Excited and emotional, those in attendance sang hymns and gave all the honour and all the glory to Jesus Christ! Once again, the atmosphere was highly charged with the power of the Holy Spirit!

An inspiring message followed, titled “WE NEED GOD ALL THE TIME!”, through which the Prophetess Evgenia posed the following question: “Why should something serious happen to us in our lives in order to come close to God?” So, the answer is that we need God all the time, both in good times and in bad times!

She then took the biblical passage from the Book of Daniel 4:29-33, which reads: “Twelve months later, as the king was walking on the roof of the royal palace of Babylon, he said, ‘Is not this the great Babylon I have built as the royal residence, by my mighty power and for the glory of my majesty?’ Even as the words were on his lips, a voice came from heaven, ‘This is what is decreed for you, King Nebuchadnezzar: Your royal authority has been taken from you. You will be driven away from people and will live with the wild animals; you will eat grass like the ox. Seven times will pass by for you until you acknowledge that the Most High is sovereign over all kingdoms on earth and gives them to anyone he wishes.’ Immediately what had been said about Nebuchadnezzar was fulfilled. He was driven away from people and ate grass like the ox. His body was drenched with the dew of heaven until his hair grew like the feathers of an eagle and his nails like the claws of a bird.”

King Nebuchadnezzar thought he did it all by his own power! But God can raise you up if He wants to, and if He wants to, He can also bring you down! The reason Nebuchadnezzar was with the pigs for 7 long years was to realise that he needed God all the time! When you believeyou don’t need God all the time, then satan attacks your character with pride, with arrogance, with negative thoughts, with depression, with sickness…

Likewise, God’s children sometimes behave with pride, and this causes us to turn away from God! In fact, she asked, “How will you know where you stand?”, and she gave the answer by saying that if you examine your daily life, you will know where you stand. Furthermore, she said that you need God in everything you do in your daily life! Because big situations happen occasionally, but little situations happen all the time!

In fact, the Prophetess Evgenia mentioned Saul who lost the anointing because of his disobedience and thus became disillusioned and turned away from God. Saul was getting attacks from the devil and this was because he thought he did not need God. However, satan attacks you where you believe you don’t need God!

She pointed out that many of us want to succeed in life, but in our hearts we have anger and revenge. In fact, we all desire to climb the ladder of success, but unforgiveness, anger and revenge keep dragging our spiritual life down! So, when you don’t have God by your side all the time, then your spiritual life goes downhill.

Taking the second biblical passage from John 8:3-11, she read: “The teachers of the law and the Pharisees brought in a woman caught in adultery. They made her stand before the group and said to Jesus, ‘Teacher, this woman was caught in the act of adultery. In the Law Moses commanded us to stone such women. Now what do you say?’ They were using this question as a trap, in order to have a basis for accusing him. But Jesus bent down and started to write on the ground with his finger. When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, ‘Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.’ Again he stooped down and wrote on the ground. At this, those who heard began to go away one at a time, the older ones first, until only Jesus was left, with the woman still standing there. Jesus straightened up and asked her, ‘Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?’, ‘No one, sir,’ she said. ‘Then neither do I condemn you,’Jesus declared. ‘Go now and leave your life of sin.’”

By this, it becomes clear that we all are sinners and need forgiveness. Whether you are a victim or an offender, we all need God’s forgiveness! Jesus Christ came to bring hope! But how can we forgive people? Only if we are in an attitude of prayer and constant study!

In closing, she said that just because you are disappointed today, it doesn’t mean you won’t be happy tomorrow, because no situation in this world is permanent! Choose to look to Jesus Christ, for He remains the same yesterday, today and forever!


Ms. Laure from the United Kingdom came to the Sunday service to praise the name of Jesus Christ for the wonderful gift of healing she received!

She was suffering from pain in her right ankle. This pain was making her life difficult as she is a single mother who cares for her daughter full-time, following a car accident she had 4 years ago, which forced her to quit her job. Ms. Laure said that she could not walk long distances, so she drove instead, she could not do the necessary grocery shopping for them as she had no help from elsewhere and she could not exercise or wear high heels as she liked to in the past. She was also unable to tend to her garden and her hut as she had to stay stationary or with her foot up to feel somewhat relieved. The pain was so severe and persistent that she had to be transferred assisted in a wheelchair to the plane to come to church, due to the long waiting and standing hours in the airport lounge…

For assistance, she wore an ankle support, which did not provide any permanent solution to her problem, but somewhat mitigated the extra movement and the resulting pain. She consulted a physiotherapist who diagnosed her with a sprain, prescribed her some pills and recommended some strengthening exercises. The treatment did not help her at all, which caused her additional stress, as she could not be a mother to her daughter, doing what was necessary for her. There was nothing else she could do to find a solution to her problem, so she decided to seek God’s intervention, since the conventional method had no real effect.

So, she was led to the church, and while she had been living with this pain for a year, she suddenly realised that after the prayer she received from Prophet Giannis, the pain disappeared! She began to walk without the ankle support and she realised that she could wear heels again, exercise and do things as a healthy person! This change made her feel happy, relieved and filled with God’s love!

Her promise to the Provider of her blessings is to trust and serve Him with all her being because she knows that only God can make a way where there is no way and give true joy and peace, while she advised the crowd to believe and trust God even when there is seemingly no solution to their problem!

When God heals you, He heals you effectively and He does it for the salvation of your soul!


Mrs. Namazgul from Kazakhstan was blessed to take part in the gathering of the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica , as she was seeking God’s solution to the problems that affected her.

During the prayer line, she was given a prophecy from the man of God Stavros, which is as follows: There is a spirit of death attacking the family. Dead people come to you in the night.  You have nothing to do with these people! Today, we pray and every chain of death will be broken.” Then the prophet declared her free in the name of Jesus Christ.

Mrs. Namazgul confirmed the prophecy as true! Indeed, dead people were coming in her dream. Recently she saw her dead sister in the dream whom she kissed on the cheek, and her dead mother. Every time she saw this kind of dreams she was disturbed and she could not sleep, but she stayed awake and restless until morning. In general, she had sleep problems for many years.

The demonic influence was evident in other areas of her life as well, as health problems throughout her body. One of these was a cyst in her kidney, her bones and her legs. As she admitted, she tried many medications, but none of them made a difference.

Her finances were not in much better shape than her health. In fact, not only was she having financial issues, but she was having difficulty paying her essential bills. As she stated, money was not enough and she had no help from anywhere…

Fortunately, she discovered the ministry of Prophet T.B. Joshua on YouTube, and when he learned about SCOAN Thessalonica, she contacted the church to visit. As the devil wanted to prevent her from receiving her breakthrough, she decided to come to the church, the demonic attacks got worse, she saw strange dreams and nightmares of spiders, as well as snakes every time she closed her eyes. At the same time, her health deteriorated. Despite the obstacles, Mrs. Namοzgul made an act of faith — which proved to be life-saving!

Grateful that the root cause of her problems has finally been revealed, she promised God to pray more, preach His Word and serve Him with more zeal!

You think right when, by an act of faith, you begin to think not of your limitations or shortcomings but of your righteousness in Christ Jesus!


Mrs. Grace’s life was wrecked by a demon that caused her scoliosis and made her uncontrollably angry and extremely aggressive. Despite the problem of distance and language, she managed to come to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica from Singapore, believing that the shackles in her life would be broken!

During the line of prayer, Prophetess Evgenia said the following to Mrs. Grace: “I see there is a lot of quarrelling, with your partner and your family in general. You get angry very easily. This is an attack from satan to destroy you. If this was not broken today, it would have continued on your kids.” Then, as the prophetess prayed over her, a demon manifested itself, saying: “Why do you want to deliver her? How dare you? I don’t want her to have a good life! I gave her scoliosis and I want her to divorce her husband!”. Yet before the name of Jesus Christ every unclean spirit is subdued, and so Mrs. Grace received her deliverance!

She later confirmed what the evil spirit said that although she has been married for more than 20 years, peace was absent from her home due to constant fights with her partner. She confessed that she did get angry too easily at the slightest thing. Very often, she would lose control and become extremely aggressive, even with her son. Weeks or months could pass without talking to her husband! Yet she didn’t know the reason she was full of so much anger inside her…

Her health problem also prevented her from having a stable job. Scoliosis caused her back pain and poor quality sleep at night.

Knowing now with all her heart that she is free, Mrs. Grace’s promise to God is to serve Him for the rest of her life.

There is not enough physical or mental strength to fight satan. The more we get into the natural, the more satan rises up and becomes bigger. On the contrary, the more we get into faith, the more satan diminishes.


A word directly from the throne of God was what Ms. Bibi needed to receive from Holland, and that is exactly what she received at the time of the prayer line!

Specifically, the words of Prophet Stavros were as follows: “Jesus Christ loves you! The devil wants you to commit suicide. This thought is not from you. It is an attack, but Jesus has a bright future for you. So, today we will pray for all these demonic attacks to go, and you will be free to follow God.”

Shortly afterwards, she confessed that she had struggled with suicidal thoughts all her life, but had never told anyone. In addition, she had a tendency to self-harm, biting her shoulders and hands. Last but not least, she was also experiencing different nightmares at night.

However, as the prophetic word was able to put an end to all demonic activity, Ms. Bibi feels excited that a new chapter is starting in her life with Jesus Christ! “I will always follow Him and spread His Word everywhere!” that was her promise to the Lord!

If the situation you are in now does not guarantee your future, do not despair;  the end has not come, the best is always yet to come!

The following photos show visitors from all over the world who came to experience the Great Healer, Great Provider, Great Deliverer, and Saviour, His name is Jesus Christ!

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In an atmosphere full of life and fervour, the believers gathered at the Christian Church of All Nations – Thessalonica, raising their voices in gratitude and praise. Afterwards, a revealing message entitled “YOUR GREATEST ENEMY” was delivered by the man of God Stavros, in which he discussed…

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With hearts full of anticipation and faith, believers gathered at the Christian Church Οf All Nations – Thessalonica, longing to experience the power and presence of God. In this atmosphere of faith, Prophet George Christodoulou stepped up to the altar with a message that touched everyone’s hearts, entitled: “COMPLETE TRUST IN GOD!”

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