Christmas may mean different things to everyone, but for God’s children, it is another opportunity to glorify the name of Jesus Christ, who came to bring salvation to mankind! Therefore, believers gathered together in the Synagogue, Church of All Nations Thessalonica, to give Jesus all the honour He deserves!
Then, the man of God Stavros gave a powerful message titled “THE MEANING OF CHRISTΜΑS”. He began by saying that many people see Christmas as a chance to contribute, since, according to the Bible, the best investment is helping others. He then posed the question: why do we have a positive attitude and desire to buy gifts, make visits and, in general, give, only during the holidays?

Reading from 1 John 4:9-10, the Prophet explained that God Almighty, because of His love, gave to us His most precious possession. Since Jesus came into the world as the embodiment of God’s love, the meaning of Christmas is love. Therefore, we can say that love was born at Christmas! Indeed, the Lord paid the highest price, without which the world had no hope of salvation. By this, we understand that love is not enough in itself, but it must be expressed, and it is expressed by giving. The Prophet emphasized that this does not necessarily entail buying expensive gifts, but following the example of God the Father, in giving the most precious thing you own, which is often your time or your smile.
Backed by 1 Corinthians 13:1-3, the man of God pointed out that no good deed matters, unless it stems from love. As Christians, our lives are measured by our love for God! Jesus does not recognise us by our name or our titles, but by our love. So, anything that only comes at a certain time is disingenuous. Many people, even when they give to their fellow man, they do so out of obligation or shame, or even after being requested to do it, but love looks around to see who is in need! This means that if we truly have the love of God, our actions will have the characteristics mentioned in verses 4-7, of the same chapter: “ Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.”

He went on to explain that human love is just a shadow of God’s love. Love is God himself, and God is love; those who dwell in love dwell with God, and God lives in them! This means that when God’s love lives in us, it will overflow to our neighbour with acts of giving! Then, we will not wait for Christmas to do good, but we will live and be led by love.
In closing his message, the Prophet exhorted: “Let us celebrate the true meaning of Christmas! It’s not too late to let love lead, and make a difference!” Finally, he urged us to do a self-examination, and if we discover that we don’t have God’s love, there is no reason to despair, because love was born at Christmas!

Christian artist Nikos Politis came to share his testimony with the world, who was miraculously honoured by God!
On a blessed Sunday, at the prayer mountain, Mr. Nikos, being perplexed by his professional situation, prayed in faith that God would speak to him – and He did! As Prophetess Evgenia approached him, she gave him the following prophetic word: “I see a professional breakthrough. Not in business; but in the singing field. That’s not for now though, it’s a little further in the future. You’re going to make an album, I see an album, that will go viral all over the world, so keep it up! Keep studying the Word more fervently. Don’t just briefly look at it! You have to dedicate yourself to the Word, don’t just simply read. And you will see that there’s a breakthrough coming as far as singing is concerned. You will make a record and everything will go very well!”
As Mr. Nikos recounted, from the age of 7, once he discovered music, it was his favourite pastime. While the other kids were playing outside, he preferred to stay inside and play music! As he grew older and became more and more involved, his family discouraged him, telling him that this profession had no future and would not help him earn a living. Despite the discouragement, he remembers telling his father, “Dad, I don’t know how, but someday something big is going to happen in my life!” In his teens, he studied music and music technology, and began composing his own songs.
As time went by, he quickly realised that he could not make a living from it, but he could not stop playing and composing music. He realised that in order to continue his passion, he would have to work. So, from a young age he did many different jobs, mostly manual labour, which, of course, did not please him. In his most recent – and last – job as a salesperson, he worked 15 hours a day, 6 days a week, carrying multi-liter water bottles. This job was so difficult and exhausting that he hurt his back from the weights he was lifting every day, and shortly afterwards, he was fired… Then he decided to open his own company in the water distribution sector, since he knew it well by then. Even as his own boss, however, he faced many difficulties, and still had to be on the road from morning to night, which was a great source of worry for him.
Through the years, he tried many times to make it in the music field. Many Christian professional musicians liked Mr. Nikos’ music and wanted to work with him, but unfortunately, there was a perception that if you make music for God, you should do it for free. So, many times they took advantage of his good will. Mr. Nikos ended up putting money out of his own pocket to complete jobs – money he needed for his family. Once, in particular, he worked for 7 months on a music project, which in a professional studio would have cost over 8,000€; but he went as far as begging to be paid! After that, he was given the sum of 150€…
With his music career stagnating and his professional life, in general, facing obstacle after obstacle, Mr. Nikos’ finances were in a very critical situation. His financial needs were constantly growing as he had a wife and 3 children. As he explained, he was always in debt and was late in paying his bills. Repeatedly a technician came to cut off the electricity from his house, and he begged him not to do so, assuring him that he would pay it soon. So, he would ask for loans from friends and relatives so that he could pay for the necessities! Many times, there was no breakfast for his children to eat, and they would make them rice or whatever else they had… Mr. Nikos and his wife could even think of going somewhere for a coffee or dinner, because they would have to deprive themselves of much in the days to come.
With the above situation, Mr. Nikos felt powerless, as every attempt to move forward failed, no matter what he did. He did not know what to do to get out of the cycle of failure, even though he had tried hard and endured many hardships. On the other hand, his passion for music had brought him much frustration, as for 17 years he had achieved nothing!
One day, inspired by a message from the man of God Harry, he decided to open a new YouTube channel, where he uploaded a song called “DREAM AGAIN” and it was about people who had lost their vision. As he continued to upload songs, his channel started to have a certain amount of traction, but at a very slow pace. Within 4 years he had 13 songs and 1,080 subscribers, which also made him sceptical.
When he received the prophetic word from Prophetess Evgenia, his passion for his calling – to write songs about Jesus Christ, was rekindled! Not long after, God gave Mr. Nikos, through a dream, a worship song titled “YOU’RE THE ALMIGHTY GOD”. This worship song, just as the prophetic word said, went viral, and quickly became known worldwide! Initially, it got traction from Greece, people started sending him messages asking his permission to use the song and play it on radio stations. Then, he started to see the impact from all over the world! He was flooded with messages and comments where people expressed how blessed they were by this song – many even shared their testimony as through this worship song God had touched them and gave them healing and deliverance! The subscribers to Mr. Nikos’ channel began to rise rapidly, and at this time have exceeded 23 thousand! “YOU’RE THE ALMIGHTY GOD” has millions of views! Not only that, but, as the prophecy spoke of an “album”, the success began to influence the rest of Mr. Nikos’ songs!

As many people uploaded from their own channels the songs of Mr. Nikos, with all the rights belonging to him, YouTube started to be lucrative for him and his family! As he explained, for the first time their finances are very good and stable! Now, they lack nothing, they don’t owe money to anyone, and all their bills are paid! They are no longer overwhelmed with anxiety and insecurity because they know that God is taking care of them! Also, after 10 long years of marriage, he and his wife were able to go on a vacation!
Thanks to God’s blessing, Mr. Nikos now has the grace to do what he loves and is filled with joy. He now has peace of mind and security, as he does not have to worry about the basic needs of his family. Indeed, as the Prophetess said, all is going very well indeed! He advised those present to do what God puts in their hearts, and to not give up, for God’s time will come, and God’s time is the best! He promised God to continue following His calling, which is to glorify Him and advertise Him worldwide, and to never give up!

You are included in God’s master plan, but nothing great comes easy. So, don’t give up, because life’s satisfaction is not brought by a mere wish, but by a proper focus!

Ms. Sara came to SCOAN Thessaloniki from Eritrea, hoping to receive a word from God that would give her direction for her life and future, and that’s exactly what happened!
At the time of the laying of hands, Prophetess Evgenia said to her: “I see there is melancholy in your life. You think too much about what will happen in the future, and sometimes you cannot sleep. What you need is a revelation from God, and everything will change! You will see the world differently and you will be able to move on. Follow what He reveals you to do, if you don’t, you will fall again.”
After the service, Sara said that at the age of 16 she lost her father, forcing her to do a lot of work to help her big family. Working over 60 hours a week and sometimes 7 days a week, school, her youth and all the interests she had were no longer a priority for her.

With her mother falling into depression and unable to care for her children on her own, Ms. Sara was forced to completely sacrifice her studies, her relationships and her personal development on the altar of her and her family’s survival… An illustrative example is when a man asked to marry her, with her setting the condition that her family would always come first. As a result, she never married.
The inability to achieve her personal goals led her to depression, and she was also filled with doubt and regret about her future. Growing older year by year and watching others move on with their lives, she felt that 27 years of her life were wasted…
“However,” he said, “when the Prophetess came to me, I knew she had a message for me.” Now that she knows what to do, she is filled with hope and promises to follow God’s instruction!
God understands the language of sighs, tears, and prayers of people of faith. Remember, regardless of your past, life never completely closes the door on opportunity!

Ms. Mami came from the Netherlands to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, to see the hand of God working in her life. At the time of the prayer line and as the anointing of God was leading the man of God Stavros, God spotted Ms. Mami and an unclean spirit manifested from within her, saying the following: “I told you she will not serve, I am the destroyer! I want to destroy her; you don’t know this girl! She is all-powerful, she is light. I want to destroy her; I want to use her to bring darkness into her father’s house. She’s very clever.” When the man of God asked the demon if he recognized Ms. Mami’s husband, the demon said: “This man is a man of God, that’s why he is influencing her! I will destroy her! We identified her since she was in her mother’s womb! This girl has a great future, but she has no confidence. We’re bringing too much confusion into her life; we don’t want her to read her Bible. I make her husband have nothing; he is a good man! I put fear in her, she has promise.”

After the man of God declared her free, she and her husband wanted to confirm all that the demon had said on that blessed day. She began by saying that as soon as she stood in the prayer line, she felt an inexplicable chill throughout her body. She then mentioned that from a young age no one appreciated her, not even her parents! This always made her feel lonely. Many times, she even cried to God and asked Him why He brought her into such a family.
Her husband then took the floor, and explained that they were indeed having problems with their spiritual life. His wife was more interested in material things than in the things of God. He explained that he motivated her to read her Bible, but most of the time it was difficult for her to follow that path. About his job, he said that while he worked hard, he had no promotion. At the end of the month, they were always left with no money.
Ms. Mami said that she had a problem with her confidence, and many times when she knew what the correct answer was to a question she would be asked, she would be afraid to say it.
She now feels happy and believes that God has truly set her free. They promised to serve God all the days of their lives!
When your condition goes beyond the natural, it becomes a curse that only Jesus Christ can break! So, if you also feel that your situation is not normal, then you also should seek a living church!
Luke 2:14: “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, on earth peace, goodwill toward men!” What could be more joyful than the birth of our Lord, who, as we see happening in the pictures below, came to deliver, heal and bless His children for the sake of the salvation of our souls! Merry Christmas!
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