Another lovely Sunday service took place in the presence of God! The believers sang worship songs to the Lord and listened joyfully to the testimonies, which increased their faith in Him.
Then, man of God Giannis preached an eye-opening sermon titled, “WHERE WILL YOU BE TOMORROW?”. He started his message by saying that most people today live their lives doing what they want, without thinking about what God wants from us; but the choices we make today determine where we will be tomorrow. So, the question “where will you be tomorrow?” is to remind us that we should not let our daily lives lead us astray and that we should be certain of where we are headed.

Later on, he read from Mark 11:12-14 and 20-21, the story where Jesus cursed the fig tree that had no fruit because, as the Word of God describes it, “it was not the season for figs”, and thus, the tree withered. Then, Prophet Giannis asked the following question: “Do you know the season you are in today? Do you know if Jesus comes today and seeks fruit from you, if He will find it?”, noting that we should walk in God’s time and not according to our own. When we wait for a more convenient day, he continued, that day may never come, because the lures and cares of the world, fleshly desires and the attraction of the world have turned the heart of many from their Creator.
He read a second biblical passage from Luke 21:34-35: “Be careful, or your hearts will be weighed down with carousing, drunkenness and the anxieties of life, and that day will close on you suddenly like a trap”, commenting that since we do not know when Jesus will come, we should be constantly on our guard. The anxieties of life, he elaborated, are when you are running around for your children, your job, your responsibilities, and so you don’t have God as your priority. He even cited as an example the parable of the foolish rich man who, after accumulating wealth for himself, decided to rest. Yes, he toiled, he worked very hard, but it was not what God asked him to do. In fact, he had never asked God if that was what He wanted from him! Staying a little more on this, the prophet commented that there is nothing wrong with working. Many heroes of faith worked hard, but the important thing is that they put God first, and asked His opinion before doing anything, and thus, not only did God honour and bless them, but through their work they glorified His name. So, if we take care of the depth of our relationship with God, God will take care of the breadth of our success!

Another point he made is that people often rest on a blessing they have received from God as an answer to their prayers, but God’s blessing cannot be maintained, unless we play our role. The devil comes daily to tempt us, to rob us of our blessings and get us out of God’s way; he even tempted Jesus himself after 40 days of fasting – whereas if any of us had fasted for 40 days, they would think they were beyond temptation! Temptation usually comes in the form of thoughts, he pointed out, and we often give in without first asking God about those thoughts.
In closing his sermon, the prophet explained that success first starts within us and then it is shown around us, that is, it starts with our spiritual life, our relationship with God. “If you want God to receive you on the last day, you must bear fruit, and God’s name must be glorified through your life!” – He stated, encouraging the crowd to stay vigilant!

A beautiful testimony for the glory of God was given by Mrs. Maria from Naoussa, Imathia, and it presented yet another proof that behind every situation, behind every problem, there is a spirit hiding.
It all started many years ago when she was at the age of 16. She started having daily panic attacks, she could not eat or drink water. This resulted in her losing much weight.
In trying to find a solution, she turned to doctors, whose answer was that her problem was purely psychological and nothing more. But she knew within her, that this was not the case…
After a year, the situation worsened. She could no longer travel by bus or by car, or even walk down the street as a pedestrian, for fear of being hit by a car! As soon as she got into a vehicle, she felt suffocated and she started sweating. Even in the middle of winter, she had to have frequent stops while being in the car and keep the windows open when she had no choice but to get into it.
Many times, it was toilsome for her to get to her workplace. One day in particular, a colleague did not take her to work by car, so Mrs. Maria preferred to walk 5 kilometres in the summer heat, rather than take public transport! Because of this situation, sometimes she did not even go to work, and as a result she was losing her daily wages.
She also felt as if her soul was coming out of her body when she slept and her throat was dry.
Seeing other families being able to travel and go on holidays and mothers taking their children out for a walk when she couldn’t, it was to be expected for Mrs. Maria to feel desperate as a result. This problem led her closer to the Lord, and she prayed to Him to help her!
Through a friend, she learned about the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica. As she listened to some of the church worship songs, she began to cry, weeping with joy and relief, as if a weight was lifting off from her! She felt the same joy she felt when she first heard the sermons of man of God Harry.

Thus, she registered for the prayer line, and immediately afterwards she felt much lighter on the inside! As for the changes? She is now eating and drinking water normally! She goes to work and travels by any means of transportation without feeling overwhelmed! Not only is she mentally well now, but she also feels renewed, as she specifically pinpointed!
Her advice to the audience was for them to have faith in God and find a living church, while she promised the Lord that she would serve Him until the very end!
Victory in Christ Jesus is not for those who quit, but for those who endure until the end!

For many years, Mrs. Princess from Denmark was experiencing sicknesses that the doctors strangely could not locate. She quickly realised that her issue was not physical, but spiritual. Thus, she travelled to Greece to attend a service at the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica.
During the laying of hands, an unclean spirit manifested through her when the Prophet Kastriot laid his hand upon her. The demon said, “She is stubborn, I have caused sickness! She left her family, she will not work, she will die!”. Once Ms. Princess received her deliverance, the man of God told her: “God has delivered you from the spirit of death. You will find your family, they will come back to you!”.
After the service, she wanted to share all that she had experienced in her life. “Something came off of me, for sure!”, such were her words. Elaborating further, she stated: “When I was asleep, I would see someone chasing me, choking me and I was among dead people.” She would wake up in a panic because she felt she was close to death!

She also mentioned that she had migraines, dizziness, and inability to concentrate. The doctors could not offer her any solution, the pills did not even relieve her from a headache.
Her marriage was about to fall apart. Her career and relationships with the people around her had been negatively affected. She was working remotely, but still couldn’t perform well.
After the wonderful freedom Jesus Christ gave her, with a smile, she said: “I am free! My family is free, thank you, Jesus!” Her promise is to study His Word daily!
Trusting God does not consist in praying alone. There are times to pray in faith and times to act faith. In other words, there are things we do ourselves and others we expect of God.

Mrs. Grace from Italy was privileged to be one of the attendees at a blessed Sunday service where the Spirit of God located her and gave her a special prophetic word. The prophetic word given to her by the Prophet Giannis was as follows: “I see that you have gone through many difficulties and trials in your life. You have generally suffered a great deal, but today God Almighty has delivered you, and from today your life will change, and I even see a great breakthrough in your life!” Mrs. Grace confirmed that this was the case for her, but that it was thanks to her grandmother that she learned God’s way, and said she had been praying for 7 months so that she could come to church in the presence of God.
Starting her shocking story, she said that in 2009 her whole family was left on the street as the government forced their way into their house, saying that the house no longer belonged to them, but belonged to the government! So they prayed that God’s will would prevail and protect both them and their property.

She struggled to love those around her, while she herself received no love, and said she experienced poverty and hunger daily, which never made her lose her faith in God. She used her poverty and hardship as an opportunity to fast in order to strengthen herself spiritually. Through her grandmother’s encouragement, she also believed that God would provide for them, and indeed she would put it in someone’s heart to bring some money or some food, which became her principle and conviction for her later life, namely that God would never leave her alone and that He would take care of her, because He is the bread of life and her Provider!
With renewed faith, Mrs. Grace now believes that things will be very different for her and her family, confirming this part of the prophetic word, because Jesus will restore what satan stole from her life. She promised that she would come back with her testimony and the changes God has already begun to make in her life! Still, she declared that she would love Him with all her heart and follow Him with all her being, and advised people to come closer and closer to God and read their Bibles, because that way they would never be ashamed!
According to 1 Peter 5:7, the Word of God tells to cast all our care upon Him, for He cares and looks after each one of us!

Ms. Neema from Belgium had an unforgettable experience at the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, to which she came to receive a touch from God Almighty!
During the laying on of hands, as the man of God Michael prayed for her, the Spirit of God located her, giving her the following prophetic word: “Jesus Christ is here today. It is not normal to have moving objects in your stomach, it is something supernatural that is happening. You need deliverance! You need to believe that Jesus Christ is here today!”.
Ms. Neema confirmed that she indeed felt something moving in her body, but she could not touch it. This affected her negatively mentally, as no one understood what she was facing, but also physically, as she suffered from abdominal pain and difficult periods of heavy bleeding. The demonic presence also negatively impacted her relationships, which, although they started well, ended unexpectedly, for no real reason.

Full of joy and gratitude to God, she promised to love and serve Him with all her heart!
Everything is possible to the one who believes! Believe in Him, and you will see that the impossible will become possible with God!
In the pictures below, we see God’s mighty hand touching hearts and changing lives, glorifying His holy name!
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