The atmosphere at the Synagogue, Church of All Nations Thessaloniki, was charged with the presence of God, as the worship team sang hymns to the Almighty God—hymns that touched the hearts of everyone present!

The man of God Harry preached an enlightening message to the attendees, entitled “WHO DESERVES THE GRACE OF GOD?”, giving the people of God precious life lessons. He began by saying that in this world, there are good and bad people, just and unjust people, holy and sinful people, sincere people and liars, but God makes the sun dawn for all people. When He blesses, He blesses everyone, and anything He provides, He provides to everyone! Therefore, we understand that, regardless of the category we belong to, God gives His grace to all people!

After reading the story of Zacchaeus from the Gospel of Luke 19:1-10, he particularly highlighted verses 7-10, on which the Word of God stresses: “All the people saw this and began to mutter, ‘He has gone to be the guest of a sinner.’ But Zacchaeus stood up and said to the Lord, ‘Look, Lord! Here and now I give half of my possessions to the poor, and if I have cheated anybody out of anything, I will pay back four times the amount.’ Jesus said to him, ‘Today salvation has come to this house, because this man, too, is a son of Abraham. For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost’”.

Through the very relevant and understandable verses he read to the congregation, the man of God pointed out that we would say that although Zacchaeus did not humanly fulfil the requirements in order to welcome Jesus Christ to his home, the Word of God opposes that, teaching that no one is too good or too bad to qualify for God’s grace! As the man of God explained, if someone deserved God’s grace, then it would not be called grace, but a wage! If for one moment, God took His grace from us today, we would not be alive! He even indicated that even if we do not feel it emotionally, physically, mentally, or spiritually, we are under God’s grace! Jesus Christ did not take Zacchaeus’ past at all under consideration, because our past is unworthy and satan often uses it to make us believe that we are unworthy of God’s grace and that we have no hope! Nevertheless, the man of God emphasised that there is hope, because Jesus Christ enters our life to put an end to our unworthy past and give birth to a glorious future!

Asking attendees to consider the following questions: “Who is a true child of God?”, “How do we discern a true child of God?”, the man of God gave the following answer: “It is when we are blessed that one can see clearly who is a child of God!” When Zacchaeus climbed the sycamore-fig tree, even though he was blessed, he disregarded his social status and humbled himself in order to see Jesus Christ! This act clearly showed that he was a true child of God and Jesus Christ could acknowledge that. In contrast, many Christians today, once their prayer requests are answered and God blesses them, they turn away from Him because they love life’s pleasures more than God. Giving the example of Samson, he explained how his love for pleasure, specifically his love for women, destroyed God’s grace in his life. Therefore, he pointed out that when you love pleasure more than God, you are bound to destroy the grace of God in your life! Thus, the man of God stressed that we need to be careful of what we love and what God’s position is in our lives.

Concluding his message, he read from Psalms 66:18-20, “If I had cherished sin in my heart, the Lord would not have listened; but God has surely listened and has heard my prayer. Praise be to God, who has not rejected my prayer or withheld his love from me!” and he revealed that if we pray without receiving an answer, it is because we have a liking towards sin. Our faith alone is not enough to receive from God, because He knows our hearts. He disclosed that one can be smiling, happy, kind, gentle, helping everyone, but sin regarded in our heart spoils the comfort of God’s grace and ruins the success of our prayer! The man of God concluded that the grace of God comforts us during difficult times and our love for God above everyone and everything, preserves us from liking sin, thus making our prayer effective!


Mrs. Ariadne Panagiotakou from Giannitsa was among those who honored Jesus Christ before God and people. After experiencing the wonderful things the Lord had done in her life, she returned on Sunday to the Synagogue, Church of All Nations Thessaloniki to testify to His mercy and love!

Her beautiful testimony began as Miss Panagiotakou referred to the fact that she has been a member of the Synagogue, Church of All Nations Thessalonica, since the opening of the church. Thus, she has had the privilege of receiving the wisdom of the Word of God through the man of God Harry, as well as his guidance on various issues of life for six years now. She comes from a single-parent family and is a student at the Department of French Language and Literature of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. During her studies, she took part in the Erasmus program, which gives students the opportunity to study abroad in another country for six months during their studies. By the grace of God, Miss Panagiotakou applied to study for six months at the University of Strasbourg in France.

So, going alone to a foreign country for the first time, she was faced with many bureaucratic procedures which she confessed that, to her surprise, were completed with great ease and without any problem, acknowledging and thanking God Almighty for His grace! However, with the intention of excelling and furthering her studies, including earning a doctorate degree, she decided to stay in Strasbourg longer. She, therefore, tried to find a way to participate in an internship at the University. So, she met the head of the department she was interested in and after a short discussion, she was accepted for her internship at the University!

She elaborated that when she was a student she was allowed to stay in the dormitory, but during her internship, she would no longer have that option. Hence, she started looking for a house in Strasbourg, which is a city with a high cost of living and consequently, the rent prices were high. As she searched for a place to live, visiting many real estate agencies, she was unable to find something. She was searching with a friend with whom she was to become roommates with and the aim was to share their living expenses. Her friend, however, managed to find accommodation at the university she was to attend and so Miss Panagiotakou had to live alone and pay her expenses. She applied several applications online but without receiving any response, and therefore, she was forced to live with a friend, basically being homeless! Under these circumstances, she contacted the man of God Harry, she explained her problem to him and he prayed for God’s intervention in the situation.

Just two days later, a woman contacted her saying she had a room for her! The house was beautiful and comfortable and she would have to pay the sum of €500, which she would earn from her internship! While her payment was due at the beginning of October, a month after her internship started. Unfortunately, she did not receive her salary and by November, she was owing an amount close to €1000. This was a large amount for her, as a student in a foreign country, and she thus found herself at a dead end.

Under a condition of stress and anxiety, as the time her internship was getting closer to its end, she prayed to God saying: “Lord, if I receive my internship salary, I will pay my tithe to the church.” On a Sunday, while listening to one of the man of God’s sermons, she realised that God does not ask for what we have leftover, and so, she decided to act by faith! Taking the decision to leave her problem in God’s hands and only having less than €30 in her bank account, she transferred €5 as an offering to the house of God. Even though she still had not received her money and was in debt, she felt peace in her heart!

The next day, when she checked her account, to her surprise, she saw that she had been credited €1500! Rejoicing about God’s act, she mentioned how God honours the faith we show Him when everything in sight indicates that there is no hope!

Miss Panagiotakou shared one more experience with the audience, which took place during her studies in Strasbourg. In May, a conference entitled, “Conference on the Future of Europe” was to hold place at the European Parliament in Strasbourg and great personalities of countries, such as presidents, prime ministers and members of parliament would be in attendance. A few days before the event, Miss Panagiotakou received a message from the University saying that the European Parliament was inviting French students, as well as Erasmus students, to this conference. This invitation had a specific deadline for participants and, unfortunately, Miss Panagiotakou did not see the message on time. Disappointed, knowing that she had missed her chance, she responded to the invitation, saying that she would be very interested in participating, even though it was late.

The day after, she received a new message in which her professor wrote that, after all, the Parliament was inviting more students and therefore, she finally had the opportunity to go to the European Parliament in France, which she very much wanted!

With a lot of joy for the miraculous things the Lord has done in her life, she advised those present to draw near to God and maintain a daily relationship with Him, having faith that He is with us in everything! Finally, she promised Jesus Christ that she would put her faith into practice in whatever situation she finds herself in!

The proof of our faith is absolute trust in God for everything! The one who acts on the Word receives things from God because acting on the Word of God makes Jesus Christ Alive in your life!


Anyone visiting the Synagogue, Church of All Nations Thessaloniki, with faith that the Omniscient God will locate them, receives abundantly exactly what they need. This happened to Pastor Juan Amador on Sunday, who traveled from Houston, Texas, to break down every wall hindering his spiritual progress. The blessing he received exceeded all his expectations!

Standing at the prayer line and asking for the intervention of the Heavenly Father, the man of God Harry gave him the following prophetic message: “What happened to you began when you prayed for a particular woman. You tried to deliver her, but she was an agent of darkness. You were trying to cast out the demon for a long time, but the woman just laughed and threatened you, saying, “You will see!”. From that moment on, something happened to you that you cannot explain. You were under attack because the work of deliverance is by the grace of God. That woman was into witchcraft. What she did was not ordinary. She started launching attacks at you in the night… It has strongly affected you, your marriage, your life, your ministry, every aspect of your life… You are struggling to grow your ministry, but you cannot! There is limitation. This limitation has been exposed today, because the root of the problem has been exposed! It is very important to understand what your level is and how far you can go into when ministering to people. The age of ignorance is over, there is no excuse anymore. Now you are not ignorant! Before embarking on different kinds of ministry, first focus on the Word of God and your lifestyle must be in harmony with the Word. Once you do this, then the Lord will continue to add more grace on you. Grace has levels: deep, deeper and deepest. I encourage you to continue your ministry, but to know your area of ministration. Not everyone has been called to cast out demons or to prophesy or to heal the sick. When God wants to take you to another level, He will let you know, you will begin to experience extraordinary experiences with God. I want to give you guidance on how to grow more in spirit. From there on, the sky will be your limit!”

Feeling extremely blessed Mr. Amador confirmed the prophetic word he received. The beginning of his difficulties, indeed, was marked by his visit to a place to pray for the members of a family. At that place was a group of people praying for the deliverance of the family, but Mr. Amador noticed that among them was a woman who was behaving in obvious satanic ways! So he began to rebuke the demon that had possessed her, in order to deliver her, but without success. The demon manifested itself through the woman, laughing at Mr. Amador’s prayer and saying: “You do not know who I am!”. That day became the starting point of the challenges that appeared later, just as revealed by the man of God Harry!

Initially, Mr. Amador explained that when this happened, he was an unmarried deacon, devoted to the work of God. As soon as God revealed to him which woman he should marry, he proposed to her, and then the turmoil began. From that very day, the enemy gave him various thoughts, trying to convince him that he did not love his future wife, that he was going to make a huge mistake, because she is not the right person and that she is not from God. The enemy made him think that people would stop believing in him, and that God was wrong to reveal such a thing to him!

His dreams were also bad, as he saw people from his previous relationships, which confused him. However, he knew very well that he was under demonic attack, as the hatred that satan was trying to plant in him towards his wife had never happened before, and he knew what God’s plan was! The daily struggle that made him feel fear and lack of love for her continued even after their marriage. Even though he prayed with his wife, who was just as confused as he was, since everything changed so unexpectedly, the attacks got worse. Satan continued to influence him with false words. Mr. Amador, however, made it clear that he had understood that none of this was normal and that the enemy wanted to kill him, in order to destroy God’s call for his life! Unfortunately, he did not know how to manage it…

Regarding the ministry that he started with his wife in 2013, Mr. Amador shared the fact that God had revealed to him that their work would grow in a miraculous way. However, as much as they sought the presence of God, there was something that delayed their progress. He felt that he could not develop his ministry and the anointing of God in his life. The strong relationship he had with God in the past had weakened…

As if that were not enough, he developed sleep apnea, which made his condition difficult because he had difficulty concentrating on studying the Word of God and did not have the strength to be active in his ministry.

Despite the relentless challenges, Mr. Amador remained steadfast in his purpose as a pastor and did not give up, on the contrary, he ran close to God. His visit to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, and his meeting with the man of God Harry gave him valuable lessons, as well as the solution he needed!

Now, he has learned to appreciate God for the way he uses him and his wife for His glory, he feels free, and he is confident that the prophetic word he has received will help him reach the level He wants him to be effective in the ministry! Finally, he promised to focus on loving Jesus Christ more, walking according to His Word, and obeying Him in every step of His life!

Truly, all glory and thanksgiving belongs to the Lord, who sends His servants on earth as a channel of blessing and freedom to show the children of God the way to salvation and success!


Every Sunday, dozens of visitors arrive from every corner of the globe at the Synagogue, Church of All Nations Thessaloniki. They come to receive a divine touch from the Almighty God and to witness the era of miracles being repeated today! Among them was Mrs. Lorna Rauter from Austria, who came on Sunday with the hope of encountering Jesus Christ and transforming the history of her life.

As the anointing of God was moving during the prayer line, when the man of God Harry got close to her, it seemed to Ms. Lorna that he was her father coming to advise her, and she emphasised that the power of God, overflowing from the man of God Harry, was inconceivable. Right after that, the Spirit of God exposed the root cause of her problems through this prophetic word: “Do you know why I am insisting on you?”, said the man of God Harry. “Dead people have been visiting you in your dream. This is not a good dream! They want to take you to the other world, but God has not given up on you. You are still under the grace of God that is why you are still alive. Do not give up! Since God has not given up on you, do not give up!”. After he prayed for her, he declared her free in the name of the One who has no beginning and no end!

Clearly excited about the prophetic word she received from the man of God Harry, Ms. Rauter wanted to give all the glory to God Almighty by confirming everything that was said to her. She started by mentioning that, indeed, she used to see dreams with dead people, specifically friends and family members that were no longer alive. Furthermore, one day that she was walking in the street, she ran into someone she knew but hadn’t seen for a long time. When she told her friends about it, they told her that the person she saw had been dead for some time.

As her confession continued, she mentioned that she had tried to commit suicide multiple times, she had been in many tragic car accidents, and should have already been dead. There were also moments in her life that she was sick and the pain she felt was so insufferable that she would reach the point of asking God to take her life away! She was in a very bad emotional state, she was feeling disappointed in life, and found no point in living…

Now, she feels that all of her problems have ended, she feels renewed, happy, and encouraged after the prophetic word that she received, because she knows that the Creator of the universe is with her and has not abandoned her!

Deeply grateful, Ms. Rauter has decided to seek Jesus Christ more and grow spiritually, studying the Word of God more. Closing, she promised the One who gave her a new chance in life, that she will follow Him forever!

The devil came to steal, kill and destroy, but Jesus Christ came to give life, and that in abundance! No matter how strange the situation you are facing may be, He is the One who can give the solution and the answer to every fundamental issue of life!


Mrs. Isabella Moore from England came to the Synagogue, Church of All Nations Thessaloniki with the hope of attracting the Spirit of God to intervene and completely change her life!

Indeed, the Spirit of God located her and she received this word of prophecy, through the man of God Harry: “You are free today, and what has been happening to you was that satan has been attacking you with bad thoughts, negative thoughts. I don’t know you and you don’t know me; I am just telling you what the Holy Spirit is telling me. I am seeing that satan has been attacking you with a lot of negative thoughts in your mind, in your brain. At times, you begin to misbehave; you don’t want it but you just begin to shout and to fight with people and you don’t know why! When you come back to your senses you realise that ‘This is not me! I don’t want to do this!’. People begin to think there is a mental problem. This is an attack and it has been that way from when you can remember your life. Jesus loves you; you are free today!”.

While talking about her past, Ms. More mentioned that she began having all kinds of negative thoughts in her mind, and the greatest one had to do with her dying. That thought was so intense that she reached the point of thinking she would actually lose her life! To get rid of those thoughts, since she could not sleep or eat normally because of them, she requested help from a psychologist, who diagnosed her with anxiety disorder and prescribed her medication in order to help her feel calmer. Nevertheless, not only did the state of her mental health did not improve, it worsened!

She used to see a scary shadow in her sleep, dead people’s skulls and she had even reached the point of hallucinating. Because of the terror that she was feeling, she got even more health problems. Specifically, her face got swollen and an infection in her gums manifested! She decided to call a mental health support hotline but received no substantial help… She abandoned her job and went back to her country of origin, where she used to live with her family, thinking that it was the way for her to feel better and put herself together. It took her 4-5 moths to reach mental state that would allow her to work again.

When she got back to her job, her superior asked her for an explanation as to why she left so suddenly, but Ms. Isabella felt ashamed of the problems she was facing and did not know how to explain them to people around her in order to be understood.

Then, Ms. More confirmed the words of the man of God Harry, regarding her bad behaviour to the people around her. She explained that in her work environment there were disagreements with her coworkers that would often lead to conflict. She was not at peace with her family either! Quarrels with her spouse and her mother, whom she would not visit when she would travel to her homeland, Hungary, were a frequent occurrence. Because of her bad behaviour, many people, including her husband, thought that she had mental issues… She would often try to explain the reasons behind this behaviour and would even shout while trying to do so but she would see that no one understood her, and that was unpleasant for her.

With that psychological weight over her, Ms. More made the important decision to come to Greece and take part in the prayer line of the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica! After she made one step towards God, He did many more towards her, setting her free once and for all!

Now after the prayer she received from the man of God Harry, she feels relieved, full of peace, and she understands that everything she went through was an attack from the devil. She promised God, the Giver of this deliverance, that she will make His Word the standard for her life and that she will have peace with the people around her!

As children of God, we have to examine every thought under the light of the Word of God. If we do that, we will be in a position to perceive the lies of the enemy and live a life full of peace and without fear!


It is a fact that the majority of people today, in their quest for love, choose the wrong source and accept behaviors that disappoint, reject, and hurt them. This was exactly the case in the life of Mr. Andreas Rauter from Austria until he decided to turn to the right Source. Thus, on Sunday, he stood in the prayer line at the Synagogue, Church of All Nations Thessaloniki, looking with hope to Him who loves us unconditionally.

As the man of God Harry prayed for him in the prayer line, the Holy Spirit gave him the following prophetic message: “I see disappointment and rejection in your life. You have been experiencing it many times, all your life. Disappointment and rejection, disappointment and rejection… Today it will stop. This is the end of it!”. A prayer in the name of Jesus Christ was more than enough to set him free and erase all the disappointment of the past!

Later on Mr. Rauter confirmed the prophetic word, saying that it was absolutely true, since disappointment and rejection prevailed in all areas of his life. Giving more details, he stated that he works as a technician in a water supply service and, unfortunately, is paid less than he should have. In addition, he had never been given the opportunity to do more, although he had requested it, in order to prove his abilities, as he had received better training in the field of plumbing and electrical issues and could solve any problem.

As for his personal life, he stressed that he had often been disappointed by his friends, who always only pointed out his failures, which for him was very, very bad… He felt rejected by the people around him and this made him feel overly uncomfortable and afraid to deal with this situation clearly with other people.

Regarding his previous past relationships, he said that there was a lot of disappointment there as well, after his girlfriend left him for another man. In time he overcame it and finally found his current wife. However, even in his marriage there were disappointments and challenges! Their sex life was either not going well at all or it was non-existent…

Immediately after the prayer, deeply grateful, he boldly declared that he feels free and renewed! Finally, he promised not to fight alone, but to consult God for everything!’

No matter how disappointed you are with life or the people around you, God has a wonderful plan for you and there is nothing more ridiculous than allowing your present situation to make you doubt the fulfillment of God’s promises in your life.

The following pictures are some highlights of what happened during the prayer line. People from different parts of the world, attended the Synagogue, Church of All Nations Thessalonica, recognising the presence of God and that He is the Only One who saves, blesses, heals and delivers those who seek Him with faith and truth!

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