On Sunday, 25 November 2018, angelic melodies combined with the voices of the choir at the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, touched the hearts of those who worshiped God in spirit and in truth.

Evangelist Olina Michailidou preached to the people of God a hope filled message titled “THE BRIDGE TOWARDS GOD”. She began by reminding us that Jesus Christ came to earth with a single purpose; to build the bridge that connects us with God and to restore our relationship with Him which has been destroyed due to sin. While our Lord was dishonored, beaten and wounded on the cross, He responded with forgiveness to those who crucified Him, for He knew that His sacrifice on the cross would bring forth salvation to all of mankind.

So, through His sacrifice, Jesus Christ clearly showed us the bridge that leads to God, as He prayed for the Father to forgive you and me. In the time of trial, He taught us the great truth, that man cannot receive God’s forgiveness, unless he forgives. Unfortunately, as the evangelist said, today people are caught in the trap of unforgiveness, which is a trap of satan. So we need to forgive, because a heart that forgives is a blessed heart; it is a prayer room. She also pointed out that as soon as we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, the enemy hates us just as he hates Jesus and we are connected in a phenomenal battle! A battle against spiritual entities which cause pressure and tension in our lives. Even so, God promised He would not allow us to be tested more than we can handle. Only with the approval of God can satan bother us. This means that if temptation comes into our lives many things have happened in the spiritual realm beforehand. With this the evangelist emphasized the need to glorify God in our trials and to release forgiveness to those who hurt us. When we do this the angels will notify God and we will be given double the blessings, just like Job!


There are no limits to the love and mercy of God for those who seek Him. This is exactly what Mr. Christian from Tirana of Albania came to testify at the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, on November 25, 2018. It all began in 2013, when Mr. Christian visited a cafe in Tirana and felt a very strong presence overcome him with anxiety and fear; as a result he could not control himself! Since then, he began having sleepless nights and terrifying nightmares, even with dead people. He also experienced panic attacks and aggressive behavior to the point where sometimes he attacked his family armed with a knife! His behavior was bizarre, like a crazy person! As he realized that this sudden change was not normal, he tried to find a solution in a psychiatric clinic, where he was given medication, but that did not help him.

In 2015, he immigrated to Germany with his family. Even there, he continued to visit psychiatric clinics in which, after giving him a particular medication, the psychiatrists claimed he had been cured. However, this was something he did not feel! Thus, the visits to the psychiatric hospital continued along with the medication. He was constantly being dismissed from the psychiatric hospital, claiming he was now healthy, without them taking into account Mr. Christian’s objections that he felt he had not been cured. This situation continued in 2016 when he came to Greece with his family. Visits to psychiatric hospitals were frequent, while drug use began.

His family suffered with him all these years, while he went through hell, daily. At some point his brother watched a video from the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations, and hope was born in the family, that the end of Mr. Christian’s problems is near! Indeed, Mr. Christian came to the church and immediately felt the presence of God, which offered him tranquility and peace. On Sunday, November 18, 2018, during the mass prayer, when Prophet Harry touched him, the demon that caused Mr. Christian all these problems manifested and said: «I want to stop his heart, to make him mad … I’m a strong one … I want to kill him, get him into drugs …” Then the man of God ordered the unclean spirit to come out of Mr. Christian’s body once and for all!

The devil tried to turn him mad and destroy him, but God had other plans for his life! During his testimony, he expressed before all, the indescribable joy that he now feels after the deliverance he received through the prayer of the man of God, Harry. The visits to psychiatric facilities are now in the past, since now he is healthy and all for the glory of Almighty God! He behaves naturally, while his relationship with his family has changed, now his reactions are of a normal person and he can communicate without creating tensions. The panic attacks have disappeared, so did the nightmares, and therefore sleep is normal! Moreover, while before he could not work because of his situation, he now found a job and so did the rest of his family who was not employed either! Now, he enjoys a healthy life, filled with the joy that only God can give! Finally, Mr. Christian advised us no matter what the problem we are facing, be it illness or disease, to find refuge in a living church and to receive prayer from a real and anointed man of God; with this we will find solutions to our problems, as it happened in his own case!

Your battle is not against flesh and blood, but against rulers, powers, and authorities of evil that exert pressure and confusion in your life. However, no mortal man or devil can supersede God’s plan for your life! There is only one person who can get you out of the will of God, and that is you!


On Sunday, 25 November 2018, Mrs. Andriana Sakka, a resident of Thessaloniki, attended the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, to share with the people her marvelous testimony.

Her problem began in 2016, when she separated with her husband because of serious family problems. She was left alone to raise two young children and this caused her anxiety and sorrow. At that time she noticed a small pimple at the back her head, which caused her severe itching. Nevertheless, she did not pay much attention, as she believed that itching was due to dandruff. After a while, her mother, became seriously ill and had to be hospitalized for a period of three and a half months. All this time, Mrs. Andriana had to take care of her mother, day and night, neglecting her two children. The psychological fatigue she suffered was great, which caused her to cry and be upset on a daily basis.

At the same time, the itching that started from her head began to expand to the rest of her body and she suddenly noticed that she had pimples on her left hand. She then decided to take time and visit the doctor to see what is happening to her health. She had various tests done and the doctor’s diagnosis was that she suffered from dermatitis and psoriasis in the scalp and the body. They gave her medication and told her that psoriasis is not cured, but will be a part of her life and that it will occasionally appear and then retreat…

Immediately, Mrs. Andriana decided to take part on the prayer line and ask for God’s intervention in her problem. When the man of God touched her, she felt the presence of God through her. All bitterness and sorrows of the past have been replaced with the peace and joy of the Lord in her heart! The problem of psoriasis that tortured her left and the doctor himself could not believe it! It has been a complete healing of the soul and body! Having received such a miracle in her life, she advised us never to doubt the ability of God to help us, whatever our problem is. Her promise towards the Provider of her healing is that her and her household will worship and serve the Lord till the end of their days. 

By His strips we are healed! There is no sickness or disease that Jesus Christ cannot heal, a problem He cannot solve! He is our Healer, our Doctor! 

In the following photographs we can see the power of God manifesting through the anointing from the man of God, towards visitors from all around the world who attended the Service in faith to receive solutions to their problems. The lives of believers change radically every Sunday, as they receive healing, deliverance, and blessings, proving that Jesus Christ is Alive! The proof that Jesus Christ is Alive are changed lives!

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