The presence of God was evident on Sunday 9-9-2018 at the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations, in Thessaloniki, as the worship team encouraged the children of God to praise Him with all of their hearts. There was an intense atmosphere of faith which continued throughout the wonderful testimonies, that were shared from those whom felt no shame in testifying to what Jesus Christ had done in their lives.

In the captivating message “DO NOT BASE YOUR FAITH ON FEELINGS”, the evangelist John Michailidis spoke about how many Christians today pray to God, but without true faith. They find themselves saying words, not praying a prayer and this is caused because they base their spiritual experiences on feelings and emotions. He mentioned that many are carnally minded and what follows, is that they are dead in the Spirit. They worship God with their senses and not the Spirit. This is why when things are going well, they thank God, while when things do not go well they curse God. “Problems arise when feelings and senses change“. He continued by explaining, in order for faith to be stable and consistent it has to be based on something with more stability than feelings.

Therefore, it must be based on the unchanging Word of God! The Word of God is the same yesterday, today and forever. Everything on this earth will fade away but the Word of God will remain the same for eternity! The evangelist stressed that he who feels saved is not saved, but the one who bases his faith on the Word of God and acts upon it is saved. In conclusion, he underlined the fact that it is a necessity that the Word of God dominates our lives, by stating: “When the Word of God does not dominate you, you walk in spiritual poverty and your testimony will only be of your needs and shortcomings. On the other hand when the Word of God dominates you, you use all the knowledge from the Word of God!”. Only then you will be what God says you are, you will have what God says you have and do what God says you can do!



Mr. Clifford Uchenna, of Nigerian decent, came to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, to share with us how his encounter with Jesus Christ changed his life!

He came as an immigrant to Athens in 2003 and God blessed him with a small business that he opened in 2006. He organized trips, transferred money and other services. The first six years the business was going well and Mr. Clifford was able to support his family in Nigeria. Due to the economic crisis the country was facing things turned around for the worst. First of all, he had to shut down his business and search for work elsewhere. Continuously, he sent out resumes and filled-out applications for employment but never received a call back! As time passed by things became all the more difficult for him. He was left without work, without money and without a home. Even providing food for himself was difficult. He had to stay with friends for years and his family in Nigeria was now supporting him. As a result of not having money he was unable to renew his residency documentation, which had expired.

His situation made him feel trapped! He felt as if everything was working against him. Even in his dreams from a young age he saw people pursuing him to kill or capture him and put him in jail. Many times he wished himself dead! That is when he realized, that it was situations like this that lead people to commit suicide and do things that they did not want to do. Mr. Clifford lived in complete poverty for many years until he realized his problem was of a spiritual nature! One day as he was praying he saw three marks on his hand that he did not have before. They were revealed during prayer and were identical to the markings made by spiritualists in Nigeria! Mr. Clifford was stunned because he believed that because he had accepted Jesus Christ in his life, these sort of things were things of the past. Surprised and shaken up, he thought of what could have happened to him all these years if he had not been praying!

In search for answers he learned of the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations in Thessaloniki. Even though initially he did not believe the things he was hearing, he decided to visit anyway. During the prayer line the man of God Harry touched him and he fell down. He stood up laughing and said he came to church with a great pain in his leg and immediately after the prayer the pain was gone! The prophet Harry reassured him that Jesus would take care of the rest of his problems!

So it was, while on the train back to Athens he began to receive phone calls of people that wanted to help him. His brother called him and told him he would pay for Mr. Clifford to renew his documentation! Exactly one month after receiving prayer, he received calls from three different companies that were asking him if he was in need of a job; all he had to do was make a choice. Everything was moving so fast and Mr. Clifford’s life suddenly became so beautiful. The same man that was contemplating suicide now saw a beautiful life before him! He now has a good job that provides housing, a higher quality of life and the ability to provide for his family. Even his nightmares have stopped! Full of joy and health he showed the congregation his renewed documentation for this country and his advice towards the people was, “Jesus Christ is THE ONLY WAY and THE SOLUTION to your problems. Be patient because if He promises something be sure it will be done!”. Finally he promised that he will follow Him all the days of his life.

Jesus Christ never promised that we would not have sorrows in this world, but He promised that He would be with us through these sorrows. God knows what you have to go through today, so you can make it tomorrow. For this reason have patience! When you are patient through your trials and pain, you will learn what you should have known and your sorrow will turn into joy!


Ms. Vasiliki Vaggeli, of Albanian decent, on 9-9-2018, came to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, filled with joy to testify to the incredible changes in her life after the touch of God she experienced, through the man of God.

In 1991 she came to Greece with her family in order to live a better life. Even though they were in search of comfort and material abundance, economic problems began and there was no unity in the family, as she expected to have.

She stayed in Greece until the year of 2010. This is when she experienced problems with her residence permit and was forced to return to her country. So, while her whole family lived in Greece, she lived in Albania and visited them every six months to see them. While she was in her country, she met Jesus Christ and began going to a biblical school to learn more about Him. Yet, although she believed in God, she was still anxious, and so this prohibited her from going deeper into spiritual things like she wished. Then, an acquaintance of hers gave her a DVD with the man of God Harry and when she saw it she realized that this was what she had been looking for. So she searched and learned that this man is in Greece, in Thessaloniki. So, every time she came to Greece she visited the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations. Ultimately she sought to come from Albania to Greece for this reason specifically.

When, she entered the prayer line, looking for breakthrough and solution to her family problems, she began to see changes in her life! After a year and a half, and while she continued to come more often, she began to see solutions to her problems and saw breakthrough in her life, which she could not have even imagined. From that moment, every time she came to the Synagogue, she saw improvement in her relationship with her family, her spiritual life and her finances. The communication with her husband and her children improved and she began to understand the spiritual things on a deeper level, as well as the Word of God. As she changed they began listening to her more attentively and accepted the things she was saying and asking about God on their own. The light of God fell on her and every situation concerning her.

Every time she heard testimonies of people receiving their residence card after receiving prayer, her faith was increased all the more. Therefore, she believes that since God made it possible for these people He would make it possible for her as well. As she brought her issue with faith in front of God, the same way that faith honors God, God honors faith! In February of 2018, she brought her documentation and the man of God prayed for her. To her great surprise, her daughter received Greek nationality and through this she received her residence permit for Greece which she had been trying to obtain from the year 1991. Having received the blessings of God in her life, Ms. Vasiliki advises those waiting for the solution to their problems from God, to believe to God and have His Word as the light in their life. 

The first place in which we should prosper should be our spiritual life! If we come to God for the salvation of our soul, He will provide everything we need! “But first ask for the kingdom of God, and His righteousness and everything else shall be added to you.” (Matthew 6:33)

In the following photographs we can see people from around the world that took part on the prayer line at the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, in order to find a solution to their problems and expose the works of satan! We can see the man of God Harry among the people, praying, led by the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ was present bringing healing, deliverance and blessing to all those that came with faith in their hearts. All the glory belongs to Jesus Christ! When He delivers you, you are free indeed!

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