In an atmosphere full of faith and gratitude, the believers gathered in the sacred premises of the Church, eagerly expecting the presence of the Lord. Everyone’s hearts beat in a rhythm of prayer and anticipation as hope filled the atmosphere. The serenity that was in place was indicative of a deep spiritual tension as people joined their voices in praise. Every soul felt renewed and empowered, convinced that God’s promises are true and that Jesus Christ lives and is the Hope of all people.
Prophet George Christodoulou in his message entitled “OVERCOME YOUR LIMITATIONS!”, explained that all people encounter limitations in their lives, whether physical or spiritual. Satan uses these limitations and weaknesses as bait to create traps and draw believers away from God. However, as children of God we are called to fight against every obstacle that comes our way!

Analysing the passage from Luke 19:1-6: “Jesus entered Jericho and was passing through. A man was there by the name of Zacchaeus; he was a chief tax collector and was wealthy. He wanted to see who Jesus was, but because he was short he could not see over the crowd. So he ran ahead and climbed a sycamore-fig tree to see him, since Jesus was coming that way. When Jesus reached the spot, he looked up and said to him, ‘Zacchaeus, come down immediately. I must stay at your house today.’ So he came down at once and welcomed him gladly.”
The Prophet delved into the personal story of Zacchaeus, the tax collector who, despite his financial freedom, felt an emptiness in his heart. In fact, when he heard that Jesus Christ would pass his way, his faith was rekindled and he began a quest. Despite the obstacles that arose, Zacchaeus, determined, overcame the difficulties, seeking a better strategy to satisfy his desire to meet Jesus. Zacchaeus’ faith and determination did not go unnoticed and Jesus invited him to his home to dine with him and to teach him His wisdom.
In addition, he stressed that many people today carry the desire to serve God in their hearts and they have a vision for their lives. However, the limitations they encounter many times lead them to postpone and eventually cancel their aspirations, as they allow these limitations to stop them. “No human power or even the devil himself can overturn God’s plans for your life; only you can get yourself out of God’s will by your decisions,” he emphasised!

He then referred to the story of the blind Bartimaeus, as told in Mark 10:46-52. Bartimaeus, who aspired to gain his light, faced opposition and rejection from those around him, but acting in faith, he was not discouraged. Eventually, his faith was rewarded by God, who granted him the miracle of sight. The Prophet George Christodoulou pointed out that we overcome by keeping our purpose, our vision and our mission in the forefront of our minds.
In summary, he pointed out that as children of God, the situation in which we find ourselves should not affect our relationship with God. If we have a genuine will to achieve our goals, we must remain steadfast in our decisions and not lose our faith.

Hundreds of thousands of people fall victim to the deception of spiritualism every day, unaware of the devastating consequences for it. Mrs. Denise from the Netherlands was one of them, as her search for healing and inner peace led her deep into the world of witchcraft and occultism. But what seemed like a solution quickly turned into a nightmare of pain and darkness. Now, her life has radically changed as God has intervened to give her the freedom she so desperately needed!
Since the age of 27, Mrs. Denise had been living with physical pain and depression. Then, she met a witch doctor who promised that he could cure her. When he put his hand on her, she felt an energy coursing through her body and, without realising it, the door to demonic powers opened. She began to engage in reiki and other satanic practices, selling her home and possessions to invest in spiritual “healing” classes, and opening a “New Age” shop in which she sold crystals, amulets and books, while healing people by invoking demonic powers.

Although at first it seemed that people were being cured, soon after, the problems returned more intensely, both in their lives and in hers. They began to have nightmares and their lives were ruined. Depression reappeared in Mrs. Denise’s life, and she felt hopeless. Her children visited the Synagogue Church Of All Nations in Lagos, Nigeria and received a breakthrough and many blessings, sparking Mrs. Denise’s interest to visit the ministry. Her eyes, in fact, were opened, and she understood that Jesus Christ is the only One who truly heals! So, when her husband decided to go on vacation to Thessaloniki, she took the opportunity to attend the Christian Church Of All Nations – Thessalonica service, taking part in the prayer line as well.
When she received prayer from the Prophetess Evgenia, an unclean spirit manifested and revealed the following: “I destroyed everything! I destroyed her health and her faith in God! I gave her pain, pain in her back, all kinds of pain! I gave her over to magic, to false gods!” Then the Prophetess declared her free in the name of Jesus Christ, and advised her to live for the glory of God.

After her deliverance, she completely renounced spiritualism and false healings! She has closed down the satanic items shop, and God healed her spiritually and physically. She now lives without pain, depression, or spiritual oppression; instead she has joy, peace, and a desire for God! Her advice is to run to Jesus because He has the solution to every problem and He is the light and purpose of life. Filled with gratitude, she promised God to follow Him!
If your past is dark, do not despair, and do not look back, unless it is for the glory of God! We have all made decisions we now regret, and we can all be forgiven and start over! Take a step toward the Lord today and He will draw near to you for the salvation of your soul!

Every day, people face a variety of challenges that affect their quality of life, both physically and mentally. Work pressure, family responsibilities and personal problems often create a context that makes it difficult to deal with serious health issues. In many cases, people experience pain and suffering, seeking solutions through modern medicine. However, science cannot always provide immediate relief, and hope for a better life seems distant.
Such was the case with Mr. Toren, who suffered from arthritis in his right leg for 6 years, making him unable to cope with his work and family responsibilities.
Mr. Toren began by recounting that, because of the pain he was experiencing, he could not walk or even stand for more than 10 minutes. Whenever he walked down the street with his wife or stood at work for a long time, he needed to rest for 10-15 minutes because he felt a lot of pain in his leg. Therefore, the condition of his leg was causing problems at work, as his boss would often remark to him about the fact that he was resting on duty because of the pain.
The suffering wouldn’t subside even during the night, as he would wake up in the middle of the night to take a painkiller to soothe his pain so he could sleep.
Amidst all the pain he was going through, Mr. Toren decided to visit a doctor, who prescribed him ibuprofen pills, but warned him that in high doses these pills cause dangerous side effects…
While on holiday in Thessaloniki with his wife, he heard about the Christian Church Of All Nations – Thessalonica and without wasting any time, Mr. Toren and his wife visited the church. Taking part in the prayer line, he was given a prophetic message by God’s sent one, man of God Stavros: “I see you refreshed today! You have a heart for God! People around you see you as a role model, even if you don’t understand it. So make sure you glorify God! God wants to use you. As long as you commit yourself to Him, He will use you wonderfully, and from your sermons, people will be saved! You are blessed, keep doing your work!”

After this instruction in righteousness and prayer, Mr. Toren now feels relieved! Shortly afterwards, he wanted to go for a walk with his wife so that they could tour the city. His wife asked him if he was okay, because he was used to walking for less than half an hour, and to her surprise, he replied that there was no more pain in his right leg!
Now, he can easily walk for hours without feeling any pain at all. Also, as long as he had this pain, he could not do one of his favourite activities, which is cycling! However, after his Divine Surgery, Mr. Toren said he can ride his bike for hours and miles!
Wanting to give a piece of advice to those who may be experiencing similar or other health issues, Mr. Toren said that anyone who runs to God will receive what they seek, as our King is able, with just one touch, to transform us into brand-new people! In closing, he promised to serve God all the days of his life.
No mortal man or devil can supersede the plan of God for your life. There is only one person who can get you out of the will of God, and that is you! We ourselves, by our decisions or by our doubt, have the power to turn away from the path He has laid out for us. Thus, the real obstacle in our lives is not external, but internal – it is our self, which can become either the greatest ally in fulfilling the Divine will or the greatest obstacle.

Disappointment is a common phenomenon nowadays, as the expectations that are built up in us often do not match reality. The fast rhythm of modern life, the constant pressure for professional and personal success, as well as the tendency for social comparisons, lead to feelings of incompleteness and disappointment. Whether it is a matter of professional failures or interpersonal relationships, many people experience disappointment as an integral part of their daily lives, which increases stress and internal pressure.
The same was the case for Ms. Eva who visited the Christian Church Of All Nations – Thessalonica, in order to put an end to the stress and problems that tormented her. Man of God George approached Ms. Eva and gave her the following prophetic word: “I see disappointment in your life. God has just delivered you from disappointment, but you need to fill your mind with the thoughts of God, with the Word of God, not with worldly thoughts. So from today, start having a living relationship with Jesus Christ, and you will see that if you fill your mind with the Word of God, that disappointment and discouragement that you feel will be a thing of the past, it will never come back into your life. God has already set you free now, you have to play your role.”

Later on, Ms. Eva wanted to confirm these words and began by saying that in the past she had created several relationships with different people, which, however, ended in failure. Despite her intense efforts, things did not develop positively, leading her to deep disappointment. She often wondered why she could not get a healthy relationship while others could.
Moreover, she pointed out that in the professional area of her life there had been stagnation for several years. Although Gynecology is a field with many opportunities, maintaining a job is difficult as the working environment is often toxic, forcing professionals to change jobs frequently. This situation added to her more disappointment.
The situation was similar in her family too, which were marked by failed marriages, divorces and broken engagements, adding to her discouragement. She also acknowledged that all these events made her irritable. Although she did not intend to, she found it difficult to control her emotions as she would have wanted to.
Regarding her relationship with God, she noted that it was quite unstable. She prayed and studied His Word, but when circumstances improved, she would turn away from Him. When she encountered difficulties, however, she would try to restore her relationship with God again.
After such a blessed day, Ms. Eva now feels excited and grateful that God has given her the opportunity to redefine their relationship with Him. Her promise, finally, to the Giver of this wonderful blessing is to develop a strong and stable relationship with Him and to stay on the right path.
As Christians, we understand that whatever situation we face should not affect our relationship with God. If the weight of our problems weighs us down, the Lord calls us to lay every burden on Him, because He paid the ultimate price for us on the Cross!

Nowadays, many couples when they join their lives with the sacred bond of marriage, they have a dream of growing their family. However, for many, this desire does not always turn out as they had imagined. Challenges, such as medical obstacles or other unforeseen difficulties, can stand in the way of this dream. Nevertheless, faith, patience, and perseverance in God’s written Word often play a crucial role in the outcome they seek!
This is how one would describe the story of Ms. Maria and her husband, who came to the Christian Church of All Nations – Thessalonica, and God was faithful in their lives. As God revealed to them something they never imagined about the child they would soon bring into the world.
During the laying of hands, man of God, Javier, approached Ms. Maria and told her the following: “Congratulations! The child you are carrying is a promise child! Your role is to teach him the Word of God and the ways of God, this is very important! God bless you!”. Shortly afterward, God revealed a prophetic word for her husband as well, through man of God, George: “I see a great financial breakthrough in your life, God wants to bless you! Remember to give your testimony, honor God and God will bless you very much! You will become a pillar of support!” Deeply moved, they both wanted to give thanks and confirm all that God had revealed about their lives!
Ms. Maria began by saying that from the moment she met her husband, she felt a deep desire to grow their family. However, a medical examination tried to limit this dream as it was revealed to her that it would be difficult for her to conceive. Despite the unfortunate diagnosis, with faith in the God she serves, she felt no fear! On the contrary, they began their efforts and within just two months, they learned the joyful news, surprising even her doctor! When she heard the prophetic words of Prophet Javier about the child she was carrying, she was overwhelmed with emotion and joy! As she revealed, she had prayed to God and promised that if He gave her a child, she would raise it according to His will.
Following this, her husband, Mr. George, started by thanking God for the blessings he is already experiencing in his life. He shared that in the past, the Lord had revealed to him that he would be richly blessed if he followed a certain instruction in righteousness given to him. Following the instruction, he made the bold decision to open his own business, leaving behind the mentality of the employee! So, within a few months, his business experienced incredible growth, exceeding all expectations! In fact, he wonders how much more Jesus Christ wants to bless him!
After the prophetic word, they both feel incredibly grateful to God! With indescribable joy, they promised to raise their child according to God’s will and to continue to read and pray to God daily, maintaining a relationship with Him!
If you try daily to do the right thing before God and follow His instructions, you will realise that no matter what difficulties you face, no matter what your situation says, Jesus Christ will bring redemption into your life! Therefore, do not get discouraged, because all things work together for the good of those that love God!

In life, if you wish to succeed and achieve great things, you must embrace those who are already successful. This means accepting guidance, advice and correction from this one person who has already achieved a lot and knows the path to success. Especially when it comes to the things of God.
Coming from Israel, her place of permanent residence, Ms. Skye received prayer from Prophet Javier during the prayer line. It was then that the man of God told her the following “I see that you are a good person and you have a heart to follow God. You want to have a desire to follow Him. I encourage you to find a mentor, someone wiser, someone who can teach you the ways of the Lord. God will bless you and use you in a wonderful way!”

As she tasted the presence of Jesus Christ throughout the entire Sunday service, shortly afterwards Ms. Skye could not help but declare how special and beautiful her experience at the Christian Church Of All Nations – Thessalonica was!
Regarding the prophecy, she emphasised that from the moment she settled permanently in Israel, she knew in her heart that God has a mission for her which she has to complete! Therefore, she desired to have a deeper relationship with Him in order to make His will come true.
She also pointed out that from just before she left to come to Greece until the time of the service, one particular verse kept coming to her mind. 1 Thessalonians 5:18, where the Bible encourages the children of God to give Him thanks at all times. Ms. Skye took it as confirmation that God is with her and guiding her! Finally, she is looking forward to finding a mentor, as the man of God advised her, so that she can be taught the things of God!
Her promise to the Lord is to devote her whole being to His service and to actively participate in His work so that the Kingdom of God will continue to spread everywhere!
Indeed, whether you have been called to serve God through your ministry or in some other way – where the Lord has called you – you need a mentor, someone smarter, wiser and stronger than you in Christ! Because serving God is doing what the best do!
The photos below are a living prove that where the power of God is present, freedom, healing and blessing are like breathing!