A wonderful atmosphere of faith prevailed in the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, as the people of God gathered in His name. The worship and testimonies enhanced the hopeful atmosphere and the Spirit of God had already clearly begun to move in the room!
There is a time for everything, a time for someone to be born, a time for them to grow up, a time for them to do what God has called them to do — this is how the man of God Kastriot began his sermon, entitled “WHERE DO YOU DIRECT YOUR LIFE?”. The uncertainty of the time of Jesus Christ’s return requires vigilance and alertness, he stressed. The primary responsibility in our lives as Christians is to trust the Holy Spirit and have His Word in our mouths, in our hearts and in every conversation we have. If you do what God has called you to do, God will be with you and no one can be against you!

He then read from the Gospel of Luke 16:27-31: “He answered, ‘Then I beg you, father, send Lazarus to my family, for I have five brothers. Let him warn them, so that they will not also come to this place of torment.’ Abraham replied, ‘They have Moses and the Prophets; let them listen to them.’ ‘No, father Abraham,’ he said, ‘but if someone from the dead goes to them, they will repent.’ He said to him, ‘If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.’” The Prophet explained that the rich man repented, but it was too late. As long as he was alive, he would buy what he wanted, eat and drink what he wanted, he even planned his vacation… He prospered in the physical, in the outer appearance and not in the spirit. If you are not prospering in your spiritual life and you seem to be prospering in some other areas of your life, it is dangerous; satan will enslave you. We need to get busy with the spiritual part of life, because we don’t know when our time will come. Many say, “Let that time come, and we’ll see!” but no one really knows when they will leave this life. “Where are you directing your life? Do you know your Divine destiny?”, asked the man of God, and went on to say that while you are on this earth you can still make choices, but if you die you cannot go back in time!

He then emphasised that God is not pleased with us today, because we care about our appearance and not about the spiritual man, that is, our heart. Hence, it is very important to know where we are headed. We need to do what God has called us to do; not what others are doing! Other people may be spending time in their sin with no interest in the salvation of their souls. In fact, some have accepted that they want to go to hell – but they don’t know the truth, because they have heard false teachings. One disease can kill many people, but one false teaching can kill generations!
Instead of worrying about material things – as none of those will be with us in the next life – we should focus on how to repair our relationship with our Creator. If you focus on God, you are what God says you are, you have what God says you have, and you can do what God says you can do!
Concluding his message, the prophet added that it is up to us to choose which God we want to serve by directing our lives correctly. God allows everything to happen at the appointed time and place. We may not realise it, but that contributes to the beauty of creation!

Ms. Joselyne came to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, to testify how God cured her of a desperate case. She was born with a heart defect that later developed into cardiomyopathy—an allegedly incurable heart condition. She was prescribed heavy medication that she would take daily. The sickness persisted to the extent that at times she was too weak to perform in her job, and often had to be sent home. This became psychologically, financially, and physically taxing as it became unbearable to live with the realisation that she would have to be on medication for the rest of her life.
After too many frequent episodes of having to be rushed to the hospital, her children pleaded with her that they had to find a solution, worried that her next visit to the hospital could be her last. One day she stumbled across a video on YouTube about the SCOAN. For long she had been trying to visit the church but did not have a visa. Thankfully, she found out that she could come to the SCOAN Thessalonica without a visa!
On the day she came, the Spirit of God led His anointed servant, man of God Harry, to locate her during the mass prayer, where she received a touch from the Holy Spirit, and her life was changed once and for all! Soon after, Ms. Joselyne started noticing positive changes in her health. After some months she visited her doctors and, after they ran some tests, it was confirmed that she is completely healed! She further testified that from the time she received the prayer, she never once had to visit the Emergency Room, and was able to stop her medication completely! This alone was such a big burden lifted off of her, since she had previously been told that she would have to take heart medications for the rest of her life. Two years later, she still has no issue with her heart!

Eternally grateful to God for His intervention, she advised, “To anyone passing through what I passed through, it may seem like nothing is happening–just keep believing! Be patient on God.” Realizing that this ordeal has brought her closer to God Almighty, she encouraged all who were listening to continue to grab onto faith.
Victory in Christ Jesus is not for those who quit, but for the one who perseveres!

Ms. Yan Zing came to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, with her family, to break every evil bond in their lives, in the name of Jesus Christ!
During the laying on of hands, the Spirit of God through Prophet Stavros gave a prophetic word to Ms. Yan Zing, while granting her much needed freedom: “You are free from idols. In your family there are bondages from idols, people used to worship other gods. Today you are free! From now on, you will live in peace, with no bad dreams, these demonic attacks you used to have, and God will give you a peaceful and long life to enjoy!”
Indeed, Ms. Yan Zing has worshipped Japanese deities most of her life, and was a devotee of Taoism and Buddhism earlier in her life. Her sleep was restless, as in her dreams she would see herself chanting or sleeping alongside dead relatives. She would hear voices and Japanese chants at night! All this filled her with fear and took away her peace.
During the prayer line, she felt peace and much joy that God spotted her! She and her daughter promised God to read their Bibles and draw near to God, having His Word in their hearts as a guide.

Jesus Christ in the wilderness spoke the Word out loud, directly to satan, and thus gave Christians a war plan on how to defeat satan! God’s Word is your weapon — use it!

Mr. Lacrosse, who comes from Guadeloupe and lives permanently in France, had an unforgettable experience when he came to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, to receive a Divine touch from God Almighty!
During the prayer line, as the man of God Kastriot prayed for him, the spirit of God spotted him, giving him the following prophetic word: “I see a breakthrough in your life! Financial breakthrough! A breakthrough so great that you will not only cover your life, but the lives of those who follow you! Remember this day and these words, and come back to give your testimony so that the breakthrough you receive will glorify His name!”
Mr. Lacrosse wanted to confirm that the Spirit of God had pinpointed his problem. For years he had been experiencing significant financial difficulties. In more detail, he was fired from his job in 2019, and for a whole year he was unemployed. Later, he found a job in France, but his boss unfairly fired him, which caused him anger. After being out of work, for a full year, he had to rely on state benefits to survive with his family. In fact, it was quite difficult for him to pay his bills, and as a result, his debts increased.

Surprised, joyful, and grateful, he promised to come back to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, to give his testimony of what God did in his life!
In the presence of God, the secret is not to oppress the flesh, but to surrender to the Spirit of God! Surrender to Him, and you will see how Heavenly blessings will meet you!
In the following pictures we see the Spirit of God breaking generations of curses, bringing all kinds of blessings into the lives of His children!
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