With time already ticking down to the arrival of the new year, the children of God gathered at the Christian Church of All Nations – Thessalonica! Accompanied by hyms of worship, the believers prayed to Him, so that everything that held them captive to their problems, every weakness and worry would not follow them into their new beginning! With the corresponding anticipation, therefore, they waited to hear a message that would give them the appropriate advice to leave their old life exactly where it belonged; to the previous year!

And the truth is that God did not disappoint them, as the message of Prophet Javier was entitled “RENEW YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD!”. Undoubtedly, the words that each attendee heard will be a light on their path and a lamp to their feet!

In his introduction, the servant of God spoke about the fact that just before the threshold of every new year, we usually set goals, such as starting a gym or learning a foreign language. However, many of us fail to keep our resolutions till the end, and if we fail to keep our resolutions, we would be looking forward to a new beginning in the incoming year. The Prophet also added that while the aforementioned goals are perfectly good, he led the audience to wonder where Jesus Christ is in all of this, urging them to give Him the absolute priority He deserves in their lives.

Then read from Deuteronomy 30:15-20: “See, I set before you today life and prosperity, death and destruction.  For I command you today to love the Lord your God, to walk in obedience to him, and to keep his commands, decrees and laws; then you will live and increase, and the Lord your God will bless you in the land you are entering to possess. But if your heart turns away and you are not obedient, […]. This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live and that you may love the Lord your God, listen to his voice, and hold fast to him. For the Lord is your life, and he will give you many years in the land he swore to give to your fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob”. The man of God likened the above verses to a contract. When we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we are actually declaring that we accept His terms, that is, we cease to live according to our own will and according to our fleshly desires. As long as we are completely devoted to Him, there are corresponding blessings waiting to be manifested in our lives.

“Are you happy with the life you are living?” was a question the Prophet asked. If not, then the solution is to rededicate yourself to God. Self-examination will help you understand where your relationship with Him is at.

Of course, someone may claim that because of their challenges it is impossible to have peace in their heart. But as Christians, that is what we are called to do! And indeed, when Jesus becomes your Coach, you will be asked to see what is not yet seen, to do what is not yet done, to say what is not yet said! However, our role still necessary; if we do not exercise our faith and allow everything to negatively affect us, it is tantamount to denying God’s blessings upon us!

Thus, the servant of God Javier emphatically emphasided: “Fight the good fight!”. In closing, he reminded God’s people that it is not the year that makes us new; we make the year new by the way we live it.


Witchcraft is widely considered a product of fantasy. Green witches with big noses and wizards with beards and funny hats are constantly featured in children’s stories. Witchcraft, however, is something very real and dangerous! As children of God, we must recognise such demonic practices and guard ourselves, examining everything in the light of God’s Word, and refusing to take part in anything dubious!

Mrs. Hajia, suffering from the effects of witchcraft in her life, decided to visit the Christian Church of All Nations – Thessalonica to receive her freedom once and for all! When Prophetess Evgenia prayed for her in the prayer line, she said to her: “I see that they have done witchcraft on you. And not only that, you also had family curses. That is why you have problems, illnesses, and diseases. And if we go back to your ancestors, you had deaths in the family. From today you will be free and your life and that of your family will change. All these witchcrafts will go away, the family curses will go away, and everything will be different!” Then, the Prophetess declared Mrs. Hajia and her family free, in the name of Jesus Christ.

After that, Ms. Hajia confirmed the words of the prophecy. She explained that when she was 22 years old, her parents pressured her to get married. So, they took her to a « spiritualist », who made a special potion for her, like water, with which she should wash herself every night. He also gave her an amulet to wear permanently around her waist. These were supposed to help her get married. Also, because many people saw her as something different, her father told her that she should cut her skin and put a « medicine » on the wound to protect her. Saying this, she pointed to the marks on her body where these incisions were made.

She went on to say that her entire family suffers from illnesses and sudden deaths. Even her children have chronic diseases, such as asthma, but also short-term ones. She was also diagnosed with HIV a few years ago…

The demonic influence did not stop there, but continued to destroy other areas of her life. She kept having trouble with her residency, and instead of getting permanent papers, they need to be renewed every 6 months or a year. Her first husband left her for another woman, and she was having problems with her current husband, because she stopped being attracted to him, causing him to worry.

After the prophecy and the prayer she received, she thanked God with all her heart, believing that she and her family have been set free forever!

As children of God, we should listen to the voice of our conscience, and remove ourselves from any situation that we are not 100% sure of in our spirit. It can be a movie, an activity, even a conversation, because our conscience is God’s instrument of discernment.


Often, the problems that torment us are not limited to psychology or everyday life, but have deeper spiritual roots. When emotions such as uncontrollable anger begin to tear apart relationships, negatively affect work, and erode family life, the solution is not found in human means alone. It is vital to recognize that the real cause may lie in spiritual realms, requiring corresponding spiritual intervention. By ignoring this reality, we miss the opportunity to achieve meaningful and lasting deliverance!

Indeed, God located Mr. Musengeli who came from South Africa for solution and He revealed to him the root of his problem, even though he did not know the reason his life was stagnant! As he visited the Christian Church of All Nations – Thessalonica and took part in the laying of hands, the man of God, George Athanasiadis, prayed over him giving him the following prophetic word: “I see a spirit of anger! You get angry uncontrollably and without proper cause, for no good reason. This affect you in your relationship, in your working place, in your house. This anger can make you go crazy. You can get so angry and get out on the street without clothes because you are very angry with what happened. This is an attack! An evil spirit is attacking you. Today you are going to be set free and enter the new year free. Make sure to follow God to maintain it!”.

Shortly after receiving the prophecy, he wanted to confirm what the man of God George, had said. He began by saying that he believed he could control his anger and had not realised that it was a demonic attack! Anger, of course, had deeply affected every aspect of his life! In his family, in his work, but also in his relationships with his friends, this weakness of his constantly created tensions.

In his job as a procurement engineer, whenever an issue arose, he reacted so strongly that it attracted all the attention and caused problems when nothing serious had happened. Many times, for example, when he was assigned a task that he felt was not part of his duties, he would immediately get angry and say that he should not carry it out. If someone gave him instructions at a time when he was not willing, he would immediately get angry and say that it was not within his job duties in order to avoid that task. Those around him observed his behavior and saw that he was getting extremely angry over issues that were not of any real importance. The last incident he remembered was a disagreement with a colleague, which ended up being discussed in front of the company manager to resolve the misunderstanding because he was out of control!

This uncontrollable anger that Mr. Misengellini faced also affected his family circle, as he was married and the father of a child. The anger, daily, distanced him from his wife and child! Whenever something bothered him, he preferred to distance himself from everyone, avoiding contact. Even when they tried to talk to him or help him, he reacted even more abruptly, asking them to leave him alone!

After the prophecy he received, he began to see things differently! He understood that his anger had its roots in his childhood, when he lost his father. He had felt that his mother was responsible for this loss, and this created a deep, subconscious trauma within him that affected his entire life until God freed him once and for all!

Now, Mr. Musengeli feels free and happy to enter the new year without any burden in his life! He even promised God that he would remain honest with Him and maintain his daily relationship with Him and never lose his faith in Him!

God is the source of all true solutions and deliverance. With His love and wisdom, He heals the wounds of the soul and brings peace where confusion reigns. As Christians, whenever we are tempted, we should always remember that our foundation, defense, or answer is quite simple: the written and eternal Word of God. Faith in Him is the light that leads through the darkness and the power that transforms difficulties into opportunities for spiritual renewal.


There are many who believe that the dreams we see have absolutely no connection or relationship with the visible and physical world. They believe that they come from the realm of the imagination and the subconscious of man. As a result, even when dreams warn us of future or even present situations, we do not realise it… Two very common dreams that portend negative situations in a person’s life are eating in the dream, and seeing people chasing them. These dreams require spiritual treatment, and specifically the power of Jesus Christ, which can eliminate any demonic attack of the devil!

Ms. Kande was getting demonic attacks in her dreams and that was the reason she traveled from Austria to the Christian Church of All Nations – Thessalonica, to find a solution to the numerous problems she was facing. The anointing of God was not long in locating her since as soon as the man of God George Christodoulou prayed for her in the laying on of hands, the Spirit of God had the following to say: “I see many attacks in your dreams. You are facing demonic attacks. People are chasing you sometimes with knives, with guns and sometimes they feed you in your dreams. This is what causes all the problems you are facing in your life. I also see sadness and disappointment in your life. Don’t worry! Since you are here today and the problem has been revealed, you will be set free!”.

Indeed, what the Spirit of God revealed was absolutely true, since as she confirmed, she had been seeing such dreams for more than 14 years, even though she prayed before going to sleep. In fact, the demonic attacks became even more intense when she decided to draw closer to God through prayer and fasting.

In addition, she experienced stagnation in her career and every time a breakthrough was approaching, a good opportunity for progress and development, everything was destroyed. Although she wanted to make financial moves, study nursing and change her level in life, unfortunately, none of her moves was successful.

Furthermore, because of the demonic influence she was under, she was having problems with her son, who, while very good, began to change for the worse! This plunged Mrs. Kande into sadness and frustration, as the man of God mentioned, because as a single mother she saw her son heading towards destruction, without being able to do anything to help him. She saw people around her progressing, improving and blessed, while she felt that she was in a big hole of setbacks.

Her life, however, was about to change, since Jesus Christ had set her free to the glory of the Lord! Defeat and failure are now things of the past and now success is as certain as the sunrise. Finally, she happily promised to continue following Jesus Christ, studying and praying, so that she would have a stable relationship with Him!

Our focus as Christians should be only on what God says about our situation and not on what our situation says. Therefore, no matter how bad the situation we face seems to be, God has the final say!

Year comes, year goes, Jesus Chris remains the same! Proof? The photos below!

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