Each Service is unique and crowds of people gather at the Synagogue, Church of All Nations Thessalonica, with one purpose – to praise the Lord of Lords and King of Kings for His unsurpassed grace and mercy upon His children!

No matter how unworthy, difficult or traumatic our past is, Jesus Christ is always ready to readmit His people, who come to Him in humility and repentance, to the right position in His glory. Such is the case with Mr. Manuel from Mexico!
One particular Sunday at prayer line time, the man of God Michael gave the following prophecy to Mr. Manuel: “Is not that you don’t have experience with God. You have experience with God! Is not that you don’t try to follow Him with faith, with all your heart, all your power, all your mind, is not not that! Years ago you had a calling, you said, “This is my calling!’’. After some years, you changed your calling! You cannot change your calling! You are called! You have a star for God to use you for His mighty Glory! This can never be changed! Only you can change it and cancel it! So it is never too late”.

After some time, in a second visit to The Synagogue, Church of All Nations Thessalonica, Prophetess Evgenia told him, “There is a barrier blocking you from your breakthrough and that is offence! You hold offence in your heart, bitterness, anger – you get angry easily. All these things have to leave your heart. And you’ll see, If they go, you’ll get to your calling very fast. I am telling you the root cause of your problem”.

As he stated, he didn’t expect to hear those words, but they certainly hit the root of his problems! He explained that he had a father from whom he suffered verbal and physical abuse. As a result, his childhood and adult life was marked by low self-esteem, and he felt terrible anger towards his father, to the point that he even considered killing him! This eventually led him to drop out of the discipleship program at SCOAN in Nigeria under Prophet T. B. Joshua, from whom, as he said, he received nothing but love and guidance!
So, trying to fill the emptiness he felt inside – as he already knew what God’s purpose for his life was – he went into business. His financial situation was excellent, he had made acquaintances with prestigious people, with presidents of multinational companies, but his heart was empty… The regrets he had when he left Nigeria would not let him return back to continue his discipleship under the fatherly care of Prophet T.B. Joshua.
Now, however, Mr. Manuel has let go of all feelings of anger, offence and low self-esteem! Now, he has the joy of being a disciple of man of God Harry and he is full of hope for his future, knowing that only by doing God’s will for his life he will feel true satisfaction! Also, when he joined the prayer line the second time he visited the church, he was experiencing pain in his knees and back due to injuries he had from when he was an athlete. Now, all pain is gone, in the name of Jesus Christ!
His advice to the congregation is not to abandon their post, that is, to remain steadfast in their faith in the Lord. Finally, he promised Jesus Christ that he will serve Him with all his strength!
No matter your past, life does not completely close the door to opportunity. When you follow your calling, you will surprise yourself and you will make a difference in your world!

Mr. Jose traveled from Peru, as he had a desire to participate in the SCOAN Thessalonica’s service, for a long time!
Afterwards, God honored Mr. Jose’s faith, as Man of God Stavros gave him a prophetic word, saying, “God is calling you to work for Him as a pastor. God has spoken to you about this in the past, giving you signs. If you don’t know it, I’m telling you also. Pray to Him, and He will show you what to do!”.
Then, Mr. Jose wanted to confirm the words of the prophecy with some examples from his life. He began by saying that when he was young, he had gone for a walk in the woods with a friend. As they lost their way, some thieves showed up, took all their money and belongings, took off their clothes and sexually abused them… Mr. Jose and his friend were too scared and could not fight back, as the robbers were more than 10 armed men! Then they were given old clothes, and were taken to another place in the forest, where they were separated. Mr. Jose thought it was his last day! So, he was on the ground praying. One of the robbers saw him, and told him to stop praying, but in vain. As Mr. Jose continued to pray, the man said, “Okay, since you’re a Christian, tell me about Jesus!”. Mr. Jose quoted John 3:16 telling him that God can forgive even the most sinful people. As the man listened carefully, he said to him, “Why are you here since you are a Christian? This place is dangerous!”. He replied that they were just out for a walk with his friend, and he began to beg him not to kill them, because that was what they intended to do. The man agreed and said he would show him the way out of the forest; in fact, he advised him to go to the police once he leaves and send them to that very place! Then, he gave them shoes so they could walk back. After a while, Mr. Jose went to pick up his friend. She, as she had been abused a lot, was scared, crying and didn’t want to leave, but Mr. Jose encouraged her, and finally they made it!

After this shocking event where God miraculously preserved Mr. Jose’s life, he developed a passion in his heart to share his testimony with the world. Thus, he started sharing this story, talking about Jesus and praising Him!
Another thing that also pointed that he was called to do the work of God was the fact that some workers allowed him to speak to them about Jesus. During their break, they would sit next to him and listen to him talk about Jesus with gladness! This gave him great joy and it was undoubtedly what filled his heart.
Many more were the things that directed Mr. Jose towards his calling. Some of them were that he had dreams of handing out fruit to people, but also that when he used the name of Jesus in a difficult situation, the situation changed instantly!
He happily declared that he intends to follow the instruction he received, and promised God to serve Him and be a channel of light!
Indeed, only God can take a bad situation and turn it into a wonderful confession! Jesus Christ did not promise that we will live without difficulties, but that in every difficulty he will be by our side! Glory be to Him!
Ms. Hilda from England had who came to the Synagogue, Church of All Nations, Thessaloniki, to receive a Divine touch from God Almighty had an unforgettable experience!
During the laying of hands, as the man of God Kastriot prayed for her, the Spirit of God located her, giving her this prophetic word, “I see disappointment in your life! People have let you down. They keep letting you down even though you trust them. People will let you down, but Jesus Christ will never let you down! Draw near to God, and you will never be disappointed! He will never let you fall, but will lift you up, because He promised! From today, you will be free and your life will not remain the same! God will open a way where there is no way for the whole family! ».
She began by saying that she had boyfriends in the past who let her down. When the time came for her to go to the university, people there made false rumors about her life. This affected her because she stopped hanging out with them and she stopped being social.
Also, last year in December, they canceled all her shifts at the job she was working. She lost her confidence and was quite upset. Every trace of trust in people evaporated and she spent her time alone, no longer going out. She pointed out that disappointment often came into her life.
Now, with joy and gratitude, she promised to live for God, serve Him and play her role as a child of God!
Indeed, trust people, and they will let you down! Trust God, and He will never let you down!
The fire of the Holy Spirit is still burning and will never be extinguished! Just like the people in the pictures, lay all your problems at the feet of Jesus, and He will offer you the solution!
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