Joy, peace, safety… This is how a child of God feels when he comes into His presence. In every service of the Christian Church Of All Nations – Thessalonica, people of every nationality find refuge in the love of Jesus Christ, worshipping Him in faith and truth!

A forever going on topic for the children of God is why we want the Lord to bless us, and that was also the title of the message given by Prophet Kastriot, « WHY DO YOU WANT GOD TO BLESS YOU? ».

Undoubtedly, He has blessed all of us as His children, and that is because we have been blessed to bless others. But if you do not know how to keep your blessings, you will use them for the wrong reasons, that is, for selfish or material reasons.

An example of this is Gehazi, the servant of Prophet Elisha, whose story the man of God took from 2 Kings 5:20-27: “Gehazi, the servant of Elisha the man of God, said to himself, “My master was too easy on Naaman, this Aramean, by not accepting from him what he brought. As surely as the Lord lives, I will run after him and get something from him. ”So Gehazi hurried after Naaman. When Naaman saw him running toward him, he got down from the chariot to meet him. “Is everything all right?” he asked.  “Everything is all right,” Gehazi answered. “My master sent me to say, ‘Two young men from the company of the Prophets have just come to me from the hill country of Ephraim. Please give them a talent of silver and two sets of clothing. ”  “By all means, take two talents,” said Naaman.” […] When he went in and stood before his master, Elisha asked him, “Where have you been, Gehazi?” “Your servant didn’t go anywhere,” Gehazi answered. But Elisha said to him, “Was not my spirit with you when the man got down from his chariot to meet you? Is this the time to take money or to accept clothes—or olive groves and vineyards, or flocks and herds, or male and female slaves? Naaman’s leprosy will cling to you and to your descendants forever.” Then Gehazi went from Elisha’s presence and his skin was leprous—it had become as white as snow”. Unfortunately, Gehazi did not seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, but his own pleasure, and as a result he lost the blessings he already had, such as his health. So, we understand that those who see God as one of those things – money, business, social relations, pleasures and comfort can affect their relationship with God because satan will enslave you.

Then, Prophet Kastriot emphasised the necessity of realising on one hand that we should not ask God for a certain thing – because Ηe knows what we need – and, on the other hand, that the devil can bless us, but the trap is that he will take our souls in return.

The man of God even gave a piece of advice to the crowd. While many work to leave their children or grandchildren an inheritance, which is legitimate, they do not teach them how to manage these blessings and treasures. The answer given by God’s servant is again through His Word; « Teach them to inherit the Kingdom of God and not earthly treasures! », he concluded.

Coming to the end of the message, he reminded God’s people that we are unworthy of His presence, let alone His blessings. However, if we learn to ask our Heavenly Father to bless us to become a channel of blessing for our neighbour and learn to manage the blessings, God will not hesitate to bless us abundantly!


When the devil gives you something with his left hand, at the same time he takes away something on which your life depends on, with his right hand! There are quite a few who, in their effort to find the Living God, fall into the traps of the devil, and there a genuine representative of God is required in order to bring about permanent and true freedom. Mr. Carlos from Spain, having seen the hand of God at work in his case, was not long in coming to share with the congregation how God delivered him from darkness!

Looking back on the past, he said that it all started when he was looking for wisdom in books. While searching, he found some books by an author named Carlos Castaneda, who wrote books about magic. Surprised by the supernatural power hidden in the author’s books, he read 12 books and did what the author taught! At the same time, a friend of his introduced him to a man who was into astrology. Mr. Carlos’ excitement was great, since his new acquaintance, through astrology and tarot cards, could see the future! He knew intimate things that were impossible to know and everything this man said was accurate. Seeing this man’s powers, Mr. Carlos believed that this man would lead him to the light.

As time went on, Mr. Carlos found that this man was using a special category of demons to track people’s pasts, and so he knew everything about them! He would call upon the demons and thus be given all the information. Although Mr. Carlos had a special interest in astral projection, the astrologist he met convinced him that the greatest supernatural power lay in what he called « steady meditation »…

While Mr. Carlos was in contact with this man, his dreams were not normal. In one of them, the astrologist, whom Mr. Carlos now considered his master, used his supernatural powers to take him out of his body and take him on an astral journey, which happened often. When Mr. Carlos met the astrologist the next day, he mentioned the dream to him, but he already knew about it.

The astrologist, who was deeply involved in witchcraft, used tarot cards that were similar to others created by a well-known satanist from England. He had 52 cards with different images drawn by a friend of this satanist. So, in turn, Mr. Carlos used these cards for cartomancy to other people. His reason for engaging in this practice was mainly to help other people, to give them hope, to talk to them about the light. However, this was an evil tactic that led him even further away from Jesus Christ!

Trying to give more details of the darkness he experienced, he pointed out that the astrologist he was associating with always carried a large silver cross, but he had told Mr. Carlos that this was not the Cross of Calvary. In other words, he had denied the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Mr. Carlos’ master told him that the cross was the symbol of the four elements that exist in magic. It was a magical cross, not a Christian one…

Mr. Carlos shared another event that occurred one night, on one of his astral trips. His master was in an office standing in front of Mr. Carlos, and showed him a document he needed to sign. If he signed this document, he would be bound to this astrologist’s spiritual group, which Mr. Carlos refused to do in his dream. When he woke up, it was now clear that his master had nothing to do with the light of the Lord and he began to walk away from him. The astrologist, as was to be expected, became very angry with Mr. Carlos because he knew that he could at any moment reveal all his secrets.

This is how the attacks started! At night he felt a hostile presence and was so frightened that he even tried to leave the house and go to a hotel. Every day, Mr. Carlos feared for his own life! So all of this had a great impact on his life, as it caused him anxiety, stomach pain, difficulty sleeping and nervousness. He wanted to find a solution, but he couldn’t go to the doctor or tell his relatives what was happening to him, because they would think he had a mental problem.

Thank God, though, that He is always there to pick us up every time we fall! Mr. Carlos, seeing that his condition had gone beyond normal, ran closer to God, and decided to come to the Christian Church Of All Nations – Thessalonica, and joined the prayer line! As Prophetess Evgenia prayed for Mr. Carlos, the Spirit of God located him and gave him the following prophetic word: “I see you have too much anxiety in your life! And you didn’t write it on the placard. The stomach ache is because you have anxiety! Every time you get anxious your stomach hurts! As of today, the anxiety is gone! All the evil attacks and family curses are gone! And you will come to give your testimony for the glory of God!”.

Indeed, Mr. Carlos threw away all the supernatural books and tarot cards! Now, instead of reading books about witchcraft, he reads the Word of God! Now, he no longer stresses, he controls his emotions and deals with whatever comes up in his life with the power of God! He no longer practices astrology and is completely free!

Full of enthusiasm, he advised the congregation to find the true Source, that is, Jesus Christ through His Word and finally, he promised Almighty God to read His Word daily and to have it in his heart!

Glory be to God, because he is always ready to readmit His people, who come to Him in humility and repentance, to the right position in His glory. Run to Him, because no matter how dirty you are, Jesus Christ can cleanse you!


When the power of God power is present, deliverance, blessing, and healing are just like breathing. The Lord’s invitation to leave our problems in Him still stands, and it is this exact invitation that Mr. Hein accepted after he made the decision to travel to Greece and visit the Christian Church Of All Nations – Thessalonica.

Thus, Mr. Hein received a prophetic word from the man of God Stavros during prayer. The prophecy was as follows: “I see that you are not satisfied with yourself. That brings you to thoughts that lead you to depression, as if there is no hope, or “I cannot become greater than this, I fight, I try”. Success comes from God. So if you follow God, God will lead you to success. You don’t need to allow negative thoughts to come and keep you down. Trust God and your success is guaranteed! You are blessed in Jesus’ name!”

Mr. Hein later confirmed the above words by saying that he used to pray a lot, but when he stopped praying, he felt sad and lonely. He also added that the fact that he was not married affected his self-image. He went on to say that he was quite happy with his job, but his manager was soon to retire so he would have to take his place. As he pointed out, this made him feel like he wouldn’t make it and that it would be very difficult for him.

Now, however, all of these things belong to the past. Mr. Hein believes that he is free from the problem that tormented him, and he promised that he will always be with God Almighty and study His Word every day.

Indeed, if you put your problems into God’s hands, He will put His peace into your heart.

Come to Jesus Christ as you are, with your weaknesses and problems, but with an honest heart! This is what the people in the photos below did, and the Lord proved Himself mightily in their lives!

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