The atmosphere of faith in the Christian Church of All Nations – Thessalonica was palpable, as God’s children from all over the world gathered to hear His Word and give Him all the glory He deserves! Indeed, who is worthy of our love and obedience? Only Jesus Christ!
Then the prophetess Eugenia preached a wonderful message entitled “HOW TO GET RID OF ANGER?”. She started by saying that we all want to have good relations with our fellow human beings, but this is not always possible, because of our weaknesses… She specifically talked about anger and how many people face problems because of this weakness. Thus, they do various things without considering the consequences of their actions. However, as the Word of God states, whatever a man sows he shall reap! She emphasised that as we are in God’s University, we will learn how to get rid of anger!

Then, she read from Psalm 37:8:“Refrain from anger and turn from wrath; do not fret-it leads only to evil”. Having this verse as her base, the Prophetess pointed out that as a Christian you must be careful of what you do, because God demands that you always to always do the right. Furthermore, she said that in addition to being careful with our actions, we should also be careful with our words, as out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks! Many times when we speak we influence the people around us because no human being is above influence!
Coming to the end of the message, the woman of God highlighted that first we must get tired of this weakness, secondly we must be honest with God and thirdly we must humble ourselves before Him And this because the day you will get tired of the situation it is the day to begin to overcome!
What can lead a man to want to harm his fellow man? Anger, can be considered normal by many people and at the same time it can turn out to be fatal, even if it sounds impossible. Mr. Victor came from Poland to the Christian Church of All Nations – Thessalonica, looking for a divine solution in his case!
As Prophetess Evgenia prayed for him in the prayer line, she said the following words to him: “When you were little, the spirit of anger entered you through a dream. So, from then on anger started in you! We reveal the root of the problem. As you have come here today, God will deliver you from this!’
Later on, Mr. Victor began by saying that when he was young, he lived with his mother and there was a lot of violence in the family because the man his mother lived with was very tough. Thus, he was also negatively affected, and from an early age he became a very tough person.
This of course affected his relationship with other people. For example, when he was 18 years old, he was in a state of mind that almost killed a man! More specifically, he had attended a party, being intoxicated, and something was driving him to go up to a man and start hitting him! He assaulted him so violently that the man fell on the ground! Generally, this was his usual behavior – violent.
However, when God delivers you, He delivers you effectively, and He does it for the salvation of your soul! Having indescribable joy, peace and freedom, he promised God Almighty that he will spend time with Him, and when the time of temptation comes, he will resist and cling to Him!
Undeniably, not managing anger brings setback, but in the midst of setback there is hope; Jesus Christ is the Hope! Run to Him, because only He has the solution to your problem!

Yes, it’s true, some people will hurt you. Some others will not come back to say, “Thank you!” for the good you did them. This, however, is never going to justify a child of God who keeps bitterness and unforgiveness in his heart, because these are what open the door to other, worse situations…
This also applies in the case of Mrs. Felistas. Through a prophecy given to her, satan’s plan to destroy her life her life was revealed. Specifically, the following words were spoken to her by Prophet Giannis: “I see that you have bitterness in your heart for some people. It is difficult for you to forgive. This bitterness I see brings you depression. If you do not pay attention and allow the forgiveness of God Almighty to come into your heart and forgive, the devil will continue to attack you with depression until he destroys you! As God Almighty revealed it today in your life, He will give you the grace to be able to forgive today, and He will free you once and for all from every destructive plan of the devil in your life!

At the end of the meeting, Ms. Felistus confirmed the words of the prophecy, saying that she had indeed held a grudge against her parents for several years. More specifically for her mother because of the way she raised and for not showing her enough favour. Ms. Felistus comes from a large family and is the youngest of all her siblings.
Diving deeper into her story, she said that many times when her siblings did not complete their homework, they would tell her to complete it, and this continued every day, with their parents’ tolerance. She also added that this continued to happen until they reached an old age. That is, now, when they all have a family of their own. Ms. Felistus’ siblings, however, asked her for help with several things and, although she did not have much free time – as she is a single mother – she constantly helped them, but without receiving any sort of appreciation ! The fact that her family only wanted her for the money or the help she could provide. Thus, the bitterness within her, caused her to become depressed…
God Almighty brought an end to all this, when with a touch, during prayer, Ms. Felistus felt a current go through her whole body! Now, she believes that she has been freed from all that tormented her! Her promise the God who set her free to not to sin anymore and release forgiveness!
Unforgiveness due to offense, is one of the traps satan, the enemy of our soul, uses to keep us in bongage. Do you feel like something is holding you back? Examine yourself with honesty and if you find any sort of bitterness in you, cry to the Lord, and He will help you!
You were not created to be sick! You were not created to be tormented! As the people in the photos below came by faith and received, faith is your connection to God. Receive your miracle by faith, in the name of Jesus Christ!