Words cannot describe the faith-filled atmosphere that flooded the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, on Sunday, 23 August 2020. The hearts of the attendees were filled with God’s presence and along with the church’s Choir, they sang glorifying hymns to God. Crying out to Him, they asked for His mercy, and they prayed so the Lord will send His healing “rain”, blessing and deliverance!


Then, a powerful message titled “GOD’S WILL” was delivered by evangelist George Athanasiadis -a message that touched the core of the people’s hearts. He took his main proof texts from the book of Genesis 22:1-2 “[…] God tested Abraham. He said to him […] “Take your son, your only son, whom you love – Isaac – and go to the region of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on a mountain I will show you” and the Gospel of Matthew 19:16-22, where a young man asked Jesus, “‘Teacher, what good thing must I do to get eternal life?’ […] Jesus answered, ‘If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me’”.


The evangelist stressed that both Abraham and the young man received instruction from God. Yet, they had a completely different approach towards it. Abraham proved with his obedience that the main position of his heart belonged to God, and as we can see later on in the book of Genesis 22:15, God rewarded him with a huge promise of blessing. On the other hand, although the young man seemed to be interested in learning the will of God for his life, as soon as he received the instruction, his faith faced crisis, and he left sad. Jesus’ words did not find place in his heart, and by his reaction it is obvious that he was not ready to put God there, since something else was already occupying it. Therefore, we can tell that it is our failure to give Christ His proper position in our hearts that is actually responsible for the crisis of our faith. “Anything you put above God becomes your god. Anything you put above God becomes an idol!”, the evangelist also noted. If we do not give God the first place in our hearts, our faith will soon face crisis.

Next, the evangelist clarified that God’s power cannot work in our hearts unless our will is obedient to God’s will. His will is to first seek the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all the rest shall be added unto us. As the evangelist explained, many people today are skeptical because they see no progress in their lives. Some blame other people or the situations they face for the fact that they did not succeed and become what God wanted them to be. Still, you should know that no mortal man or devil can supersede the plan of God for your life. There is only one person who can get you out of the will of God, and that is you! Ending his message, the evangelist encouraged us to put God’s will above our will, so that His power can work in our hearts!



Mrs. Ioanna Routsi from Thessaloniki came on Sunday, 23 August 2020, with her husband, to share the miraculous intervention of God in their lives and to give Him all the glory that He deserves.

In 2005, at the age of 15, she suffered from severe headaches which caused her parents to become seriously concerned, so they took her to the hospital for treatment. After undergoing a series of examinations, the doctors concluded that the headache was caused by gynecological issues. When looked into it further it was confirmed that there was a 10cm double hematoma in her womb and it was about to burst. Therefore, she had to undergo surgery immediately. Although it was a very serious operation, 5 hours long, everything went well, except the fact that this large hematoma that was removed from her body had destroyed her uterus. Her doctor made clear that it would be almost impossible for her to become a mother, because her uterus was so affected that she only had a 3% chance of getting pregnant, in other words extremely minimal chances. Still, things would be even more difficult for her because she had a double uterus that had been split in two. This fact made her cry so much that in the following days she cried, holding in her arms the photo of her niece who was born three months ago by her sister, thinking that she could never have such a baby herself…

One day, while she was alone at her house, she looked over her medical results. There, she read that during the operation, her hymen ruptured. In her already strained psychological state, this news became even more burdensome causing her great anger towards her mother, who was forced to sign for the operation. When her mother returned back from work, she had a fight with her. From then on, she continued to cause unjustified fights with her mother every day, until she managed to drive her out of the house with the support of her father. Now, as she was not under her mother’s supervision and felt that she had nothing left to lose and that everything had been taken away from her against her will, she began staying out late and leading a prodigal life. When she was very disappointed with her situation, she asked for her mother’s help. Her mother lovingly cared for her and advised her that the only One who could help her in life was Jesus Christ. That night she decided to stay at her mother’s house and go with her the next day to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica. So she visited the church and talked with the man of God Harry, who advised her to take part on the prayer line.

Indeed, she did! From the moment the man of God prayed, Mrs. Routsi met her current husband, who truly loves her knowing that they would not be able to have children, and they married within a month! However, Almighty God did not stop there but made the impossible possible for Mrs. Routsi, and in a short period of time, she became pregnant! When her doctor saw it on the ultrasound he could not believe it either! The man of God’s prayer for a safe delivery also accompanied her to the hospital, and everything went very well for both the baby and her!


While the doctors expected to take the baby in the sixth month of her pregnancy by the grace of God, Mrs. Routsi gave birth to a very healthy baby girl at the ninth month of her pregnancy! God gave them a wonderful marriage and a living miracle in their life, which today is 2 years old and named Theodora! Overflowing with excitement and happiness, Mrs. Routsi advised us to completely trust God, because He truly loves us. Even if He seems to tarry, He never forgets us. She promised to follow and trust Him entirely until the end of her life!

The impossible for people becomes possible for God, who is more than Able to give us what He has promised, in His time and season! For this reason, do not despair! Your situation is not meant to destroy you, but to take you to a new level in your relationship with Jesus Christ!


Mr. Gaetan Ligongo who lives in Belgium injured his knee while he was playing football two weeks ago! The pain was sharp, and he could not walk freely. Hence, he asked for medical assistance. Initially, the doctor that examined him advised him to wear a splint when walking to keep his knee stable. Yet, the pain would not subside, and Mr. Gaetan kept limping! Furthermore, he could not bend his leg and it was impossible to stand for more than a couple of minutes because when he put any weight on this injured leg, he felt pain. In an attempt to avoid standing on this leg, he put all his weight on the other leg and, as a result, his waist and torso were hurting as well.

In this condition, he visited the SCOAN Thessalonica on the 23rd of August 2020 and he participated in the prayer line. As the man of God Harry was praying in the name of Jesus Christ so that any damage on Mr. Gaetan’s knee would be restored, the healing hand of God was already in action. During the prayer he felt his leg shaking, being unable to control it! Then, by exercising his leg he realized that he could now do what he could not do before! After the prayer, he can now stand on his leg, walk without pain, and bend his knee fully! Astonished as he was, he realized that the pain he had been experiencing daily had vanished in just a glimpse! Thanking and glorifying God for his healing, he promised to put God and His will in the first place of his heart!

The following photos are the living proof that God honors faith. These people decided to put aside all obstacles and grab the blessing that God had prepared for them. They traveled from near and far away places despite the unfavorable conditions and took part in the prayer line with faith to get an anointed touch from the man of God Harry!

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