One more blessed Sunday is over, and people experienced unique moments, as the atmosphere was full of emotion and hope! People from all over the world gathered to honour the Great Healer, the Great Deliverer, the Great Provider, by letting their hearts be filled with love and gratitude!
An inspiring message entitled “BUT SEEK FIRST HIS KINGDOM OF GOD AND HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS, AND ALL THESE THINGS WILL BE GIVEN TO YOU AS WELL”, was delivered by the man of God Kastriot, through which he gave valuable lessons to those present. He began by saying that most parents advise their children so they can succeed and become great in life. However, they have failed or are still failing to say that there is another kind of success that comes from God and transcends any human knowledge and success because God is the Creator of success!

He pointed out that in Matthew 6:33-34, the Word of God says: “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” Nevertheless, many Christians seek earthly treasures nowadays. They sacrifice their brothers, their own families, to have money, power, authority, and everything they desire. He thus revealed that if God would gratify all our desires, it would soon appear that we desire fame and authority and are unwilling to taste Christ’s cup or have His baptism. He further explained that very few seek the kingdom of God in faith and truth because the Kingdom of God requires sacrifice, faith, and direction!
He then took the biblical passage from Mark 10:17-23, “As Jesus started on his way, a man ran up to him and fell on his knees before him. “‘Good teacher,’ he asked, ‘what must I do to inherit eternal life?’ ‘Why do you call me good?’ Jesus answered. ‘No one is good—except God alone. You know the commandments: ‘You shall not murder, you shall not commit adultery, you shall not steal, you shall not give false testimony, you shall not defraud, honour your father and mother.’ ‘Teacher,’ he declared, ‘all these I have kept since I was a boy.’ Jesus looked at him and loved him. ‘One thing you lack,’ he said. ‘Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.’ At this the man’s face fell. He went away sad, because he had great wealth. Jesus looked around and said to his disciples, ‘How hard it is for the rich to enter the kingdom of God!’” It is obvious that in the first place in this young man’s heart were wealth and money. When man’s judgment is based only on what is seen, heard, and on what the circumstances look like. This kind of judgment is limited and cannot understand God.

He went on to say that many people believe that God does not know what they need. “Can you be a father and not know what your child needs?” was the question that he asked the congregation. He stressed that God will give you something you need, when you need it, if you need it! If you do not see yourself the way God sees you, you will not see your real value, and if you do not see your real value, you will not be able to fulfil the purpose that God has created you for. God gives generously to those who seek Him in faith and truth! Because, a man of faith does things out of peace of mind, not for money, not for popularity, not for fame. He added that Job had everything he wanted, and yet, in the blink of an eye, he found himself without property, sick and desperate. Despite all these, he said: “The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away, may the name of the Lord be praised!” Job acted out of peace of mind, not for money, not for popularity, not for fame, for he knew that everything he had was from above, it was not his own!
In closing, he urged the people of God to do their best in life, because life is too short to waste time on things that have no eternal value!

Ms. Chantal from the Netherlands wanted to publicly thank God for all the miraculous things He has done in her life. Therefore, she visited the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, to give all glory to her Creator!
On a previous visit, she received the following prophetic word from Prophetess Evgenia, “I see that sometimes your sleep is not good. You do not sleep well. Also, something is moving inside you sometimes. Don’t worry, God will deliver you. This is the reason you have these sicknesses. The devil has given them to you so you are not happy. Today you will be delivered, in the name of Jesus!”
She said that as she visited the supermarket once and was carrying her groceries, an acquaintance, after paying her a compliment that she always looked pretty, touched her hands very ostentatiously, which made her feel very uncomfortable. She tried not to pay much attention to the incident, but that same night she saw a crocodile in her dream, something very strange and unusual for her, and so she woke up scared and shocked. An even more shocking thing, as she mentioned, was that after the dream she had with the crocodile moving left and right, she began to feel something inside her moving in the same aggressive way! The demonic attacks had just begun for Ms. Chantal…
She lost her peace, and ever since she has been tormented because of this moving object. She could neither rest nor sleep, and she felt something violently kicking her inside her body. The uncomfortable feeling of this movement was not limited only to her stomach, but even reached her leg… She felt tired every day, she lacked energy, but she could not speak to anyone about it, so as not to scare her family or hurt them unintentionally, as she knew that she was under demonic attack. Since she could not speak to anyone, she kept her distance from her husband and children, so this moving object would not be transferred to them, however, they noticed her strange and distant behaviour.
Ms. Chantal’s problems did not stop there, she began to experience nosebleeds and constant headaches, something also new to her. When she visited the family doctor, she was not given any official medical diagnosis, as nothing was found to be medically wrong with her health. Convinced that the root of her problems was spiritual and feeling miserable, helpless, and angry, she decided to search the internet about this problem, in an attempt to help herself. This is how she was led to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica!

Her belief that it was indeed God who spoke to her during her first visit to the arena of liberty, remained deeply engraved in her memory, as no one knew what she was going through.
After the prayer by Prophetess Evgenia and the prophetic word she received, that night when she fell asleep, she noticed that the nose bleeding stopped and that she no longer felt dizzy! Moreover, she stopped feeling any kind of movement inside her and now she sleeps very well, seeing no strange dreams to frighten her! Moreover, she can touch and hug her family without fear!
Her advice to the congregation is to pray to God, as only He can provide a permanent and effective solution to every problem because Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life!
Jesus Christ has already carried every problem to the Cross of Calvary, and no one and nothing can separate you from the love of God Father! Whatever you are going through now, know that prayer is the shortcut to the solution you are seeking!

Another family was delivered to the glory of God, as they came from Germany to the Synagogue, Church of All Nations Thessalonica, to ask for His grace and mercy. Ms. Susan, Mr. Gabriel and their son, Mr. Akamin, arrived believing that great changes would take place in their lives!
During the prayer line, when the man of God Kastriot prayed for her, a spirit manifested from Ms. Susan, saying the following: “Why would she serve God? Why would she cry for the family? Why would she cry for the husband’s family? Don’t do that! Tell them to cry for themselves! You said ‘salvation is personal’. Why would she be disturbing us because of that? We have been there in the family. Their parents, they brought us in! She is just one of the scapegoats! She was fine, everything was fine, but when she started looking for light… We don’t like that! You like it; we don’t like it! It exposes things, you don’t see that? Their father brought me inside the house. They worship me. The boys are just in one place. The girls, they think they are married; they are not! Since your Master came and removed her from that place, she started fighting us! She told the family that ‘I will deliver you people’. We are very angry! Her whole body is in pain, but she is always smiling. Her colleagues at work, they love her because she’s always smiling. Because she learnt one thing from Prophet TB Joshua: ‘When the devil tells you something, smile. When you continue smiling, the devil will leave you alone.’ So, this stupid idiot held on to that word! When she wakes up, she cannot walk; she will start to sing! You can ask this other one, this man. He took our daughter from us! […] He took her from us. He is very calm; we provoke him, but he doesn’t react! It gets me really angry but he is always calm, and we hate that!” Then the prophet rebuked the unclean spirit and Ms. Susan rejoiced with cries of relief as a huge weight was lifted off her shoulders!

Then, as the man of God prayed for the rest of the family, he gave a prophetic word to Mr. Akamin: “The company you keep… The fact that you are here today is a miracle. When I say miracle, it is a miracle, as in today you would not even exist! It is the prayer of your parents that has kept you alive.” Mr. Akamin replied that indeed, it is. Deeply moved, his mother also confirmed the word; “Man of God, it is greatly true! When I gave birth to him, he almost died! Even his friends, as you said… It is the prayers of the parents!” The prophet replied to her, “Now that he has come here he will be set free. He has a role to play. God will help him, He will open his mind, and you will see that from now on he will be the man of the house! As we said, God will help him. He has a role to play: to humble himself, to ask his parents for every step he needs to take, and God will lead him to his calling!” Then, the man of God declared Mr. Akamin free, in the name of Jesus Christ!

Later on, this blessed family stayed to explain how all that was previously exposed is true. Ms. Susan began by saying that she had indeed been crying and praying for her family for a long time. When she began watching Prophet T. B. Joshua and taking lessons from him, she was spiritually awakened. Indeed, based on this teaching, in the midst of difficulties she glorified God! In fact, she mentioned that at her workplace, many times she had to reach a higher floor, but at the times she needed to go back to a lower floor, it was almost impossible for her, that was how much pain she was experiencing in her body! The doctors could not find anything wrong with her, and told her it was of her age, but she knew that her problem was beyond normal.
In addition, she told the story of how this idol entered her family. When her stepmother gave birth, her children died one after another, in short intervals of three days, weeks and months. This led her father to go to the place of his birth and bring an idol. After he brought the idol, the men of the village began to die, and so the village lost about 10 men in a very short period of time. Then children started dying too! So, the people of the village cursed her family, saying: “Since you brought this upon us, you should suffer as we suffer!”
Her husband, Mr. Gabriel, in turn, confirmed the words the unclean spirit said about him. Many times, he felt that Ms. Susan was provocative and tried to make him angry, but he ignored these attempts. Sometimes she would apologize to him for her ways, sometimes not, but for him life went on.
Mr. Akamin also confirmed that his friends were bad for him. Not only did they not help him progress in life, but they were dangerous! Together with his friends they drank, smoked, partied, came home very late and got into trouble. Once, as he pointed out, he and his friends got into a very serious fight, which could have ended very badly for him. Despite seeing his bad choices, he never listened to his parents and always did whatever he pleased. After receiving this glorious visitation from the Spirit of God, he believes that his life will be drastically changed, and he promised God to continue seeking Him, to continue praying and trusting Him!
Ms. Susan promised God, her Deliverer, to continue being guided by Him!
Mr. Gabriel promised to remain faithful to God so that His mercy would continue to speak for him and his family!
If you do not see yourself the way God sees you, you will not see your real value. And if you do not see your real value, you will not be able to fulfill the purpose which God has created you for!

Mr. James from Portugal, a footballer and physiotherapy student, experienced 12 years of instability in his career. However, he knew there was something behind it. So, he came to the Synagogue, Church of All Nations Thessalonica, believing that God would shed light to his case.
At the time of the prayer line, the man of God Kastriot said the following to Mr. James: “I see that someone took your picture and took it to witchdoctors. While you try to make it in your life, nothing is stable. You go from one place to another, and you cannot do something with your life, because your picture is there, and it’s as if it is in hell. The demons have it there so you do not have any breakthrough in your life. You cannot control yourself. Many times, you wake up and say, “What is going on?” We will pray, and everything that satan has used against you will be broken, and you will come to give your testimony for the glory of God!”

After the service, Mr. James confirmed that what was said by the Prophet Kastriot is true. Coming from a polygamous family, his father had two wives, and his mother was the only Christian. He further explained that his mother along with his siblings suffered because their father was not a Christian and his second wife often visited witchdoctors.
He recalled that when he was still a child, he often received attacks in his sleep, during which his father’s second wife would appear to him as his enemy. However, because his mother prayed constantly to God, these attacks had no power over him. Until one night, in his dream, one of his father’s second wife’s children asked him to lend him one of his football jerseys. This request, though it seemed normal, had Mr. James puzzled. Although he never gave up that jersey, after that dream his career started going downhill. Everywhere he went, while he started off well at first, things took a bad turn for him… This situation, in fact, kept repeating…
At some point, being extremely annoyed with his situation, he was offered the opportunity to enter Turkey illegally to play for a team. Although hesitant at first, he decided to grab this opportunity. Of course, this decision did not lead him to Turkey – as he had intended – but to Nigeria, Iran and, finally, Portugal. After 12 years of constant changes in his profession, he had nothing good to show for it.
It is with great faith, however, that Mr. James now proclaims: “God heard my prayer, located me and exposed the root of my problem. I know that the curse of stagnation in my life has been broken!”
There are some things we need to do and some things God needs to do. Do your part, draw near to Him, and God will do His!
In the photos below we see visitors from all over the world as they travelled to experience the divine presence, an experience that would mark the new beginning in their relationship with God!
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