On Sunday 15-7-2018 the chance to once more glorify the name of the Living Jesus Christ was given at the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations, Thessalonica. With hymns of worship and thanksgiving towards God, the choir motivated the congregants to look beyond their present situation and focus on the Almighty Jesus Christ, because the span of His provision and the magnitude of His power weakens and disappoints His enemies.

Following, one of the evangelists called onto the people of God to re-examine their relationship with their Father, through a transcendent message titled “RUN FOR THE FIRST PRIZE”. He pointed out how many Christians begin their relationship with Jesus Christ filled with zeal. Once having ample time to pray, fast and study the Holy Bible, they live their lives as if it depended on this. However, along the way, challenges that arose made them look back and they desired to fill the vacancy they had in their soul with blessings of this world, making them one in the same with the Israelites in the desert. The blessings of the world enrich the body temporarily; the blessings of Christ enrich the soul for eternity. Only Jesus Christ can fill the emptiness in our soul!”

The evangelist used Apostle Paul as an example from Philippians 3:12-14, as he urged the people to stop looking backward, to keep looking forward, and to run towards the first prize of the higher calling of God. If we continue looking backwards, we will not be able to stabilize our spiritual walk with Jesus Christ. He reminded us, that a time of testing is a time to strengthen our relationship with God. A true Christian is not recognized when everything goes well, yet when everything goes wrong. Christians should invest even more time in the Word of God as time goes by, instead of occupying themselves with daily cares and worldly tasks that cut off their dependence on God and, this way, doubt and fear take over in time of trial. Doubt comes because we do not base our life on the Word of God! However, when we realize that our life depends on the Word of God, only then will we take it seriously. Lastly, the evangelist advised us, when trials come, to bring to remembrance everything God has done for each of us in the past and that He is able to do it again today!

On your journey with Jesus Christ doubt might come, but remember how you began your journey! Run for the first prize and take the Word of God seriously!


On 15-7-2018, Mrs. Katerina Daikou, resident of Nea Peramos Attiki, visited the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations, to share with us her wonderful testimony and the miraculous way in which God intervened in the area she lives!

Initially, Mrs. Katerina reminded us of the extreme weather conditions that took place in West Attiki on November in 2017. Her husband and herself were awakened before dawn that day because of the heavy rain, that was falling from the heavens. They looked out at their yard and saw the muddy water rising, they quickly realized that not only were they in harm’s way but the whole town was as well. This is when they called the Pastor Harry, in search of a solution and prayer. Immediately after, to their great surprise, the rain stopped!

When it dawned, Mrs. Katerina went to the roof of her home and this is when she realized there was total destruction, mud everywhere, as far as her eyes could see! 

Besides all the tragedy around her the state of her heart was to glorify God. Through the media she later learned that every household and business had material damage. Besides the damage around the town there was also one death noted. However, in the next town over, Mandra Attikis, they mourned fifteen deaths. The deadly, rushing mud waters reached heights of 2.5 meters, sweeping away rocks, dirt, snakes, cars and people! Even at the port, there were boats missing. Everywhere you looked there was destruction of biblical proportions! 

ΤThe accounting office of Mrs. Katerina’s husband was completely destroyed and her daughter’s basement flooded! In half the basement there was electrical equipment and the other half was the room her grandson lived in, and for some unexplainable reason, he did not sleep there that night! The meteorological information service warned residents of that area, that there was a possibility the event would reoccur, in three days time. For the glory of God the rain stopped and the forecast changed, it did happen again!

Seven months later, in June 2018, everyone was on standby alert because of the forecast warnings given by the meteorological information service, that the same phenomenon would take place again. Mrs. Katerina, once again, called the man of God, knowing that God was able to intervene just like the last time and prevent this natural catastrophe from occurring. Once again the man of God prayed and nothing happened to their town. After the prayer of the man of God, the storm and the black clouds miraculously went away and never came back! Filled with gratitude, Mrs. Katerina advised us to have our mind occupied with the Word of God, in order for us to be equipped and ready to deal with all situations, since our future is a mystery. She also promised to glorify God inside every situation! 

It is definitely a fact that what you meditate on all day is what has dominion over you. This why we must meditate on the Word of God over and over again! Meditate on the Word of God while you read it slowly, attentively and repeatedly! 


On 15-7-2018 pastor Kenneth came from England to the SCOAN Thessalonica, to testify to the revelation that he received from Jesus Christ in his life, through the man of God, Harry.

The Sunday before Mr. Kenneth joined the prayer line at the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations, with faith that the Almighty God would give him the grace to receive the answers he was looking for. During the prayer line the man of God, without any prior conversation with Mr. Kenneth, revealed to him that his calling from God is to become a man of God himself, but he didn’t know when to stop working and fully commit to his ministry. He also revealed that there were weaknesses he needed to work on and that God used Mr. Kenneth’s job to help him build a better character. Lastly, the man of God revealed that as soon as Mr. Kenneth fought against his weaknesses, God would give him the guidance to become a full-time Pastor.

Astonished, Mr. Kenneth confirmed the validity of the prophetic word he was given. Not only was he confused about when to stop working and commit fully to his ministry, but also he had exhausted himself physically and emotionally trying to do both at the same time. The man of God gave him the solution to his problems. When Prophet Harry told Mr. Kenneth that God uses his job to help him build a better character, Mr. Kenneth realized that as soon as he defeated his weaknesses, which were anger and impatience, God would give him guidance on how to be a full time minister at the right time.

Pastor Kenneth listened to the man of God and thanked Jesus Christ for putting an end to his problems and showing him the way. His advice was to trust in the Lord and to believe in His prophets. He promised to continue to serve God until he sees the fulfillment of his promises come to pass in his life. 

Truly, our God is not a God of confusion but a God of peace! Ask and you shall receive, knock and it shall be opened! Let His holy name be glorified!

The following are some snapshots taken from the prayer line that took place that very day. People from all over the world travelled to Thessaloniki, because they believed that one touch from the anointing of God would be enough to change the story of their lives!

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Los fieles de la Iglesia Cristiana de Todas las Naciones – Tesalónica vivieron una experiencia sumamente emotiva y renovadora espiritualmente. Con corazones llenos de expectativa, personas de todas las edades y orígenes se reunieron. En tal ambiente, el hombre de Dios George Athanasiadis dio la bienvenida a los asistentes a la arena de la libertad…

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