An atmosphere, heavily charged with the presence of God, was created on Sunday, 9 December 2018, from the hymns sang by the choir of the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations in Thessaloniki. Thus, the hearts of the faithful were opened, and they lifted God’s name as they worshiped Him in spirit and truth.

Then Prophet Harry preached to the people of God a message titled, “THE GREATNESS OF GOD IN YOUR LIFE”, in which he stressed that we were all created to have the greatness of God in our lives. Reading from John 14:27, the man of God explained that the world can offer us some kind of peace, joy, love and greatness, but always with an expiration date, that is temporarily. On the contrary, the love, peace, joy and greatness that Jesus Christ gives is forever!

While analyzing the excerpt from Genesis 14:8-17 and 21-23, he stated that Abraham entered an unequal war in order to liberate Lot, by going with his armed servants against the four kingdoms. Abraham finally succeeded and won the war because he knew the source of his strength was God and he knew God would help him in the battle. Thus, the man of God stressed that when God is the source of our strength, no one can be against us! However, he focused more on verse 23, where the king of Sodom offered Abraham all the spoils, and Abraham refused, saying, “I will take nothing, from a thread to a sandal strap, and that I will not take anything that is yours, lest you should say, ‘I have made Abram rich’”. Abraham, while he won the battle, refused to take the spoils because he knew that these riches were not from God and knew that in order to be revealed the greatness of God in his life, all his blessings should come from Him. That’s why he always planned with God, spoke with God and acted with God, and so God gave him victories!

Therefore, the man of God clarified that there are two sources of greatness in this world: God and satan. To be great born of God is to derive your resources from God, while to be great born of satan is to derive your resources from satan. Then, reading Genesis 19:23-26, the man of God brought forth the example of Lot’s wife, and explained that she showed disobedience to a simple instruction of God, which was to not look behind her. But instead of obeying the directive, she allowed herself to be affected by her situation. As satan used the situation of Lot’s wife to kill her, he uses our own situation to mislead us. Many times God chooses what we will go through, but we choose how we will pass through it! In closing his message, Prophet Harry, noted that our situation may tell us to give up, to cry or to start moaning, but it is up to us how we deal with it. If we want to see the greatness of God in our lives, we must learn to handle our situation!


Abounding with happiness, Mrs. Argiro Sakka from Sparta, came to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations, on 9 December 2018, to declare the incredible healing power of God.

Twenty years ago Mrs. Argiro began to experience intense pain and annoyance in her abdomen, which led her to specialists, so that she may find out exactly what was happening to her. After several examinations, the doctor discovered that the she only had one kidney from the time she was born! This completely changed her life and her daily routine because she had to be particularly careful from then on. Any minor injury or malfunction to the kidney could cause her nephropathy and therefore she would need to undergo a hemodialysis procedure at times throughout her life. Therefore, she could no longer do any heavy work or activities involving risk of injury. In addition, she was forced to follow a life-long diet according to the doctors’ directive to protect this one kidney. This whole situation has particularly affected her mood and made her feel trapped! Indeed, she reached the point of abandoning the special diet, with disregard for the consequences!

At that time, she made the decision to visit the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations in Thessaloniki, believing in her heart that God would give her the perfect solution to her problem. And indeed the solution came to Mrs. Argiro with the touch of the man of God, Harry, on the prayer line! After a short period of time, she experienced persistent vomiting, beginning from the morning and all through the evening. At the same time, she felt very strongly that something moved within her body. Her husband tried to reassure her, by saying it was psychological and would pass, but there was no improvement. She addressed doctors, who after many tests decided that all her organs were healthy and there was no trace of illness. However, her state of health remained the same, so they recommend she do an ultrasound to the upper abdomen. The doctor who did the exam knew Mrs. Argiro’s history and the fact that she had only one kidney, and suddenly he was faced with an unprecedented phenomenon! He was so shocked with the results of the ultrasound, that he called Mrs. Argiro so she may repeat the examination and look at the screen of the ultrasound herself, while the doctor preformed the ultrasound. Both the doctor and Mrs. Argiro were surprised to see on the ultrasound screen that there is a kidney on the left side, which did not exist before prayer! The Almighty God gave her a brand new kidney directly from Heaven!

Now, her state of health is perfectly normal! She can normally eat without restrictions and work without feeling pain or fear of injury. Her psychological state is excellent! She can take care of her family and is full of joy, hope and optimism for the future! Her life has now changed altogether! Having received such an unmistakable miracle, Mrs. Argiro advised us to trust our lives completely in the hands of God, and reassured us that we will surely see the manifestation of His power in our weakness. Finally, she promised that herself and her family will follow the Living Jesus Christ!

In Romans 4:17, it says: “… God, who gives life to the dead and calls those things which do not exist as though they did…” The fact that God created a brand new kidney for Mrs. Argiro from scratch is proof that there is no problem that Jesus Christ cannot solve, nor an illness he cannot cure! This why when others say, ‘The end has come’, Christians say, ‘The best is yet to come’. When others say, ‘There’s no way’, Christians say, ‘God will make a way where there seems to be no way’. When others say, ‘I’m finished’, Christian say, ‘My problem is finished’ because of what Jesus declared on the Cross!


On Sunday, 9 December 2018, Mrs. Deborah Osaremwinda came to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations in Thessaloniki, to confirm the prophetic word she received from the man of God, Harry, and to testify the reconciliation and breakthrough that this word brought to her life.

Mrs. Deborah, took part on the prayer line on 4 November 2018, asking for breakthrough in her career. Driven by the Holy Spirit, the man of God said to her the following prophetic words: “Sister, I want to talk to you. You have written ‘BREAKTHROUGH’ on your placard, but a ‘Sorry’ will resolve everything… Go to this man and say ‘Sorry, forgive me!’ After that, God will open your way and bless you…”. 

As she confirmed this word, her and her husband were in constant controversy the last few years and the last time, she threw some of his stuff, asked him to leave her life. Along with the family problems she faced, Mrs. Deborah also had challenges in her work, which had led her to the prayer line. Following the instructions given to her by the man of God, Harry, she rushed to ask for her husband’s forgiveness for all the mistakes she had made in their relationship. That’s when he revealed to her that she had been cursed by him in her life, but now he forgave her and assured her that his curse is no longer valid since he has truly forgiven her! Without wasting time, Mrs. Deborah put in motion her business ideas for a new job, believing that since she had been forgiven by her husband, breakthrough would come just as the man of God prophesied.

Indeed, changes did not take long to be seen! She was given the opportunity to start her own business and work with a company in the Netherlands by the grace of God! Finally, joyful and with complete gratitude to the Almighty God who opened the way for her, she advised the congregation to make Jesus Christ their shield against sin and the enemy of their soul. She even promised to get closer to God, more and more throughout her life.

Satan will always use your condition to kill you, while God will use your condition for your salvation. Obey the Word of God and forgive so you may be forgiven!

Below, we see the miraculous power of God moving among the congregation by blessing, healing and delivering people from bondage.

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