A multitude of people from far and wide visited the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations, Thessalonica, in order to give all glory, thanksgiving, and worship to the One and Only Almighty God! The Lord, always faithful to His appointment, moved mightily among the attendees, filling the place with His inconceivable presence!
The already charged by the Spirit of God atmosphere was lifted by the message of the man of God Stavros, entitled: “START MANAGING YOUR LIFE!”. With this message, the man of God gave answers to the believers who over the years, despite all the prayers and fasting they offered to God, do not see their situation changing, but getting worse. In particular, he stressed that a man’s life is what he thinks about all day long.

He pointed out that it is very difficult for humans to manage our thoughts, as we are confronted with thoughts of failure, fear, uncertainty, and inferiority. As we cannot manage our thoughts, it is impossible to manage our lives, it is impossible to move forward, the prophet stressed. In fact, he emphasised that a person who does not manage his mind properly will find themselves in a situation they despise since their life will be going where their thoughts are going.
Then, based on what the Word of God says in Acts 16:22, he pointed out that apostle Paul faced a great challenge when he was put in prison. The thoughts that surrounded him were intended to make him feel guilty and abandoned by God. However, as a genuine child of God, he was able to discern that these thoughts were not from God, but were the doubts that his own situation was trying to put in his mind to give up! Apostle Paul had been able to manage his mind and his thoughts, which is why his mind was not his master, but his servant! Having this ability, there was absolutely nothing he could not achieve. That is why he testified in faith and determination that he could accomplish anything, through Jesus Christ empowering him! Unlike apostle Paul, in the face of difficulties, many Christians begin to doubt that God is with them and that He is protecting them. So, the first area to overcome as children of God is in our spiritual life and mind, because victory does not start around us, but it begins within us, as prophet Stavros mentioned. Apostle Paul’s handling of his situation played a crucial role in his situation, as God’s Word teaches us that when we handle our difficult times with care, they will soon turn into good times! But when we do not handle our good times with care, then they will soon turn into bad times.
In every situation we face, we have a role to play, whether things are bad or good. When a Christian does not handle his situation properly and starts complaining, first, the situation is worsening, and second, he is not willing to change it! In doing so, he puts God in a position where He cannot bless him. Next, the servant of God referred to a basic principle of the Christian life, that God chooses what we go through, but we choose how we go through it. Finally, he emphasised that as children of God, the fact is that there is no situation that is unmanageable because God Almighty has put within us the ability to manage situations, the ability to survive, thrive and succeed!

Mrs. Flora, originally from Albania, residing in Athens, visited the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, and experienced the power of the Great Deliverer who broke every demonic activity in her life!
During the laying on of hands, as the man of God Stavros was praying for her, he told her the following: “Some people you associate with are involved in spiritual things, disentanglement, some strange things, cups… and they affect you negatively. You don’t keep company with them every day, but you went once or twice and they affected you. Be careful where you go, and whose house you go into. Not all people are from God. They may say they believe in God, but what they do is not from God, it is from other forces. God has delivered you today from all these demonic influences, but you have to be careful of the people you associate with.”

Mrs. Flora confirmed that all this was true, as she had experienced two incidents in her life. First, she mentioned that the first incident was 15 years ago, when a woman read her the cup. However, she was unaware that this would have a negative impact on her life. This woman’s act with the cup affected her to such an extent that she became anxious, had demonic attacks, and on top of that her child was involved in a very serious car accident! Moreover, her sleep was also affected as she had nightmares. In one of her attacks, she saw herself climbing a staircase, and as she wanted to go up to the third floor, she was on the first floor and ended up trapped. All of this made her realise that she was being attacked because of being read the cup.
She added that in the second incident, she was helping a woman by doing her household chores. That woman told Ms. Flora that she would disentangle her, resulting in her taking her tablet and saying some words to her from inside her head, so she would disentangle her. This woman was 82 years old, and every time Mrs. Flora went to help her twice a week for the past three years, she had been subjected to demonic attacks. She mentioned that when she would enter that woman’s house, something would choke her, and she would immediately start to tear up. Not only that, but she also felt pressure and swelling in her throat and her stomach.
Delivered from everything that spiritually imprisoned her, she promised her Creator that she would follow Him for the rest of her life, serve Him and never turn away from Him!
Our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against the authorities, powers and principalities of this world! Therefore, every time your condition exceeds the natural, it becomes a curse that only the Savior of this world can break! His name is Jesus Christ!

God reveals Himself to redeem and restore! Mr. Nqobazhitha came all the way from the United Kingdom to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, to seek God’s intervention in his life’s affairs. Indeed, how glad he was to experience God’s power because he was located and his case was attended to!
During the prayer line, Mr. Nqobazhitha was privileged to receive a prophetic message from the Holy Spirit, through the man of God Sorin: “I see satan attacking you through dreams and you see all kinds of dreams: dreams on the side of sexual intercourse, and also on the side of destruction and death; people coming against you. God Almighty has exposed this now. He will disconnect you from this and your life will change in Jesus’ mighty name from today!”.

After the service, Mr. Nqobazhitha confirmed that the prophecy 100% accurately reflects the experience he’s been having in his dreams for the past 10 years, including seeing dead relatives, a spirit of death chasing him, a spiritual wife that frequently visited him, as well as seeing himself passing through a cemetery or graveyard! At times, he would first see someone dying in the dream, and then it would come to pass in reality.
Regarding the part of the prophecy about destruction and people coming against him, Mr. Nqobazhitha said that often times in his dreams, he would see himself getting shot in the dream on his left leg, in his chest, or in his arm. He would also see someone pushing him to smoke, even being chased and attacked by snakes!
When these dreams occurred, Mr. Nqobazhitha found himself discouraged to pray because it seemed that by praying he was actually provoking demons to attack him even more. He would get easily irritated by any small thing! These dreams would lead him to feel like he is not satisfied with life, he’s not reaching his full potential, that he has to arrive somewhere, but that there was a blockage somewhere.
But because of Mr. Nqobazhitha’s persistence to seek God, the Lord honoured him by completely disconnecting him from these experiences of his past. He now has hope that after his deliverance, the spirits that were against him have now been cast out and replaced with God’s presence! He believes that his spiritual life will now be positive!
With profound gratitude for the freedom and breakthrough he received, Mr. Nqobazhitha’s promise to God is to pray always no matter the situation, no matter the situation as well as to make the Word of God the standard for his life, so that can maintain his freedom!
That we’re Christians does not mean we will not experience attacks or go through hard times. But be encouraged because, though satan aims at destroying our confidence in God, hard times must not stop you, but should encourage you to exercise your faith as a Christian!

When Ms. Naomi from the Netherlands came to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, to encounter the presence of God, she felt really blessed from this experience that changed her life completely!
During the prayer line, Ms. Naomi had the privilege to receive a prophetic word from the Holy Spirit, through Prophetess Evgenia. She told her, “You see bad dreams and this affects your daily life. You may probably don’t remember because the devil has the ability to erase these dreams, but what I want to tell you is that as you start your day, you are in sadness, having negatives thoughts, instead of being happy. This is an attack, in order for you not to succeed in your calling. From today, all these will stop and you will start a new life, in the name of Jesus Christ!”.

At the end of the service, she confirmed the prophetic message was true and she explained that she had bad and lustful dreams and this was affecting her daily life, as she was in a bad mood. She also mentioned that most of the time, she forgot the dreams she was seeing…
Along with the bad dreams, negative thoughts would flood her mind, which caused her to feel disappointment and fear! As a result, her daily life was affected, she was always sad, grumpy and angry and she couldn’t resist to all these negative emotions. Therefore, her physical condition was also affected, feeling weakness close to exhaust all the time, even if she woke up from bed.
After that, Ms. Naomi confessed that her social life was affected, as she isolated herself from other people. In the end, she expressed her excitement for the breakthrough she received, believing that God will change her life forever! Additionally, she promised to seek Him more and have a closer relationship with Him!
As a believer, it’s your relationship with God that makes your problems different! For the children of God, challenges are not meant to destroy them, but to increase their zeal for Him!
The following pictures show the Spirit of God moving with power and might, breaking every chain of darkness, setting the captives free, healing the sick and giving all the blessings to those who seek His face with sincerity of heart and life!
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