In an atmosphere of intense faith and spiritual devotion, believers from every corner of the world gathered at the Christian Church of All Nations – Thessalonica. There, the Holy Spirit moved with unparalleled power, gifting healing, deliverance from spiritual and physical bondage, and all kinds of blessings for those who attended. God’s presence was felt and filled the hearts of the believers with deep hope. The tangible evidence that Jesus Christ is Alive renewed the faith of those who witnessed supernatural miracles and were truly convinced that Jesus Christ never said goodbye!
Prophetess Evgenia, in a powerful sermon entitled “WHAT KIND OF HEART DO YOU HAVE?” addressed a powerful message to the believers. She began by stating that although many of us may attend church every Sunday, fast and pray regularly, give our tithes and offerings, and have some titles in society, it does not imply that we are a positive influence in the lives of others.

She emphasised that God is looking for hearts full of charity and kindness, and not hearts that are hard. Therefore, he is not so interested in how often we visit the church, how often we fast or how much we offer to the church, nor in the names and titles we may hold, but primarily in how much we positively affect the lives of our fellow human beings!
Then the Prophetess went on to ask a crucial question: “Have we discovered what kind of heart we have? Are we hard-hearted or philanthropists?”. She, later on read from the book of Luke 16:19-31: “There was a rich man who was dressed in purple and fine linen and lived in luxury every day. At his gate was laid a beggar named Lazarus, covered with sores and longing to eat what fell from the rich man’s table. Even the dogs came and licked his sores. “The time came when the beggar died and the angels carried him to Abraham’s side. The rich man also died and was buried. In Hades, where he was in torment, he looked up and saw Abraham far away, with Lazarus by his side. So he called to him, ‘Father Abraham, have pity on me and send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, because I am in agony in this fire. “But Abraham replied, ‘Son, remember that in your lifetime you received your good things, while Lazarus received bad things, but now he is comforted here and you are in agony. The Prophetess continued with a question: “Couldn’t the rich man help poor Lazarus? Couldn’t he clean him, take care of his wounds, give him clothes and a job? Of course he could, but he didn’t, because his heart was hard. He had no generosity, no charity in him! Through this story, we understand that God is testing us daily, without us always realising it, to see how willing we are to help.

He explained that for every act we do in this life there is a corresponding reward. God wants to reward us, that’s why he tests us daily… In fact, he also stressed that when we offer a good service, God comes to bless and reward us! However, there are people who rush to help, while others avoid to so. But when we shy away from helping, we reject the blessing, because many times our real enemy is not the devil, but ourselves, who prevents us from being blessed.
The Prophetess concluded her message by emphasising that as we solve the problems of others, reward will also come in our own lives, because a true Christian must see giving as a mission from God! So it is never too late to start doing good deeds, and when we do, heaven will be our limit!

In our fast-changing world, where the intensity of daily life and the demands of modern lifestyles are constantly increasing, an additional burden that a large number of people face is chronic fatigue syndrome. Characterised by extreme and prolonged fatigue that does not subside with rest, it affects millions of people, causing not only physical exhaustion but also psychological strain. As a result, it negatively affects daily activities and relationships, making individuals less productive.
One of these people was Mrs. Monica Rijensfelt, who lived in Sweden and struggled daily with her unseen enemy, chronic fatigue syndrome! Every morning, she woke up tired, even though she had slept for many hours. The small daily activities she once enjoyed had now become a mountain for her. The profession she was particularly involved in and loved was dentistry, but working seemed increasingly difficult. After work, she was extremely exhausted and all she could do was close her eyes, hoping that getting some rest would give her the strength she needed.
The lack of physical strength condemned her to a life of restriction. Even the simplest chores, such as washing dishes or cleaning a room, were intensive for her. She often had to wait days to regain her strength before she dared to make the next move. Depression became her “companion” and her immune system was extremely weak. Nine times out of ten when a colleague had a cold, she caught the flu and ended up staying in bed for three to four weeks. She struggled with frustration and her only consolation was medication, which also caused her hypertension and side effects.
One day, however, she decided that she had to find a solution. In the hope of receiving healing and relief, she made the decision to visit the Christian Church of All Nations – Thessalonica. She had heard of miracles and healings done in the name of Jesus Christ, through His anointed ones, and she hoped to experience something unique herself. The moment of prayer was defining! God’s anointing illuminated her heart and filled her with a sense of hope and joy. Suddenly, the tiredness that had held her in bondage disappeared. She was astonished to realise that she could lift objects that had previously been impossible. She could clean her house without needing days of rest. She was now free!

With intense joy and relief, Ms. Monica decided that she had to share her experience with those around her. Her life gained meaning and purpose, and her advice to people facing similar problems is to find a Living church and not lose hope. Finally, she promised God that she will love him with all her heart for the rest of her life.
Ms. Monica, from the shadows of great fatigue came into the light of healing, ready to live the life she had always dreamed of and the Lord met her at the point of her need. So, if the situation you are in right now does not guarantee you a future, do not despair, the end has not come – the best is yet to come!

In the spiritual realm, demonic attacks are a harsh reality for many people, who often find themselves confronted with unseen forces that seek to drive them to despair. These demonic attacks are manifested in a variety of ways, such as excruciating and frightening nightmares, unexplained worries, or even intense physical and mental hardship. Fear, disappointment, and doubt are only some of the signs of this dark influence, which can also take a person away from the peace and joy of God. However, the power of prayer and faith is the only hope that can act as a shield against these attacks!
During the laying of hands, Mrs. Vickie, who was suffering in the dark chains of the devil for years, received a divine touch of deliverance from the man of God Stavros. The demon was exposed by the Holy Spirit and after it demonstrated its power, it confessed the following words: “Let me go, I will not speak! I destroyed everything! I will kill her! I’m very strong!”.
Mrs. Vickie, having received her much-desired freedom, had no choice but to confirm the destruction that the unclean spirit had caused in her life. She began to elaborate that before moving to Holland, where she met her first husband, she had been very fervent about the things of God. Nevertheless, everything changed when she got married!
Her husband was involved in witchcraft, and at night he would light candles around him and invite her to come so they could pray on pictures of other people. In fact, he confided that he had the ability to come out of his body, fly in the sky, and he even heard a voice telling him to heal people. He was very angry and as Mrs. Vickie pointed out, he once threatened to set the house he was in on fire…
She did not know what powers were behind his actions, but her spiritual life was clearly affected. She had very bad dreams, she was indeed seeing a very tall and strong man coming to her, while in other nightmares she had, she felt that unclean spirits were trying to choke her.
After this divine deliverance and salvation she received, Mrs. Vickie, with gratitude and joy, gave a resounding promise to God that she would follow Him and obey the voice of the Holy Spirit!
When you run away from the problem, you run away from the solution, success and breakthrough! Jesus Christ never promised a life without challenges and trials, yet He promised to be with us so that we could overcome them!

Living in a society in which a key characteristic is that the majority of people are too busy, it is easier than one might think to entrust part of the upbringing of our children to others, such as teachers. And although a teacher plays an important and beautiful role, it is the parent who must teach their child the ways of the Lord. After all, no one wants to undermine the future of their children…
From Western Europe, and in particular from France, Mrs. Marlene took part in the prayer line. There she received the following prophetic word from Prophet Stavros: “This is a destined child (about her daughter). She is not like other children, she has an understanding of life. This is for you to understand that she is a special child. Take care of her! Don’t just leave her to grow up alone, trusting the teacher or the people. Because if you leave her alone, all this wisdom she has will turn into bad, she will do the worst things. You have to take care of her and make sure she will grow up in the ways of the Lord.” Addressing her personally, he went on saying: “Also you have anxiety, it is difficult for you to manage it. You think too much, ‘What’s going to happen? What will I do? Oh my God!’. Today you will be free! Make sure to follow Jesus Christ, so that you will maintain your freedom because it is also a bad habit. Some people live like this, their mind is all around! Today you will be free, but you need to take care of your relationship with God, so that you will have the peace of God!”.
Sometime after the end of the service, Mrs. Marlene gave some more details about the prophecy. Regarding the first part, she confirmed that her daughter, Miss Elizabeth, began to show that she is a special child from the age of just three years old. She was drawing brilliantly, understanding God’s Word, and she was generally gaining knowledge very quickly! What is remarkable is how easily and quickly she learned the English language. Her parents were amazed to see their daughter speak a foreign language so well at such a young age! In addition, Miss Elizabeth was receiving positive comments from her school about both her performance and her behavior!
Now, she sets her goal to raise her daughter in the ways of the Lord, just like the instruction in righteousness she received!
The man of God, however, not only talked about her daughter, but also spoke about her. In the second part of the prophecy, Mrs. Marlene said that from her childhood she was very shy and had a lot of anxiety, to the point that this problem became a topic of discussion between her and her teachers. Generally, she could not achieve what she wanted in her academics as a child, while also dealing with negative thoughts, which caused her distress.
Although she knew about Jesus Christ, she had difficulty managing her emotions, she was easily discouraged and fearful of tomorrow overall.
All this, though, until her visit to the Christian Church Of All Nations – Thessalonica! Mrs. Marlene stressed that during the time of prayer, although at first she felt uncomfortable and her heart was beating loudly, after a while she realised that something had come out of her and she felt peace! Now, she believes she is free and she promised to draw closer to God more and more every day!
You are included in God’s master plan, but nothing great comes easy! In other words, it is time to break the chains in your life that are holding you back, and see that you have been called to do great things for Christ!
In the photos below, we see the power of God working in the lives of those who came into God’s presence, radically changing their lives!