With great joy and excitement, the attendees sang and praised the One and Only Jesus Christ, the One who continues to reign with power and pray for us, in the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica!

This was followed by a revealing message entitled “WORDS ARE UNNECESSARY!”, through which Prophetess Evgenia said that most of us claim we are Christians, but when someone comes to insult us, we leave the presence of God. We say we are Christians, but we do not practice it because we are influenced by external factors.

She then took her Biblical passage from Matthew 21:28-30, which reads: “What do you think? There was a man who had two sons. He went to the first and said, ‘Son, go and work today in the vineyard.’ ‘I will not,’ he answered, but later he changed his mind and went. Then the father went to the other son and said the same thing. He answered, ‘I will, sir,’ but he did not go.”  Prophetess Evgenia explained that we make promises, but do nothing. Most of the time, when we make decisions, we are happy! Your “Yes” should be “Yes” and your “No” should be “No”! When you wish someone something, you have to make it happen, otherwise it is a sin.

She added that we make promises to help our fellow man, but we do absolutely nothing. However, when you solve other people’s problems, God will solve your problems! Because we begin to succeed in life when the pain and problems of others begin to matter to us. But when you don’t love your neighbour, what God are you serving? Our words are unnecessary, but our actions matter! The reason we do not keep what we say is because we are not filled with the Word of God! God’s commandments are not deeply rooted in our hearts. When you are not filled with God’s Word, you will act with your mind, senses, and emotions, professing to believe the Word, but your actions will indicate otherwise!

Taking the second biblical passage from Matthew 17:14-21, he said: When they came to the crowd, a man approached Jesus and knelt before him. ‘Lord, have mercy on my son,’ he said. ‘He has seizures and is suffering greatly. He often falls into the fire or into the water. I brought him to your disciples, but they could not heal him.’ ‘You unbelieving and perverse generation,’ Jesus replied, ‘how long shall I stay with you? How long shall I put up with you? Bring the boy here to me.’ Jesus rebuked the demon, and it came out of the boy, and he was healed at that moment. Then the disciples came to Jesus in private and asked, ‘Why couldn’t we drive it out?’ He replied, ‘Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.’Jesus Christ had sent His disciples to heal, deliver, and bless. They prayed, but they could not cast out the demon, because it was at a deeper level. They lacked the degree, the level, and the measure of faith to cast out the demon. She pointed out that there are 3 levels: the deep, the deeper, and the deepest. If you are at the deep level, when trying to approach something at a deeper level, you are doomed to fail.

In closing, she said that faith is the heavenly currency we buy to receive heavenly blessings. Healing, deliverance, and breakthrough are Heavenly blessings! As you enter the new year, this is an opportunity to make new resolutions and stick to them!


Mr. Cyriacus, a resident of Croatia, came to the church about a year ago, facing various professional and financial challenges. Coming again, this time he confirmed for himself – as thousands of others have done – that the power of Jesus Christ to change lives has not faded, past, present or future!

So, as he came the first time, he received a prophetic word from the man of God Sorin: “I see a spirit of death destroying your life and the life of your siblings. God Almighty is cutting all these connections now and you will have breakthrough in your life!”

Mr. Cyriacus’ life was marked by a series of mysterious accidents, which also happened to his brothers and sisters. He struggled to develop his business without success. In addition, he was visited in his sleep by his parents, who are no longer alive.

Returning to his residence after the prophecy, he had deep faith in his heart that God would answer his prayers.

Indeed, everything he couldn’t achieve professionally in 10 years, he managed to achieve in just 4 months! His business has flourished and his clientele is steadily growing! Thus, his finances have seen a great improvement!

Mr. Cyriacus advised the congregation to seek and follow God, focusing on how the key to his success was total trust in Him. He promised to stay close to God and maintain a heart full of gratitude!

Remember, your test is for your promotion, and your promotion will bring you the reward!


Considering it a Christian duty to pray and lay his hand on others, the life of Mr. Brian, a resident of the Netherlands, did not seem to be that of a Christian…

To the glory of God, a demon was manifested in him while he was receiving prayer from Prophet Stavros, saying the following: “You are weak! I am the king of the underworld! He is strong, I entered him because he was praying for others! I entered him because he has gifts, because he is strong!” Of course, the unclean spirit could not resist the power of God, and as God’s servant rebuked it, Mr. Bryan was set free! The Prophet then encouraged him, telling him that he was now free and could do God’s work, “however there is a process!”

At the end of the service, he shared more details about the demon’s words. He began praying over other people 2 to 3 years after he started believing in Jesus Christ. One particular time, however, was the one that opened the door for the devil to inflict powerful blows on him, and that was because even though the Holy Spirit, in his heart, was telling him not to pray over a person, he disobeyed that voice and did it!

Immediately he felt then filled with chaos and darkness within him! The demonic attacks in his sleep followed… Nightmares, dreams of a sexual nature, and a feeling of being chased and hunted came very often. For example, he would see various creatures chasing him, such as skeletons, vampires, dragons, and even a woman in the form of a spider! All these things appearing in his dreams were so frequent that after a certain point, Mr. Bryan got used to them…

Naturally, he couldn’t find peace in the daytime either, and that was because when he wasn’t having nightmares, he was constantly filled with negative thoughts. Not finding a ‘refuge’ either by day or night, he was so depressed that he no longer wanted to live, since his career had also gone downhill.

Praise Jesus Christ, Mr. Bryan has received his deliverance and is now calm and peaceful! He recognises that to reach his calling, he must go through a process to become fit to be used by God! He promised to give his best for Jesus Christ!

The biggest mistakes happen because of impatience, so arm yourself with patience, because only in God’s time everything is beautiful!


Mr. Vicente and Ms. Shalina, who come from India, visited the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, to seek the hand of God Almighty in their lives. Indeed, as they placed their hopes in Him, the Lord did not disappoint them!

At the laying on of hands, as Prophet Kastriot was praying for Mr. Vicente, an unclean spirit was exposed, saying: “I am a demon! I have destroyed his life! After the Prophet commanded the demon to leave in the name of Jesus Christ, he advised Mr. Vicente to maintain a solid relationship with God and then told Ms. Shalina: “You are a very good woman. God loves you! All that was going on in the family was an unclean spirit that was confusing your husband, and your life in general. Now you are free! Follow the way of the Lord!” Then the couple embraced each other and praised God!

After the meeting, the couple confirmed what was said about their lives. The problems started about 15 years ago, after they bought a piece of land on which they built. Initially, they had problems in their relationship, lacking love, affection and solidarity. For everything bad that happened, they used to blame each other and fought often. There was no peace in their home or within them. Their children’s marriages were also negatively affected.

Their health also took a toll, as they began to get sick all the time. In particular, Ms. Shalina suffered from pain all over her body, as well as from terrible migraines, and she felt “heavy”. Seven years ago, she was also diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis, an incurable disease that affects the joints, causing swelling and severe pain. As a result, Ms. Shalina had reached the point where she was limping and needed help constantly. This meant that Mr. Vicente had to help her, but he also had to be the sole breadwinner of the family – which was difficult as he was unable to find a good job. As a natural consequence, their finances were not in good shape. Mr. Vicente was, moreover, confused and without purpose in his life. He was also distressed by the situations he was facing.

After the prayer, Ms. Shalina felt light, her chronic headache was instantly relieved, and the pain started to leave her body as well! She believes that God will restore her completely and has promised to serve Him as long as she lives, and to also speak of His goodness! Mr. Vicente, happy now, promised the Lord to serve Him with all his heart!

Do you feel like life has done you an injustice? If so, then look with faith to Jesus! He was unjustly nailed to a cross so that you could be forgiven of your sins and have an abundant life!


Ms. Cordelia, from Italy, came to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, to see the power of Jesus Christ working against the forces of darkness. At the time of the prayer line and as the anointing of God was overflowing through Prophetess Evgenia, an unclean spirit manifested through her, saying: “I want to destroy her! She wants to serve God, no! I want her to serve me, not Jesus, but she wants to serve God! I don’t want her to get married! I want her for me, I want her to serve my kingdom, I don’t want her to marry, have children, she will be great on this earth, no! I’m on her mother’s side and her father’s side, I want to destroy them! They want her to marry, but I don’t want her to marry!” After, the Prophetess declared her free, Ms. Cordelia wanted to confirm all that the demon spoke of.

She began by explaining that every time she wanted to pray to God, the spirit of the Queen of the Coast would appear before her, sometimes in the physical and sometimes in her dreams, to stop her and tell her that she must serve only her! Many times, in fact, to terrify her, it would send her pythons and colour-changing snakes.

This spirit required various sacrifices, indeed she wanted Ms. Cordelia to act as an advisor for darkness in the lives of those who would come to her for help. She then stated that she never managed to get married! Whenever someone was interested in her, she would dream of this spirit warning her, and as she stated, she had no attraction for men whatsoever. In fact, she reported that in the spirit world she was married with children and had people who ministered to her. Of course, this differed from reality, as in the physical she had nothing at all to show for it.

Her family made various sacrifices to this spirit, many times they wore red garments as they went to the coast and had regular communication with this spirit. The last experience she had with this spirit before she came to the church was it trying to chase her and convince her that no Prophet can deliver her.

Now, Ms. Cordelia is very happy as the Spirit of God has found her and set her free once and for all. Finally, she promised to dedicate her life to the light!

The trials you are going through today are for your promotion and your promotion is for your reward! So, don’t give up, Jesus Christ has overcome for you!

The photos below depict visitors from all over the world who came to experience God’s anointing through His anointed servants!

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