As the congregation glorified the Lord a heavenly atmosphere was created during the Sunday service of 14-10-2018. The hymns from the worship team made way inviting the Holy Spirit to come into the hearts of all. Later, the inspirational testimonies bridged the distance between heaven and earth, thus helping believers prepare their hearts to receive their own divine blessings.

Following, evangelist George Athanasiadis in his message, “BUILD HABITS WITH A DIFFERENCE”, said that in order to make a difference in your world, you need to have a different way of life and have great habits that will set you apart. He stressed, therefore, that our everyday life is made up of a set of habits and on account of the good habits of the people of God, he spoke of Daniel who, keeping his custom to pray three times a day with his windows open, was the cause of making our God the God of the whole nation at that time!

Thus, the evangelist called on the people of God to build great habits, for by building up great habits, you close the door to the influence of the wickedness in your life. This is the power of good habits! He also explained that the habits we build when we are strong will keep us away from mistakes in times of weakness. When we are strong we have to play our part and build good habits, because that is what will help us when the difficulties come. Summing up, he encouraged the people of God to expel every bad habit and exchange it with new good habits, because good habits will always increase and improve our relationship with God.


Mr. Richard came from Germany to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, disappointed because of the failure and limitation that he faced in his personal life and in his career. As the man of God Harry prayed for those on the prayer line, he gave Mr. Richard a prophetic message: “Many years back, when you were still young during your school years, some friends of yours were part of occult and they wanted to initiate you, trying to invite you to some meetings. But because you did not want to be part of this now you have spiritual attack. This has followed you for your whole life, this is why you have been experiencing such disappointment and setback. Even when things seem to be going well something happens and everything gets destroyed… The people who have promised to help you, end up saying they have problem and can no longer help you… You have seen dwarfs in your dreams which wanted to attack you… the end of your problems has come! Jesus Christ loves you and wants to disconnect you!”. The man of God rebuked the evil spirits that stole the blessings of God from his life and declared him free in the name of Jesus Christ! Completely shocked Mr. Richard admitted that the prophecy that he received was very specific and characterized this event as a historical moment in his life!

Two months later, on Sunday 14-10-2018, Mr. Richard returned to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, to confirm everything the man of God said, and to share with us all the blessings that God has granted him! During his school years, his best friend was connected to a secret organization, which he later discovered. Mr. Richard coming from a Christian family wanted nothing to do with this. From that point on he began experiencing many disappointments. Upon completing his studies in economics, in Ghana, someone promised him a job in the Ministry of Finance but later told him the chance was lost. At that point because he was only twenty one years old he thought “These things are a part of life!”. Later he immigrated to Nigeria, where he had a very serious accident, and found a very good job, but as the years passed he could not be promoted as expected. After a while, he met a millionaire in Nigeria, who told him he would help him, but eventually disappointed him. So he ended up in Germany, where he was recruited by Volkswagen, where he has been working for the last twenty-eight years. However, although he had all the qualifications for better development in his workplace and was appreciated by his superiors, in the end nothing seemed to be on his “side”. Thus, despite all the training, acquaintances and opportunities he had in life, he could not achieve anything greater as he wanted.

In addition to his professional stagnation, Mr. Richard was faced with the failure of his marriage. While he was married, after four years his wife left him. The same problem, however, of dissolving weddings, was faced by all the men of his family. But even then he never thought it was demonic attack. Although he is a Christian and knows many of God’s workers, he had never heard of it. He thought that these kinds of events just occur in people’s lives! Even when he saw the dwarf in his dream, of it attacking and threatening him, he could not understand what that meant!

What it took was a look of faith from a man of God to expose what was hidden to the natural eyes! Glory be to God, because along with this prophetic word he gave to Mr. Richard, he provided the solution to his problems. Mr. Richard knew that after the prophetic word he received he would be blessed in every aspect of his life! He advised us saying: “When you see that things are not going according to your vision, ask the help of an anointed man of God!”. His promise to God to follow Him and serve Him, his whole life.

No matter the circumstance you are going through never say, things cannot change! God continues to work and has never said goodbye, yet He always sends His anointed to help us!

In the following photographs we can see the Spirit of God moving throughout the believers granting them blessings, freedom, consolation, healing and deliverance.

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En un ambiente lleno de vida y fervor, los creyentes reunidos en la Iglesia Cristiana de Todas las Naciones – Tesalónica, alzaron sus voces en agradecimiento y alabanza. A continuación, un revelador mensaje titulado “TU MAYOR ENEMIGO” fue presentado por el hombre de Dios Stavros, en el que habló sobre cómo muchas veces…

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