The thanksgiving and adoration from the choir on Sunday, 19-8-2018, lead the people of God to open their hearts to faith, the Holy Spirit and the Word of God.

Evangelist Dimitris Panapakidis brought a message titled “FAITH HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH FEELINGS”, in which he explained that looking at life, its storms and adversities from a human point of view, is a trap of satan. This is the main problem that the majority of people face today. They end up not have a steady attitude, which leads them to be taken over by their feelings. In other words their thoughts go where the wind takes them. “If you allow what you see to control your feelings and your feelings to control your faith, you can be a Christian, yet controlled by satan’s devices.”

After, reading the proof text taken from Matthew 14:22,30, he pointed out how many of us go through the exact situation that Peter went through. Therefore, we cry unto the Lord, not out of faith but out of fear. The evangelist further explained that we must have a steady faith. Faith should not be based on what the circumstance looks like but what the Word of God says, because there is no reason for faith which is as good as the Word of God! With the goal to encourage the crowd, he awakened them by saying: Unless you decide to look at life from God’s point of view, you would live a defeated life and you would go to the grave prematurely.. While death is at work upon those who operate in the natural, life is at work upon those who walk by faith, because Jesus Himself is the very Bread of life! In closing, he urged the people of God to make their decision today, to base their faith on something with more stability than feelings – the Word of God! 


Ms. Anelia Ilieva, resident of Bulgaria, came at the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations, in Thessaloniki on 19-8-2018, in order to testify to the unbelievable change that Jesus Christ brought to her life, after the prayer she received from the man of God Harry.

Ms. Anelia, suffered for twenty years from sever chronic pain in her stomach. Even at times when the pain was not great, she felt a heaviness inside of her. The medical test showed that the problem originated from her intestines, which in turn forced her to be on a specific strict diet and to take many different medications and all to no avail. The doctor informed her that the problem would persist throughout her whole life, unless she had surgery. Her condition did not allow her to wear fitted clothing, or pants, she was not allowed to lift any weight at all, something that was quite impossible given all her daily tasks. In addition, from her childhood she had sever back pain and was not able to bend over or sit for long periods of time. Simultaneously, she felt pain in her bones as well as her knees.

Her chronic and painful situation, where stressors that created a negative psychological state. Until the blessed day she came to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations and stood on the prayer line, asking to receive the grace and mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ! When prophet Harry came close to her she began to feel a warmth inside of her, she was not able to control her actions and when the man of God touched her head, she felt a huge weight. The unclean spirit that was inside her causing all the trouble to her health, manifested right away and confessed that it was inside her stomach and was causing the pain in her bones. The man of God rebuked the unclean spirit and declared her free in the name of Jesus Christ! When his hand touched her head, as she explained, she felt one hundred kilos of weight fall on her and she could not hold herself up.

After the prayer line, full of joy she testifies to the amazing changes she notices in her body and her life. Every bit of pain in her back, stomach and in her knees has vanished leaving her to finally feel free. Without fear, she eats all kinds of different food and lifts weights without putting herself in harm’s way. From the moment she received this anointed touch she was completely delivered and healed, and with great boldness she proclaimed “When Jesus Christ heals you, you are indeed healed!”.

No matter your situation or the amount of time you are in that situation, nothing is impossible for God. Begin to look beyond your situation; that is where you will find the solution to your problem. Begin to look towards Jesus Christ!


On 19-8-2018, Mr. Spiros Lambrianidis, 28 years old, resident of Thessaloniki, visited the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, to testify to having received a miraculous healing from Jesus Christ, after the prayer from the man of God Harry. His health problems began fourteen years ago, at the age of 14, when suddenly he began to experience back pain that continued into his adult life. He sought out a solution from many doctors, yet there was no real help, only medications that were prescribed. As a result of this, during his childhood it was difficult for him to partake in all the activities his peers where doing, especially sports which he really wanted to be a part of. Eventually, it was time for Mr. Spiros to find employment, yet he could not hold down a job due to the days missed because of the pain in his back. Many times he found himself hold on to different objects because his knees would give out. This situation had a negative psychological effect on him, as he saw no solution to his problem and the possibility of surgery began to fill him with fear. When a relative spoke to him about the power of God that works miracles at the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations, Mr. Spiros decided to give one more try, to find the solution for his problem. During the laying of hands, the man of God touched his back and prayed. Instantly he felt heat as if he was on fire!

After the fact his back was completely healed! For the glory of God, Mr. Spiros showed the congregation how easy he is now able to move, being able to bend over and lift weight without any pain. He no longer uses medication or is fearful of surgery. He advises us to trust in God with all our heart and mind, and by faith he promises to testify, praise and serve God until his last breath.

By His stripes we are healed! There is no sickness that Jesus Christ cannot heal and no problem that Jesus Christ cannot solve. 

In the photographs below we can see proof Jesus Christ is Alive and has not stopped working miracles in the lives of all those that love Him and ask for His presence. We see people from all over the world partaking on the prayer line with faith, asking for a solution to their problems and involving God to be a part of their situation!

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