesus Christ. What you have to do is to surrender your heart to Jesus Christ, so that you can maintain this.”

After the service was over, she confirmed the content of the prophetic word. First, she mentioned that she often saw someone approaching her in her dreams. This “person” would transform himself into a face familiar to her, to seduce her to come to him and make her his own. However, Prophet T. B. Joshua, the general overseer of the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations in Lagos, Nigeria, before he departed to the Lord, always appeared and encouraged her to pray.

Also, before coming to the church he saw the same person sitting on a box that she knew was hers. This dream manifested when she recently discovered that the company she had been working for, had been withholding money she was legally entitled to. Inevitably, the case was taken to court.

Ms. Elizabeth pointed out that when the Prophetess spoke of a financial breakthrough, she immediately knew that this was the case. Beyond the dreams, she confirmed that the same spirit affected many members of her family as well because no woman in her family was married.

Seeing how God intervened in her case, she promised to follow Him even more now!

When God is involved in your battle, your victory is assured because the extent of His care and the strength of His might in our lives weaken and frustrate our adversaries.


It was a shocking day for Ms. Elisa from Romania, a resident of Germany, as she came to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, and God put an end to the chaos in her life!

During the prayer line, as Prophet Michael approached her, Ms. Eliza felt the power of God and began to tremble and cry. The Spirit of God, therefore, located her, giving her the following prophetic word: “You have to start reading your Bible. I see you in a building full of crazy people. Satan wants to attack your mind so you go crazy. This is an attack! You are in the right place. Jesus will set you free! Read your Bible and you will be normal!”

Later, she wished to confirm all that the Holy Spirit had revealed. She began by saying that for four weeks he had been experiencing demonic attacks. She had seen a woman in her dream who had taken the form of her sister, and since that day when she woke up, she was no longer normal, as she had no patience, joy or peace.

In more detail, her behaviour was not as before. Her relationship with her husband was in crisis, as there was no attraction or understanding between them. Her mind was affected, as she had to be pushed by someone to think and do various assignments and jobs. While she was a good housewife and had a lot of energy in her, it all started to go downhill.

Also, she had no relationship with God, because she didn’t do her part to study the Word.

But in the midst of setback, there is hope; Jesus Christ is the Hope! Now, full of gratitude to God Almighty, she promised from now on to read her Bible and serve Him for the rest of her life!

Only Jesus Christ can turn your mess into a message and your test into a great testimony! Praise God for He is still using His servants to change lives, nations, and the entire world!


A special day was Sunday for Mr. Samuel, who saw the mighty hand of God set him free from the bondage of the devil in his life. At the time of the prayer line, Prophetess Evgenia approached him and gave him the following prophetic word: “You have anxiety. You are very anxious about everything, and mostly about your future; that’s what makes you most stressed, and sometimes you can’t concentrate. Sometimes you cannot even sleep, and this exhausts you. What you should do to have joy in your heart and to fill that void inside, is to follow Jesus Christ! From today on if you think correctly, according to the Word of God, no matter what you do, you will do it successfully!

After thanking God from the bottom of his heart, he wanted to confirm all that was revealed to him during the prayer time. He started by saying that many times in his life he had experienced the feeling of betrayal from friends and relatives, and as a result he felt lonely and stressed. The fact that he was involved in businesses, created an even greater anxiety, as many times he invested in various projects but did not get the profit he was going for.

He also explained that God showed him, through various dreams, jobs he had to do in software design, but just before the work was completed, a negative thought would always come into his mind and ruin everything. Because of all this stress, sleeping at night for him was not an easy task as the hours ticked by, and all he could do was think about what he did wrong all day long. So, he ended up sleeping one to two hours a day.

The lack of trust in God was something that made him depressed more and more and as a result, he felt completely alone in this battle! So, when he heard the word of the Prophetess and the wonderful message she had preached that day, he realized how much he needed to trust God completely and to leave all his problems to Him. Feeling ready for the changes that would come, Mr. Samuel promised to make the Holy Spirit the focus of his life!

The quality of faith is not measured by our attitude to God when things are good, but when times are hard – that is, when our fate seems to hang in the balance.

In the photos below we see the mighty hand of God at work in people’s lives, setting them free from every evil bondage!

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