The Sunday service at the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, was held with great joy, reverence and anticipation! The worship songs and love towards God prepared everyone’s hearts to finally receive what they were seeking!

Later on, man of God Stavros preached a profound message that shook the core of every Christian, as he redefined everyone’s relationship with God and laid the right foundations of that relationship! The title of the message was “WHAT IS GOD SEARCHING ΤΟ FIND?”.

He started his message by saying that as one browses the internet for information, they are presented with a multitude of people preaching about Jesus Christ. So, in one day, one can open a social media channel and become a pastor! God can use anyone He wants to express Himself. So, miracles, healing, deliverances are not a product of human ability, but they are clearly an act of God. Nevertheless, there is a paradox. While in our days God’s work is becoming more and more popular, the name of Christ is becoming more and more obscure… Someone is watching us, the children of God, and they do not see what they would want to see…

Then, he read the biblical passage from Matthew 7:22-23: “Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles? Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’” As it was, so it is, there are many who want to work for God, but there are very few who really want to be friends with Him… For this reason, he stressed, doing God’s work today, does not mean that Christ knows you. It does not mean that you are His friend, nor does it mean that your salvation is a given. For, you may confess that you are a Christian, but not being such in your heart!

Next, he read another passage from the Word of God to clarify what God is searching to find, from 2 Chronicles 16:9: “For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him”. When we speak of the heart, the man of God explained, we are actually speaking of character. Because character is everything you think, everything you speak, and everything you do in your daily life, that’s what God is looking for in His children. On the last day, we will not be judged by our outward appearance, but by the content of our character. That is, God will not judge you by what you show others, but by the content of your heart!

The Prophet pointed out that churches and the internet today are full of rhetorical Christians and pastors, yet they lack in terms of character. Consequently, we understand that eloquence, friendliness or ability to inspire does not make you suitable; honouring Jesus with your character does.

He went on to say that people with character don’t wait until they are caught doing wrong to apologise! They confess to God and to people. People of character, behave in front of others, as they behave when alone. These people don’t need… the police, they are the police for themselves! Yes, perfection eludes us all, but God’s people do not leave a job unfinished. A man without character says one thing now, does another later and promises something different at the end. God cannot trust someone with no character, that is why He chose David and rejected Saul, as we read from 1 Samuel 13:13-14. Therefore, in order to maintain God’s gift, we need God’s character! In fact, there is nothing you can maintain in this life without the character of God!

Summing up, the Prophet concluded that unpleasant situations discipline us and improve our Christian character, thus making us better followers and disciples of Jesus Christ. So, the character must be put to test, because God’s character is what you need today!


Mr. Fadzai from Zimbabwe, a resident of England, decided to revisit the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, in order to give his testimony about how the hand of God has acted mightily in his life.

During the prayer line, as the man of God Sorin was praying for him, the Spirit of God located him, giving him the following prophetic word: “You are experiencing attacks… Many attacks that have to do with lust and masturbation. This is your weakness. Satan is using this weakness. From now on, as God is separating you from these things today, you must put the Word of God in the centre of your heart. Because it is not enough to be disconnected and delivered, if you cannot maintain it. You need the Word of God to walk with the Word of God. So, whenever the enemy attacks you again, you know how to resist him, and he will leave you. This is your role to play. God is playing His role, but you have to play your own role.”

Mr. Fadzai began his testimony by saying that he had been facing the problem of lust for over 10 years. More specifically, it all started at the tender age of 12. He started watching various things on the internet. Thus, he started getting addicted to it. Every time he went to sleep, he would watch pornography and masturbate.

All this affected him as it led him to desire girls! In fact, he said that the spirit of lust was what made him unable to pray. He could not read the Bible because he began to feel dirty; he began to feel that God would not accept him the way he was. More so, he focused on looking at and desiring women, instead of reading the Word of God and praying.

He was trying to stop all this in his own strength, as he said. However, every time he made the decision to not do it again, he had attacks in his dreams.

Regarding his studies, every time he had to wake up early to go to lectures, he would watch pornographic material once again.

His relationship with his girlfriend was affected, as he was not being faithful to her. He was never satisfied and never focused on one girl at a time.

After the prophetic word and when he went back to his country, he realised that he had changed! When he sees women on the street now, he doesn’t look at them lustfully. Now, he is in a relationship and he plans to get married. Furthermore, every time he goes to sleep, the first thing he does is read the Bible. He no longer watches pornography nor masturbate, of course.

As he came back to the church and re-entered the prayer line, the man of God Sorin, gave him another prophetic word through the Holy Spirit: “I see you preaching the Word of God! I see God wanting to use you, and He doesn’t just want to use you. He wants to use you to make a difference! You have a role to play. Start asking God to reveal to you what are the steps you need to take in order to do this work, as it should be done. God loves you!”

Mr. Fadzai’s first reaction was being shocked, as he had taken a different career path. After the prophetic word he received, he realised that the devil was trying to prevent him from doing what God has ordained for his life. Now, his hunger for God and His Word is like never before! Every time he reads the Bible and prays, he remembers that Jesus loves him and that He has a plan for him. He wants to know Him more and more and serve Him forever!

His advice to young people is that the devil is trying to distract us from our relationship with God, because he came to steal, kill and destroy. He also added his advice to parents, telling them that they should bring their children back to God, as they cannot make it in life on their own. His promise to God Almighty is that as long as he breathes, he will do his best to serve Him and fulfil His promise for his life.

No matter how dirty you are, Jesus Christ can cleanse you! He is the only hope there is!


When your situation has gone beyond the power of nature, it has become a curse that only Jesus Christ can break! This is what happened in the lives of Mrs. Louise and Mr. Kenneth, a couple from Sweden who saw the hand of God delivering them from the bondage of sin! No longer able to hide their miracle, they wanted to give all the glory to Jesus Christ. “I see problems in your relationships, and it is because of your character, you need to build a character of Christ because you are very selfish and don’t want to be told what to do. What will help you is to study the Word of God, and It will cleanse you and help you build a character of Christ. From today the Lord will help you. — these were the words that Mrs. Louise heard from Prophetess Evgenia on that blessed day, thus starting a new chapter in her life!

She began by saying that when she visited the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, she was going through multiple issues. Specifically, she had pain all over her body that constantly felt swollen. When she visited the doctor, he could not give her a concrete answer to her troubles, so she continued to live a life of pain. All this affected her negatively and caused her anger, as well as problems with her husband.

Another issue that plagued her was the bad dreams she used to have every night. She would have dreams of people giving her food, or even men trying to sleep with her. After these dreams, she used to feel even more anger and an inexplicable tiredness that affected her performance at work.

Her words were echoed shortly afterwards by her husband, Mr. Kenneth, as he also saw the hand of God at work in his wife’s life and his own. He explained that there used to be frequent quarrelling with his wife, with this greatly affecting their relationship.

After the prayer, Mrs. Louise saw her life change, the bad dreams ceased and her relationship with her husband has become new, as he confirmed. Also, Mr. Kenneth used to suffer from insomnia, but as his wife came to receive prayer everything changed! From where he had to take medication so he could sleep at night, his life changed as the man of God Stavros touched the picture of him held by his wife during the prayer line.

After all this, M4s. Louise advised God’s children to run to God and not away from Him, regardless of their situation! She promised to serve Him, to read God’s Word and to be always in His presence!

When you run away from the problem, you run away from the solution, success and breakthrough! Give your burdens on Jesus Christ, and you will soon find the solution you are truly seeking!


Do curses work? And if so, when? The answer to that question lies in the words that follow: “There was a girl you disappointed in the past and she said: ‘Since he didn’t marry me, he shouldn’t marry anyone else!’ This is why you cannot settle, and it also affects your character and your work. But as you have come here and repented – because you came with a repentant heart – God will deliver you and give you a financial breakthrough! » This is what Prophetess Evgenia told Mr. Alex from the Netherlands.

Indeed, as he later confirmed, he had had several relationships in the past. Some women wished to go through life alongside him, but Mr. Alex had no such intention.

He was facing various problems such as depression, family problems, and financial problems. One of the reasons for the latter was that he would spend a lot of money in a relationship without thinking about his financial obligations. He generally felt lonely, and that he was not special to another person.

However, life does not completely close the door to new opportunities! After the encouraging words he heard from the woman of God, Mr. Alex feels great, he believes that everything is going to work out well in his life now and, of course, he intends to invest in his relationship with God!

As long as you live, there is hope to be saved. Never, ever think that the blood of Jesus Christ is not able to wash away all sin. Just draw near to Him with humility and sincerity of heart!

The following photographs capture moments where God’s anointing makes contact, through His prophets, with every person that seeks a genuine touch of God’s living presence. Moments that will forever remain in eternity!

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In an atmosphere full of life and fervour, the believers gathered at the Christian Church of All Nations – Thessalonica, raising their voices in gratitude and praise. Afterwards, a revealing message entitled “YOUR GREATEST ENEMY” was delivered by the man of God Stavros, in which he discussed…

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With hearts filled with anticipation and faith, the congregation gathered at the Christian Church of All Nations – Thessalonica, eager to experience the power and presence of God. In this atmosphere, the man of God, George Christodoulou, took the pulpit with a powerful message for every…

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With gratitude and awe, the believers gathered at the Christian Church Of All Nations – Thessalonica to praise Jesus Christ. The voices of the believers were filled with love and faith and they rose to Heaven through prayers. Every song was dedicated to the One who sacrificed Himself, rose again, and reigns for the salvation of the world with power and love. Thus, the Prophet reached the title of the message, which was “YOUR ASSIGNMENT AS A CHRISTIAN”…

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With hearts full of anticipation and faith, believers gathered at the Christian Church Οf All Nations – Thessalonica, longing to experience the power and presence of God. In this atmosphere of faith, Prophet George Christodoulou stepped up to the altar with a message that touched everyone’s hearts, entitled: “COMPLETE TRUST IN GOD!”

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