With faith and devotion, believers from different parts of the world gathered in the Christian Church Of All Nations – Thessalonica creating an atmosphere full of spiritual revitalisation. The place resonated with hymns of worship and thanksgiving to the Lord, as the hearts of those present prepared to receive from God a message full of life. People’s lives were touched by the divine presence, bringing hope, renewal, and confirming that God’s promises are alive and true!

Later, the man of God Stavros gave a message full of wisdom, entitled: “THE PROOF OF AUTHENTICITY”. He began by saying that every branded product has some kind of proof of its authenticity so that we can easily recognise which one is the genuine product, and we don’t buy the fake one. We live in the era of copying, where one company is copying the products of another, and unfortunately, this is exactly what is happening among people. Many imitate good qualities of character, without really being such in their hearts.

Reading from Luke 22:33: “But he replied, ‘Lord, I am ready to go with you to prison and to death.’ Jesus answered, ‘I tell you, Peter, before the rooster crows today, you will deny three times that you know me.’” he commented that like Peter, most people say and promise things that they are not willing to do nor fulfill. He even challenged listeners to think of how many times they have promised or have said great things about themselves. What we say about ourselves, however, unless tested in a real situation, remain questionable. Therefore, because God knows that people say a lot, He chooses to examine and tests our hearts, and He does so through situations. Challenges reveal where we stand spiritually, so we don’t have to say things about ourselves – our actions will speak for us.

Then, reading from James 1:12, he explained that we are daily tested in little things, yet, we still fail! Therefore, if we ask someone to trust us, what is the proof that we are trustworthy? The proof of authenticity to someone is their works, he concluded! A man with this proof has a stable character, he doesn’t go back on his word, he stands for what he believes, and blesses God in his trial. In other words, those who bless God in their trouble or difficulty prove their sonship. So, we should not waste time in words, trying to convince God and those around us about our authenticity, but when the time comes for the challenge, we must show it through our actions.

In conclusion, he emphasised that as long as we live in this world, there will always be difficulties, which are not to destroy us, but for our growth, our reward!


Most of us have gone through difficult financial circumstances. Some of us are still going through them. Indeed, times are tough and it’s easier than ever to lose touch with your purpose, your faith, God’s plan for you. Besides the current difficulties of life, the daily concerns of making a living can cause additional stress and irritation to a person, especially in a family, where the person who works has not only himself to think about, but also those who rely on him for their needs. This is the kind of pressure that Mr. Genti felt, which was also causing problems in every area of his life…

Mr. Genti and his wife, Alketa, attended the Christian Church Of All Nations – Thessalonica, to testify the wonders of God in their lives. Some time ago, during the laying on of hands, Prophet Stavros told Mr. Genti the following: “You must drink water. Without water, there is a problem. You don’t consider it serious until you get a heart problem, not a chronic problem, a heart attack! Do something, you might say « I can’t, I’m busy, I’m working…”. It doesn’t matter, if that were the case, God would have made you a robot so that you won’t have the need to drink water, and you’d be working 24 hours a day, but you’re a human being, so be careful. »

Indeed, Mr. Genti admitted that he didn’t drink enough water. In fact, there were days when he didn’t drink any water at all! He had some difficulties because of this, such as dizziness, blurred vision and headaches, but he attributed them to fatigue because he was working long hours every day. He worked as a deliveryman, driving a motorbike, and some times he had to stop working because of the danger of driving dizzy and with blurry vision. Clearly, he did not realise the severity of the effects of dehydration on his health. Listening to this instruction with faith, he began to increase the amount of water he drunk in his daily routine. Consequently, all the health problems that he was experiencing seized! Thus, his life was also preserved.

In another service, God spoke to Mr. Genti again through Prophet Javier: “I see disappointment. Don’t give up, God is with you! Do not doubt it for a minute.  Your confession must be positive. God will bless you, don’t doubt it. The blessing will come. God sees you, He sees everything, don’t think He doesn’t see you. Don’t doubt”.  The blessing did not end there. Some weeks later, Prophet George Athanasiadis gave them this prophetic word: « God will bless you richly, and get ready to have employees. Stop thinking you are the boss but you still have to work all day long as if you were the employee. Get ready! God will bring great blessings to your life, to your family, to your wife! You will be able to support other people but be ready to hire employees. The best is yet to come!”.

As for the above, the couple testified that they had lost hope for quite some time. They had bought a catering business because they had always dreamed of having something of their own. Of course, they didn’t expect to make any profits at first, but they considered it would at least pay the bills. So, they took a loan to get started. Unfortunately, the shop didn’t do well, and it didn’t cover its expenses. As a result, Mr. Genti was forced to work two jobs, continuing his former job as a deliveryman, working from morning till night. He had to worry about the rent of the shop, the rent of the house, the loan, the bills, the car, and of course the needs of his family. The fatigue, the stress, and the ever-increasing financial issues made him irritable and moody. Although he was trying to make a profit for his family, he ended up owing money, which had never happened before in his life. The burden he felt as a husband and as a father was indescribable. His situation was desperate, and the amount of money he owed was increasing. As confirmed by his wife, who was also affected by the circumstances, the situation was so difficult that every day they worried whether they would have food for their children. Because of the difficulties, they would barely shop for the daily food for their home. So, inevitably they were both miserable, and there was tension between them, putting a strain on their relationship. In addition, their relationship with God had been affected, since they had begun to doubt His promises in their lives. It was difficult for them to look boldly into the future…

After the encouraging words and promises of the Lord, hope was risen in their hearts! Mr. Genti immediately became calmer and began to plan for the future. Convinced that the word God gave would soon come true, he set out to find how he could hire employees. His relationship with his wife was restored, and he began to spend time with his children, something he hadn’t done in a long time! The couple’s relationship with God was rekindled, their faith was strengthened significantly, and their hearts joyfully await the blessing, so they can bless others. Now, they see that their future is bright, and all doubt is gone, for they know that God is in control of their case completely!

Mr. Genti’s advice to believers is not to hide their problems but to talk to the men of God for guidance and solution. Furthermore, he promised God to remain faithful to Him until the end of his life. Mrs. Alketa’s advice to the congregation was to seek and trust God with all their heart because by doing so, there is no way God will not help them. Finally, she promised God to serve Him until the end and to use their blessings to bless others!

God’s Word teaches us that if you don’t have a degree in poverty, your degree in blessing is questionable. Our circumstances are not meant to destroy us, but to teach us and improve our Christian character! One thing is for sure: God is not interested in your past, but in your bright future with Him, so stop looking at where you came from, and start looking at where you’re going!


Friends, company and modern trends can easily lead one astray, even when one has clear values. The pressure for acceptance and the desire to fit in often leads to choices not aligning with a Christian’s principles. In a world full of distractions, the influence of others can become the greatest challenge to anyone who wants to stay faithful to a path consistent with Jesus Christ’s teachings! That’s what happened in Mr. Shawn’s life.

During the laying of hands, the man of God George Christodoulou approached Mr. Shawn saying the following: “I see that you love God! You want to come close to Jesus Christ, you just have to watch the company you keep! You need to watch your environment! You must not be influenced by the opinions of others, nor by the world – what is on trend and what is not! You must spend quality time with Jesus Christ, studying God’s Word and praying daily! You will see, God will bless you!”.

Mr. Shawn confirmed and accepted the prophecy one hundred per cent. Immediately afterwards, he explained that his desire to buy and dress in whatever was on trend began in his childhood. His family had a low income, which made him promise, at a young age, that he would buy whatever he needed when he grew up. However, when he reached the age where he could provide for his needs, he began to go to extremes!

When he moved to the Netherlands, he suddenly found it very difficult to pray and read the Bible, because he was a singer and lived a prodigal life. He confessed that he wanted to have a relationship with God, but whenever he wanted to read or pray, he was too tired to do so and, as a result, any relationship with God was nullified. Since then, his life began to go downhill!


His involvement with music brought him a great deal of fame in his social circle, which had a negative impact on his life. His friends pushed him into lust and other worldly habits. Although Mr. Shawn knew what he was doing with his friends was not right, no matter how much he tried to talk them down and reason with them, they refused to listen to him.

Throughout this difficult and complicated situation, Mr. Shawn still knew right and wrong, thus he distanced himself from the people who were negatively influencing him! Then, he decided to come to the Christian Church Of All Nations – Thessalonica, with the purpose of hearing a word that would turn around and restore the purpose and light of his life!

Now, Mr. Shawn is changed and free. That is why he has promised God, the giver of his freedom and blessing, to glorify Him forever and never return to his old life! He will detach himself from worldly influences and focus completely on God!

Faith and obedience to God brings true transformation and new direction in our lives. Lest you end up like the masses out there who are just wandering and unsure of their goals and dreams, your purpose should be clear. Despite the difficulties and influences of the world, God always opens the way for those who choose to follow Him!


Many people carry their childhood traumas, the people who hurt them, and the events that scarred their hearts, for years. But Jesus Christ, in Matthew 11:28, said: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” If you are seeking peace and rest for your soul, all you need is to trust your Creator! This trust in Him will bring the result that no human can give you!

Ms. Andrea came to the Christian Church Of All Nations – Thessalonica for a glimpse of hope in a life full of sorrow. At the time of the laying of hands, the Holy Spirit did not pass her by! He sent His anointed servant, man of God Stavros, to give her a prophetic word about her situation: “Jesus loves you! So, from today you will be happy! Forget what happened in the past! Jesus wants you to move forward in your life! Stop thinking about what happened. What matters is Him, not the rest! Jesus matters! He wants to give you a bright future! From today you are free but make sure you forget. If you don’t forget and turn back, you will cancel your miracle, your prayer! Today you are free, in Jesus’ name.” After these words that spoke directly to her heart, healing every wound of the past, she wanted to confirm everything that was said about her life.

Clearly moved by the prophetic word, she explained that the man of God was referring to her childhood trauma. Specifically, she mentioned that at a young age, she lost her father, with whom she had a strong emotional bond. She was then left alone with her mother, with whom she did not have a good relationship, as her behaviour was often abusive! Thus, she developed negative thoughts about herself, which led her into attempting to take her own life…

Her inability to forgive the people who hurt her over the years prevented her from fully surrendering to Jesus Christ, allowing satan to direct her life! This situation also affected her relationships with others, as she was constantly angry.

Regarding the bright future that Jesus Christ has prepared for her, she stated that she had received revelations in the past that she was called to preach the Gospel, but she never believed she could do it.

Now she feels liberated, happy and as if a great burden has been lifted off of her shoulders! She promised God Almighty to would follow Him daily and to show others the same mercy that God showed her!

Our primary responsibility as Christians is to trust the Holy Spirit and have His Word in our mouths, in our hearts, and in every conversation we have! By following this Word, then, you will realize that no situation you go through is unbeatable, as long as you have the right “weapons” of warfare!


In life, no matter how hard you work, there are factors that can thwart your path to the top in various ways, and there may not even be the demanded strength to overcome. Therefore, what is our hope as Christians? Jesus Christ, of course! For this reason, Mr. Herick and his wife visited the Christian Church Of All Nations – Thessalonica!

Mr. Herick was first privileged to receive a prophetic word from Prophet George Athanasiadis during the prayer line: Business. There is a problem in your finances. You’re trying to do things and you’re struggling; you’re not moving forward, and you are wondering why. The Lord wants to bless you, He wants to give you breakthrough, but the obstacle is, you are not giving Him the time and the place He deserves in your heart. God wants to bless you, but the blessing is not the end, it is the means to the end; the end is the salvation of the soul! Take care of your spiritual life, and God will take care of everything else! Remember, the Bible says, ‘But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well’ (Matthew 6:22) God wants to bless you, He doesn’t want you to struggle, but remember to seek Him first!”

A few minutes later, it was Ms. Clauren’s turn to receive a prophecy from the servant of God, George Christodoulou: “I see that in your sleep a spirit comes; you have bad dreams. It makes you uneasy in your sleep, you see strange things, people and animals chasing you! Other times they feed you. This spirit will leave your life today, and your sleep will be like a little baby’s, like a child’s! And you will see, little by little your life will begin to move forward, you will leave this stagnation you are in!

As the service was completed, the couple gave more details about the words they heard. As for the man, two years ago he started a business as a truck driver, which he bought. Due to the nature of the job, he was often absent from home. Generally, he did not have the necessary time to devote to God. Tired of this situation, he had told his wife that he no longer wished to practice this profession.

However, one day, as he was on his way to the parking lot to get the truck for a job, he realized the truck was missing! Surprised, he called the police, who informed him that the bank had impounded his vehicle due to some financial debts.

Being in a very tough situation with debt amounting to thousands of euros, he remembered some of the words of wisdom spoken many times by the Prophet T. B. Joshua, that when you have no hope, you should put on your faith in God! And that’s what he did!

Then, Ms. Clauren spoke about her own prophecy. Indeed, in her dreams she would see snakes of different shades chasing her. In fact, she would see the same snakes in real life. As an example, she mentioned that she once saw a black snake in a dream, and later, she saw the same snake in her backyard! Also, in her dream, various people, even with the faces of her loved ones, were chasing her! When would wake up, she was not just under the influence of fear, but in a state of panic.

Regarding the stagnation that the man of God spoke about, she wants to pursue a career as a nurse, but she failed the exam 3 times! However, the next time will be the last, as she said it is time for her to succeed!

Both of them were happy, Mr. Herick promised to make God happy with his life, and Ms. Clauren promised to follow the Lord always!

This couple was trying to succeed in life by cutting off the “branches” of the problem, but not the “root”. So, when you deal with a problem while neglecting the cause, you can’t have a permanent solution, and that’s why the problem keeps coming back.

In the following images, we see the power of the Holy Spirit working visibly, making way where there are obstacles, breaking chains, cleansing and blessing believers!

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With faith as a shield against every difficulty and trial, believers from different parts of the world came to the Christian Church Of All Nations – Thessalonica in order to see the miraculous hand of the Lord working in their lives. Then the man of God George Athanasiadis took the floor and welcomed the believers with…

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In an atmosphere full of faith and gratitude, the believers gathered in the sacred premises of the Church, eagerly expecting the presence of the Lord. Everyone’s hearts beat in a rhythm of prayer and anticipation as hope filled the atmosphere. Prophet George Christodoulou in his message entitled “OVERCOME YOUR LIMITATIONS!”…

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As believers from every corner of the earth gathered in the service of the Christian Church Of All Nations – Thessalonica to receive a blessing, an atmosphere of deep faith filled the place. A little later, the man of God George, preached an encouraging and optimistic message to the children of God…

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In an atmosphere of intense faith and spiritual devotion, believers from every corner of the world gathered at the Christian Church of All Nations – Thessalonica. Prophetess Evgenia, in a powerful sermon entitled « WHAT KIND OF HEART DO YOU HAVE? » addressed a powerful message to the believers. She began by stating that although many of us may…

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