The songs of praise sung by the worship team filled the atmosphere at the Synagogue, Church of All Nations of Thessalonica. The hearts of all believers were full of anticipation and faith that the impossible can become possible.

Immediately thereafter, the evangelist George Athanasiadis brought forth the message “LISTEN TO THE VOICE OF GOD”, giving us the key to hearing the voice of God more clearly. He stressed that there are two voices, the voice of our situation and the voice of God. What we think about all day will strengthen one voice or the other, and it will ultimately prevail. However, he pointed out that it is our own decision which voice we will hear and obey, saying: “Success and failure lie ahead of us! The choices we make today determine who we are before God and whether we will succeed or fail tomorrow!”.

The reading was taken from Matthew 4:2-11, and the evangelist pointed out that after prayer and fasting Jesus was hungry. That is when the devil came to tempt Him, using His situation. But as Jesus continued to meditate on the Word of God, this allowed Him to ignore the devil’s voice and obey the Word of God. The secret of His victory, as the evangelist explained, is in Matthew 4:1 “Jesus was brought down by the Spirit in the wilderness”, which shows that we can overcome and obey the Word of God through temptations and tribulations, only when we are led by the Spirit of God! Finally, he stressed that meditation of the Word of God is our key as God’s children, since the more we think about what we read, the more familiar we become with His voice. If, however, we do not meditate on the Word of God and do not approach God, then the voice of our situation will inevitably grow stronger and we will hear the voice of satan. More specifically, the evangelist said: “Each time you act on the Word of God you step closer to God and hear His voice clearer, but each time you focus on this world and choose worldly considerations above God you step closer to satan!”


Filled with gratitude, 54-year-old Eleftheria Naidou from Naousa attended the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations in Thessaloniki, along with her husband, Mr. Constantine, to thank Jesus Christ by testifying to the miraculous healing she received which saved her from a deadly stroke.

For some time Mrs. Eleftheria had to face many problems with her family and her job. With these distractions in her life, she did not devote time to God, to study and meditate on the Word of God, nor did she pray to maintain a relationship with Him. Thus, the troubled filled days were passing by, until Tuesday morning when she went to the bathroom of her house, suddenly her mouth became crooked, her tongue became numb and then the numbness spread to her right hand and her leg. She then began crying and realized she was suffering from a stroke. Unable to ask for help because she could not speak, with much difficulty, she opened the bathroom door. She was only able to whisper and from within her she prayed for the mercy of the Lord. Her husband and son heard her moans and frightened, ran to see what was happening. They realized something was wrong and laid her on the bed, since the right side of her body did not respond. Immediately, Mr. Constantine called the man of God Harry on the phone, to pray. During the prayer, Mrs. Eleftheria began to come back and felt that there was a battle for her between good and evil. God, however, won this battle, as distance is not a barrier! Immediately, the numbness began to recede from head to her tongue and the rest of her body! The man of God, Harry, then told her that God had her condition in His hands and advised her to visit a hospital to undergo a medical examination.

After the prayer Mrs. Eleftheria, healed and now in control of her body, she went down the stairs by herself and went with her husband to the hospital. When she explained to the medical staff what had happened and she was asked how she felt, they were surprised to find Mrs. Eleftheria was fine! She was subjected to all necessary medical examinations and, to God’s glory, the doctor told her that the results were normal and there was no evidence of a stroke! Later, she was examined by a neurologist, where it was found that there was no instability in her body and no problem on her right side. The numbness and every trace of paralysis in her body disappeared! The doctor, after examining her CT scan, in wonder replied: “You do not seem to have ever suffered a stroke! We will keep you on a 24-hour watch.” She stayed until Thursday afternoon and after repeating all the medical examinations the doctors saw everything was normal and she returned home completely healthy!

So, Mrs. Eleftheria came to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations, on Sunday to testify to the Almighty power of God! Overflowing with joy, she testified that the two days she spent in the hospital she not only consoled her own family but also testified to everyone in the hospital that God saved her and healed her! Full of gratitude to God, now she is praying, studying the Word of God daily and her faith has increased.

In addition, she testified that besides this miracle, God blessed there family even more! For a year and a half they had problems with their car. They constantly had to take it to the mechanic. The sadness and inconvenience for her whole family was great, since the car was no longer able to be fixed. But God, in a miraculous way, gifted them a car in very good condition!

Their time of suffering is now in the past! Blessed and joyful, she advised us to give our best to God, because if we do this, God will give the best to us. Finally, she promised to follow God for the rest of her life and to give the best of her time, the best of her love and the best offering.

Satan always uses our condition to kill us. But with God we overcome! And that is because there is nothing God has created that He cannot command! If God is with us, no one can stand against us and no weapon built against us will prosper!


Mrs. Elizabeth from the United Kingdom visited the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations in Thessaloniki, with a heart filled with gratitude, to give all the glory to Jesus Christ for the restoration of her relationship with her son and the healing she received when Prophet Harry prayed for her.

Mrs. Elizabeth was facing various health problems. She suffered severe pain in her legs, back and suffered from chronic constipation. However, the reason that led her to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations, was another. It concerned her relationship with her son, Aaron. In 2013, her son moved from London, where they lived, to Southampton, England, to study at Southampton University. His mother was very happy and excited because she believed that a new chapter opened up in her child’s life and that a bright future lay ahead of him. Things, however, did not go as expected. After a while, her son stopped all communication with her. In fact, during the three years of his studies, he only visited his mother three times and stubbornly refused to answer her questions. When his mother went to his university at the end of the third year to be informed of the progress of her son, she was surprised to learn that her son had stopped studying at the beginning of the year. After trying to persuade him, Aaron promised to return to his home in London, but he never did. Instead, he moved to another home, changed his phone number, and removed all accounts he had on social media. So Mrs. Elizabeth lost all traces of him. Another two years passed and she was full of despair! She then decided to come and take part on the prayer line asking for the grace and mercy of the Lord in her life, and in particular the matter that had been of her concern for so long.

After the prayer line she returned to the hotel, to find she had already received her miracle! Her son, for the first time in years, took the initiative to contact her! So many years of silence have been erased by a prayer from the man of God, Harry! Mrs. Elizabeth realized that the veil of the darkness that covered her son and hindered their communication had been permanently removed from his life! And while she was asking for God’s intervention only in this matter, God gave her healing to her body as well! The pain she felt in her body disappeared and she was also cured of the chronic constipation that was distressing her! Mrs. Elizabeth, having received a bundle of blessings from God, advised us to have faith in God and not to hurry to do things in our own way but to wait for God’s time because His time is the best! She promised, that she would worship Him forever until the end of her life, for He is a Wonderful and Faithful God!

Whatever the situation you face, be it family problems, sickness or poverty, the moment you decide to embrace Jesus Christ is the moment you will become a winner! “But in all these things we overcome, through Him Who loved us.” (Romans 8:37)

Below we see photos of people who came from different places in the world to receive prayer from the man of God because they recognize that when you are in the presence of God healing, blessing and deliverance are like breathing!

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