The power of the Holy Spirit was especially tangible in the Christian Church Of All Nations – Thessalonica, drawing all believers into a deeper connection with God. The atmosphere was peaceful, full of awe and anticipation, while everyone was eager to hear the message, looking forward to answers and guidance for their personal issues. The hope for blessing, healing and divine direction was evident to all who had come with open hearts and humility to seek God’s presence and wisdom for every area of their lives!
In this peaceful atmosphere, the believers welcomed Prophet Stavros who preached a very instructive and awakening message entitled: “THE GREATEST SACRIFICE” which emphasised obedience as the greatest sacrifice people can offer to God.

The Prophet began his message by referring to a group of people who come to his office to receive advice and guidance on certain matters. While, at first, they seem eager to do what he tells them, they soon become disappointed when his direction does not match the one they had planned in their minds… So, observing this group of believers, he concluded that people are willing to make great sacrifices to buy their healing without understanding the importance of the greatest sacrifice God requires: obedience.
Taking his biblical quote from 2 Kings 5:9-10: “So Naaman went with his horses and chariots and stopped at the door of Elisha’s house. Elisha sent a messenger to say to him, ‘Go, wash yourself seven times in the Jordan, and your flesh will be restored and you will be cleansed.’”, he explained that Naaman, while he wanted to be healed and blessed by the man of God, was faced with an obstacle. His human nature found resistance to the instruction given by the man of God… In his mind, he had already made a plan about how the Prophet would heal him by the power of God, and every scenario he had made in his mind obviously included an encounter with him. However, much to his surprise, this did not happen, causing him great frustration. Even more frustration came when instead of prayer from the man of God himself, he was instructed to wash his face in a dirty river.

Many of us face the same obstacle today. When we come to God for direction, we are willing to make great sacrifices for God, to pay in the worst way, to suffer, simply because we believe that this will earn His healing. However, it is all by grace and there is not quite enough we can do to deserve God’s grace. Some say they will build churches, come to church every Sunday, come kneeling up to the house of God, yet God’s Word clearly explains what He wants from us.“[…] To obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed is better than the fat of rams.” (1 Samuel 15:22). Obedience is the true requirement of God, because the way of obedience is the way of blessing.
In closing his message, he pointed out to the people of God that not only knowledge is enough, but also obedience to God’s instructions! The maturity that comes from faith teaches us that our obligation to Him is not just sacrifice, but deep communion and devotion. If we acknowledge that we do not know it all, then we will realise that the way of obedience is, indeed, the way of blessing!

The stories of these two women, mother and daughter, who came to glorify the name of our Saviour, Jesus Christ, reveal once again that the proof that the Lord is Alive is lives changed! In other words, not only were you not born to suffer in this life, but a wonderful future stretches before you! All you need to do is know who is the provider of what you desire…
The first to speak was Mrs. Kamosi who lives with her family in Canada. Since the age of 25, she has had a problem with her blood pressure, which was high. She also suffered from severe pain in her legs and stomach. As a result, it was extremely difficult for her to carry out her daily tasks, for example cooking and looking after her children.
In order to find a solution, she visited a very good doctor who prescribed a different medication at each visit. Because of the many medications, Mrs. Kamosi ended up having a bowel issue, which prevented her from eating the food she wanted. Moreover, there was absolutely no improvement in her health. Thinking that the inclusion of regular exercise would help her, she started walking daily. However, this too was in vain!
In addition, she often had nightmares. For example, she was seeing either that she was sleeping with other people, eating food, or caring for dead people, such as her parents. The next morning, she was always sick and with a stomach ache. Inevitably, she would lie in bed all day, having a bad temper as she watched her peers in good health.
All of the above forced her to leave her well-paid job. Fortunately for her, however, her employer did not force her to resign, but fired her to help her officially declare her retirement due to health problems.
Mrs. Kamosi’s words were confirmed by her daughter, Ms. Deborah who added that when they went hiking in the mountains, they had to stop frequently so that her mother could rest her legs.
However, at some point, it was time for her appointment with Jesus Christ! And it did not begin on the day of the service, but when she visited the prison of the Apostle Paul and Silas in Philippi. Praying to the Lord, she asked Him to deliver her from every spiritual prison. That night, she had a dream. As she was imprisoned in a dirty jar, the lid suddenly opened and she was set free! On the same night, her husband had exactly the same dream back in Canada!
God, however, did not stop there, but Mrs. Kamosi also received a prophecy from the woman of God Evgenia: “I see you have been given food to eat in the dream. And your stomach started to hurt. You have an upset stomach, and you can’t eat all the food. This is a spiritual thing, for the devil to make you sick. But today you will be set free, in the name of Jesus Christ!”.

When she heard these words, Mrs. Kamosi was surprised. That is because when she joined the prayer line, none of the problems mentioned by the Prophetess were written on her placard! Glad that God answered her prayers, she went back to the hotel where she was staying and ate all the food she wanted without any stomach issues! It goes without saying that the pain in her legs has also disappeared, and the bad dreams are a thing of the past! In fact, when she goes hiking in the mountains, instead of being the last one, she is now the first one, and everyone else follows her!
Then, it was Ms. Deborah’s turn to give her testimony. She works in a company where she has a very good position and has a passion in life: music and singing. Nevertheless, she was not satisfied. The main reason she felt this way was because she had not been married to date. In fact, many people asked her why she has not found a husband so far, when her two younger sisters are already married.
She was afraid that she wasn’t good enough to meet a partner, or that she wasn’t pretty enough. So seeing others get married while she didn’t, hurt her self-esteem, with a direct impact on her musical performance. As a result, these negative thoughts dissuaded her from succeeding in the things she loves.
Furthermore, she longed to study the Bible systematically, but try as she might, she could not stay focused.
Therefore, believing that she needed deliverance, she visited with her mother the Christian Church Of All Nations – Thessalonica where she received a prophetic word at the time of the laying on of hands by Prophet George Athanasiadis: “I see a bright future ahead of you, but that bright future takes time and preparation. Don’t be impatient for it. There is time for everything; time to prepare to succeed, time to get married, it is not for now. We have to prepare with the Word of God. There is a bright future ahead of you, so play your role and follow Jesus. Because you will use this blessing to bless other people. Otherwise, if you do not prepare yourself, why should the blessing come?”

She confessed that she did not expect to hear these words, but she knows that they were the words she needed to hear because she now knows that there is a time for everything. And today is a time to prepare herself with God’s Word and focus on the talent God has given her in music!
Also, after prayer she can read the Bible unhindered, without any problem!
The change in her daughter’s mental state was confirmed by her mother, who said that when her daughter asked her what was going wrong in her life, she could not help her. Now she is happy to see Ms. Deborah changed, with a visibly uplifted mood!
Having both received what they needed to receive, they both promised to follow God from now on. Mrs. Kamosi advised the crowd to seek the Living God always, while her daughter’s beautiful piece of advice to all those worried about when to get married was that the right time, that is, God’s time, will bring the right person into their lives!
If there is one lesson in the above case, it is that if you are to serve God in faith and truth, you must not allow your situation to mislead you. Don’t make that mistake, your situation may be about to take you to a new, higher level in life!

Many young people are facing difficult situations, such as the loss of loved ones and the difficulty of growing up alone. These challenges, test their resilience and faith, often leaving them with feelings of loneliness and uncertainty about the future. However, for those who believe, there is a strength that never leaves them. God’s presence acts as a source of hope and strength, providing support and comfort even in the darkest of times.
During the prayer line as man of God Stavros approached Ms. Seun an unclean spirit manifested by saying: “I come from darkness! I want to kill her! She wanted to die”.

Since her childhood, Ms. Seun has experienced intense feelings of loneliness and sadness, to the point of wishing to die. From the age of 8, she felt isolated, as her parents worked constantly and were not present in her life. This absence created a feeling of intense loneliness, which led her to desperation. In one of her darkest moments, she wrote a letter addressed to satan, asking him to let her die! After that, at night, when she tried to sleep, she would hear voices of unclean spirits laughing around her, which caused her fear and forced her to sleep with the light on.
During her teenage years and later in her student years, her psychological state remained loaded. Despite repeated appeals to her parents for help, they attributed her problems to ‘ordinary teenage depression’, without offering her the support she needed. She was still experiencing intense feelings of fear and depression, to the point of becoming paralysed with fear every time she heard these voices. As a consequence, this fear and frustration eventually led her to suicidal tendencies, even going so far as to cut her wrists. Her academic years were also negatively affected, as, due to insomnia, she often fell asleep during classes at school.
The difficulties continued in her adult life when she witnessed a tragic accident that took the life of her husband. Without his support, Ms. Seun had to raise their two daughters alone, a situation that strained her mental health and led her to suicidal thoughts again.
During the prayer line, Ms. Seun suddenly felt the fire of the Holy Spirit touching her, and she began to tremble. She felt that the evil that was hiding inside her was revealed and fully exposed. After her deliverance, she felt free and joyful, without the burdens of depression that had plagued her for years. Her nightmares had now disappeared and she found peace of mind.
Finally, Ms. Seun promised to dedicate herself to God, so that He may use her for His work and that she may be able, through her own experience, to support others facing similar difficulties.
We overcome by keeping our purpose, our vision and our mission in the forefront of our minds. Thus true victory is achieved when we stay focused on our purpose and vision, pulling strength from our faith in God.

Many people today believe that anxiety and stress are normal parts of everyday life, unavoidable consequences of living in a demanding and ever-evolving society. However, as children of God, we understand that when a situation goes beyond normal limits and begins to overwhelm our lives with stress and anxiety, it becomes a real curse. This curse, with its harmful and often dangerous effects, can only be removed by the infinite power of Jesus Christ, bringing us relief, peace and spiritual healing!
Ms. Erika and her husband, Brighton, travelled from the Netherlands to the Christian Church Of All Nations – Thessalonica, seeking answers to various situations that were affecting their lives. During the laying on of hands, man of God George Christodoulou, approached her and told her the following: “I see a lot of anxiety in your life, this is very bad for you. If you don’t fight against this anxiety, it will cause you health problems. So praise God that you are here today, we will pray to God that God will help you and give you the strength to fight against this anxiety! That should be your prayer from now on, ‘Lord, take more of my anxiety and give me more of your peace!’”.

A few minutes later, the Spirit of God did not pass her husband by, as man of God George Athanasiadis approached him to give him the following message: “You’re not old, but your heart has an issue. You need to go and check your heart! This is not just to inform you about the calamities. It is to show you that God knows your condition and with prophecy comes healing! So, this is a thing of the past. But play your role, go to the doctor and follow any good health instructions like eating well, drinking water… Take care of these and as you do them no problem will come!”. After these words, which they felt came directly from Heaven, Ms. Erika and Mr. Brighton, clearly moved and excited, wanted to confirm the words of the Prophets regarding their lives.

Ms. Erika said that over the past year she had undergone a series of medical examinations, all of which came to the same conclusion that stress was the root cause of her problems. This intense anxiety was causing her symptoms such as persistent stomach pain and cramps. The stomach pain was so severe that she was forced to consult a nutritionist, who suggested that she change her diet to improve her digestion. The pain was so severe that it was impossible for anyone in her position to work every day; however, she tried to carry on with her life as if nothing was happening.
Ms. Erika continued to live this way, as no doctor was able to give her the solution she wanted. Her daily life was difficult, as she had to meet her family’s responsibilities and was constantly in pain. Her situation, as she describes it, was made worse when she lost her beloved mother during the pandemic, and she had not been able to see her for many years. This loss caused her intense anxiety and deep sadness because she was unable to say goodbye to her as she wished.
When she heard the words of the man of God, she felt deep joy and relief, believing that a new path would soon open up in her life and that she would no longer have to live with the anxiety that tormented her.
Then her husband also wanted to confirm the prophecy concerning the health of his heart. He began by saying that, under other circumstances, he might not have followed the Prophet’s advice. However, after hearing the message from the man of God Stavros, he decided to obey God’s will and do the necessary medical checks.
He now feels deep gratitude for the guidance he received and has promised God to share his spiritual experiences with others to help and encourage them! Ms. Erica, from her part, promised to trust and love God even more!
When you come and leave your burdens on Jesus Christ then very soon you will realise that there is nothing too small and nothing too big that He cannot lift! So always remember that with God, you can face life’s final deadline with confidence!

In a society that demands a lot and leaves little room for weakness, many people are faced with deep and painful difficulties in their personal and professional lives. Many struggle daily with problems in their marriages, trying to stand strong in broken relationships or recovering from difficult separations. At the same time, the job insecurity and frustrations that a career often brings, further burden their lives, making the load they carry almost unbearable. However, even in the darkest moments, there is always hope. God is always present, ready to offer support, comfort and strength, reminding us that He has never abandoned us, but He is there to help us.
Thus, Ms. Alberta, born in Albania and a resident of Greece for 20 years, spent much of her life experiencing deprivation and mental suffering until she made the decision to visit the Christian Church Of All Nations – Thessalonica.
In fact, at the time of the Laying of Hands, she received a prophetic word from man of God George Christodoulou who said the following: “I see that you are not happy with your life, you are a strange character. You are not stable. You are once up, once down and you get angry easily. These are things you have to slowly start fighting. As we pray now, God will help you. He will give you the tools to face every problem in your life, He will give you joy. But, make sure to stay close to Jesus Christ. Study God’s Word daily, pray and start building your life based on Jesus Christ because only Jesus Christ can give you the joy you are looking for and the satisfaction of life”.

In fact, Ms. Alberta underlined that from the beginning of her marriage, her daily life was difficult and full of sadness, as her husband, often drunk, abused her and offered her no emotional support. On several occasions, he even drove her out of the house, forcing her to experience rejection and uncertainty. Despite these difficulties, their marriage lasted 17 years, but the last three were marked by their divorce.
After the divorce, her life did not get the peace of mind she desired. Ms. Alberta still felt that stability was lacking, both in her personal life and in her professional life. She remained temporarily unemployed and even when she did find a job, she was forced to leave it because of family problems. These situations loaded her emotions and triggered intense anger problems, which made her daily life even more difficult.
However, her encounter with the man of God and the prayer that followed brought a deep sense of deliverance and hope to her life. During the prayer, she felt her heart fill with joy, and she believed that the prophecy she heard would bring meaningful change in her life. After this experience, Ms. Alberta found the inner peace she had been missing, she felt happy now and confident that her life had gained new perspective and meaning.
With faith in her personal transformation, she decided to dedicate herself to supporting other women going through similar difficulties. At the same time, she promised to make it her goal to help them too overcome their life challenges to find their own joy and freedom, offering them the same hope and support that she herself received.
It is time to do something different to change your life from failure to success. It’s time for a new path, where every step can lead from failure to success, with the power of God as support and guidance.

Many people around the world experience psychological difficulties that seem incomprehensible or overwhelming. In some cases, these problems can have great consequences in the life of the person being tortured, but also in the lives of their loved ones. When people feel that they are struggling with unseen forces that affect their mental balance, it is normal to feel hopeless or don’t know where to turn and so, they surrender to the lies fed to them by the devil, who aims to drive them to madness!
Young Mark was under severe demonic influence, which resulted in him « losing » his mind. He saw masqueraded people appear before him, as well as various shadows. It was obvious to him that something was wrong! In order to find a solution and free himself from these dark beings that were tormenting him, he expressed to his mother everything he was experiencing so that they could turn to a specialist.
His mother, doing what every believer is called to do, turned to God and encouraged her son to read the Bible and pray. However, because she also wanted to rule out any medical factors that could be responsible for her son’s mental breakdown, she also turned to doctors.
The treatment provided by the doctors helped 20-year-old Mark to finish his schooling, however, they did not give him a permanent solution. He continued to have psychological problems and later, at university, he began to have problems concentrating and was unable to study his courses.
In terms of his relationship with the people around him, he found it very difficult to adapt and fit into society both because of his behavior and because he didn’t know exactly what his problem was. The situation he was experiencing was pushing him to even greater confusion…
But light in the tunnel began to appear when mother and son decided to visit the Christian Church of All Nations – Thessalonica to seek the hand of God. The Spirit of God spotted young Mark in the prayer line and he was given the following prophetic word by the man of God Stavros: “I see the devil is attacking you, he wants you to become crazy. Sometimes you do not see yourself as normal, you do not understand yourself. So you wonder, “What is happening with me? What is going on?”. This is a demonic attack, but it is good that you are here today, God is going to break this chain. This is a generational curse!”

Clearly excited about God’s divine intervention, Mr. Mark promised to study God’s Word daily, while his mother, fully relieved, promised to visit God’s house again to give her testimony!
If we fail to realise that there are forces that cause us to succumb to our weaknesses, we will continue to fight the wrong battle. Therefore, we should become spiritually mature so that we always remember who our enemy is, but also, what is the most appropriate weapon to fight him – prayer and the Living Word of God!
In the photos below we see God’s anointing moving powerfully among the people of God, doing what He knows best. Changing lives, healing sickness and setting the captives free!
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