The last service of the year took placε at the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica. The voices of the worship team sang in the Christmas atmosphere for Jesus Christ who came as a man on earth to bring love, hope and salvation to people.

Next, the man of God Harry brought a message from God entitled “A NEW BEGINNING”. He explained that many of us today try to overcome our weaknesses daily and when the end of the year is close, we remember to pray and ask for all these things we want to obtain, by making big promises to God that in the end we do not keep. Therefore, many people at the end of the year are looking forward to a new beginning.

Nevertheless, in contrast with us who are always looking forward to a new beginning, Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8). He never changes! His year is the same! Consequently, it is our inability to keep resolutions that makes the year seem different or new. It is our resolutions that actually make the year one of promises. If we keep our resolutions, we feel fulfilled at the end of the year. On the other hand, if we fail to keep our resolutions we would be looking forward to a new beginning in the income and year.
Later on, the man of God emphasized that we are the ones who make the year new and not the opposite, by saying: “It is not the year that makes us new; we make the year new by the way we live it!”. Thus, if our approach to life this New Year is the same as that of previous years, the result will be the same as the previous years. Finally, the man of God encouraged the congregation to pray with these anointed words so that the New Year will be one with a difference: “Act in me, O Holy Spirit, that I may keep my resolutions. Strengthen me, O Holy Spirit, to defend all that I promise. Guide me, O Holy Spirit, that I may do what is right in your sight. Amen!”.


Ms. Seebacher from Germany attended the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, to confirm the prophetic word she received from the man of God Harry, and share with us the wonderful changes that followed in her life.
Ms. Seebacher had visited the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, in the past, and when the man of God prayed for her in the prayer line, the evil spirit that was hiding behind her problems manifested. The man of God addressed her and said: “There is the spirit of man inside of you! The spirit of man is the spirit of domination. You like to dominate! This is not by you! Satan wants to destroy your life, your relationship, your marriage, everything! The cause is this spiritual man inside of you. This is why sometimes in your dream he appears as if he is your husband”. Afterward, with just a few words born out of faith in the Word of God, the unclean spirit came out at the hearing of the words, “Come out, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ”. The man of God sealed her freedom, as he added, “From today on you are a woman 100%. Now it will be natural for you to submit to the man that will marry you. Jesus loves you!”.

Full of gratitude, Ms. Seebacher confirmed that whatever the man of God said for her life was absolutely true. She explained that from a very young age she was engaging in relationships with men, one of whom left her pregnant at the age of 14! The father of the child abandoned her and she continued her life by having new relationships. But these relationships always ended because she could not respect and trust any man due to the fear of abandonment! Indeed, she liked to dominate in her relationships, exactly as the prophetic word revealed, ignoring the opinion of each of her partners. When she was in a relationship, she would make all of the decisions and plan everything herself. Whereas she tried to keep her relationships and submit to her partner, she could not because this was something beyond her own strength. Also, she had nightmares and constantly kept seeing a particular dream! Five men were imprisoning her and were trying to sleep with her. All this situation was causing her to be sad and very disappointed because she could understand that this whole situation was not ordinary. Everything changed in her life after the deliverance she received from God, through the man of God Harry! When she returned home, she realized that her voice had changed; it had become softer, more feminine! The nightmares stopped and now she feels peace and freedom. Now she can trust and submit to someone because Jesus Christ healed her heart! Now she is already in a stable relationship, which with a unanimous decision from both of them is going to end up in marriage in 2020! Happy and joyful, she pronounced that she wants Jesus Christ to always be the Lord in her marriage. Finally, she promised to testify of the wonders that He did in her life to everyone!

Indeed, our battle is not against flesh and blood but principalities and powers that cause tension and pressure in our lives. So, let us allow God to fight the battle for us, in the name of Jesus Christ!


Mrs. Sylvia Assiamah comes from Nigeria and resides in Denmark, with her husband, Mr. Albert Assiamah. They came back to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, with obvious joy and peace in their hearts, to confirm the prophetic word they received from the man of God Harry, on their previous visit.
As the man of God Harry was praying for them on the prayer line, he gave them the following prophetic message: “Satan wants to destroy this wonderful family. He saw that this marriage is from God and came to bring trouble. Quarreling, fighting, arguments… every day in the house the whole day, from morning till night. You think that if you give birth to children everything will stop. If that spirit that causes you to quarrel does not come out, even if you have 10 children you will still be divorced. This is a marriage from above, God brought you together! You were somewhere and she was somewhere else, and God united you. You want to start a new beginning”.

With satisfaction and relief drawn on their faces, they pronounced that the prophetic word is 100% true. There were unsolved problems between them that were causing isolation and frustration. Every effort for reconciliation was temporary and their relationship was in danger of falling apart. Not being able to continue anymore, they decided to travel to Thessaloniki and take part in the prayer line. 

Mr. Assiamah started by saying that, indeed, they did use to fight and quarrel constantly with each other for the last three years, even for the most insignificant things. There was no communication between them. This was making him stay out of the house after work because he knew that when he would come home the fights would start all over again. Even when he was at home he would become introverted by putting on headphones! But he had never imagined that behind this problematic relationship was hiding the devil himself, who wanted to steal, kill and destroy their marriage. Mr. Assiamah thought it was something ordinary that happens to every couple! However, Mrs. Sylvia was disappointed and puzzled, because of the existing situation in their relationship! There were just a few moments of peace, that lasted for a few moments and this was causing her discomfort. She believed that the situation is not normal and that they should seek for a spiritual solution.

The prophetic word touched their hearts and without doubting they received it with faith. When the man of God Harry prayed for them and blessed them, they felt that their marriage was established. Now their marriage is based on the peace of God and God is involved in it. After his work, Mr. Assiamah is rushing home to meet his wife and to have beautiful moments together! At the same time, Mrs. Assiamah understood that her husband is not her enemy, as the man of God accurately said but her real enemy was the spirit of fighting that wanted to put an end in their marriage that was from God. Because, indeed, both of them were in two different places and the Lord brought them together!

Now, they enjoy a new relationship between them and have a blessed marriage, by the grace of God. They have love and respect for each other, and they decide about everything together. As they said: “It is common in marriages to have problems, but the solution is not common- it comes only from God”. The blessings of God, however, did not stop there! Mrs. Assiamah is in Europe for 13 years now and, despite the fact that she had a degree and a master’s degree in Business Administration, she never managed to find a job according to her level of education. Each time she applied for a job in her field, the result was negative and oddly enough, when she applied for a job at a lower level she would get that position. But, as a result of this blessing she received on the prayer line, just three months after her visit to the SCOAN Thessalonica, Mrs. Assiamah was hired for a job according to her studies and her qualifications, with a great salary! This new job even gives her the right to work from home! Their finances have doubled and they live an easy and good life! Having received a solution in each and every problem of theirs, Mr. And Mrs. Assiamah advised us to involve God in our cases because He is the One who can bring a solution, and finally, they promised to continue following God, wherever He leads them!

As genuine Christians, when our problems seem to be inexorable despite our prayers, our fasts and the efforts we make, it is our responsibility to overcome our fears, the anxiety and our worry, by laying all our problems at the hands of God!

Below there are pictures from people from all over the world, who ignored the distance in order to attend the living presence of God, to receive a divine touch and transfer the blessings back to their families. 

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Con el tiempo ya corriendo hacia la llegada del nuevo año, los hijos de Dios se reunieron en la Iglesia Cristiana de Todas las Naciones – ¡Tesalónica! Estaban esperando escuchar un mensaje que les diera el consejo correcto y la verdad es que Dios no los defraudó, ya que el mensaje del profeta Javier se titulaba «¡RENUEVA TU RELACIÓN CON DIOS!» …

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