A warm spiritual atmosphere was created at the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations, on Sunday, 2 December 2018 from the worship that was offered to the Lord. The anointed hymns opened the sky and the atmosphere of faith prepared the hearts of the children of God for the message, the testimonies and everything else miraculous that followed.

The message, entitled RUN WITH PURPOSE, was preached by evangelist Maria Sachpazidou, offering valuable lessons to all the attendees. She began by saying that many of us wake up, sleep and breath without purpose. However, God honors people who make plans! Therefore, if we have no purpose or plan for our life, God can not honor us. The reading was taken from Philippians 3: 12-14 and it said that it is good to run, but to run with a purpose!  

She pointed out that the road to success is not paved with rose petals and that the choices we make today will determine our future, our destination and our relationship with Jesus Christ! All of a sudden we will find ourselves at the crossroads of life and we will have to decide in which direction we will go. The evangelist, therefore, stressed that if we choose to go backwards, it means that we look back on our past, and this is a trap of satan, who wants to remind us of how unworthy our past is. If we choose to go right or left, it means that we choose to prosper in different areas of our lives, for example the professional field, but without having a relationship with God, which will result in us not being able to maintain that prosperity. For this reason, the first place we should prosper in as God’s children is our relationship with God. The evangelist continued, saying that if we choose to go straight, it means that we are ready to change, to hurt, to fall, to endure, to stand up and to continue our struggle in Jesus Christ! Many will ridicule us and friends will try to disorient us from our path. However, our goal and vision will help us withstand and continue to walk straight unto the path of salvation. In closing, the evangelist urged the people of God to make the right decisions for their life and not give up because the victory of Jesus Christ is not for those who quit but for those who endure!


Mrs. Saia Strel from Thessaloniki attended the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations, on 2 December 2018, to honor and praise the Great Healer, Jesus Christ, for what He has done in her life!

During 2017, Mrs. Strel was experiencing severe pain in her right knee. The pain was so excruciating, that she could barely walk or even sleep at night. The anti-inflammatory and muscle relaxant medications recommended by doctors reduced the pain for only a few hours, and then it returned, even sharper. This situation lasted a few months. So she had an MRI and further testing, only to reveal that she had a Baker’s cyst, meniscal tear and chondropathy. The doctors recommended that she undergo surgery, as there was no way to treat this complex problem. In the meantime, Mrs. Strel traveled to Germany. There, they redid the MRI and other testing only to come to the same conclusion… that she needs surgery. So, they planned her surgery for October. Two days prior to the surgery, still in Germany she went to the hospital for the planned preoperative preparation.

When she was admitted to the hospital, her ear hurt very strongly. The otorhinolaryngologist found that there was pus in her ear, which strictly forbade surgery. So the surgery was canceled and she returned to Greece.

Immediately she visited the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, and took part in the prayer line having faith that God will solve her problem and heal her. The moment Prophet Harry prayed, Mrs. Strel stood up and felt her knee release! She felt a power come over her and the very presence of God doing divine knee surgery! She found that she could stretch it straight, something that was impossible for her before and she began to move it and bend it as if there was never anything wrong! God had His own planned appointment for surgery! From that blessed day it does not hurt at all, she is off all medications and is sleeping normally. She moves so freely that she forgets she even had problems with her knee! Mrs. Strel advised the people of God to give their whole hearts to Jesus and to trust Him, who locates faith and always heals because He is the best Doctor!

Faith is that power that makes things happen! As a genuine Christian every problem you face and every hardship MIGHT SEEM LIKE a problem or hardship, but in reality it occurs for the glory of God!


15-year-old Valantis, a resident of Thessaloniki, attended the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations, on December 2, 2018, to testify the provision and love of God in his life.

During mass prayer a week before, he received the following prophecy from Prophet Harry: “Pray against anger. You get angry without reason. It is a demonic influence. It must break. Pray and fast… This will ruin your life if you continue! You do not want it. Then you regret it and say ‘I’m sorry I hurt you, sorry I did this, I apologize.’ You do not want it … It’s an attack … Pray for it to leave, in the name of Jesus Christ.”

Valantis confirmed the prophetic word he received from the man of God, saying that it is all true. Indeed, he would get angry and occasionally he mistreated and fought with friends or relatives. There had been times when his anger got the best of him and he hit people, and then he bitterly regretted it. The worst thing that happened was that one day he caused a friend to be sent to the hospital… Afterwards he truly felt bad and apologized. Even though he regretted his actions, every time he found himself repeating them again, because anger would overcome him and he would lose control. He did not know that behind each problem there was a spirit.

Thereafter the prophetic word he received came the solution to his problem as well, in the name of Jesus Christ! Jesus Christ does not come to criticize, yet with true intentions and interest He leans towards man, bringing along the solution! Before the devil can destroy Valantis, the Lord made sure to deliver him, by using His servant, Prophet Harry. Valantis knows he will be coming back with new testimonies, and he advised the youth who might be facing similar problems, to pray, read the Word of God and stand against doing things that they would bitterly regret. In closing, he promised to follow God, to serve and do His will! 

As children of God we are called to build the character of Christ. This is why we should never listen to the temptation to act out of character!


Μrs. Tela, a resident of England, visited the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations in Thessaloniki, on December 2, 2018, together with her children, to bring unshakable evidence of what God can do to the lives of His children when they trust Him!

She works as a nurse in England and has three children, one daughter and two sons. Her two boys were diagnosed with autism at the age of three. Everything went well for the family until one year before, when her daughter, Adim, and her first son, Lukedi, began to hear “voices”. As far as her daughter is concerned, this caused her whole life to be destroyed. Initially, she lost her independence because she was afraid to go to school alone. She was constantly distressed, being tormented by those “voices” who persistently told her negative things about herself. In addition, at school she often responded and replied to the “voices” she heard during the lesson, resulting in her being constantly punished by her teachers who believed she had bad behavior and wanted to hinder the lesson. With Lukedi it was even worse! The “voices” called him constantly by his name, even at night. So he often woke up angry and aggressive, breaking anything he found in front of him. Sometimes during the night he left the house in his pajamas and went from one bus to the other. Naturally, Mrs. Tela was then required to call the police because she was worried about the safety of her son. As the police arrived, they alerted social services or an ambulance to take him to the hospital. In addition, the voices directly affected his education because he could not concentrate on the lesson. Her youngest son, Locherry, did not hear “voices” as his siblings did, but they also referred him to the social service department responsible for mental health. Like his siblings, he was evaluated by psychiatrists and psychologists who diagnosed him with behavioral problems.

This situation with her children affected Mrs. Tela’s professional life, because the months that these events had taken place, she was forced to not give her undivided attention to her job because she had to constantly communicate with people over the phone, her children, schools and social services. It was a very difficult period for the whole family and the situation was hopeless… After all the professionals that examined her children, unfortunately, no one was able to give substantial help, no solution to their problem. So they decided to travel as a family to Thessaloniki, to visit the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations, in order to find the solution they sought from God. So they put their troubles in the hands of God and God did not delay in giving them the perfect outcome!

After the prayer they received from Prophet Harry, the voices stopped! The results of the change were immediate and spectacular. The children can now concentrate on school and their behavior has changed. Adim, who was constantly in trouble because of her bad behavior, was awarded the “Steady Effort and Good Behavior” at the end of the school year! In addition, the experts informed the family, after their last meeting with Adim on July 5, 2018, that they officially closed their case because things are going very well! Even for Lukedi they officially closed his case, as he is also doing well! In fact, they congratulated them on the news that the whole family is working together and is working on a very good level. In addition, even though Lukedi missed a lot of his class and homework he managed to excel in Science and Geography! Locherry, was chosen to be a part of a group that included only the best students of the school! And the miracles do not end here! Mrs. Tela used to work thirty seven hours a week, but after the prayer she received a breakthrough, leaving her colleagues in awe on how she managed to now work only two days a week! With this, she gives her extra time to taking care of the needs of her children. The family’s progress has exploded! With a heart filled with gratitude, she advised us: “No matter how difficult your situation is, just remember that there is a solution and this is only Jesus Christ!”. Finally, she promised to remain close to God and always be guided by His Word.

It is not what men say about you that matters in this life; it is what do you believe about yourself and what God says about you. No matter how difficult your situation is, no matter the failure you experienced in the past and however uncertain your future may seem, remember that when God sees you, He sees something else that everyone ignores!

In the following photographs we can witness the powerful way in which God uses His servant, Harry. God continues to heal, deliver and bless the people who honor Him, as they come with faith from every corner of the world to find a solution to their problem.

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En un ambiente lleno de vida y fervor, los creyentes reunidos en la Iglesia Cristiana de Todas las Naciones – Tesalónica, alzaron sus voces en agradecimiento y alabanza. A continuación, un revelador mensaje titulado “TU MAYOR ENEMIGO” fue presentado por el hombre de Dios Stavros, en el que habló sobre cómo muchas veces…

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Con el corazón lleno de anticipación y fe, los creyentes se reunieron en la Iglesia Cristiana de Todas las Naciones – Tesalónica, anhelando experimentar el poder y la presencia de Dios. En este ambiente de fe, el Profeta George Christodoulou se acercó al altar con un mensaje que tocó el corazón de todos, titulado: «¡CONFIANZA TOTAL EN DIOS!» ¡…

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