The hearts of the people of God we’re beating to the rhythm of worship at the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, on 21-10-2018. In unison with the Spirit of God, the believers glorified Him in a way which He deserves. Recognizing Him as the one and only True God, while praising with thanksgiving for all He does and continues to do in the lives of people today.

Evangelist Katerina Otamere preached to the people of God a sermon titled “YOU CANNOT GAIN SUCCESS WITHOUT PAIN”. With a spot on example of how a coach yells at his athletes, not because he hates them or has something personal against them, yet, to wake them up so they may try even harder and to drive them to an even greater level. The athlete receives it in good faith because he knows well that the road to success is not paved with rose petals, yet it is filled with snakes, thorns and scorpions.

Therefore, for you to get to a higher level first you must drop to the lowest, humble yourself go through humiliation and the yelling in order to reach the place where God has ordained for you. No one can make it, if first they do not experience the pain of rejection, failure, sickness and trials. Furthermore, she continued by saying that the Word of God reassures us that God will not allow us to be tried more that we can handle, she stressed that we must stop whining because no matter our situation it can be manageable! Success does not come simply! You must go through painful situations, but as a child of God you are called to withstand. The reward and prize is not for those who give up, but for those who persevere and last till the end. In closing the evangelist encouraged the congregation to not give up in times of trials and pain, because the reward and prize that God has prepared for us is priceless!


Mrs. Eljona Prifti, a resident of Thessaloniki, honored God by giving her testimony in front of the congregation at the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations, on 21-10-2018.

For eight years Mrs. Eljona tried to obtain a driver’s license, but there was always something that prevented her and she never managed to complete the process. This license was extremely necessary for her when she started working as she faced many problems on the way to her job. Many times she did not have means of transportation therefore she was forced to walk to work, where she was often attacked by dogs to the point where her life was in danger. She was in great despair with her situation and so she was brought to the following dilemma: “To quit her job or to finally make the decision and get her driver’s license?”. As a wife and mother of two children, she felt the need to provide financially for her family, so quitting her job would affect their financial situation. This is why she finally made the decision to get her driver’s license and so she began studying very hard in order to pass the driver’s test.

When examination day came Mrs. Eljona was overcome with fear and anxiety that she would not pass even though she studied so much. This is when she asked the man of God Harry, for help, in which he asked her if she had studied. Since she answered yes, very much, he said: “Since you played your role, go and God will now play his role and you will succeed!” and truly just as he said it happened! When she went to give the exam the fear and anxiety vanished and after eight long years she finally obtained the driver’s license she always wanted.

However Mrs. Eljona’s testimony does not end here! While many people search for a new vehicle for a long time so they can buy something good, Mrs. Eljona did not find it difficult at all. In the days following the Lord blessed her with the perfect car, just for her. Filled with joy she testified that she goes to work now every day without fear and she advised us not to give up when difficulties come our way, but to trust in God and He will show us His power in our lives. She also promised to follow Him for the rest of her life.

As a child of God you have a role to play! Your genuine willingness and God’s ability will give you your desired result! 


On 21-10-2018, Mrs. Rosemary Mumonwu, of Nigerian decent, shared with the congregation her miraculous testimony, so she may thank God for her fourth child that God granted her.

She and her husband tried for a whole year to conceive a fourth child but it was all in vain! After an intense and sudden hemorrhage Mrs. Rosemary was forced to undergo different tests, in which they discovered she had a fibroid 8 centimeters wide and that this was the cause of her hemorrhaging. Some doctors suggested she should undergo surgery to remove her whole uterus, due to the size of the fibroid. They also informed her that in case of pregnancy she and the child would be in great danger because the fibroid would not allow the embryo to grow and it would cause a miscarriage.

While the doctors wanted her to deal with her situation with a surgery, Mrs. Rosemary denied them and chose to leave her problem in the able hands of God. She came to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, where she took place on the prayer line in April of 2017. After the prayer Mrs. Rosemary went to the bathroom and felt something come out of her… For the glory of God the fibroids that afflicted her were excreted after the prayer she received from the man of God Harry, in the name of Jesus Christ! Following the testimony she gave on November 2017 of her healing, Mrs. Rosemary conceived but without realizing because menstruation continued normally. Doctors advised her to take pills in case menstruation continued, which is not normal during a pregnancy. She, then, decided to call Pastor Harry. He told her to not take any medication and not to worry because everything would go well. In honor of the faith she showed to the words of the man of God, God came to her in a dream that same night and gave her the solution to her problems. In her dream she saw Prophet T.B. Joshua and he asked her what she wanted and she answered she wanted a child. The Prophet then touched her lower abdomen and the bleeding stopped. After that her pregnancy continued normally!

Later during her pregnancy she began seeing dead people in her dreams. She began to worry as she felt the pressure of the spirit of death in her life growing. She decided to once again take part on the prayer line and ask God for help so she may have a safe delivery. By the grace of God all went well, and a healthy baby boy was brought into the world. At the same time God blessed her husband with a new job, which gave him the opportunity to buy a new car. Not only did God bless the family with a new member but He also gave them financial security!

After the miracle Mrs. Rosemary received, she advised couples that want to conceive to not be discouraged but to patiently wait for the intervention of God. She encouraged all believers that when they find themselves in a critical situation to wait in the Lord, expecting direction from Him, especially for all the important decisions in their life. Full of joy and happiness she promises to serve the Lord all the days of her life!

Just as faith honors God the more, in the same way, God honors faith the more. No matter the situation you face do not lose faith, do not give up… Continue to hope and believe that Jesus Christ will intervene in your situation because the Lord never said goodbye!

In the following photographs we can see the man of God Harry moving with the power of the anointing of God among the people who came from different countries from all around the world. They came with faith to participate in the prayer line in search for a solution to their problems that only Jesus Christ can provide because He always honors their faith!

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En un ambiente lleno de vida y fervor, los creyentes reunidos en la Iglesia Cristiana de Todas las Naciones – Tesalónica, alzaron sus voces en agradecimiento y alabanza. A continuación, un revelador mensaje titulado “TU MAYOR ENEMIGO” fue presentado por el hombre de Dios Stavros, en el que habló sobre cómo muchas veces…

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