What is the one place in the world where you can forget your everyday problems and worries? The presence of God of course! That sweet and loving presence that soothes every aspect of your soul! In the presence of God every problem has a solution, every disease has a cure and every captive can find his freedom, simply because Jesus Christ never said goodbye. If we realise that it is God’s will to bless us, heal us and save us then it will be very easy to face anything that comes our way, with hope that the One who overcame the world supports our position!

In this beautiful atmosphere, the man of God Stavros preached a message entitled, “YOU ARE NOT ABOVE INFLUENCE”, with which he awakened the people of God.

The man of God began with the question, “How many of you have had your child come to you and ask you to give them or do something forbidden to them?” He went on to explain that although parents sometimes give in and allow the child to do what is forbidden for once, most of the time, the story does not end there. Leading the congregation to honest self-examination, he pointed out that what applies to children also applies to us adults!

Many times, we tend to sin, with the excuse that we will only do it once and that is the reason why many Christians, find themselves off track, in sin.

The above words are confirmed through the Word of God, specifically 1 Corinthians 15:33-34, Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character.”[ Come back to your senses as you ought, and stop sinning; for there are some who are ignorant of God—I say this to your shame.” Explaining further, the servant of God emphasised that no matter how good, spiritual, wise, intelligent, or hard-working you are, if you walk with unwise, unbelieving people, someday you will be like them!

Many children of God have missed opportunities brought to them by the Lord because they thought they could change their surroundings. They thought they could change the people around them… On this particular issue, Prophet Stavros emphasised that if you cannot change the environment you are in, then change the environment, as people of faith cannot prevail where there is an environment of unbelief, because no one is above influence.

It is only natural to think that actually, the whole world is an environment of unbelief, even our workplace. In response to this as well, the prophet read from 1 John 4:4, You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.” Therefore, there is one influence that is above all others, Jesus Christ, and He gives us His grace either we are working or we are alone, not to be negatively affected by the environment around us! But how do you enjoy this grace? Through obedience to His Word, because Jesus and His Word are one!

In closing, the man of God emphasised, “Stop smelling what your faith doesn’t eat, stop seeing anything that scandalises you!” Instead, create time to spend with the most positive influence, Jesus Christ! When you have a relationship with Jesus Christ, you change and become a man who is directed by your Heavenly Father, not by the influence of others.


Doctors are available to help treat any sicknesses we may be facing. Many times, however, some illnesses appear so suddenly that they cause us intense anxiety, to the extent that the medical explanations of specialists are not enough to reassure us. When the doctors told Mrs. Felistas that she was suffering from diabetes, she knew in her heart that this was not normal. She was sure that God had to give His opinion on her case. So Mrs. Felistas came with her son, Mr. Nathan, as she had reached the point of desperation and despair…

She began her testimony by saying that she had had arthritis since 2014, she had been to the doctors, and the doctors told her that there was nothing they could do but give her painkillers, with which Mrs. Felistas saw no improvement whatsoever! The arthritis affected her to such an extent that she could not walk, there were limited things she could do. She kept asking for help from her children as she could not climb the stairs or even stand up!

As for her legs, she had severe pain. Last year she had tests, and when the doctors examined her, they diagnosed her with diabetes and put her on medication once again. This, at first, was a big shock to her, because her mother died of diabetes, and she was afraid of having the same outcome.

As far as her dreams were concerned, she saw several animals attacking her, biting her, and fighting with her. She was even afraid to sleep because every time she slept she had nightmares!

Her emotional condition was severely affected, she was sad, she was constantly crying, and was depressed! Her relationship with her husband was strained. She was so angry with him because of disagreements that she felt she wanted to hurt him.

Mr. Nathan reported that his mother was not able to do any work in the house, nor could she climb the stairs or even get up from the sofa. Whatever Mrs. Felistas needed, Mr. Nathan was there to provide for her, as Mrs. Felistas could not do anything because of her health problems. In fact, Mr. Nathan mentioned that his mother was quite angry and was always ready to argue with anyone around.

However, all that changed when he came to the Christian Church Of All Nations – Thessalonica and received a touch from prophet Giannis! Her healing was instant! She can, now, walk and do all the household chores. While she had been prescribed medication for diabetes, after prayer, she received healing, and stopped taking the medication, as it was no longer of any use to her! She has no illnesses, no depression!

Filled with excitement, they advised the congregation not to run away from God, but to run to Him, for He is the Great Healer! They promise to continue to serve God, for He alone is the solution to everything!

Indeed, whenever you make a mistake, don’t run away from God, run towards God!


Man is a social being by nature always wants to associate with people. However, not all friends are for out benefit, because if they do not add and multiply in our lives, they certainly subtract and divide! This is what Mr. Joseph from France had to learn in a quite unpleasant way, as his life started to take a bad turn when he was influenced by a friend who was involved in magic.

As the Spirit of God located him during the laying of hands, the Lord had a message for him through Prophet Stavros: “I see influence from other powers than Jesus on you. Powers like ancient powers that come in contact with you through charms for good luck, through friends, friends that are doing some things. I see this influence on you from this, from other powers, like Reiki. Today it’s to be clear that only Jesus can help you. So be careful of the influence you have around you because I see you very sick. Today we pray, we cancel any plan of the enemy but be careful of the influence around you. What is this thing you are wearing? You do not need this. This is not from Jesus! You may think it is just jewelry and that you wear it for fashion but this carries negative power from the kingdom of darkness. You don’t need it. Throw it away now after the prayer”.

Indeed, Mr. Joseph confirmed that a friend of his was involved in Reiki and whenever he prayed with this particular girl, he felt a strange presence around him. However, he never suspected that he was influenced by these dark forces.

Regarding the necklace he was wearing, he explained that it was given to him as a spiritual gift. He had been wearing it since it was given to him without knowing what kind of effects it had on his health. After the prayer, however, he realised that both his girlfriend and his environment are involved in freemasonry and the necklace were affecting his psychological state, as he was suffering from panic attacks. There was no peace in his dreams either, as he had sexual dreams and used to see dead people in his dreams.

The moment he received prayer from the man of God Stavros, he felt a warmth and immediately the anxiety that had previously weighed on him disappeared. He now believes that he is truly free, and by the grace of God, he threw away the necklace that was causing darkness in his life. Finally, he promised to follow God for the rest of his life!

As children of God, it is not enough to simply know God’s opinion about us. It is just as important to know God’s opinion about the people around us, because no human being is above influence!


We have all gone through difficult times in our lives, but the worst and most unavoidable situations can break us if we don’t have the necessary support. Mr. Fizzo and his family suffered for a long time from the anxiety caused by their situation, so he decided to seek the hand of God!

Taking part in the prayer line of the Christian Church of All Nations – Thessalonica, the man of God Stavros prayed for him and told him the following: « Brother, I see stress. It’s too much. You’re worried about what’s going to happen. What happened to your brother is for a purpose. God wants to correct him, humble him, and prepare him for what is coming. So don’t worry. He will be set free in God’s time, just like that! ». Then the Prophet declared Mr. Fizzo free, in the name of Jesus Christ!

Mr. Fizzo later wanted to confirm the prophecy he received. He explained that he and his family have had a very difficult time lately, as a family member is in prison. This has caused pain, stress, tears, frustration, and insomnia to the family and to him personally. Mr. Fizzo actually worried constantly about what would happen, he lost weight because he was not eating properly, and stopped smiling. When he did manage to sleep, he suffered from demonic attacks in his dreams. In addition, his academics were negatively affected since he had difficulty concentrating on his studies. As a result of the condition, his mother developed heart problems, and she cried constantly.

The prophecy Mr. Fizzo received gave him hope again, and the belief that God would bring a breakthrough in his life and in his family. During the prayer, he felt God’s presence, and then felt an immediate difference. In fact, to his surprise, he began to smile! In closing, he thanked the Prophets who continue the Lord’s work and promised God to be part of the Christian community that spreads the Gospel!

It is worth believing in God even when every sense contradicts Him, because He has promised to honor those who honor Him! So focus on your relationship with Him and trust that He will take care of your every concern!

Pain in various parts of the body, sickness, setback… The following people brought all kinds of problems to the Lord, and no problem was able to stop His anointing from working in their lives! Glory be to Jesus Christ!

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