On the 24th of June 2018 the service started with words of encouragement and hymns that spoke to the hearts of believers. The worship group urged the people of God to pray and worship in truth creating an atmosphere of faith – an atmosphere impregnated by the presence of God!

Later on, Pastor Harry, boldly and full of the Holy Spirit, shared with the people of God an amazing message entitled “THE CHOICES WE MAKE”. As a child of God, you have been given the right of choice. The right to choose between right and wrong, between light and darkness, between the things of the Spirit and the things of the flesh. Furthermore, he explained that The choices we make determine whether we are children of God or children of satan!. He explained that the fact that we are children of God does not mean that we will not make mistakes, since perfection eludes us all and we are all under the curse of imperfection.

Inspired by the attitude of King David, who immediately confessed his mistake, his sin, and humbly said, “I have sinned!”, Pastor Harry said,It is not that children of God do not wrong but when they do, the guilt of that action would not allow them to have peace of mind until they ask for and obtain forgiveness!”. In conclusion, he encouraged the crowd to choose to confront their mistake, their sin the way David did, confessing it to God, without excuses, since as he pointed out, An excuse is a reason, whether genuine or fake, which we give to explain or to defend our wrongdoing.



On 24-6-2018, the divine atmosphere in the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, once again commissioned that the Holy Spirit of God was there to miraculously change the history of those in attendance! The Spirit of God was there to reveal his glory and his power in the lives of all those who were seeking for a solution to their problems. One of them was Mrs. Mavridou Anastasia from Giannitsa who after many months of bleeding, due to the prolonged duration of her menstrual period, faithfully sought treatment.

Weakness and excessive fatigue due to the bleeding, made it hard for her to cope with her daily activities and her work. The gynecologist revealed to her that there were three cysts in her ovary. In fact, one out of the three was 7 cm! The condition required immediate surgery! However, Mrs. Anastasia did not except to undergo a laparoscopic surgery or follow the medication recommended by her doctor to reduce the cyst, as she believed that a prayer and touch from the man of God was enough to bring the solution to her problem!

Indeed, everything was done according to her faith! She entered the prayer line and after the anointed touch and prayer she received, the cysts disappeared! She regained her strength and the bleeding stopped! Her gynecologist was extremely surprised. As he explained, it is medically impossible for a 7 cm cyst to disappear without surgery, but what is impossible for man is possible for God. By faith Mrs. Anastasia Mavridou advises us to stop wondering about the miracles of the Lord, because He is the Great Miracle Maker. Finally, she promises to live for God as long as she lives.

The era of miracles is not over, as Jesus Christ remains the same yesterday, today and forever. He was, is and will always be your Healer! Jesus Christ is above any situation you are going through and He has the power to heal, free and bless you!


On 24-6-2018, Mrs. Liza Isaac, of Nigerian descent, came to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, full of joy and gratitude, to share with us the blessed breakthrough she received after her deliverance. The deliverance that changed the course of her life.

Mrs. Lisa came as an immigrant to Greece in 2004. She applied for asylum, which she was given for two years. In 2006, however, her documents expired and she was asked to leave the country. This is when Mrs. Lisa’s problems began. She left and went to Spain, where she stayed for two years. When a friend informed her that Greece is about to start issuing documents for immigrants she decided to return. Due to the fact that she did not have the right documents to travel from Spain to Greece, she came to Greece in 2008 illegally. Until one day she was arrested for the first time by the police in 2012, because she did not have residence permit. She called a friend, asking for help, she was given fake documents, thus the police had no other choice than to release her. Similar episodes with the police occurred repeatedly in areas that were very close to the market where she worked as a salesperson. The police officers were now sure that she did not have her own documents. Mrs. Lisa’s future seemed even more uncertain and dark, and no one could tell how long this test would last. Not having any legal documentation, she could not work freely or feel safe in a foreign country, because police officers were patrolling everywhere. Fear and stress had become a daily routine, the only place she felt safe was her house. After her fourth arrest, and having undergone persistent interrogation, she had to admit she had no papers!

Apart from the deadlock that Mrs. Lisa faced with her documentation, she was facing another dreadful problem. Being single, at the age of 38, caused her extra pressure, as her parents who lived in Nigeria kept asking when she was going to get married. Her friends and costumers constantly reminded her of her age and that she should have already been married. Although she agreed, she could not explain why she was still not married. At this point the simultaneous pressures of everyday life were so intense that Mrs. Lisa had no choice but to run to God. 

In 2015, frustrated and tired of her living in daily stress and fear, Mrs. Lisa Isaac came to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations, and entered the prayer line, where she received her deliverance at last! When Pastor Harry prayed for her, the evil spirits who tortured her manifested violently and confessed: “I am the spiritual husband and the spirit of anger, I was sent to destroy her. I gave her limitation, she has no money. I do not want her to get married, I want to kill her. That is my mission…” Pastor Harry then rebuked the evil spirits to be cast out, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, and so it was. The unclean spirits that prevented her to be married and brought her life to an impasse were finally cast out! At a later meeting, with Pastor Harry in his office, he revealed to her: “The right man will come at the right time”. Furthermore, she explained to him that she was going to attend an interview in Athens for her asylum and her United Nations documents. Knowing that it would be extremely difficult to be issued, she asked for the prayer of Pastor Harry, who assured her that God had total control of her situation.

So, Mrs. Liza attended peace in her heart at the interview in April, 2017, and the grace of God really was obvious! On June 24, 2017, the United Nations passport that was so wished was finally given to her she was also given a residence permit in Greece for three years! For the first time in eleven years, Mrs. Lisa has legal papers and her new passport can travel to 199 countries and, after certifying good knowledge of Greek, she will be granted a Greek passport and will automatically become a European citizen. But her big breakthrough does not end here! The next month after her release, Mrs. Lisa met the man of her life and soon after her marriage took place! As she and her husband enjoy the blessings of God in their lives Mrs. Liza advises all of us to run to God in the midst of trial and problems and receive a touch and a Word from Him, also to recognize that He has the absolute control of our situation.

No matter the situation you are, never doubt God’s love and ability to help you!

Below, we see visitors from different parts of the world receiving a touch from God in the prayer line, through the anointed servant of God, Pastor Harry.

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