With gratitude and awe, the believers gathered at the Christian Church Of All Nations – Thessalonica to praise Jesus Christ. The voices of the believers were filled with love and faith and they rose to Heaven through prayers. Every song was dedicated to the One who sacrificed Himself, rose again, and reigns for the salvation of the world with power and love.
The man of God Stavros welcomed the believers to the arena of liberty, beginning his message with a few words of prayer, in order to prepare their hearts to receive the Word of God. He started by mentioning that during the Christmas season, plenty of people rely on their relatives to connect with them and spend quality time together. However, they are often disappointed when their relatives fail to spend quality time with them and merely call them on the phone for their usual and formal holiday wishes. As a result, many end up complaining and having negative feelings against their relatives, lamenting that they are not true Christians.

Thus, the Prophet reached the title of the message, which was “YOUR ASSIGNMENT AS A CHRISTIAN”. He took the first biblical text from the Matthew 9:10-14: “While Jesus was having dinner at Matthew’s house, many tax collectors and sinners came and ate with him and his disciples. When the Pharisees saw this, they asked his disciples, ‘Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?’ On hearing this, Jesus said, ‘It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. But go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’ For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.”
The man of God explained that Jesus Christ associated with sinners and tax collectors because He wanted to help the world, in contrast to many of us who would never accept sitting at the same table with thieves, prostitutes, and murderers. However, the Savior of the world showed us through His own life, that our lives can be the solution to someone else’s problem!

The servant of God went further and delved deeper into the Word of God, emphasising that Jesus Christ never approached anyone to complain about His problems – though they were countless, as the Bible itself states that He was tempted in every way! This is in stark contrast to many believers today who have a tendency to constantly complain during every interaction, burdening anyone who comes near them with additional weight. To help the people of God understand how important it is to offer and assist others, he highlighted that as we do everything we can to solve the problems of others, God will ensure that our own problems are resolved.
People must see giving as a mission from God! God never refused to help or bless those who came to Him, claiming He had no time or resources.
Placing even greater emphasis on charity and giving, which Jesus Christ taught throughout His life, the man of God Stavros stressed that every time our Savior preached to the crowd followed Him, He first made sure to feed them, demonstrating that meeting people’s needs is an integral part of faith.
Finally, he concluded his message with a few words of prayer, aiming to enlighten the hearts and eyes of faith of the people so they could become carriers of solutions and peace in their own lives and in the lives of those around them!

Today, many Christians in their quest to find solutions to the various challenges of life, often feel disappointed and hopeless. The daily struggles and challenges they face make them believe there is no hope for them. However, they forget that the greatest hope they could ever have was given over 2,000 years ago when Jesus Christ sacrificed Himself for humanity! His precious blood, shed on the Cross, stands as eternal proof of His love for us and gives us the strength to face difficulties with faith and trust in His will.
Ms. Delice from Australia, visited the Christian Church Of All Nations – Thessalonica, seeking a solution to the many, as well as seemingly insurmountable problems in her life. During the prayer line, as Prophet Stavros approached her, an unclean spirit manifested through her and said the following: “Leave me alone! I’m not going anywhere! I will torment her. I am not going to let her go. If I release her, many people will be saved, and a lot of people will know God. I will stay with her! Why does she have to serve God? I hate her! Her father rejected her when she was a teenager, but she kept on searching for God! She even went to Nigeria. I wanted to kill her! I don’t know how why she came here. She loves God, but I am not going to let her go! She loves God but I will continue to torment her, even if she gives her heart to God. She’s mime! As long as she is tormented by many problems, I will destroy her! I torment her career, and her marriage. She cannot be successful. Every time she wants to marry or enter into a relationship, I, the devil, interfere! She wants to serve God, but I do not allow it! From a young age, she said she would honour her parents, but I turn her family against her! She cannot go anywhere! She keeps telling God: ‘My God, I am doing my best to honour my family and my parents,’ but her father didn’t pay her bride price. I’ve destroyed two marriages! The first time she got married, she was 24 years old, and she had that daughter! I won’t allow them to serve God, because if they do, the whole family will be saved. I make her daughter not see her as a mother, and so she feels like she has no control! The whole family is broken. There is no love.” After this confession of the unclean spirit about all it had done in her life, Ms. Delice expressed her desire to confirm its words in greater detail.

Ms. Delice began by saying that her life had been full of difficulties. As she stated, the unclean spirit had significantly affected her relationships. Every time she agreed to marry someone, things would start well, but suddenly her family would strongly oppose the continuation of the marriage, refusing to pay her bride price according to their culture.
In 2019, her first husband told her she wouldn’t live long and that she would soon die. Fearing for her life, she decided to visit the Synagogue Church Of All Nations in Nigeria to receive prayer. As she revealed, her husband’s previous wife had died shortly after their marriage, which caused her even greater fear. Although Ms. Delice returned from Nigeria determined to reconcile with her husband and mend their relationship, he refused, believing she had visited a witch doctor.
Her relationship with her family was also strained. There was no love, but constant conflict. She specifically mentioned that when she was 12 years old, she came to know Jesus Christ and began attending a church. When her father, who was a pagan found out, he threw her out of the house without a second thought. This rejection caused her great sorrow, but by the grace of God, she managed to finish high school and gain admission to university—a milestone that helped to improve her relationship with her father.
Ms. Delice was never able to understand why her family obstructed her marriages, continually creating problems. As a result, her first marriage ended in divorce, while the second lasted only six months!
Another traumatic event in her life was a serious car accident in Australia when her car collided with another vehicle. At that moment, she felt God guiding her and showing her how to get out of the car, saving her life.
Regarding her daughter, she described their relationship as unstable. Her daughter often displayed strange behaviours that kept them away from prayer. In fact, shortly before their trip, Ms. Delice wanted to cancel it, as she had become frustrated with her daughter’s poor conduct.
During the prayer line, when the man of God Stavros approached Ms. Delice, she felt uneasy. Every time he came closer, she felt inner turmoil. When he touched her, it felt like an explosion occurred inside her, and she wanted to resist.
After the deliverance, Ms. Delice feels joyful and grateful to God for the freedom both she and her daughter have received. She concluded by promising to dedicate her life to God and never turn away from Him.
The beauty of our Christian journey are the trials and difficulties we encounter on our way to redemption. They are tests to mature you as a Christian. So, don’t give up! The best is yet to come!

In 2024, experts, psychologists and sociologists, noticed an increase in mental problems, describing the “mental health crisis” as the biggest health issue of the year! Indeed, the devil is using our very minds and emotions to make us doubt ourselves, but even more so, God. But God’s Word teaches us that the stewardship of our hearts and thoughts is the foundation of our faith and a holy life!
Ms. Caroline suffered from negative thoughts and negative scenarios in her mind that stole the joy from her life. Her distress was so great that she felt broken as well as lonely, believing that no one could understand what she was going through. So, she constantly pretended she was fine, which put even more of a mental strain on her. Since she had no peace within, she found it difficult to sleep and the quality of her life was significantly reduced. She was very sensitive, emotional and often even ended up crying! Moreover, if something went wrong in her life, even if it was someone else’s fault, and not her own, Ms. Caroline would be disappointed at herself. This disappointment was so intense that her relationship with God was negatively affected. When she felt this way, she found it difficult to pray and, in general, to spend time with God.
Ms. Caroline realized that her life needed Divine intervention and so she came with faith to the Christian Church Of All Nations – Thessalonica, confident that she would not go back herself! When the man of God George Christodoulou prayed for her, God blessed her with the following prophecy, bringing breakthrough and deliverance to her life: “I see that you are disappointed with your life. You feel sadness without a reason. Very often during the day you have negative thoughts, and those negative thoughts are causing you sadness and disappointment for your life. We will pray right now and all those negative thoughts will be in the past. Play your role as a Christian, read your Bible daily and pray, and you will see, everything will change. God will bless you!”

Rejoicing that God accurately located her problem, she confirmed the words of the prophecy without any tears, surprising even herself! Her promise to God is to stay focused on Him, read His Word, and pray more often.
The lifestyle God expects from us as Christians is a lifestyle of positive faith; meaning, positive thinking, positive talking, and positive acting. If you too are afflicted with negative thoughts, learn that to effectively empty yourself of the things that hold you back, you must fill yourself with things that move you forward – you will find them in God’s Word!
Even if the difficulties of your life seem insurmountable, with God nothing is impossible! Just as the people in the photos below experienced the power of God, you can receive the miracle you’ve been waiting for!