This Sunday was not just an ordinary Sunday. For many people this Sunday was an arranged appointment with Jesus Christ, which changed their lives. From the beginning of the day you could feel the presence of God as the congregation was worshiping the Creator with open hearts in the beauty of His Holiness!

The appropriate atmosphere, the atmosphere of faith was soaring, when with a revealing message, titled “WHERE DOES SIN LEAD YOU?, Pastor Harry shook and awakened the consciences of the attendees. The proof text was taken from the book of 2 Samuel 24:2-4, 8-10 and the man of God explained that: It is not that children of God do not wrong but when they do, the guilt of that action would not allow them to have peace of mind until they ask for and obtain forgiveness.

Distinguishing two categories of Christians today, those whose sin draws them closer to God and those whose sin, whose mistake leads them to more sins, he mentioned that: “The Holy Spirit is the only One who can reveal to you how wrong your sins are. When your sin takes you away from God and leads you to more sins, you should know that you are an unbeliever. That’s why, as children of God, instead of allowing our sin to drive us from His presence, it should be the reason for coming closer to Him. As he was sharing the secrets that made David God’s beloved, the man of God urged the believers, the moment they realize their sin, to run to God – to take the decision never to repeat the same mistake. He emphasized that, Pardon puts peace in the heart of the one who truly repents.


Ms. Marianna Makri, 21 years old, travelled from Serres, where she lives, to give all the glory to God with her incredible testimony!

Ms. Marianna had suffered since she was a small child, because there was a lot of violence in her family. Her father was addicted to cocaine and her mother was into witchcraft. From the age of just 6, she recalls that she always wanted to commit suicide. Sorrow, anger and sadness dominated inside her and at the age of 8 she started smoking. In the begging, she hid it, but when she realized that her parents where fine with that, she got into smoking one pack of cigarettes a day. As a result, she became more stressed and started isolating herself more and more. The situations she was going through were tragic and the thought that ruled her mind was that death would be the only escape. Depression and fear were increasing in her life and as she was growing older everything deteriorated. Due to the fear she had, she gave up on school, since she could not stay together with 3-4 people on the same place and so she could not pass the classes, because of her continuous absence from school. Living constantly under the indifference of her parents she felt rejected and greatly disappointed watching her life fade away. Next, she added the problem of addiction to marihuana to herself, thinking that she may find a “solution” to her problem. But the problem was still there… Of course, fortunately, none of the suicide attempt succeeded. At the age of 12 she reached the point where she smoked 5 to 6 packs of cigarettes per day, she had constant and terrifying nightmares, she always stayed inside her house and could never be happy for a single moment.

Seeking for some love and meaning in her life, she was engaged, when she was 16. But, without any serious reason she would get aggressive towards her fiancé, without really wanting to do that. Through those fights and while watching her rage get out of control, she realized that “something” was controlling her and giving instructions in her mind. Then, she was taken to a wizard, who gave her several charms, but instead of finding any solution, this made matters worse. The result was her not being able to sleep at all during the night, and if she did for a while, she would get up in terror at midnight. She did her chores during the night, hoping that everything would change under the light of the day, but she could never find rest. To make things even worse her health was also impacted. Her menstruation ceased completely, she started having serious epileptic crisis, migraines, intense pain in the heart and her blood pressure reached 21. She was advised by doctors to take medicine against depression. And to top all that she developed a carcinogenic nodule in her thyroid, for which she was booked for a surgery.

Then, Ms. Marianna did something that saved her life. She made a step towards God and she communicated Pastor Harry! He advised her before doing anything to come first of all in the presence of God to receiver prayer. Defying the reactions of her people, Ms. Mariana remained true to her decision, in faith that God can heal her. The blessed day came and at 25-6-2018 she visited the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations, in Thessaloniki. There, the unclean spirit caused even greater fear in her, so that she would run away and leave, especially when the man of God was getting closer to her. She described that she felt fire, as if lava was thrown on her, and when the man of God put his hand on her, she saw in the spirit that she was inside a glass and bulletproof box, from which she couldn’t come out. Then, the demon that made her suffer for so many years was exposed, shouting that it’s being burnt and that it will kill her. When Pastor Harry asked who it was and what it has done to her, the evil spirit said that: “I am the devil, himself. I gave her cancer in all of her body, stress, I scare her… I entered through dreams… Sorrows in her life, as much as you can’t imagine! I won’t leave her, she is mine, since she was born she belongs to me. I will kill her, because she wants to be with your Christ! I don’t want that! I gave her sicknesses to leave and be despaired…” After that, Pastor Harry rebuked the demon and Ms. Mariana saw the “glass box”, in which she was imprisoned, breaking and everything turned from black to white!

Today, being really happy, she describes the enormous and permanent joy in her life after her deliverance, the peace and rest she feels. Every fear has vanished! Now she can come out of her house freely, go for a walk and her relationship with her fiancé started being restored, since she is not hot tempered anymore! Depression, stress and attacks in the dreams are a thing of the past! The problem in her thyroid is also a thing of the past, her health is improving day by day and this is just the beginning! Everybody around her admits her amazing and complete change! As for the addiction in smoking? It’s no longer exists! She is not the Ms. Marianna they knew! Moreover, she found favor in front of her teacher and the principal of her school took over to cover her 220 absences in classes, so that she may pass the grade! So, her faith has been uplifted and she believes that the Lord really holds her future in His hands! Finally, she advised that if your truly believe, God will be there for you and you will receive immediately! She, also, promised to share the rest of her life with Jesus Christ and to dedicate her family to God. Amen.

Here we can clearly see that if you do not decide to see life from God’s point of view, you will live a life of defeat and failure and you will go to the grave early. But, though death works on those who act on the natural, Life works on those who walk by faith! Because Jesus Christ is the Bread of Life!



Finding the right job is hard, a fact that becomes an even greater care, when all house payments rest upon you. Mrs. Tela, after a long time searching for a job, she finally found the occupation she was looking for, but there was a big problem: her position was not permanent, but her contract was renewed every week. She also noticed how easily they stopped renewing the contracts or fired other colleagues. All this caused her to be very stressed, as she is a single mother trying to take care of her son and provide all the complementary lessons necessary to make it in school and on the same time make ends meet. Every Sunday, Mrs. Tela was praying with Pastor Harry during the mass prayer or the laying of hands, bringing her issue before the feet of the Almighty God.

So, there came a day that someone from the office, who was surely under the authority of the CEO, announced to her that the coming week she will not work there anymore. Then, Mrs. Tela decided to stand as a genuine child of God and went to talk to the CEO, instead of allowing her situation to shake her. While praying inside her, she mentioned her issue to her boss, informing him that she would have to look for a job somewhere else if this issue continued. To her great surprise, the CEO told her that she would never be fired and also established her as permanent personnel.  We can clearly see the hand of God acting in the lives of His children, when they come close to Him and ask for something with faith in their heart! In any situation you may find yourself in, Jesus Christ can make a way! So, it happened! All the necessary procedures were completed and Mrs. Tela was promoted, finding favor in the sight of her superior.

The testimony does not end here! There was also a big problem concerning the transportation of Mrs. Tela from her house to the place of her job and vice versa, as she did not have any means of transportation and the road was dangerous, full of wild dogs. After a terrifying attack of dogs on the road, from which God saved her in a miraculous way, she decided to sit for exams for the driving license. After taking her license, Mrs. Tela had a really hard time finding a car and she asked for the help of Pastor Harry. By the help of the man of God, Mrs. Tela, now has a car for her transportation. She is now overtly happy and advises us to work as if everything depends on us and pray as if everything depends on God. Moreover, she promised to stay close to Jesus Christ both in good and hard time, because salvation lays only in Him!

Truly, nothing is impossible to the one who believes. Cast your problem upon Jesus Christ, the Rock of salvation and you will never be confounded! God is Faithful and Almighty in the lives of those who are faithful to Him!

The following pictures are some snapshots of the prayer line, where people from all over the world experienced the power of deliverance, the power of prophecy and the power of healing the moment they received a touch from Jesus Christ in their lives! The name of Jesus was glorified, when the works of satan were destroyed and people, by faith, received what they were searching for!

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