The atmosphere of the Sunday Service in the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, was charged with the presence of the Holy Spirit as the congregation from every corner of the earth joined their prayers while worshiping their Creator in the beauty of His holiness!

Then the man of God, Harry, shook the conscience of those present, by preaching a message entitled, “ARE YOU DETERMINED TO SUCCEED?”. Explaining why many people today find themselves in a continuous cycle of failure. He said that success is a matter of decision and not a matter of luck! We must, therefore, make the great decision to obey God and to stop compromising with sin, if we want to succeed and our lives to stop going around the cycle of failure! Exemplifying David in 1 Samuel 16:8-13 and 17:31-37, it was made clear although he was a young child, David showed the strong character of a man in the decisions he made. He maintained a steady relationship of obedience with God and was determined to succeed in his life. The decision to succeed was the reason he went to face the giant Goliath. David may have been a young boy physically, but he was strong in spirit, brave and determined to face any giants on the road to his divine destiny.

So his example speaks to us today, saying that those who are strong are determined to do whatever possible and proper thing it takes to get to their goal. Concluding his message, the man of God emphasized that people with vision, such as David, have patience and are determined to endure everything until they reach their divine destiny, without looking for alternatives. In fact, they act at God’s time because they know when to act in faith and when to wait in faith – an example worth following!


Mr. Spyros visited the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, full of joy and gratitude, recognizing that the invisible hand of God was what brought the financial breakthrough he so eagerly desired for his life!

At the age of 27, he graduated from an auto mechanic college and his dream was to work on that in which he studied and was trained to do. However, when he tried to find work in his field of expertise, he came across many closed doors because a common pre-requisite for any workplace required employees to have experience. In order to make a living, he had to work at various different jobs that had nothing to do with what he studied. In fact, in order to cover all his needs, he needed the financial support of his parents, since the money he made from these occasional jobs was insufficient. He looked around at his peers and saw that they were successful in their lives. They had jobs, their own homes, cars, and families, causing him to wonder what was going on with his life. He felt ashamed of being cared for by his parents, frustrated, impotent and embarrassed, while at the same time feeling that someone was depriving him of the right to do things and evolve.

Having exhausted all his strength, making unsuccessful attempts for about a year and a half, he decided to entrust his problem in the hands of Jesus Christ. So he came to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations, convinced that he would receive a breakthrough in his life. Indeed, faith is the belief that God will do everything He has promised in His Word! As soon as he received prayer from the man of God, suddenly, while working transporting bottled water, he saw an auto mechanic garage that seemed to be the ideal place for him to work. A few days later he phoned the business, ignoring the fact that the business needed a car mechanic. Without further delays, he went for training and everything seemed well, that he would be hired, as he fulfilled all the qualifications the business manager asked for. Indeed, even his father was overjoyed and gave him his car as a gift so he could get to work comfortably without delay. On the second day of the trial period, the boss instructed him to do an outside job with the corporate car. As Mr. Spyros was returning to his workplace, he collided with another car, causing damage to the corporate car. Immediately, he was overwhelmed with fear and thought that it was all over! He informed his boss, who quickly arrived at the scene of the accident, and was more concerned about the wellbeing of his employee than about the damage to the corporate car. By God’s grace, despite the accident, after the trial week he was hired permanently which confirms that the job was for him and nothing could deprive him of it.

He now feels complete, capable, strong and worthy of being successful, ready to make it in his life. He feels that the chains of poverty that were stealing the satisfaction from his life have been broken and he sees a bright future open in front of him. After the wonderful financial breakthrough that Mr. Spyros received, he advised us to have faith in God and to applaud before the miracle, because He is always Faithful!

If you follow your calling you will surprise yourself and make a difference in your world!


Mr. Andy Osato from Nigeria, an Athens resident, came to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, to thank God and to glorify Him for the perfect healing he received from all the health problems he was experiencing.

He was a very active man, playing football and boxing, until he suddenly developed arthritis in his legs and then pain in his hands. For three years he was facing arthritis in his legs and for one and a half years he felt pain in his hands. Simple, daily activities, such as climbing stairs, swimming, and driving seemed impossible for him, so he constantly sought the help of his family members. Doctors suggested he have surgery because it was the only solution they could give him for his knees, while for his hands, after doing all the necessary examinations and finding no medical problem, they only offered painkillers. However, the pain was still unbearable!

So when he came to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, with his son for the health issues his son was facing, he too had the opportunity to join the prayer line and receive prayer from the man of God Harry. Although he did not have his own problem in mind, but his sons, God touched every root of pain and illness, giving both of them healing and deliverance! After the prayer, Mr. Andy is a new creation, moving freely and working out, just like he used to! Overwhelmed with happiness, he advised us to trust God, because there is nothing He cannot do. In closing, he promised that he would remain a servant of Jesus Christ until his last day on this earth.

“…who Himself bore our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, having died to sins, might live for righteousness – by whose stripes you were healed.” (1 Peter 2:24)

Once again the anointing of God, which is moving in Thessaloniki, has drawn the attention of people from all over the world who have come to be eye witnesses to this power. Below are photos of what happened that day.

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