An atmosphere of faith and hope was created on 16 December 2018 at the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations, where the choir gave praise and worship to the Lord of heaven and earth.

The man of God, Harry, delivered a message to the people of God, titled “THE TRAP OF OFFENCE”. In this message he said that every day we all face insults and fall into the trap of being offended by something or someone. He read from Luke 9:51-56, and explained that even the disciples of Jesus, in a moment of weakness, fell into the trap of offence and sought revenge, “to call fire down from heaven” for their teacher. But we are well aware that Jesus Christ did not come for the destruction of man, but for their salvation. Having said that in just a moment the disciples of Jesus were insulted and asking for the death of the whole city, Prophet Harry stressed that offence itself is not deadly but harbouring or keeping it in our heart makes it deadly.

He also stressed that unforgiveness due to offence is one of the traps satan – the enemy of our souls – uses to hold us in bondage. Yet we cannot tell this is going on, because when it comes to offence, it is difficult to realize that we are trapped. The offence we hold in our hearts is the reason that our lives are stagnant and this is the reason why while we pray to God, we do not receive what we ask for. Holding an offence against someone hinders and handicaps us from fulfilling our full potential.

Finally, the man of God, Harry, gave us the way out from the chaos that exists in our lives, saying, “When you forgive and let go of offence, something will happen to you that cannot be explained by the natural mind.”. If we forgive those who have offended us, in an unexplainable way everything we have been praying for all these years will come and we will set ourselves free from the bars of our prison!


On December 16, 2018, Mrs. Roberta, a resident of Spain, visited the Synagogue, the Church Of All Nations in Thessaloniki, along with her husband Mr. Havier. It was clear that they were joyful with the change that God brought to their lives and their marriage, after the prayer that they received from the man of God, Harry.

For many years Mrs. Roberta had a war of negative thoughts that was held in her mind, which told her that she was not good enough for her husband and that he deserved a better companion. All the while, her character was irritable, full of pride, and she did not accept correction from anyone. When someone corrected her, Mrs. Roberta became angry and behaved badly. In fact, she was constantly fighting with her husband without reason. She would later repent, but had doubts and could not believe that God forgave her because of her repeated bad behavior. She continually thought of the past, reliving the pain that different people including her husband caused her and the sins she had committed which made her feel guilty. Among these problems of doubt and guilt, she dealt with the fear of death. This circle of guilt and frustration urged her to think that she was not a true child of God and that her salvation was in question. So she ended up being depressed and thought her life had no meaning. She believed it would be better for her to die. All of this, apart from herself, it also negatively affected the relationship with her husband.

This is the reason, together they decided to visit the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations, so they may ask for God’s intervention to their problem. Mrs. Roberta took part on the prayer line, where the unclean spirit within her, having no choice, was exposed and confessed: “I am doubt! I will not let her serve God! I have made her not believe in herself … I have caused her fear … I want to destroy her mind, her marriage …”.

Then the man of God rebuked the demon, and her deliverance came in the name of Jesus Christ! He gave her the following prophecy: “From now on, your faith will begin to increase. You have to serve God. That is a calling in you from your childhood. You have a heart to serve Jesus! God wants to work through you and you have to play your role.

Today, Mrs. Roberta, is happier than ever, and testifies to her total transformation, confirming the prophetic word she has received! Indeed, shortly before visiting the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations, she had made the decision to serve Jesus Christ, and now, after the prayer that she received from the man of God, Harry, this desire is even more intense inside her. Indeed, the changes in her spiritual life are noticeable! She reads the Bible constantly, she prays and feels the forgiveness of God, and that gives her the power to continue. The doubt, the fear, the pain of the past and the depression are gone! The relationship with her husband has been totally restored! Filled with gratitude and joy she advised us that the battle we are fighting is spiritual. We therefore need the help of God and the prayer of a man of God, so that we will be delivered from everything that tortures us. She also promised to work on her character and to follow Jesus until the end of her life. 

“Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.” (Ephesians 6:10-12) Whatever your battle, whatever your war, do not give up! Jesus Christ is the Winner and your Deliverer!

In the following photographs we can see people who became live witnesses to the power of God! When the power of God is present, healing, deliverance and blessings are just like breathing!

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