With hearts full of joy, blessing and thanksgiving, the believers at the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, on 5-8-2018, worshipedgiving all the glory to the one and only, true God.

Following, evangelist Stavros Michailidis, inspired the congregation with a message titled “MIND OF CHRIST”, giving the people important advice on how to manage their mind. He reminded us that, throughout the duration of our Lord Jesus Christ’s earthly ministry, there were two categories of people, as there is today. On the one hand, some said He is a man of God, while others said He misleads the people. Jesus Christ’s disciples dealt with the second situation constantly. In other words, they had to listen to people judge their teacher on a daily bases. The same way we Christians deal with constant scrutiny every time we want speak about our faith.

After reading the proof text taken from John 6:60-62 and 66-69, evangelist Stavros pointed out that when you have the mind of Christ, nothing and nobody can disorient you, because the mind of Christ is an independent mind! Today, as he mentioned, many repent because the direction of their lives has changed, due to the incapacity to maintain their mind. The only way to decide to do the right thing, is to discipline your mind to be your servant and not your boss. The management of our heart and its thoughts is fundamental to our faith and holy living., he emphasized. In closing, he read proof text from Philippians 4:8-9, giving a solution and explaining how to have the God of peace with us always and to have the mind of Christ. Engage your heart with the Word of God you have read attentively, slowly and repeatedly! 


Obviously deeply moved Ms. Eugenia Tsakonidou, resident of Thessaloniki, on 5-8-2018, presented herself in order to share with the people the remarkable things God has done in her life.

It all began on April of 2015, when her husband left for Holland to find employment, in order to maintain his family and suddenly his cell phone was closed, abandoning his family. Naturally, Ms. Eugenia felt rejected, sadness and pain. Fortunately, during that time the ministry of the Synagogue, Church of All Nations in Thessaloniki, began and so she decide to move from Drama, the city she is from, in order to be closer and able to attend the church. As she began listening to the messages given by the man of God, Harry, and witnessing the miracles that God made possible in the church, her heart was encouraged and filled with joy. However, she did not have a steady job, so she began focusing on her situation, this made her fear and worry about the future of her children. Even though the members of her family supported her, she felt as if she was a burden to them. Besides this, she was not able to enjoy herself while being in the company of family and friends. Suddenly for insignificant reasons, she would get up and leave from where ever she was, she was not able to make the most of her time. She could not organize and prioritize her every day duties, and she demanded that people in her life, help her. She was not able to finish anything she started around the house.

However, God did not abandon her throughout all these difficulties she faced and all the more she entrusted her problems in Him, He provided, beginning with an eight month contract job! Regardless, as time passed, she once again started to feel worry about the uncertain future she and her children would face as soon as the contract was over. Unable to manage the thoughts in her mind because of worry, she came to the decision to move back to her house in the country. But God had different plans for her! Plans of freedom… Ms. Eugenia spoke with the man of God about all her worries and doubts and he reminded her, all the Lord had done for her in the past, by His grace, and the amazing way He provided and took care of her family. Therefore she decided to rethink certain things.

A few days later on Sunday, 29-7-2018, the Spirit of God arrested the demon which had tortured her! Throughout the duration of mass prayer she prayed along with Prophet Harry and said: “Everything that is not of Jesus Christ in my life, come out in the name of Jesus Christ!”. This is when the unclean spirit which tortured her confessed: “I gave her sorrow… She has not accomplished anything!” The moment right after, the man of God rebuked the unclean spirit in Jesus’ name and it obeyed, leaving with a wail. Finally liberated, Ms. Eugenia felt a weight lifted and peace she had never felt in her life before, even as a small child! The result? The whole week following she felt relaxed and full of energy. She began putting her life and duties in order, realizing that she even had extra time to spend with God! Now she communicates better with her children and can enjoy time with her loved ones, as for the worrisome thoughts… they have disappeared completely from her mind!

Ms. Eugenia advises us that when we find ourselves in a worrisome situation, to look for a man of God immediately, because he can see a situation from the point of view of God! In addition, she gave two promises to the Lord in front of the congregation. First of all that from now on she will recognize that God is with her and she with Him, serving Him until the end of her days. Secondly, she testified that she will be back soon to give another testimony about what God is doing in her life!

From the Word of God we recognize that obedience is the key to blessings and success. If you do not have the necessary trust in God, very soon you will lose your direction and your balance. As you fight to overcome your problems, history is being written and you are fulfilling your destiny! 


On 5-8-2018, the Mounatsi family traveled from the United Kingdom to Thessaloniki, to testify in front of the people of God, that years of prayers did not go unanswered! For a very long time Mr. Mounatsi battled with the spirit of lust, he had strong feelings for women other than his wife. He admitted that he was not attracted to his wife at all, this was something he was not pleased with. Mrs. Mounatsi, confirmed the words of her husband, while adding that often she could tell of his lust for other women, some were even her friends! In addition, Mr. Mounatsi, saw dreams of a sexual nature, an attack from the enemy which made a bad situation, worse. He mentioned that before he came to the Synagogue, Church of All Nations, Thessalonica, for years he could not find employment. Thirteen years passed and the couple could not have children, even though not one of them had problems of sterility or infertility. Mr. Mounatsi did not even have a permanent residence for the United Kingdom, while Mrs. Mounasti was dealing with academic issues, even though she was studying very hard.

All the above issues caused the couple to have serious arguments all these years. Until one day the anointing of the Almighty God located the struggling couple and neutralized their problem giving a complete deliverance! It is evident that nothing is impossible for Jesus Christ! Driven by the prophetic anointing of the Holy Spirit, while praying for Mr. Mounatsi, the man of God Harry began telling him all his problems: “You have the spirit of lust… Even though you fight the urges you get for other women, you are not attracted to your own wife… This is cause by a spiritual wife. You see sexual dreams and wake up wet.”. And just like that, with one touch, Mr. Mounatsi was delivered from the spirit of lust that was tormenting him as well as his wife.

Truly the prophetic word that the man of God spoke to the couple, drove them to complete deliverance from the difficulties they were facing. No more sexual dreams for Mr. Mounatsi and not a word about other women, only his own! The couple wanted to separate but God wanted to restore their relationship. Now their marriage has been restored, and the happy couple has a beautiful daughter, they enjoy each other’s company, no more fights in the household. Mrs. Mounatsi now excels in her academics and Mr. Mounatsi has found steady employment. God granted them both unlimited residence in the United Kingdom! Full of joy they advised us to be patient, because in God’s time everything is perfect, and to get closer to God because He is Good and Able!

No matter what you face, know that your breakthrough, your blessing and your deliverance are very close!

In the following photographs you will see people from all around the world taking part of the prayer line, with faith, to receive one anointed touch from the Prophet Harry, as well as a divine intervention for their problems.

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