The Sunday 29-7-2018, was a blessed one! The people of God came before Him with exhalation, driven by the divinely inspired choir of the Synagogue, Church of All Nations, Thessalonica. With open hearts the children of The Most High God readied themselves to receive the Word of God.

Evangelist Olina Mixailidou preached a message titled “MAKE YOUR GOD FAMOUS”, in which she strived to encourage the people to praise the name of the Lord in their situation. As an example, she used the case of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, the evangelist pointed out that real faith is to serve and praise God whether He gives you that in which you ask or not.

In addition, she explained how the only way for the children of God to increase themselves spiritually is to obey the Word of God, while passing through trials and tribulations, not allowing their thoughts to be adrift and to be pawns in satan’s schemes. Specifically emphasizing: “Champions are not crowned for desiring to be crowned, they are crowned because they made a decision and defeated their enemy.”. She also made clear that when you are the center of your life you cannot focus on the plan God has for you, therefore, delaying your miracle. In closing, she stressed that all of us, as children of God, have been called to write our own history and to make God famous through our situation, as did all the heroes of faith! Whatever your situation may be, handle it with care and so it will be transformed into a magnificent testimony!


In the times we live, many believe that pornography and masturbation are normal acts, since they are integrated in the daily lives of many young people. In reference to this vital part of young people’s lives, Ms. Athanasia Tasouli came to the Synagogue, Church of All Nations, on Sunday 29-7-2018, to testify to the life changing deliverance that only Jesus Christ could grant her.

Despite the fact that Ms. Athanasia Tasouli grew up within Christian family, at the age of twenty, she watched a movie which contained rated R material, of a sexual nature. This was something that caught her attention leading her to look into it further on the Internet. Soon thereafter this led her to have an addiction to pornography and masturbation! This made her feel guilty towards God, many times leading her to pray for forgiveness for these sins, but before she realized she fell into the same sin. While in the company of her peers she felt awkward, because her mind would drift into sexual fantasies with people which were close to her. Even her dreams were of the same nature! She tried with all her might to fight this and succeed but only temporarily. A month later she would fall once more. It was more than her own power and only the power of God could become strength in her weakness.

When Ms. Athanasia learned that the SCOAN Thessalonica was open, she started visiting and systematically she felt the Living Word of God changing her heart, her thoughts and her stance towards life. Furthermore, upon hearing a young man testify his deliverance from addiction to pornography and masturbation, following the prayer of the man of God Harry, she knew her situation would not be passed by the anointing of God. So, she took her place on the prayer line and received prayer from the man of God, believing that the chains which where tormenting her would be broken. And they where!

Delivered at last, she now testifies to the miraculous change in her life. Bad dreams, pornography and masturbation are things of the past! The guilt has vanished and her relationship with God has been completely restored! She addressed the youth, advising: “It is not necessary to be ashamed of what we are going through, yet we must run to God with faith because he is our Deliverer”.

Whatever your weaknesses, there is no better place to seek help than the presence of God, so that you may overcome! 


On 29-7-2018, Mrs. Blessing, of Nigerian decent, resident of Thessaloniki, came to the SCOAN Thessalonica to share with us her wonderful testimony, for the glory of God. Her living testimony among us is once more proof that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.

Mrs. Blessing found herself struggling in every aspect of her life, her life was a total disappointment. She did not have a job, but she wanted to travel to Nigeria to visit her mother and son, whom she had not seen for more than 10 years; due to the economic difficulties she was facing, that was not possible. The love and nostalgia she felt for her loved ones made her sorrowful, which led to her crying every day. In 2014 they took away her papers, which allowed her to permanently live in Greece, making her trip to Nigeria all the more impossible, leaving her without legal documentation. All the while, her marital life was not in order because she had a problem with marriage. She had many relationships, yet none of them led to marriage, just disappointment. For three years she could not sleep normally. In her dreams she saw a man sleeping with her and in the morning when she awoke, she felt as if something within her body had changed. She saw snakes in her dreams and in her physical life, walking all over her and following her around the house every day. Besides all her difficulties, Mrs. Blessing continued to believe that God had control and nothing beyond the control of God can occur in her life.

She dealt with all these difficulties until the day the Spirit of God located her on the prayer line. That day she came close to God, believing inside her heart that Jesus Christ can put an end to her desperate situation. That day before she left her home she prayed to God and said “God today is my day, today all my problems will finish…. I will receive and return back, to give my testimony.” When the man of God Harry prayed, the unclean spirit which was inside of her manifested saying “I don’t want her to get married, I destroyed her, she has no future, in 2014 I took her papers away, I do not want her to go to Nigeria! I blocked everything, she has no money, she has no job, I do not want anything good to happen to her she belongs to me. I am her spiritual husband.” Following, the man of God rebuked the demon and deliverance came to her life.

With disappointment being a thing no of the past, full of joy and with a glowing face Mrs. Blessing came to testify of her deliverance as she had promised. She spoke of all the wonderful changes she experienced in her life. She no longer sees someone sleeping with her, nor does she see snakes in her dreams or in the physical following her. Every satanic influence in her life is gone, she sleeps like a baby and thanks God for her deliverance! Words could not express her joy and gratitude as she advised us to run towards God and not away from Him, no matter what we are facing. Finally she promises to serve Him and follow Him until the end of her days.

The devil may have tried to destroy her but Jesus Christ had other plans for her life. The devil comes to steal, kill and destroy your life, but Jesus Christ came to destroy the works of the devil. Let his Holy Name be blessed!


On 29-7-2018, Mrs. Joy Oroumouence, resident of Thessaloniki, visited the Synagogue, Church of All Nations in Thessaloniki, to glorify God for all the incredible things He has done in her life!

Since 2013, Mrs. Joy had been searching for employment but she could not find anything. One day, in a dream, she said the man of God Harry came to her and asked if she wanted a job. Obviously being in her situation, she gave a positive answer! The next day, she spoke with him on the phone and Prophet Harry reassured her that she will find a job! From that day forward she played her role – sending her resume to different agencies – allowing God to play His own role. Shortly after, she was hired! Even though she was searching for a temporary summer position, to her surprise she was hired on 4-5-2018 with full time occupation, unlimited time limit at a high class hotel! Mrs. Joy advises that we rely solely on God no matter what we face, because His time is the best time! She promises to believe in Him even more, so that He can be close to her more! Amen!

We should not limit God. If God wants to bless you abundantly and you are asking for less you limit Him. This is why in every situation ask for His will to be done! In order to see God’s glory in your life, you must be aware that God is Worthy for you to trust Him. For God is Faithful and Almighty to those who are faithful to Him!


In the pictures that follow we can see live evidence that Jesus Christ governs and overcomes today and for eternity! The Holy Spirit is active and almighty through His anointed man of God, and this way sickness, pain, curses and every other work of satan bow down before the name of the Almighty God.

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En un ambiente lleno de vida y fervor, los creyentes reunidos en la Iglesia Cristiana de Todas las Naciones – Tesalónica, alzaron sus voces en agradecimiento y alabanza. A continuación, un revelador mensaje titulado “TU MAYOR ENEMIGO” fue presentado por el hombre de Dios Stavros, en el que habló sobre cómo muchas veces…

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En un ambiente cálido y espiritualmente refrescante, los creyentes alzaron sus voces y corazones con himnos de alabanza a Dios. El auditorio se llenó de profundos sentimientos de gratitud, fe y alegría mientras los presentes oraban y cantaban con todo su corazón. En este ambiente de fe y alabanza, los creyentes…

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Con el tiempo ya corriendo hacia la llegada del nuevo año, los hijos de Dios se reunieron en la Iglesia Cristiana de Todas las Naciones – ¡Tesalónica! Estaban esperando escuchar un mensaje que les diera el consejo correcto y la verdad es que Dios no los defraudó, ya que el mensaje del profeta Javier se titulaba «¡RENUEVA TU RELACIÓN CON DIOS!» …

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Con corazones llenos de anticipación y fe, la congregación se reunió en la Iglesia Cristiana de Todas las Naciones – Tesalónica, ansiosa por experimentar el poder y la presencia de Dios. En esta atmósfera, el hombre de Dios, George Christodoulou, tomó el púlpito con un poderoso mensaje para cada creyente titulado…

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En una atmósfera llena de admiración, adoración y fe inquebrantable, personas de todos los rincones del mundo se reunieron en la Iglesia Cristiana de Todas las Naciones – Tesalónica, con la esperanza de presenciar la mano de Dios que traería las soluciones que habían buscado en sus vidas durante tanto tiempo. Pronto, el hombre de Dios Giorgos Athanasiadis…

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Con gratitud y asombro, los creyentes se reunieron en la Iglesia Cristiana de Todas las Naciones – Tesalónica para alabar a Jesucristo. Las voces de los creyentes se llenaron de amor y fe y se elevaron al cielo a través de oraciones. Cada canción estaba dedicada a Aquel que se sacrificó, resucitó y reina para la salvación del mundo con poder y amor. Así, el Profeta llegó al título del mensaje, que era «TU MISIÓN COMO CRISTIANO»…

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Lo que observaron todos los creyentes al servicio de la Iglesia Cristiana de Todas las Naciones – Tesalónica fue la felicidad, la paz y el regocijo en los rostros de las demás personas. A esta atmósfera de fe se agregó el mensaje de la mujer de Dios Eugenia, titulado “CÓMO VENCER LA TENTACIÓN”, un mensaje que puede ser…

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Con el corazón lleno de anticipación y fe, los creyentes se reunieron en la Iglesia Cristiana de Todas las Naciones – Tesalónica, anhelando experimentar el poder y la presencia de Dios. En este ambiente de fe, el Profeta George Christodoulou se acercó al altar con un mensaje que tocó el corazón de todos, titulado: «¡CONFIANZA TOTAL EN DIOS!» ¡…

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En un ambiente alegre y espiritual, los creyentes de la Iglesia Cristiana De Todas Las Naciones – Tesalónica se reunieron para adorar y alabar a Dios. El mensaje titulado “TOMA LAS DECISIONES CORRECTAS” estuvo a cargo del hombre de Dios Javier, animando a los creyentes a cambiar su estilo de vida paso a paso y enseñándoles…

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Los fieles de la Iglesia Cristiana de Todas las Naciones – Tesalónica vivieron una experiencia sumamente emotiva y renovadora espiritualmente. Con corazones llenos de expectativa, personas de todas las edades y orígenes se reunieron. En tal ambiente, el hombre de Dios George Athanasiadis dio la bienvenida a los asistentes a la arena de la libertad…

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