On Sunday, October 11, 2020, people from all over the world gathered in the house of God, seeking in faith His face. The presence of the Holy Spirit was pervasive in the atmosphere and all the believers united worshipped their Creator in the beauty of His holiness.


Then, evangelist Eugenia Zefteridou, preached a revealing message entitled «ON WHAT LEVEL IS YOUR FAITH?». She began by saying that we all seek a miracle from God, but we do not all receive it, as faith is required the prerequisite for this to happen.


Reading the story of the woman with the issue of blood from the book of Mark 5: 25-34, where the Word of God states, “And a woman who had been bleeding for twelve years […] when she heard about Jesus, she came up behind him in the crowd and touched his cloak, because she thought, ‘If I just touch his clothes, I will be healed”’. Immediately her bleeding stopped and she felt in her body that she was freed from her suffering. […] He said to her, “Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering.” The evangelist clarified that the woman with the issue of blood suffered for 12 whole years, received her healing as she took four steps of faith. The first step was her confession, that is, the words of positive faith that she repeated within herself. As the evangelist pointed out, «What we say will become a visible reality in the physical world if we hold fast to the confession of our faith,» making it clear that our words determine the life we ​​enjoy. The second step taken by woman with the issue of blood was to act according to her confession, which eventually brought the positive result she wanted. Because only positive faith brings positive results, while negative faith brings negative results! The third step, she continued, was that she approached Jesus Christ with a faith that had absolutely no doubt. While a man in doubt cannot receive anything. That woman got in an instant what she had been looking for for years! The fourth and final step she took was to make her God famous, confessing everything God did in her life!


The evangelist emphasized that the life of the woman with the issue of blood changed with the positive confession of her faith. If, then, we wonder why nothing changes in our lives, the Word of God gives us the answer: With our words, we build and with our words we destroy our own lives! Closing her message, the evangelist encouraged God’s people by saying, «If you have realized that your capacity to believe is not enough, you can offer prayers of faith for it and Jesus will enlarge your spiritual coats!», which means that He will increase your faith in order to receive your miracle. Therefore, if we all follow the footsteps of the woman with the issue of blood, we will receive the miracle we desire, in the name of Jesus Christ!



The educational and emotional confession of 13-year-old Areti shed light on the effects of the internet and television on young children who spend time uncontrollably with them. Her testimony gave us the opportunity to thank and glorify the Living Jesus Christ once again because she continues to change people’s lives!

Ever since she can remember, she has carried in her soul frustration, sadness and melancholy. She grew up in a dysfunctional family, where quarrels and tension were on the daily agenda. As a result, family members cut off all communication with each other, and everyone was isolated in their rooms. Left alone, young Areti wandered from one room to another, asking for the attention, love and acceptance of her family. Her mother, carrying all the loads of a single-parent family, could not help and psychologically support her children since she herself had been in the same psychological state for years. Although she did everything for her family and worked from morning till night to meet all their financial obligations, loneliness, depression and isolation were the common denominator of all the family members. Thus, it did not take long for miss Areti to turn to television and the internet, wasting all her time there and neglecting all school activities.

Reaching adolescence, as the conflicts with her family worsened, «fertile» ground was created for negative thoughts and suicidal thoughts to develop inside her which wanted to lead her to death! She thought of either jumping off the balcony or cutting her veins, but the consequences of her actions on her loved ones prevented her from committing such a thing. Her older sister, observing the deterioration in the behaviour of miss Areti, began to be overwhelmed by anxiety and fear about what she probably watches on the internet all day. As she explained, she knew very well how dangerous certain websites on the internet can become for people who are in a vulnerable psychological state. Her family, in order to see Areti rejoicing and smiling, bought her various things, but she never expressed joy and satisfaction. Until one day, no longer enduring the pressure she felt, she finally confessed that lately, she is not feeling well and that she has suicidal thoughts!

Her mother, upset, immediately turned to the man of God for guidance and advice. His advice was to take part in the prayer line so that all the bonds that kept her bound and imprisoned would be broken. And that is indeed what happened! Miss Areti came with her mum to SCOAN Thessalonica and stood at the prayer line on Sunday, 6 September 2020. One touch from God’s anointing was more than enough to change her condition!


After the prayer, she received a new life inside her, and the thoughts of suicide disappeared… Joy flooded her soul and now she has an appetite for life. She has programmed her life and she has put everything in order. She constantly follows the plan she has set and she does not waste time on useless things, but on investing in her relationship with God. Her advice, especially to children of her age, is to confess to someone every negative thought that torments them and to run to God in the midst of any problem!

The Bible says that the devil came to steal to kill and destroy, but glory be to God, because Jesus Christ came to give life, and that in abundance!



On Sunday, October 11, 2020, Mrs Hanko Ike from Thessaloniki attended the Synagogue, Church of All Nations in Thessaloniki, in order to participate in the prayer line. Tired of the problems she was facing, she decided to approach Jesus Christ to receive the divine touch which would change the course of her life! She described that she had a very nice experience, as she visited the church for the first time and she thanked God and the man of God Harry for the freedom she received!

As the man of God prayed for her, she felt a burning sensation, which made her body bend and she began to tremble. Then the man of God gave her the following prophetic word, “You have been bewitched. They tied you up. They took a doll and tied it around several times and inside there was a piece of paper with your name on it. They read some words in another language and after that, you cannot achieve anything. Your life just passes and you are like a spectator. You watch your life unfold without you participating in it. Instead of being helped as you were told, you get worse. « The man of God, addressing the people said, “Her spirit is in a cage and it must come out, it has to be set free… If she does not come out of the cage she is not the one who lives her life, someone else lives the life of this woman». The man of God, with the power that exists in the name of Jesus Christ, ordered to break every chain of darkness in her life and then declared her free!


Later, Mrs. Hanko confirmed her prophetic message and explained that, indeed, the reason she took part in the prayer line was that she believed that she had been bewitched and that only Jesus Christ had the power to set her free. For 22 whole years she tried to find a solution to her problem, as she and her husband wanted to have a child, but they could not. In the attempt to have a baby, they first visited a wizard, who could not give her any solution so they turned to the doctors. Her doctors did various tests on her, but all of them showed that there is absolutely no medical problem. The only thing they managed to do with the repeated visits to the specialists was to spend large amounts of money and valuable time, without improving the situation – on the contrary it was getting worse. Mrs. Hanko felt life passing before her eyes, without feeling joy, just as the man of God prophesied. Her daily life was a monotonous repetitive routine: she went to work, returned home, went back to work and so on. At the same time, she had nightmares with snakes, and many times she was frightened in her sleep.

After the prayer she received from the man of God Grace Harry, as the Spirit of God located her, she believes that breakthrough and blessing have come into her life, as she has already begun to feel more relaxed and comfortable. She also confessed that she believes that she will receive what she has been seeking for for so many years! Deeply grateful, she thanked God and promised to always follow Him!

The Word of God teaches us that faith claps before the miracle! And as Mrs. Hanko’s faith honoured God, so did God honoured her faith!



Mrs. Linda Kourti, a resident of Thessaloniki, came to SCOAN Thessaloniki on Sunday, October 11 2020, to take part in the prayer line, believing that only God Almighty can free her from the problems she was facing.

As the man of God prayed for her in the prayer line and while she was under the influence of the Holy Spirit, Mrs Kourti felt her arms and legs numb, she had difficulty breathing and she burst into tears. The man of God rebuked the unclean spirit that was destroying her life and she proclaimed her free, in the name of Jesus Christ! Mrs Kourti, vomiting, saw and felt a female entity with a snake face coming out screaming from inside her, and immediately the freedom of God flooded her!


Later, she shared with us the drama she and her children were experiencing because of the problems that the unclean spirit created in her marriage. More specifically, she mentioned that she and her husband lived like two strangers in the same house! He did not want to have any form of communication with her, he devalued her as a person and often went so far as to drive her away from their home. Constant family problems gradually led her to isolation and she began to lock herself in her room all day. She did not want to see anyone. Thus, negative thoughts and ideas of suicide began to overwhelm her, and she felt pain all over her body. Until one day, she heard about SCOAN Thessalonica and decided to come and leave her problems in the Able hands of God Almighty!

Today, Mrs Kourti, a week after her first visit to the church last Sunday, free and happier than ever, confessed that she believes with all her heart that after her deliverance, total freedom has come into her life! In fact, after the prayer line, her body is free from pain and suicidal thoughts have been permanently eliminated! Positive changes have already begun to take place in her marriage, but also in her husband! Deeply grateful to the Redeemer, she promised that from now on she and her family would follow His will in their lives.

Sorrows are to benefit us spiritually so that we can learn to pray more. So, in any situation you are in, learn to trust God!

In the photos below we see visitors from all over the world, who decided to come before God with faith to receive their miracle, as Jesus Christ is always ready to generously offer every blessing!

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