por CCOAN | | Anuncios
¡¡¡BIENAVENTURADOS LOS PERSEGUIDOS POR AMOR A JESUCRISTO!!! ¡El arresto del hombre de Dios Harry es una prueba indudable de que la Palabra de Dios no ha cambiado y nunca cambiará! Como lo menciona el gran Apóstol Pablo en 2 Timoteo 3:11-12, «persecuciones,...
por CCOAN | | Blog
JESUS CHRIST HAS A PURPOSE FOR YOUR LIFE! A wonderful Sunday service took place and, once again, the Lord honoured those present with His presence, filling their hearts with peace, joy and praise! During the service, Prophet Harry took the floor to give valuable...
por CCOAN | | Blog
STOP DELAYING YOUR SUCCESS! The people of God experienced another amazing Sunday as the worship team sang hymns to Him and the atmosphere was highly charged with His presence! People from all parts of the world opened their hearts to the Creator, worshipping Him in...
por CCOAN | | Blog
¡EL PERDÓN ES LA CLAVE! Los creyentes que asistieron al evento organizado por la Sinagoga, Iglesia de Todas las Naciones en Tesalónica, tuvieron un domingo emocionante. ¡Con el son de fascinantes himnos de alabanza, el pueblo de Dios adoró y glorificó al Señor y...
por CCOAN | | Blog
ARE YOU A FULL-TIME CHRISTIAN? A thrilling Sunday service took place, during which the presence of God was intense, and the gathered believers worshipped the one and only God Almighty, the One who reigns with power and might forever and ever! Then, the revealing...